cover - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "cover" in Spanish English Dictionary : 310 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
cover cubrir [v]
cover abarcar [v]
cover manto [m]
cover tapa [f]
cover manguita [f]
cover tapar [v]
cover recubrir [v]
cover revestir [v]
cover envolvedor [m]
cover tejadillo [m]
cover forro [m]
cover envoltura [f]
cover tapadera [f]
cover portada [f]
cover funda [f]
cover guarida [f]
cover alfombra [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover nivelar [v]
cover envolver [v]
cover tapizar [v]
cover provisionar [v]
cover forrar [v]
cover vendar [v]
cover vestir [v]
cover guarnecer [v]
cover revestir (pared) [v]
cover comprender [v]
cover tupir [v]
cover tratar [v]
cover carátula [f]
cover cielo [m]
cover cubrimiento [m]
cover disfraz [m]
cover envolvedero [m]
cover envolvedor [m]
cover forro [m]
cover gorro [m]
cover manto [m]
cover tapadero [m]
cover tapujo [m]
cover tejadillo [m]
cover telliz [m]
cover témpano [m]
cover tímpano [m]
cover velo [m]
cover cobertura [f]
cover barda [f]
cover capa [f]
cover cobija [f]
cover cubertura [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover encubridora [f]
cover envoltura [f]
cover funda [f]
cover imperial [f]
cover manguita [f]
cover marquesina [f]
cover pantalla [f]
cover plana [f]
cover portada [f]
cover sobrecopa [f]
cover sobrehaz [f]
cover solapa [f]
cover tapa [f]
cover tapadera [f]
cover tapadora [f]
cover tiesta [f]
cover tumba [f]
cover abarcar [v]
cover andar [v]
cover bañar [v]
cover celar [v]
cover chapar [v]
cover constelar (francés) [v]
cover correr [v]
cover enmascarar [v]
cover envolver [v]
cover esconder [v]
cover estañar [v]
cover forrar [v]
cover hacer [v]
cover hacerse [v]
cover incrustar [v]
cover inundar [v]
cover involucrar [v]
cover marcar [v]
cover montar [v]
cover pisar [v]
cover pisar [v]
cover plagar [v]
cover prender [v]
cover rebozar [v]
cover rebujar [v]
cover recubrir [v]
cover refundir [v]
cover revolver [v]
cover tapar [v]
cover tener [v]
cover velar [v]
cover velarse [v]
cover vestir [v]
cover recubrimiento [m]
cover cobertor [m]
cover escondrijo [m]
cover tapa [m]
cover refugio [m]
cover cubierto [f]
cover cobertera [f]
cover sábana [f]
cover colcha [f]
cover tapadera [f]
cover cuajar [v]
cover ocultar [v]
cover proveer [v]
cover taparse [v]
cover cerrar [v]
cover poblar [v]
cover abrigar [v]
cover incluir [v]
cover llenar [v]
cover cobrar [v]
cover salvar [v]
cover cabalgar [v]
cover acaballar [v]
cover capear [v]
cover arrebozar [v]
cover arrebujar [v]
cover englobar [v]
cover encubertar [v]
cover velar [v]
cover rebozar [v]
cover mencionar [v]
cover apuntar [v]
cover proteger [v]
cover esconder [v]
cover abrigo [m]
cover alcahuete [m]
cover cubierto [m]
cover envolvedero [m]
cover huidero [m]
cover guardapolvo [m]
cover pretexto [m]
cover puesto [m]
cover opérculo [m]
cover tapadero [m]
cover tapadizo [m]
cover tapador [m]
cover techo [m]
cover velo [m]
cover servicio [m]
cover acogeta [f]
cover pantalla [f]
cover alcahueta [f]
cover arropar [v]
cover atapar [v]
cover cobijar [v]
cover disfrazar [v]
cover celar [v]
cover encobijar [v]
cover involucrar [v]
cover sellar [v]
cover techado [m]
cover matorral [m]
cover funda (de muebles) [f]
cover manta de cama [f]
cover maleza [f]
cover versión [f]
cover defender [v]
cover empollar [v]
cover fecundar [v]
cover abrazar [v]
cover indemnizar [v]
cover ponerse (el sombrero) [v]
cover dominar [v]
cover hacer [v]
cover amenazar [v]
cover alfamar [m] ES local rare
cover alifafe (árabe) [m] disused
cover cobertero [m] disused
cover cobertor [m] disused
cover encubrimiento [m] disused
cover tapada [f] CO
cover alhombra [f] disused
cover cobija [f] LA AL
cover cobijadura [f] disused
cover pantalla [f] SV PE BO
cover recova [f] AL
cover toalla [f] disused
cover abotonar [v] MX
cover amortajar [v] disused
cover atapar [v] disused
cover cobijar [v] rare
cover emparchar [v] disused
cover envestir [v] disused
cover percanzar [v] disused
cover zaboyar [v] ES local
cover entapujar [v]
cover anublar [v] delinq.
cover cobertura [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover contemplar [v]
cover asegurar [v]
cover abarcar [v]
cover tapar [v]
cover cubrir [v]
cover recomprar [v]
cover cubierta [f]
cover funda [f]
cover tapa [f]
cover mantener cubierto [v]
cover albergar [v]
cover amparar [v]
cover asegurar [v]
cover cover [m]
cover albergue [m]
cover cielo [m]
cover cárter [m]
cover abrigo [m]
cover cubierto [m]
cover sombrerete [m]
cover protección [f]
cover madriguera [f]
cover cubrejunta [f]
cover garantía [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover envuelta [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover tapa [f]
cover máscara [f]
cover cobertura [f]
cover cápsula [f]
cover cubertura [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover tapa [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover forrar [v]
cover cubrir [v]
cover fondos [m/pl]
cover toma recurso
cover entapizar [v]
cover fondo [m]
cover sombrerete [m]
cover cubierta [f]
cover cubierto [m]
cover recubrimiento [m]
cover cubertura [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover máscara [f]
cover sábana [f]
cover cubrir [v]
cover tapar [v]
cover galápago [m]
cover revestimiento [m]
cover tapete [m]
cover recubrimiento [m]
cover tablero [m]
cover cubrir [v]
cover forro [m]
cover tapón [m]
cover campana [f]
cover estudiar [v]
cover hacer el servicio de [v]
cover acompañar [v]
cover paliar [v]
cover techar [v]
cover reembolsar [v]
cover apuntar con un arma [v]
cover compensar [v]
cover dar noticias [v]
cover disimular [v]
cover enviar fondos [v]
cover resarcir [v]
cover atender [v]
cover recubrimiento [m]
cover placa de recubrimiento [f]
cover tapa [f]
cover placa de recubrimiento
cover cubierta [f]
cover tapa [f]
cover protección contra ataques aéreos
cover chupetilla [f]
cover aforrar [v]
Animal Husbandry
cover tablero [m]
cover recubrimiento [m]
cover tapa [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover cobertura [f]
cover cubrir [v]
cover tapar [v]
cover depósito [m]
cover aislamiento [m]
cover recubrimiento [m]
cover envuelta [f]
cover tapa [f]
cover cubierta [f]
cover cubrir [v]
cover tapar [v]
cover revestir (conductor eléctrico)
cover recubrimiento [m]
cover cobertura [f]
cover capa [f]
cover versionar [v]
cover aforar [v]
cover funda [f]
cover sombrerete [m]
cover cubierta [f]
cover vejiga [f]
cover cubrir [v]
cover felpar [v]

Meanings of "cover" in English Spanish Dictionary : 3 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
cover [m] cover story
cover [m] cover version
cover [m] cover

Meanings of "cover" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
back cover contraportada [f]
cover up cubrir [v]
you cover cubre [v]
dust cover guardapolvo [m]
cover slip cubreobjeto [m]
cover glass cubreobjeto [m]
put a cover on a book forrar [v]
cover or reinforce with boards entablar [v]
cover with blood ensangrentar [v]
cover (to conceal) vestir [v]
cover the inside forrar [v]
cover with caramel caramelizar [v]
front cover portada [f]
table cover sobremesa [f]
table cover falda [f]
cover with revestir con [v]
cover with revestir de [v]
cover up disimular [v]
cover up encubrir [v]
cover up solapar [v]
cover in mud enlodar [v]
cover up envolver [v]
cover up escamotear [v]
cover up tapar [v]
cover oneself cubrirse [v]
cover with forrar de [v]
cover (miles/kilometers) recorrer [v]
cover with recubrir con [v]
cover up vestir [v]
hard cover pasta [f]
cover-up encubrimiento [adj]
cover with slate empizarrar [v]
cover with dust empolvar [v]
cover with water encharcar [m]
coarse cloth garment used to cover other garments argayo [m]
ancient armor that served to cover the forearm avambrazo [m]
bench cover bancal [m]
bench cover weaver bancalero [m]
wicker basket cover capacho [m]
hive cover capirote de colmena [m]
leather cover of a horse's tail codón [m]
head cover cubrecabeza [m]
head cover cubrecabezas [m]
slide cover cubreobjetos [m]
slide cover cubreobjeto [m]
cover up encubrimiento [m]
cover up escondimiento [m]
cover with floor mats estero [m]
season to cover the floor with mats estero [m]
fruit cover frutero [m]
dust cover guardapolvo [m]
dust cover guardapolvos [m]
seat cover poyal [m]
bench cover poyal [m]
beehive cover sobrepuesto [m]
cover plate tapajuntas [m]
table cover tapete [m]
driver of two-wheeled domed-cover carriage tartanero [m]
cover letter carta de presentación [f]
small boats with cover albatoza [f]
lectern cover atrilera [f]
cover in caramel caramelización [f]
back cover contra [f]
back cover contracubierta [f]
inside cover contraportada [f]
book cover cubierta [f]
cover made of branches enramada [f]
cover up fábula [f]
cover of a book fachada [f]
strip of paper on the cover of a book faja [f]
table cover falda [f]
gift from a queen to cover the cost of her servant's wedding dress saya [f]
cage cover sayuela [f]
cover-up solapa [f]
dust cover solapa [f]
bed cover telliza [f]
car cover tienda [f]
cover designer portadista [m/f]
book cover designer portadista [m/f]
cover with a shield abroquelar [v]
cover oneself with a shield abroquelarse [v]
cover in caramel acaramelar [v]
cover up acogollar [v]
cover up aforrarse [v]
cover with water aguazar [v]
cover with icing alcorzar [v]
cover in carpeting alfombrar [v]
cover with a rug alfombrar [v]
cover in syrup almibarar [v]
cover in tar to weatherproof alquitranar [v]
cover in aluminum aluminar [v]
cover the deceased with a shroud amortajar [v]
cover with mist anieblar [v]
cover with sand arenar [v]
cover up arrebozar [v]
cover up arrebujar [v]
cover up arropar [v]
cover oneself up arroparse [v]
cover in dirt aterrar [v]
cover the ears of atronar [v]
cover with cork avanecerse [v]
cover in quicksilver azogar [v]
cover in mud barrar [v]
cover with mud barrar [v]
cover in tar embrear [v]
cover in flames calcinar [v]
cover in caramel caramelizar [v]
cover up celar [v]
cover oneself cobrarse [v]
cover with copper cobrear [v]
cover a story cubrir [v]
cover a post cubrir [v]
cover one's head cubrirse [v]
cover up disimular [v]
cover oneself with mud embarrarse [v]
cover with tar embrear [v]
cover up empachar [v]
cover with straw empajar [v]
cover in batter empanar [v]
cover with wallpaper empapelar [v]
cover with paste empastar [v]
cover with marble empelechar (italiano) [v]
cover a wall or column with marble empelechar (italiano) [v]
cover or line with skins empellejar [v]
cover oneself emplastarse [v]
cover with feathers emplumar [v]
cover in dust empolvar [v]
cover in dirt empolvar [v]
cover in dust empolvorar [v]
cover in dirt empolvorar [v]
cover in dust empolvorizar [v]
cover in dirt empolvorizar [v]
cover in oil enaceitar [v]
cover with water enaguazar [v]
cover with sand enarenar [v]
cover in lime encalar [v]
cover in wattle encañizar [v]
cover with a cloak encapotar [v]
cover with a hood encapuzar [v]
cover with cardboard encartonar [v]
cover with a layer of cement encementar [v]
cover something in ashes encenizar [v]
cover in water and ash encernadar [v]
cover in water and lime encernadar [v]
cover with water encharcar [v]
cover in leather encorar [v]
cover with leather encorar [v]
cover in a protective layer encostrar [v]
cover oneself with armor as defense encubertarse [v]
cover up encubrir [v]
cover a hive enculatar [v]
cover with a canopy endoselar [v]
cover in mud enfangar [v]
cover with fuller's earth engredar [v]
cover the openings of hives with matting for transportation enhatijar [v]
cover in hay enhenar [v]
cover in reeds enjuncar [v]
cover with slime enlamar [v]
cover in lard enlardar [v]
cover with mud enlegamar [v]
cover in mud enlodar [v]
cover in rust enmohecer [v]
cover with wort or must enmostar [v]
cover with sheets ensabanar [v]
cover soldiers with foliage enselvar [v]
cover with matting enserar [v]
cover with an awning entalamar [v]
cover with fluff entamar [v]
cover with chaff entamar [v]
cover in fabric entelar [v]
cover with awnings entoldar [v]
cover with tapestry entoldar [v]
cover the sky with clouds entoldar [v]
cover a cord with wire entorchar [v]
cover in bushes enzarzar [v]
cover for esconder [v]
cover up for esconder [v]
cover with snow innivar [v]
cover with plush felpar [v]
cover with fleece felpar [v]
cover in iron ferrar [v]
cover in iron ferretear [v]
cover with concrete/cement hormigonar [v]
cover the mare montar [v]
cover in sauce or cream napar [v]
cover with panels panelar [v]
cover up rebozarse [v]
cover up recatar [v]
cover oneself recatarse [v]
cover in gold resanar [v]
cover up sobrellevar [v]
cover for solapar [v]
cover oneself taparse [v]
cover up tapar [v]
cover in tapestries tapizar [v]
cover tops of beehives tempanar [v]
cover one's head tocarse [v]
cover with an awning toldar [v]
cover up traslapar [v]
cover with bitumen zulacar [v]
cover with mastic/mortar zulaquear [v]
dust cover cubrepolvos [m]
base cover embasamiento [m]
cover tile [uk] tapón [m]
table cover tapete [m]
protective cover casco [m]
first day cover sobre de primer día [m]
radiator cover cubreradiadores [m]
seat cover cubreasientos [m]
bed cover acolchado [m]
book cover design diseño de la portada de un libro [m]
beard cover producto para disimular la barba incipiente [m]
double duvet cover set juego de funda de edredón doble [m]
board cover tapa [f]
cheese board with a glass-domed cover quesera [f]
writing-table cover carpeta [f]
double cover or wrapping sobrecubierta [f]
table cover carpeta [f]
cover story tapadera [f]
protective cover cubierta [f]
flap of a book cover solapa [f]
fertilizing land by plowing under a cover crop sideración [f]
breakdown cover cobertura de asistencia en carretera [f]
beard cover cubierta de tela usada en cirugía para cubrir la barba [f]
calendar cover cubierta de calendario [f]
calendar cover portada de calendario [f]
drainage cover tapa del drenaje [f]
double duvet cover funda de edredón doble [f]
album cover portada de álbum [f]
air-cover cobertura aérea [f]
album cover cubierta de álbum [f]
air-cover protección aérea [f]
aluminum cover cubierta de aluminio [f]
aluminum cover tapa de aluminio [f]
cover (of a newspaper/magazine) plana [f]
cover page portada [f]
cover sheet portada [f]
from cover de mampuesto [adj]
from cover por mampuesto [adj]
cover with awnings entoldar [v]
cover again recubrir [v]
cover with saliva babosear [v]
cover with paste empastar [v]
cover up ocultar [v]
adorn or cover with jewels enjoyar [v]
cover or smear with flour enharinar [v]
cover with brambles enzarzar [v]
cover one's head tocarse [v]
cover one's face with one's cloak rebozar [v]
cover with a cowl or hood encapuchar [v]
roof or cover with battens enlatar [v]
cover with iron herrar [v]
cover with sand or gravel arramblar [v]
cover up desfigurar [v]
cover oneself up taparse [v]
(please) see the back cover for additional details mire en la parte trasera para detalles adicionales [v]
(please) see the back cover for details mire en la parte trasera para los detalles [v]
(please) see the back cover for further details mire en la parte trasera para más detalles [v]
cover (expenses, costs) pagar [v]
cover with earth aterrar [v]
cover in wood enmaderar [v]
cover with mud enlodar [v]
cover with mud enfangar [v]
cover with mud embarrar [v]
cover oneself when naked taparse [v]
cover with boards entablar [v]
cover with an awning toldar [v]
cover with branches enramar [v]
cover with dust or powder empolvar [v]
cover with mist or dew aneblar [v]
cover with kisses besuquear [v]
cover with syrup almibarar [v]
cover the inside aforrar [v]
cover with concrete hormigonar [v]
put under cover tapar [v]
put under cover encubrir [v]
put under cover ocultar celar [v]
put under cover enterrar [v]
put under cover disimular [v]
cover up camuflar [v]
cover errors encubrir [v]
cover one's ears taparse los oídos [v]
cover one's ears taparse las orejas [v]
cover the demand cubrir la demanda [v]
cover the demand responder a la demanda [v]
cover a story cubrir una noticia [v]
cover a story cubrir un acontecimiento [v]
cover an event cubrir una noticia [v]
cover an event cubrir un acontecimiento [v]
operate under cover of darkness obrar con nocturnidad [v]
cover oneself arrebozarse [v]
cover one's face arrebozarse [v]
cover with quicksilver azogar [v]
cover with quicksilver cubrir con azogue [v]
cover with leather retobar [v]
cover with recubrir de [v]
cover the expenses correr con los gastos [v]
cover the cost cubrir desembolsos [v]
cover one's head cubrirse la cabeza [v]
cover one's face cubrirse el rostro [v]
cover your retreat cubrir su retirada [v]
cover with grease empavonar [v]
take cover emboscar [v]
cover (ground) salvar [v]
cover things up andar con tapujos [v]
cover the floor of a dwelling with straw or reeds esterar [v]
under cover (from weather) a cubierto [adv]
book-cover paper papel para forrar libros
side cover cubierta lateral
cover story primera plana
cut and cover excavado y enterrado
cover letter nota aclaratoria
duvet cover [uk] funda del edredón
cover charge precio del cubierto
cover note [uk] póliza provisional
the cover of a book la portada de un libro
magazine cover portada de una revista
cover of a magazine portada de una revista
back cover portada posterior
wire cover alambrado [m]
time when and place where horses cover mares acaballadero [m]
mail head-cover under the helmet almófar [m]
cover for benches, tables alquicel [m]
piece of ancient armor that served to cover the arm avambrazo [m]
cover of the cocoon cadarzo [m]
bench-cover bancal [m]
corset-cover corpiño [m]
corset-cover canesú [m]
leather cover for a horse's tail codón [m]
carriage-cover caparazón [m]
saddle-cover caparazón [m]
piano-cover caparazón [m]
chain-cover (on bicycle) cubrecadena [m]
bed-cover cubrecama [m]
corset cover cubrecorsé [m]
dish-cover cubreplatos [m]
cloth cover for piano keyboard cubrepiano [m]
wire-net cover cubreplatos [m]
cover spread over a market-stall garabito [m]
cover of a book forro [m]
corset-cover justillo [m]
papers/cloth forming the cover of a hand fan país [m]
bundle of letters in one cover pliego [m]
cover-of broom for charcoal baskets revoco [m]
parchment cover parche [m]
striped cover for benches poyal [m]
cover whence a hunter shoots tiradero [m]
chest with an arched cover tambarillo [m]
small cover tapete [m]
saddle-cover telliz [m]
cover for benches, tables alquicer [m]
protective cover campana [f]
wire (food) cover alambrera [f]
ornamental cover for a lectern atrilera [f]
leather cover for a stage-coach baca [f]
reinforcement of cover/lid contratapa [f]
leather cover for moustaches bigotera [f]
table-cover carpeta [f]
book cover cubierta [f]
basket with a wickerwork cover excusabaraja [f]
head cover for women mantilla [f]
glass cover vidriera [f]
cover of a letter sobrecarta [f]
second cover sobrecubierta [f]
outside cover sobrehaz [f]
cover of a packsaddle sobrejalma [f]
book cover tapa [f]
bed-cover telliza [f]
basket with a wickerwork cover escusabaraja [f]
bed-cover colcha [f]
bed-cover cubierta (de cama) [f]
bound in a stiff cover empastado [adj]
cover with asphalt asfaltar [v]
cover with white lead albayaldar [v]
cover up atapar [v]
cover with clay arcillar [v]
rub/cover with sand arenar [v]
cover books aforrar [v]
cover/fill with cotton algodonar [v]
cover with antear [v]
cover with cork acorchar [v]
cover with wounds acribar [v]
cover a mare cabalgar [v]
cover with confusion avergonzar [v]
cover from flank fire desenfilar [v]
draw a bill to cover oneself contralibrar [v]
cover a shortage cubrir [v]
cover with pitch embetunar [v]
cover/stuff with straw empajar [v]
cover with plasters emparchar [v]
bind a book in a stiff cover empastar [v]
cover with pitch empegar [v]
cover with marble empelechar [v]
cover/line with skins empellejar [v]
cover with dust/powder empolvar [v]
cover with dust/powder espolvorar [v]
cover with water enaguazar [v]
cover with batter (cooking) enalbardar [v]
cover with sand enarenar [v]
cover one's head with a hood encaperuzarse [v]
cover with a hood encapuchar [v]
cover with a cowl encapuzar [v]
cover with plush felpar [v]
take cover from the enemy's fire espaldonarse [v]
cover with rubber encauchar [v]
fill/cover with ashes encenizar [v]
cover with leather encorar [v]
cover a criminal's head with a cone-shaped cap encorozar [v]
cover oneself with armour as a defence encubertarse [v]
cover a hive enculatar [v]
cover with metal plates enchapar [v]
cover with marl/fuller's earth engredar [v]
cover with tin estañar [v]
cover with flour enharinar [v]
cover the mouths of hives with matting for transportation enhatijar [v]
cover with hay enhenar [v]
cover with mats/matting esterar [v]
cover with slime enlamar [v]
cover with tin enlatar [v]
cover with a blanket enmantar [v]
cover a wall with plaster of paris ensabanar [v]
cover with a case forrar [v]
cover oneself with blood ensangrentarse [v]
cover with matting enserar [v]
floor/cover with boards entablar [v]
cover with mud entarquinar [v]
cover with clods enterronar [v]
cover with an awning entoldar [v]
cover with nickel niquelar [v]
cover (birds) pisar [v]
re-cover with tin restañar [v]
cover with metal planchear [v]
cover with moss mohecer [v]
cover (a horse) montar [v]
cover with an awning/hangings toldar [v]
cover the track of the fore feet with the track of the hind feet (horses) taparse [v]
cover with a roof techar [v]
cover with tiles tejar [v]
cover the tops of beehives tempanar [v]
cover cows (said of bulls) vaquear [v]
cover (poetry) velar [v]
cover with bitumen zulacar [v]
cover with dust/powder empolvorar [v]
cover with water cubrir de agua [v]
cover sugar-loaves with straw enrollar [v]
cover with a blanket cubrir con manta [v]
cover with dust/powder empolvorizar [v]
cover with cubrir con [v]
cover with earth cubrir con tierra [v]
cover up esconder [v]
without cover/shelter desabrigadamente [adv]
hatch cover section cuartel [m]
table-cover cubremesa [m]
saddle cover telliz [m]
table-cover sobremesa [f]
saddle cover acitara [f]
slip-cover funda de mueble [f]
break cover salir de un escondite [v]
cover (distance) efectuar [v]
re-cover volver a tapar [v]
re-cover volver a cubrir [v]
shelter (to provide cover or protection for) proteger [v]
under cover al abrigo [prep]
cloth used by gauchos to cover the legs chiripá [m] AR
cloth used by araucanian indians to cover the legs in trousers fashion chamal [m] AR CL
sheepskin cover for the feet tamango [m] CL AR PY UY
wrap made with the bark of the banana tree to cover non-refined sugar agaje [m] VE
piece of material to cover cattle eyes tapaojos [m] CO HN VE
deck cover camarote [m] BO:Ne
cover or lining of straw that is put on bottles cambucho [m] PE CL
coffee after being cleaned from its gelatinous cover café pilao [m] DO PR
protective cover in the legs of fighting cocks (to prevent injuries in training) botín [m] PR
exercise or military maneuvers, which can sometimes cover up a protest or rebellion boinazo [m] CL
toilet seat cover bizcocho [m] CO
removal of the leaves that cover the corncob deshoje [m] PR EC rur.
thin cover of synthetic material, similar to a carpet, that sticks to the floor of a room and covers it completely cubrepiso [m] CL
awning or cover, generally metallic, to cover terraces cubreterraza [m] CL
thin cover of synthetic material, similar to a carpet, that sticks to the floor of a room and covers it completely cubrepisos [m] CL
awnings or covers, generally metallic, to cover terraces cubreterrazas [m] CL
car cover cubrecarro [m] PR
group of feathers that cover a rooster's neck chaba [m] PR rur.
spur cover (fighter cock) guante [m] PR
cover (bar or nightclub) cover (inglesa) [m] US MX CU PR CO EC PE BO
cover song cover (inglesa) [m] PE
burlap cloth used to cover certain things to protect them from dust and water coleto [m] VE
burlap cloth used to cover certain things to protect them from dust and water coletón [m] VE
hard leather, commonly cow hide, waterproofed with wax and used to protect loads, cover one's body, or to lie on top of hijar [m] AR:Nw
weeds that cover uncultivated land jegüite [m] MX rur.
distance to cover jalón [m] MX DO
cover up entaparamiento [m] VE
cover a vehicle with tarp encarpado [m] DO BO CL PY
bet made without having enough money to cover it pechazo [m] CU
cover worn tires with rubber recauchaje [m] EC BO CL
handkerchief to cover a cowboy's mouth serenero [m] AR
sink hole cover sapo [m] CL
seat cover tendido [m] BO:E Sw
iron handle cover tetón [m] NI
mantle to cover the head of an indigenous person sute [m] GT SV
cover made with leathers and palm leaves on a wooden frame to cover boats or cargo transported toldo [m] BO:E
drain cover tapacaño [m] EC