mill - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "mill" in Spanish English Dictionary : 112 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
mill molino [m]
mill moledor [m]
mill ingenio [m]
mill fresar [v]
mill moler [v]
mill molturar [v]
mill molinillo [m]
mill fresa [f]
mill taller [m]
mill ingenio [m]
mill molino [m]
mill cerrillar [v]
mill fresar [v]
mill moler [v]
mill moldero [m]
mill fábrica [f]
mill trituradora [f]
mill acordonar [v]
mill vagar [v]
mill pulir [v]
mill atahona [f]
mill molienda [f]
mill prensa [f]
mill tejeduría [f]
mill fábrica de hilados [f]
mill rueda de lapidario [f]
mill fábrica de tejidos [f]
mill majar [v]
mill pulverizar [v]
mill labrar el canto de las monedas [v]
mill instrumento [m] disused
mill rabil [m] ES local
mill molienda [f] rare
mill aciberar [v] disused
mill pugilato [m]
mill dar puñetazos [v]
mill pelear a golpes de puño
mill boxear
mill batán [m]
mill mezclador [m]
mill molino [m]
mill molino [m]
mill ingenio [m]
mill molino [m]
mill hilandería [f]
mill machacadora [f]
mill muela [f]
mill amasadora [f]
mill máquina [f]
mill serrería [f]
mill fresa [f]
mill fábrica [f]
mill carpintería mecánica [f]
mill retorcer [v]
mill fresar [v]
mill cerrillar [v]
mill carear [v]
mill moletear [v]
mill acepillar [v]
mill labrar [v]
mill fresar [v]
mill frentear [v]
mill moler [v]
mill molturar [v]
mill ingenio [m]
mill acería [f]
mill labor de beneficio [f]
mill usina [f]
Construction Machinery
mill maquinar [v]
mill fresadora [f]
mill quebrantadora [f]
mill bocartear [v]
mill moldear [v]
mill recantear [v]
mill enfurtir [v]
mill moletear [v]
mill abatanar [v]
mill tallar [v]
mill trabajar la pasta [v]
mill laminar [v]
mill refrentar [v]
mill molino de pisones
mill fresar [v]
mill moletear [v]
mill cepillar [v]
mill avellanar [v]
mill quebrantados [m/pl]
mill motor de avión
mill chimenea de mineral [f] LAM
mill desmenuzar [v]
mill aparato para moler
mill pozo vertedero
mill tiro ciego
mill molino [m]
mill molinillo [m]
mill fresar [v]
mill desbastar [v]
mill pulir [v]
mill rectificar [v]
mill bocarte [m]
mill molino [m]
mill milésima [f]
mill fábrica [f]
mill fundición [f]
mill muela [f]
mill fresa [f]
mill molino de pisones [m]
mill quebrantadora [f]
mill machacadora [f]
mill fresar [v]
mill moletear [v]
mill laminar [v]

Meanings of "mill" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
sugar mill ingenio [m]
textile mill telares (singular) [m]
rolling mill laminador [m]
sugar mill trapiche [m]
hand mill molinillo [m]
spinning mill hilandería [f]
steel mill acería [f]
paper mill papelera [f]
oil mill almazara [f]
flour mill tahona [f]
rolling mill laminadora [f]
oil mill fábrica de aceite [f]
lumber mill aserradero [m]
water-mill keeper aceñero [m]
oil mill stone alfarje (árabe) [m]
piece or place of an oil mill stone alfarje (árabe) [m]
grist mill lever aliviador [m]
person in charge of an oil mill almazarero [m]
bruised olive pile at an oil mill alquerque [m]
ferris wheel or mill moved by horse andén [m]
saw mill lumber separator apartador [m]
curved mill arco [m]
fulling mill batán [m]
stamp mill bocarte [m]
oil mill operator, dependent on a teacher cagarrache [m]
wicker basket for ground olives in an olive mill capacho [m]
mill wheel ditch cárcamo [m]
mill wheel ditch cárcavo [m]
oil mill neck cuello [m]
mill stone cuesco [m]
putting into the fulling mill enfurtido [m]
fulling mill support estante [m]
top mill-stone faldón [m]
oil mill tank infierno [m]
sugar mill ingenio [m]
sugar mill ingenio de azúcar [m]
rolling mill laminador [m]
gossip mill mentidero [m]
crushing cylinder in a sugar mill moledor [m]
mill maker molero [m]
rice mill molino arrocero [m]
horse-mill molino de sangre [m]
olive pile (oil mill) olivero [m]
fulling mill pisón [m]
mill wheel rulo [m]
outlet of a mill socaz [m]
flour mill owner tahonero [m]
twisting mill torcedero [m]
sugar mill trapiche (mozárabe) [m]
counterpoise (oil mill) ventril [m]
water mill aceña (árabe) [f]
water-mill keeper aceñera [f]
oil mill almazara (árabe) [f]
person in charge of an oil mill almazarera [f]
mill main axle almijarra (árabe) [f]
mill dam azuda [f]
sugar mill waste tank balsa [f]
sunken clay vessel to collect water in an oil mill bomba [f]
textile mill scraps caedura [f]
mill spout canaleja [f]
grinding wheel of a mill corredera [f]
spinning mill filatura [f]
mill guide guiadera [f]
mill conductor guiadera [f]
gypsum muller mill guitarra [f]
mill dust harija [f]
spinning mill hilandería [f]
spinning mill hilatura [f]
rolling mill laminadora [f]
olive oil mill wastewater morga [f]
oil produced by an oil-mill at each pressing obradura [f]
mill blade paleta [f]
paper mill papelera [f]
olive pit squeezed in the mill or press pisa [f]
mill pond poza [f]
stone in an oil mill with a grooved channel along which the oil runs into the vat regaifa (portugués) [f]
mill wheel rueda de molino [f]
flour mill tahona (árabe) [f]
bakery/flour mill owner's wife tahonera [f]
mill beater tarabilla [f]
mill beater tarabita [f]
textile mill tejeduría [f]
wire mill trefilería [f]
drawing mill trefilería [f]
mill guide virgen [f]
mill dam azud (árabe) [m/f]
mill around arremolinar [v]
remove fat from wool to put in the fulling mill desbruar [v]
remove stagnant water from the mill desempalagar [v]
have the stagnant water removed (mill) desempalagarse [v]
stop a mill from moving empalagar [v]
be stopped (mill) empalagarse [v]
put into the fulling mill enfurtir [v]
be put into the fulling mill enfurtirse [v]
squeeze sugar cane with a mill moler [v]
mill around remolinar [v]
mill around remolinear [v]
cross from the main gear of a mill cruces [f/pl]
mill-leat saetín [m]
olive oil mill wastewater alpechín [m]
sugar mill ingenio azucarero [m]
pepper mill molinillo [m]
pepper mill pimentero [m]
cane sugar mill molino de caña de azúcar (GB) [m]
salt mill molinillo de sal [m]
mill for making olive oil almazara [f]
mill fever bisinosis [f]
water mill aceña [f]
olive oil mill almazara [f]
flour mill aceña [f]
flour mill owner tahonera [f]
run-of-the-mill mediocre [adj]
run of the mill adocenado [adj]
run-of-the-mill anodino [adj]
run-of-the-mill corriente y moliente [adj]
run-of-the-mill ordinario [adj]
run-of-the-mill común y corriente [adj]
run-of-the-mill ordinaria [adj]
run-of-the-mill normal y corriente [adj]
mill (clothes) abatanar [v]
paper-mill fábrica de papel
paper mill fábrica de papel
chile mill molino chileno
ball mill molino de bolas
path for a horse round the draw-well or in a mill andén [m]
master beam of an oil-mill alfargo [m]
lower stone of an oil-mill alfarje [m]
someone who washes the olive pits in an oil-mill cagarrache [m]
minting-mill balancín [m]
stay which supports the beam of an oil-mill calamón [m]
stamp-mill bocarte [m]
mill-stone cuesco [m]
sluice of a mill buzón [m]
top mill-stone faldón [m]
hole in the under stone of a mill foramen [m]
copper mill martinete [m]
circle described by a mill-horse lendel [m]
powdering-mill moledor [m]
crushing cylinder in a sugar mill moledor [m]
small mill molinejo [m]
little mill molinete [m]
small mill molinillo [m]
coffee mill molinillo [m]
hand-mill molinillo [m]
nether mill-stone mortero [m]
mill-wheel ruejo [m]
mill-trough saetín [m]
mill-run saetín [m]
oil mill trujal [m]
outlet of a mill socaz [m]
twisting-mill torcedero [m]
twisting mill torcedor [m]
warping-mill urdidor [m]
coiner's stamping mill volante [m]
sugar-mill trapiche [m]
worker in a sugar mill trapichero [m]
halter of a mill horse tiento [m]
small mill molinito [m]
mill-pond alcubilla [f]
oil-mill almazara [f]
mill-hopper spout canaleja [f]
mill-dust harija [f]
spinning-mill hilandería [f]
grooved stone of an oil-mill regaifa [f]
sluice-gate in a mill ladronera [f]
roller of a sugar cane mill maza [f]
oil produced by an oil-mill at each pressing obradura [f]
mill industry molinería [f]
mill-woman molinera [f]
beam of a horse-mill maimona [f]
upper mill-stone muela [f]
crushing-mill tahona [f]
mill beam viga [f]
mill-hopper tolva [f]
powdering-mill moledora [f]
worker in a sugar mill trapichera [f]
warping-mill urdidora [f]
blackish (mill-stone) bornero [adj]
that which belongs to a mill molinero [adj]
mill a coin acordonar [v]
clear a mill-stream of stagnant water desempalagar [v]
mill coins cerrillar [v]
sort (rags in paper-mill) desalisar [v]
sluice of a mill dam tajaderas [f/pl]
corn-mill molino [m]
bolting-mill torno [m]
coffee-mill molinillo de café [m]
horse-mill molino de sangre [m]
mill [us] milésimo de dólar [m]
saw-mill molino de aserrar [m]
mill race canal de molino [m]
wind-mill molino de viento [m]
water-mill molino de agua [m]
mill race cañal de molino [m]
mill-board cartón de encuadernar [m]
mill-board cartón doble [m]
mill-dam dique [m]
mill-hand obrero (de molino) [m]
grinding-mill trapiche [m]
stamping-mill bocarte [m]
slitting-mill taller de hacer clavos [m]
gig-mill máquina de perchar [f]
gig-mill percha [f]
horse-mill tahona [f]
mill-dam represa [f]
mill-dam esclusa [f]
mill-hopper tolva de molino [f]
mill-pond alborea [f]
mill-wheel rueda de molino [f]
slitting-mill sierra múltiple [f]
slitting-mill (jewellry) sierra de disco [f]
go through the mill saber a fondo [v]
go through the mill aprender una cosa a fondo [v]
go through the mill conocer a fondo [v]
bucket in which flour falls from the mill-stones alguarín [m] ARA
mining mill arrastre [m] MX
peon in a sugar mill cañero [m] BO CO CR CU HN NI UY
worker in a sugar mill bojotero [m] CO
worker in a sugar mill prensero [m] CO
cashier in a sugar mill templador [m] CO
barley grain cracked in the mill and lightly toasted arroz de cebada [m] EC
excess of grinding remains in a mill atoro [m] CU
framework that supports the maces of the mill (sugar industry) bancazo [m] CU
(sugar industry) a machine that applies heat to the liquid leaving the sugar cane mill calentador [m] CU
in a sugar mill, a person in charge of loading ovens with bagasse bagacero [m] CU
a person in charge of picking up and moving the bagasse out of a mill bagacero [m] GT HN EC
the owner of a sugarcane plantation or mill azucarero [m] HN DO PR
(in the sugar industry) the person responsible for a sugar mill azucarero [m] DO PR
field worker who hauls sugar cane in a mill burro [m] SV rur.
machinery for clarifying the liquid that comes out of the mill at the sugar cane refinery clarificador [m] PR EC PY rare
mill waste chingaste [m] MX GT HN SV NI
man in charge of a cauldron at a mill fondero [m] VE rur.
sugar cane mill central [m] CU
employee provided housing by the sugar cane mill caseño [m] AR:Nw rur.
sweet that forms spontaneously on the tools used in the mill cuajo [m] HN
bronze net to filter the juice extracted from the cane in the mill colador [m] CU
person who handles the pans or kettles in a sugar mill hornillero [m] CO
person responsible for tending the oven at a sugar mill hornero [m] HN
sugar mill owner hacendado [m] CU PR
(in a mill) each of the two small mallets that accompany the large mallet that serve to wring out the sugar cane hijuelo [m] HN
each of the two lateral poles nailed to the ground that hold the small manual mill in position hijuelo [m] HN
person in charge of handling sugar cane juice in a mill hornero [m] EC
person in charge of pouring sugar cane honey into molds at the sugar cane mill enmoldador [m] HN
block of sugar produced at sugar mill dulce [m] GT HN SV NI
rustic sugar cane mill with two rotating logs to squeeze the canes matagente [m] CO:C,Sw rare
small grinding-mill ñongoté [m] HN
water that powers a mill molino [m] EC:S rur.
manual sugar cane mill mordedor [m] HN
person in charge of introducing sugar cane into the mill metecaña [m] CO
mill assistant mico [m] SV
mill operator operador de mesa [m] PR
sugar mill cleaner pasconero [m] HN
saw mill worker palillero [m] HN
set of buildings and yards of a sugar mill plantel [m] HN NI CR
person who introduces cane into the sugar mill pite [m] CO:Sw
factory, sugar mill, or warehouse ground where raw material or final product is left temporarily plantel [m] HN NI CR
first boiling of a sugar mill recibidor [m] PR rur.
person who loads sugar cane into the mill prensero [m] CO
manual collection of sugar cane cut by machine in a mill repañe [m] EC
shield in sugar mill grinders sapo [m] HN
convex exterior part of the sugar mill oven sábalo [m] HN
worker who regulates the amount of sugar cane entering the mill retranquero [m] PR
hand mill triturador [m] PR
small mill zangarro [m] HN NI
manual mill made of two wooden rollers and a crank to extract juice from sugar cane zangarro [m] HN NI
mill waste shingaste [m] GT
mill waste shingaste [m] GT
sugar cane mill trapiche [m] MX GT SV NI CR DO PR CO VE EC PE PY
sugar cane mill trapiche panelero [m] MX
sugar cane mill trapiche panochero [m] MX
mining mill arrastre [m] MX
male sugar mill worker bojotero [m] CO
sugar mill central [m] CU
worker in a sugar mill prensero [m] CO
mill wheel ruejo [m] ES local
small manual mill sangarro [m] HN
cashier in a sugar mill templador [m] CO
manual mill zangarro [m] HN
rice mill arrocera [f] CR CU UY
hopper in a corn-mill cibera [f] rur. rare
mill-hopper spout canaleta [f] AR CL CO
small mill-pond zangarilla [f] rur. rare
wooden trough for cooling sugar cane in the mill artesa [f] HN NI
crescent-shaped stone in the fulling mill (used to grind) balladora [f] BO:E
(in the sugar mill industry) water used in the final mill to extract more juice from the sugar cane bagasse agua de imbibición [f] CU rare
coffee or rice mill beneficiadora [f] HN SV
opening where the sugarcane is to be ground in the mill boquilla [f] HN
cover attached to the rim of the large dish in a sugar cane mill falca [f] CO EC rur.
machinery that drives sugar cane toward the mill in order to extract the juice estera [f] CU
steel mill factoría (inglés factory) [f] EC
sugar cane mill central [f] NI PA DO VE
employee provided housing by the sugar cane mill caseña [f] AR:Nw rur.
(in a mill) large mallet used to wring out the sugar cane huesteadora [f] HN
person who handles the pans or kettles in a sugar mill hornillera [f] CO
person responsible for tending the oven at a sugar mill hornera [f] HN
sugar mill owner hacendada [f] CU PR
stove for boiling sugar cane juice in a mill hornilla [f] CR PA
each of the three steel cylinders in the mill of a plant that extract the juice from the sugar cane masa [f] PR
crank of a small mill manillete [f] HN
mill property and installations molida [f] HN SV CR
mill property and installations molienda [f] HN PA
lever moved by a draft animal to operate a mill mijarra [f] HN SV PA CO:N,Sw
lever moved by a draft animal to operate a mill mijarra [f] VE PE:N rur.
mill roller maza [f] HN CU PR
sugar mill cleaner pasconera [f] HN
large rectangular trough to whip syrup in a sugar cane mill pila [f] HN
sugar mill or farm store where workers do their shopping ratonera [f] PR rur.
liquid squeezed out of the sugar cane in a mill tafia [f] PA EC
sugar cane mill grinding wheel voladora [f] HN rur.
water mill aceña (árabe) [f] rare
olive oil mill waste amurca [f] rare
flour mill atahona [f] rare
courtyard with a oil mill warehouses azaquefa (árabe) [f] disused
sugar mill tray bandeja [f] CU
mill spout canaleta [f] ES local
sugar mill central [f] NI CU PR VE
large mallet (mill) huesteadora [f] HN
watery dregs (oil mill) oleaza [f] ES local
mill hopper orenza [f] ES local
mill-hopper orenza [f] ES local
sugar mill chimney torre [f] CU PR
rumor mill usina de rumores [f] BO CL PY AR UY
mill canal zaya [f] ES local
sugar cane mill owner centralista [m/f] PR
person who washes the molds and beats the honey in a mill sacatrapos [m/f] SV
run-of-the-mill común y silvestre [adj] PE BO CL AR UY
run-of-the-mill (thing) de correntada [adj] CR disused
full/mill clothes infurtir [v] rare
pour sugar cane honey into molds at the sugar cane mill enmoldar [v] HN rur.
manually collect sugar cane cut by machine in a mill repañar [v] EC
that which belongs to a mill molinera [adj/f]
blackish (mill-stone) bornera [adj/f]
bring grist to the mill poner sobre el tapete [v]
bring grist to the mill hacer de su parte [v]
bring grist to the mill poner de su parte [v]
bring grist to the mill hacer el suficiente esfuerzo [v]
bring grist to the mill hacer su parte [v]
bring grist to the mill poner su granito de arena [v]
go through the mill pasarlas moradas [v]
go through the mill pasarlas canutas [v]
go through the mill sudar tinta [v]
go through the mill pasar por un período difícil en la vida [v]
go through the mill experimentar dificultades [v]
go through the mill vivir experiencias difíciles [v]
put someone through the mill ponérsela difícil a alguien [v]
put someone through the mill hacerle pasar las de caín a alguien [v]
be through the mill pasar por muchos problemas [v]
put a person through the mill hacer sufrir a uno [v]
run-of-the-mill corriente y moliente
put somebody through the mill someter a un entrenamiento riguroso a uno
go through the mill pasarlas moradas
put somebody through the mill pasar a uno por la piedra
been through the mill haber pasado muchos problemas
no mill, no meal el que no trabaje, que no coma
run of the mill común y corriente
run of the mill del montón
grist for someone's mill útil para alguien
grist for someone's mill provechoso para alguien
grist for someone's mill beneficioso para alguien
grist for the mill útil
grist for the mill provechoso
grist for the mill beneficioso
grist to the mill lleva agua al molino
grist to the mill viene de perlas
grist to the mill favorable
run of the mill corriente y moliente
rumor mill usina de rumores
rumour mill usina de rumores
run-of-the-mill común y corriente
the rumor mill says se rumorea
gossip mill usina de rumores [f] BO PY AR UY
rumor mill usina de rumores [f] BO PY AR UY
mill about arremolinarse [v]
mill around arremolinarse [v]
mill about pasearse [v]
mill around deambular [v]
stamp mill triturador [m]
run-of-the-mill de chichinabo [adj]
run-of-the-mill corriente y moliente [adj]
run-of-the-mill moliente y corriente [adj]
be through the mill atravesar grandes dificultades [v]
be through the mill vivir un infierno [v]
be through the mill pasarlas negras [v]
be through the mill pasarlas moradas [v]
be through the mill pasarla muy mal [v]
go through the mill pasarlas negras [v]
run of the mill como si tal cosa [expr]
sugar mill azucarera [f]
run-of-the-mill mediocre [adj]
run-of-the-mill común y corriente [adj]
sugar mill molino azucarero
sugar mill central azucarero
sugar mill fábrica de azúcar
sugar mill hacienda de azúcar
sugar mill central de azúcar
sugar mill refinería de azúcar
sugar mill ingenio azucarero
paper mill fábrica de papel
sugar mill ingenio de azúcar
ex mill en fábrica
Work Safety Terms
cotton mill fever fiebre de los hilanderos de algodón
cotton mill fever fiebre de los cardadores
cotton mill fever fiebre de los hiladores
rubber mill laminadores de goma
tandem cold mill tren continuo para laminar en frío
looping mill tren de alambre
rod mill tren de alambre
continuous hot strip mill tren continuo para banda caliente
rod mill molino de cabillas
fee for grinding grain at a mill maquila [f]
ex-mill clause clausula ex-mill
mill certificate certificado de fábrica
mill certificate certificado de fábrica
american tropical sugar mill inc. azucarera tropical americana s.a. EC
argentine flour mill workers union unión obrera molinera argentina AR
association of orinoco iron and steel mill professionals asociación de profesionales de la planta siderúrgica del orinoco VE
trade union of rio haina sugar mill workers sindicato de trabajadores del ingenio rio haina DO
federation of flour mill workers federación de obreros y empleados molineros y afines UY
diploma mill fábrica de diplomas
eddy mill triturador [m]
oil-mill trujal [m]
grinding mill molino [m]
mill man batanero [m]
rolling-mill laminador [m]
fulling-mill batán [m]
drag mill bocarte [m]
sugar mill ingenio [m]
mill worker molinero [m]
ball mill molino balero [m] MX
clay mill amasadero [m]
drag mill arrastre [m]
stamp mill bocarte [m]
rolling mill laminador [m]
rolling mill laminador [m]
plate mill laminador de chapas [m]
blooming mill laminador de desbaste [m]
bar mill laminador para perfiles [m]
blooming mill laminador preliminar [m]
three-high mill laminador de tren trio [m]
three-high mill laminador de tres cilindros superpuestos [m]
three-high mill laminador trio [m]
fulling mill batanadora [f]
drawing-mill trefilería [f]
pug mill amasadora [f]
drilling-mill perforadora [f]
drilling-mill taladradora [f]
beton mill hormigonera [f]
boring mill mandrinadora [f]
lumber-mill serrería [f]
stone mill quebrantadora [f]
hammer mill trituradora [f]
mill-cake torta [f]
drilling-mill sonda [f]
wire mill trefilería [f]
weaving mill tejeduría [f]
mill scale cascarilla de laminación [f]
mill-run campaña (de una fábrica) [f]
stone mill machacadora [f]
bruising mill machacadora [f]
mill-cake pasta [f]
wire mill hilera [f]
steel mill acería [f]
band mill aserradora de banda [f]
mill scale concha [f] VE
mill hole alcancía [f] MX
hammer mill chancadora de martillos [f]
bark mill descortezadora [f]
water-power mill aceña [f] ES
end mill with indexable inserts fresa universal con adaptador graduadle [f]
shell end mill fresa universal hueca [f]
end mill fresa universal radial [f]
shell mill fresa hueca [f]
boring and turning mill taladradora [f]
run-of-the-mill ramplón [adj]
rolling mill rolls tren laminador
sizing mill laminador acabador
face mill fresa de refrentar
three-high blooming mill tren trío de desbaste
rod mill tren de laminar redondos
cotton spinning mill hilandería de algodón
two-high mill laminador dúo
wire mill tren de alambre
disc mill molino de discos
hand-mill molinillo de café
sheet-mill laminador para chapa fina
autogenous mill molino autógeno
mill saw file lima de sierra
pebble mill molino de piedras de sílex
pebble mill molino de bolos
oil-mill molino aceitero
blooming-slabbing mill tren desbastador
mill train tren laminador
crushing mill trituradora de cilindros
bowl mill molino cilíndrico
rolling-mill tren de laminación
mill finish acabado de laminación
mill-owner propietario de molino
flour mill fábrica de harinas
rolling mill train tren laminador
wood panel mill planta de paneles de madera