board of - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch

board of


Meanings of "board of" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 184 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
board of governors Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of advisers Beirat [m]
board of directors Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of directors Aufsichtsrat [m]
chairmanship of the board Vorstandsvorsitz [m]
board of examiners Prüfungsausschuss [m]
board of appeals Aufsichtsrat [m]
board of auditors Rat der Rechnungsprüfer [m]
board of auditors Ausschuss der Rechnungsprüfer [m]
board of auditors Rechnungsprüferausschuss [m]
board of directors of the bank Verwaltungsrat der Bank [m]
board of directors of the bank Vorstand der Bank [m]
board of education and discipline Bildungs- und Disziplinsausschuss [m]
board of inquiries Untersuchungsausschuss [m]
board of manager Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of examiners Prüfungskommission [f]
Board of Trade Handelskammer [f]
board of advertisement Reklamekommission [f]
board of agriculture Landwirtschaftskommission [f]
board of appeals Beschwerdekammer [f]
board of pride Ehrentafel [f]
board of property owners Kommission der Landeigentümer [f]
board of visitors Besucherkommission [f]
Board of Admiralty Marineministerium [n]
board of governors Direktorium [n]
Board of Trade Handelsministerium [n]
member of the board Vorstandsmitglied [n]
board of trustees Kuratorium [n]
Board of Health Gesundheitsamt [n]
board of agriculture Amt für Landwirtschaft [n]
board of discipline Ehrengericht [n]
board of settling Besiedlungsamt [n]
dismiss/remove the board of managers den Vorstand abberufen [v]
be a member of the supervisory board im Aufsichtsrat sitzen [v]
call a meeting of the supervisory board den Aufsichtsrat einberufen [v]
call a meeting of the board of directors den Vorstand einberufen [v]
vote someone on the board of directors jemanden in den Vorstand wählen [v]
members of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsmitglieder [pl]
members of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsmitglieder [pl]
resolutions of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsbeschlüsse [pl]
resolutions of the board of directors Vorstandsbeschlüsse [pl]
resolutions of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsbeschlüsse [pl]
members of the supervisory board Mitglieder {pl} des Aufsichtsrats/Verwaltungsrats
membership of the supervisory board Zugehörigkeit zum Aufsichtsrat
duties of the supervisory board Aufgaben des Aufsichtsrats
composition of the supervisory board Zusammensetzung des Aufsichtsrats
resolutions of the board of directors Beschlüsse {pl} des Vorstands
board of directors Aufsichtsrat [m]
board of (executive) directors Vorstand (einer Firma) [m]
board of administration Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of managers Vorstand [m]
chairman of the board of directors Verwaltungsratsvorsitzender [m]
board of management Vorstand [m]
board of directors Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of inquiry Untersuchungsausschuss [m]
board of examiners Prüfungsausschuss [m]
board of creditors Gläubigerausschuss [m]
board of Trade Handelsministerium [m]
board of audit Rechnungshof [m]
board of directors Vorstand [m]
board of complaint Beschwerdeausschuss [m]
board of directors Vorstand [m]
chairperson of the board Vorstandsvorsitzende [m/f]
board of directors’ meeting Aufsichtsratssitzung [f]
board of control Kontrollstelle [f]
board of arbitration Schlichtungskammer [f]
board of arbitration Schiedsstelle [f]
board of appeal Beschwerdekammer [f]
board of trade Handelskammer [f]
board of examiners Prüfungskommission [f]
Board of Trade Handelsministerium [n]
board of directors Direktorium [n]
board of directors Leitungsgremium [n]
board of managers Direktorium [n]
board of managers Vorstand [n]
member of the board of directors Mitglied des Vorstands
board of examiners Prüfungsausschuss
board of managers Direktorium
board of managers Vorstand einer Aktiengesellschaft
board of management Vorstand einer Aktiengesellschaft
remuneration of supervisory board members Vergütung {f} der Aufsichtsratsmitglieder/Verwaltungsratsmitglieder
board of trustees Stiftungsrat [m]
board of trustees Trägerverein [m]
board members' percentage of profit Vorstandstantieme [f]
board of trustees Kuratorium [n]
Spokesman of the Management Board Vorstandssprecher [m]
chairman of the board Vorstandsvorsitzender [m]
board of directors Verwaltungsrat [m]
chairman of the board of management Vorstandsvorsitzender [m]
board of executive directors Vorstand [m]
board of management Geschäftsführungsorgan [n]
board of directors Geschäftsführungs-und/oder Aufsichtsorgan
board of directors Aufsichtsrat [m]
board of directors Vorstand [m]
board of directors Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of pardons and paroles Begnadigungsausschuss [m]
board of appeal Beschwerdekammer [f]
board of arbitration Gütestelle [Dt.] [f]
board of arbitration Schiedsstelle [f]
legal board of construction Baurechtsbehörde [f]
election of the management board Vorstandswahl [f]
elections of the management board Vorstandswahlen [pl]
EU Terms
board of directors Verwaltungsrat [m]
Swiss Law
member of the board of directors Verwaltungsratsmitglied [n]
chairman of the board of directors Präsident des Verwaltungsrates
securing of board Brettsicherung
gun on board of submarines U-Boot-Geschütz
board of wooden material Holzwerkstoffplatte
board of (executive) directors Vorstand [m]
board of examiners Prüfungsausschuss [m]
Board of Directors table Vorstandstisch [m]
board of govenors (e.g. IMF) Gouverneursrat [m]
board of govenors (e.g. IMF) Gouverneursrat (z. B. IWF) [m]
president of the board Vorstandsvorsitzender [m]
president of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsvorsitzender [Schw.] [m]
president of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender [m]
resolution of the board of directors Vorstandsbeschluss [m]
resolution of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsbeschluss [m]
resolution of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsbeschluss [Schw.] [m]
resolution of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsbeschluss [m]
board of examiners Prüfungskommission [f]
president of the board Vorstandsvorsitzende [f]
presidents of the board Vorstandsvorsitzende [f]
presidents of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende [f]
presidents of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsvorsitzende [f]
remuneration of supervisory board members Aufsichtsratsvergütung [f]
remuneration of supervisory board members Verwaltungsratsvergütung [f]
remuneration of supervisory board members Vergütung [f]
remuneration of supervisory board members Verwaltungsratsvergütung [Schw.] [f]
board of directors Direktorium [n]
Board of Trade (BOT) Handelsministerium [n]
Board of Weights and Measures Eichamt [n]
member of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsmitglied [n]
member of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsmitglied [Schw.] [n]
chairmen of the board Vorstandsvorsitzenden [pl]
presidents of the board Vorstandsvorsitzenden [pl]
presidents of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden [pl]
presidents of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsvorsitzenden [pl]
calling a meeting of the supervisory board Einberufung des Aufsichtsrats
chairmen of the board Vorstandsvorsitzende
member of the supervisory board Mitglied {n} des Aufsichtsrats/Verwaltungsrats
member of the supervisory board appointed by the court gerichtlich bestelltes Aufsichtsratsmitglied
personal requirements for membership of supervisory board persönliche Anforderungen für Aufsichtsratsmitglieder
president of the supervisory board Vorsitzende {m,f} des Aufsichtsrats/Verwaltungsrats
presidents of the supervisory board Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats/Verwaltungsrats
resolution of the board of directors Beschluss {m} des Vorstands
chairman of board Vorstandsvorsitzender [m]
member of the supervisory board Aufsichtsrat [m]
board of directors Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of directors Aufsichtsrat [m]
middle of board Einlage [f]
board of trade Handelskammer [f]
board of management Unternehmensleitung [f]
member of the board Vorstandsmitglied [n]
member of supervisory board Mitglied des Aufsichtsrates
Member of the Supervisory Board Aufsichtsrat [m]
Chairman of the Supervisory Board Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates
board of governors Hochschulrat [m]
board of examiners Prüfungsausschuss [m]
board of education Schulbehörde [f]
board of executives Rektorat [n]
Board of Nursing Pflegekammer [m]
chairman of the advisory board Beiratsvorsitzender [m]
legal board of construction Baurechtsbehörde [f]
chairman of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender [m]
chairman of the supervisory board Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates
chairman of the board of management Sprecher des Vorstandes
chairman of the board of management Vorsitzender des Vorstandes
member of the board of management Mitglied des Vorstandes
member of the supervisory board Mitglied des Aufsichtsrates
chairman of the administrative board Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrates
board of directors Aufsichtsrat [m]
central board of directors Zentralvorstand [m]
member of the managing board Vorstandsmitglied [n]
member of the supervisory board Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats
chairman of the board Vorsitzender des Vorstands
chairman of the supervisory board Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats
SAP Terms
chairman of the board Vorstandsvorsitzender [m]
member of executive board Vorstandsmitglied [n]
member of the Board Vorstandsmitglied [n]
board of acceptance Abnahmekommission [f]
board of test Prüfungskommission [f]
board of test Prüfungskommission
board of acceptance Abnahmekommission