hardly - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "hardly" in Spanish English Dictionary : 41 result(s)

English Spanish
hardly apenas [adv]
hardly casi [adv]
hardly escasamente [adv]
hardly apenas si [adv]
hardly difícilmente [adv]
hardly dudosamente [adv]
hardly escasamente [adv]
hardly mal [adv]
hardly mal [adv]
hardly difícilmente [adv]
hardly duramente [adv]
hardly estrechamente [adv]
hardly con dificultad [adv]
hardly de mala gana [adv]
hardly no del todo [adv]
hardly severamente [adv]
hardly ásperamente [adv]
hardly aduro [adv] disused
hardly a penas [adv] rare
hardly apena [adv] disused
hardly a penas si [adv] rare
hardly apena si [adv] disused
hardly diminutamente [adv] disused
hardly malaves [adv] disused
hardly malavez [adv] disused
hardly nomás [adv] MX SV NI CO AR UY
hardly recién [adv] GT HN SV NI CU DO CO EC PE BO PY AR UY
hardly a duras penas [adv]
hardly a duras penas [adv]
hardly a duras [adv] disused
hardly a duro [adv] disused
hardly de duro [adv] disused
hardly a malavez [adv] disused
hardly ni bien [adv] disused
hardly a malas penas [adv] disused
hardly a graves penas [adv]
hardly a malas penas [adv]
hardly ni siquiera [adv]
hardly por onzas [adv]
hardly a trancas y barrancas
hardly tarín barín [adv] rare

Meanings of "hardly" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 99 result(s)

English Spanish
hardly ever casi nunca [adv]
hardly any poquísimo [adj]
hardly ever apenas [adv]
rub hardly refregar [v]
(never/hardly) miss a trick no escapársele a alguien (una oportunidad) [v]
hardly touch apenas tocar [v]
can hardly wait apenas poder esperar [v]
but hardly si apenas [adv]
hardly anything casi nada [expr]
hardly the worse for wear casi sin usar [adv]
(never/hardly) miss a trick no perder un chance [v] AMER
hardly (negative) casimente [adv] DO
hardly (negative) casito [adv] CO EC PE
hardly any apenas [adv]
hardly any poquísima [adj/f]
hardly have time to breath no tener tiempo ni para rascarse [v]
hardly have time to breathe no tener tiempo ni para rascarse [v]
hardly exchange more than some number of words with someone no ser capaz de tener una palabra con alguien [v]
hardly exchange more than some number of words with someone no poder romper el hielo con alguien [v]
hardly exchange more than two words with someone no ser capaz de intercambiar dos palabras con alguien [v]
hardly exchange more than some number of words with someone no intercambiar ni dos palabras con alguien [v]
hardly exchange more than two words with someone no ser capaz de hablar con alguien [v]
hardly have time to breath apenas tener tiempo para respirar [v]
hardly have time to breathe estar demasiado ocupado [v]
hardly have time to breathe estar muy ocupado [v]
hardly have time to breathe estar inundado de trabajo [v]
hardly have time to think tener apenas tiempo para pensar [v]
hardly put one foot in front of the other no tener fuerzas ni para caminar [v]
hardly have time to think estar muy ocupado [v]
be hardly dry behind the ears estar aún en pañales [v]
be hardly dry behind the ears estar todavía en pañales [v]
be hardly dry behind the ears estar en mantillas [v]
be hardly dry behind the ears estar en pañales [v]
say hardly anything to someone no ser capaz de hablar con alguien [v]
say hardly anything to someone no poder decir casi nada a alguien [v]
say hardly anything to someone no ser capaz de tener una palabra con alguien [v]
say hardly anything to someone permanecer casi en silencio frente a alguien [v]
say hardly anything to someone no ser capaz de articular palabras frente a alguien [v]
hardly have time to breathe no tener tiempo ni de respirar [v]
be hardly dry behind the ears estar con la leche en los labios [v]
be hardly dry behind the ears tener la leche en los labios [v]
be hardly dry behind the ears tener poco mundo [v]
hardly at all poco o nada [adv]
can hardly hear yourself think apenas poder oír la voz (de uno mismo)
can hardly hear yourself think casi no escuchar la propia voz
hardly dry behind the ears novato
hardly dry behind the ears inexperto
hardly dry behind the ears inmaduro
hardly earth-shattering insignificante
hardly dry behind the ears ingenuo
hardly earth-shattering intrascendente
hardly earth-shattering sin importancia
change so much that you can hardly recognize it cambiar del cielo a la tierra [v] CL
you hardly know me apenas me conoces
I could hardly believe it casi no podía creerlo
I can hardly wait apenas si puedo esperar
he could hardly believe it casi no podía creerlo
I can hardly hear you casi no te escucho
I can hardly hear you casi no le oigo
I can hardly hear you apenas le oigo
she could hardly speak apenas podía hablar
I can hardly wait apenas puedo esperar
I can hardly hear you apenas te oigo
I can hardly wait casi no puedo esperar
I can hardly hear you casi no te oigo
I hardly have time to... apenas tengo tiempo de...
I can hardly wait no veo la hora de
I can hardly hear you te escucho apenas
I can hardly hear you te oigo demasiado bajo
I can hardly hear you te escucho demasiado bajo
I can hardly hear you te oigo muy poco
I can hardly talk apenas puedo hablar
i should hardly think so me parece difícil
i hardly see the relevance of this to what we do no entiendo qué tiene esto que ver con lo que hacemos
we need hardly mention that no necesito comentar que [v]
hardly ever rara vez [adv]
although it hardly matters pero eso apenas importa
hardly any apenas si alguno
hardly any of (them) apenas si alguno de (ellos)
we need hardly mention that no hace falta mencionar
hardly anyone apenas nadie
hardly anyone casi nadie
hardly anything tris [m]
be hardly hanging together estar prendido con alfileres [v]
be hardly dry behind the ears caérsele a alguien el moco [v]
hardly to have time to breathe ir al retortero [v]
hardly to have time to breathe andar al retortero [v]
scold someone hardly poner a alguien como chupa de dómine [v]
be hardly able to wait no ver la hora [v]
hardly ever por jubileo [adv]
hardly a day goes casi todos los días
hardly a day goes casi no pasa un día que
hardly dry behind the ears novato
hardly a day passes without casi no pasa un día sin que
hardly (negative) casitico [adv] EC rur.
hardly (negative) casitico [adv] CR
hardly (negative) casitico [adv] CR EC rur.
hardly credible apenas creíble
hardly likely muy improbable