i'd appreciate it if we just pretend that this never happened - Turc Anglais Dictionnaire

i'd appreciate it if we just pretend that this never happened

Sens de "i'd appreciate it if we just pretend that this never happened" dans le Dictionnaire Turc-Anglais : 1 résultat(s)

Anglais Turc
I'd appreciate it if we just pretend that this never happened expr. bu hiç yaşanmamış gibi davranırsak çok memnun olurum

Sens de "i'd appreciate it if we just pretend that this never happened" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Turc : 1 résultat(s)

Anglais Turc
I'd appreciate it if we just pretend that this never happened expr. bu hiç yaşanmamış gibi davranırsak çok memnun olurum