degree of - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch

degree of


Meanings of "degree of" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 471 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
of no degree keineswegs [adj]
high degree of hochgradig [adj]
largely (expression of degree) zu einem guten Teil (Gradangabe) [adv]
degree of abstraction Abstraktionsgrad [m]
degree of accuracy Genauigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of accumulation Akkumulationsgrad [m]
degree of bleaching Bleichgrad [m]
degree of cold Kältegrad [m]
degree of compaction Verdichtungsgrad [m]
degree of dependency Abhängigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of consolidation Verdichtungsgrad [m]
degree of increase Steigerungsgrad [m]
degree of heat Hitzegrad [m]
degree of order Ordnungsgrad [m]
degree of priority Prioritätsgrad [m]
degree of relationship Verwandtschaftsgrad [m]
degree of rotation Verdrehungsgrad [m]
degree of roundness Zurundungsgrad [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of utilization Auslastungsgrad [m]
degree of truth Wahrheitsgehalt [m]
degree of wear Verschleißgrad [m]
degree of wear Abnutzungsgrad [m]
(degree of) familiarity Bekanntheitsgrad [m]
degree of relatedness Verwandtschaftsgrad [m]
degree of drying Trocknungsgrad [m]
degree of contamination Verschmutzungsgrad [m]
degree of accuracy Grad der Genauigkeit [m]
degree of attention Grad der Aufmerksamkeitszuwendung [m]
degree of danger Gefährdungsgrad [m]
degree of disability Versehrtheitsgrad [m]
degree of target fulfilment Zielerfüllungsgrad [m]
degree of frequency Häufigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of latitude Breitengrad [m]
degree of accuracy Grad an Genauigkeit [m]
degree of modulation Modulationsgrad [m]
degree of complexity Komplexizitätsgrad [m]
degree of fineness Feinheitsgrad [m]
degree of whiteness Weißegrad [m]
degree of symmetry Symmetriegrad [m]
degree of mechanization Grad der Mechanisierung [m]
degree of attention Aufmerksamkeitsgrad [m]
degree of rot Vermorschungsgrad [m]
degree of automation Automatisierungsgrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of whiteness Weißgrad [m]
degree of probability Wahrscheinlichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of mechanization Mechanisierungsgrad [m]
degree of industrialization Industrialisierungsgrad [m]
degree of difficulty Schwierigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of automation Grad der Automatisierung [m]
degree of familiarity Bekanntheitsgrad [m]
degree of purity Reinheitsgrad [m]
degree of adaptation Anpassungsgrad [m]
degree of influence Beeinflussungsgrad [m]
degree of polarization Polarisationsgrad [m]
degree of depolarization Depolarisationsgrad [m]
bachelor of arts degree Bakkalaureus-Abschluss [m]
bachelor of arts degree Bakkalaureus der Philosophie-Abschluss [m]
bachelor of science degree Bachelor in Naturwissenschaft-Abschluss [m]
degree of occupancy Belegungsgrad [m]
degree of discrepancy Grad der Abweichung [m]
degree of learning Grad des Lernens [m]
degree of learning Grad der Bildung [m]
degree of neglect Grad der Vernachlässigung [m]
degree of safety Sicherheitsgrad [m]
degree of safety Grad an Sicherheit [m]
first degree of kinship erster Verwandtschaftsgrad [m]
high degree of protection hoher Schutzgrad [m]
high degree of simulation hoher Simulationsgrad [m]
expression of degree Gradangabe [f]
degree of comparison Steigerungsstufe [f]
degree of priority Prioritätsstufe [f]
degree of priority Dringlichkeitsstufe [f]
degree of protection Schutzart [f]
degree of saturation Sättigungszahl [f]
degree of urgency Dringlichkeitsstufe [f]
(degree of) salinity Salinität [f]
(degree of) salinity Salzigkeit [f]
(degree of) salinity Salzhaltigkeit [f]
degree of creditworthiness Bonität [f]
high degree of protection hohe Schutzart [f]
degree of stimulation Reizungsstadium [n]
alarming degree of personal abuse beunruhigendes Ausmaß an persönlichem Missbrauch [n]
alarming degree of personal abuse alarmierendes Maß an persönlichem Missbrauch [n]
degree of learning Maß an Bildung [n]
degree of neglect Maß an Vernachlässigung [n]
degree of safety Maß an Sicherheit [n]
high degree of simulation hohes Maß an Simulation [n]
receive the honorary degree of doctor of law den Ehrendoktor in Jura/Jus [Ös.][Schw.] verliehen bekommen [v]
determine the degree of long-sightedness den Grad der Weitsichtigkeit bestimmen [v]
show a high degree of commonality in something einen hoher Grad an Übereinstimmung bei etwas aufweisen [v]
work with a high degree of personal responsibility eigenverantwortlich arbeiten [v]
be charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance in the first degree des Besitz von Betäubungsmitteln ersten Grades angeklagt werden [v]
be charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance in the second degree des Besitz von Betäubungsmitteln zweiten Grades angeklagt werden [v]
be charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree des Besitz von Betäubungsmitteln dritten Grades angeklagt werden [v]
bring something to the degree of etwas auf die Stufe von ... bringen [v]
largely (expression of degree) weitgehend
largely (expression of degree) zum Gutteil
largely (expression of degree) in hohem Maße
degree of affinity Verwandtschaftsgrad
a maximum degree of responsibility ein Höchstmaß an Verantwortung
degree of urgency Dringlichkeitsstufe
with varying degree of severity mit unterschiedlichem Schweregrad
degree of urgency Dringlichkeitsgrad
degree of liquidity Liquiditätsgrad [m]
degree of fitness Tauglichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of utilization Auslastungsgrad [m]
degree of accuracy Genauigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of priority Prioritätsgrad [m]
degree of industrialization Industrialisierungsgrad [m]
degree of disablement Invaliditätsgrad [m]
degree of fluctuation Schwankungsbreite [f]
degree of urgency Dringlichkeitsstufe [f]
degree of utilization Grad der Nutzung
degree of dependence Grad der Abhängigkeit
degree of probability Grad der Wahrscheinlichkeit
degree of computerization Grad der Computerisierung
degree of fitness Grad der Tauglichkeit
degree of automation Grad der Automatisierung
degree of priority Grad der Priorität
degree of accuracy Grad der Genauigkeit
degree of mechanization Grad der Mechanisierung
degree of accuracy Grad an Genauigkeit
degree of disablement Grad der Invalidität
degree of damage Ausmaß des Schadens
degree of accuracy Genauigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of utilization Auslastungsgrad [m]
degree of fitness Tauglichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of industrialization Industrialisierungsgrad [m]
degree of priority Prioritätsgrad [m]
degree of disablement Invaliditätsgrad [m]
degree of accuracy Grad an Genauigkeit
Quality Management
degree of inspection Prüfungsgrad [m]
degree of pollution Verschmutzungsgrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of purification Reinigungsgrad [m]
degree of inspection Prüfschärfe [f]
Work Safety
degree of noxiousness Schädlichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of noxiousness Gefährlichkeit [f]
degree of disability Grad der Körperbehinderung
degree of penalty Strafmaß [n]
EU Terms
degree of pollution Belastungsgrad [m]
degree of inspection Prüfungsgrad [m]
degree of utilization Benutzungsgrad [m]
degree of inspection Prüfschärfe [f]
degree of gluing Leimungsgrad
means for detecting degree of dryness Trocknungsgradermittler
degree of reflection Reflexionsgrad
measurement of degree of reflection Reflexionsgradmessung
degree of compliance Erfüllungsgrad (etwas) [m]
degree of compliance Erfüllungsgrad [m]
degree of sophistication Aufwand [m]
degree of coverage Überdeckungsgrad [m]
degree of complexity Aufwand [m]
degree of coherence Kohärenzgrad [m]
degree of automation Automatisierungsgrad [m]
degree of wear and tear Abnutzungsgrad [m]
degree of stretching Reckgrad [m]
degree of shrinkage Schwindungsgrad [m]
degree of concentration Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of permeability Durchlässigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of heat Wärmegrad [m]
degree of dispersion Dispersionsgrad [m]
degree of pollution Verschmutzungsgrad [m]
degree of effectiveness Wirkungsgrad [m]
degree of dissociation Dissoziationsgrad [m]
degree of formation Bildungsgrad [m]
degree of approach Annäherungsgrad [m]
degree of distribution Verteilungsgrad [m]
degree of cross-linking Vernetzungsgrad [m]
degree of compression Verdichtungsgrad [m]
degree of cleanliness Sauberkeitsgrad [m]
degree of cleanliness Reinheitsgrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of sensitivity Empfindlichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of uniformity Gleichförmigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of firmness Festigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of stability Stabilitätsgrad [m]
degree of angle Winkelgrad [m]
degree of accuracy Genauigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of damping Dämpfungsgrad [m]
degree of fermentation Vergärungsgrad [m]
degree of humidity Feuchtegrad [m]
degree of dilution Verdünnungsgrad [m]
degree of purity Reinheitsgrad [m]
degree of tension Spannungsgrad [m]
degree of utilisation Auslastungsgrad [m]
degree of consolidation Verfestigungsgrad [m]
degree of density Dichtegrad [m]
degree of elasticity Elastizitätsgrad [m]
degree of hardness Härtegrad [m]
degree of acidity Säuregrad [m]
degree of porosity Durchlässigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of deformation Verformungsgrad [m]
degree of fineness Feinheitsgrad [m]
degree of porosity Porositätsgrad [m]
degree of strength Festigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of cleaning Reinigungsgrad [m]
degree of adjustment Verstellwinkel [m]
degree of humidity Feuchtigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of quality Qualitätsgrad [m]
degree of probability Wahrscheinlichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of contamination Verschmutzungsgrad [m]
degree of decomposition Zersetzungsgrad [m]
degree of strength Stärkegrad [m]
degree of reaction Umsatz [m]
degree of heat Hitzegrad [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of coverage Bedeckungsgrad [m]
degree of sophistication Schwierigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of reaction Reaktionsgrad [m]
degree of polymerization Polymerisationsgrad [m]
degree of recrystallization Rekristallisationsgrad [m]
degree of dryness Trocknungsgrad [m]
degree of enrichment Anreicherungsgrad [m]
degree of dryness Trockenheitsgrad [m]
degree of crystallinity Kristallisationsgrad [m]
degree of reflection Glanzgrad [m]
degree of mobility Beweglichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of protection Schutzart [f]
degree of oxidation Oxidationsstufe [f]
degree of fineness Mahlfeinheit [f]
degree of shrinkage Schrumpfmaß [n]
degree of wear Verschleißmaß [n]
degree of compression Verdichtungsverhältnis [n]
degree of deformation Verformungsvermögen [n]
degree of stability Stabilitätsmaß [n]
degree of utilization Auslastungsgrad
degree of utilization Ausnutzungsgrad
degree of efficiency Wirkungsgrad der Energieumwandlung
degree of submergence Unterwasserhöhe eines Wehrs
degree of cleanliness Reinheitsgrad [m]
degree of deformation Verformungsgrad [m]
degree of overlapping Überdeckungsgrad [m]
degree of sintering Sintergrad [m]
Molding Terms
degree of polymerization Polymerisationsgrad [m]
degree of crystallinity Kristallisationsgrad [m]
degree of integration Integrationsgrad [m]
degree of automatization Automatisierungsgrad [m]
degree of reliability Zuverlässigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of attenuation Dämpfungsgrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of membership Zugehörigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of accuracy Genauigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of sensitivity Empfindlichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of disturbance Störungsgrad [m]
degree of depolarization Depolarisationsgrad [m]
degree of irregularity Ungleichförmigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of attenuation Schwächungsgrad [m]
degree of rigidity Steifigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of rationalization Rationalisierungsgrad [m]
degree of stability Stabilitätsgrad [m]
system with one degree of freedom System mit einem Freiheitsgrad
high-degree of automation hoher Automatisierungsgrad
degree of humidity Feuchtigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of depolarisation Depolarisationsgrad [m]
degree of polarisation Polarisationsgrad [m]
degree of polarization Polarisationsgrad [m]
degree of remission Remissionsgrad [m]
degree of coherence Kohärenzgrad [m]
degree of degeneracy Entartungsgrad [m]
degree of heat Wärmegrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of temperature Temperaturgrad [m]
equation of the second degree quadratische Gleichung
equation of the third degree kubische Gleichung
equation of the third degree Gleichung dritten Grades
equation of the second degree Gleichung zweiten Grades
equation of the xth degree Gleichung xter Ordnung
equation of the xth degree Gleichung xten Grades
degree of polymerization Polymerisationsgrad [m]
degree of deuteration Deuterierungsgrad [m]
degree of conversion Umsetzungsgrad [m]
degree of acidity Säuregrad [m]
degree of water hardness Härtegrad [m]
degree of oxidation Oxidationsgrad [m]
degree of hydrolysis Hydrolysegrad [m]
degree of dissociation Dissoziationsgrad [m]
degree of oxidation Oxidationsstufe [f]
degree of freedom konstante Temperatur
degree of acidity Aziditätsgrad [m]
degree of hydrolysis Hydrolysegrad [m]
degree of inbreeding Inzuchtgrad [m]
degree of specialization Spezialisierungsgrad [m]
degree of specialisation Spezialisierungsgrad [m]
degree of biological degradation biologischer Abbaugrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of purity Reinheitsgrad [m]
French degree of hardness Grad französischer Härte [m]
German degree of hardness Grad deutscher Härte [m]
degree of coherence Kohärenzgrad [m]
Degree of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch. NUI) Magister [m]
university of applied sciences degree Fachhochschulabschluss [m]
degree of competence Kompetenzgrad [m]
change of degree programme Studiengangwechsel [m]
Bachelor (of Science/Arts/Education) degree Bachelorabschluss [m]
Master (of Science/Arts/Education) degree Masterabschluss [m]
Master (of Science/Arts) degree Masterabschluss [m]
degree of honorary doctor Ehrendoktorwürde [f]
version of degree programme Studiengangsvariante [f]
outline of degree programme Studiengangsbeschreibung [f]
change of degree programme Umschreibung [f]
Degree of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch. NUI) Magister {m} der Architektur (Mag. Arch.)
adverb of degree Gradadverb [n]
degree of disability Grad der Behinderung [m]
with varying degree of severity mit unterschiedlich deutlicher Ausprägung
six degree of separation Kleine-Welt-Phänomen [n]
degree of caries Kariesgrad [m]
degree of caries Kariesausmaß [n]
degree of hardness Härtegrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of compaction Verdichtungsgrad [m]
degree of drying Trocknungsgrad [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungszahl [f]
degree of saturation Saettigungszahl [f]
degree of compactability Verdichtungsmaß [n]
degree of compulsion binding force Grad der Verbindlichkeit
degree of building coverage Maß der Überbauung
degree of building coverage Maß der baulichen Nutzung
type and degree of building and land use Art und Maß der baulichen Nutzung
degree of emission Emissionsgrad [m]
degree of human-caused modification Grad {m} der antropogenen [m]
degree of human-caused modification Natürlichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of peat formation Vertorfungsgrad [m]
degree/level of artificialization Grad {m} der antropogenen [m]
degree/level of artificialization Natürlichkeitsgrad [m]
degree/level of naturalness Grad {m} der antropogenen [m]
degree/level of naturalness Natürlichkeitsgrad [m]
degree of pollution Verschmutzungsgrad [m]
degree of pollution Belastungsgrad [m]
degree of efficiency Wirkungsgrad [m]
degree of degradation Abbaugrad [m]
degree of discoloration Verfärbungsgrad [m]
degree of acidity Aziditätsgrad [m]
degree of acidity Säuregrad [m]
degree of purification Reinigungsgrad [m]
degree of toxicity Toxizitätsgrad [m]
degree of human-caused modification Hemerobie [f]
degree of pollution (pollutants emitted) Schadstoffbelastung [f]
degree/level of artificialization Hemerobie [f]
degree/level of naturalness Hemerobie [f]
geothermal degree of depth geothermische Tiefenstufe [f]
degree of biodegradability biologischer Abbaubarkeitsgrad
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of cementation Verfestigungsgrad [m]
degree of roughness Rauhigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of aeration Belüftungsgrad [m]
degree of purity Reinheitsgrad [m]
degree of penetration Eindringunngsgrad [m]
degree of coalification Inkohlungsgrad [m]
degree of metamorphism Metamorphosegrad [m]
degree of roundness Zurundungsgrad [m]
degree of compactness Kompaktheit [f]
degree of latitude Breitengrad [m]
degree of longitude Längengrad [m]
degree of intergrowth (coal) Verwachsungsgrad (Kohle) [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of compaction Verdichtungsgrad [m]
degree of consolidation Verfestigungsgrad [m]
degree of temperature Temperaturgrad [m]
degree of hardness Härtegrad [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of loading Beanspruchungsgrad [m]
degree of accuracy Genauigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of resolution Auflösungsgrad [m]
degree of modulation Modulationsgrad [m]
degree of utilization Auslastung [f]
Food Engineering
degree of drying (DOD) Trocknungsgrad [m]
degree of crown/canopy cover Schlussgrad [m]
degree Oechsle (measuring unit for the weight of grape must) Oechslegrad [m]
degree of crown/canopy cover Kronenschluss [m]
degree of crown/canopy cover Deckungsgrad [m]
degree of latitude Breitengrad [m]
degree Oechsle (measuring unit for the weight of grape must) Oechsle [n]
degree of deformation Verformungsgrad [m]
degree of wear Verschleißgrad [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of protection Schutzart [f]
degree of utilization Auslastung [f]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of utilization Benutzungsgrad [m]
degree of compliance Übereinstimmungsgrad [m]
degree of completion Fertigstellungsgrad [m]
degree of separation Vereinzelungsgrad [m]
Wheel Making
degree of wear Abnutzungsgrad [m]
degree of truth Sicherheitsfaktor [m]
degree of truth Konfidenzwert [m]
degree of truth Konfidenzfaktor [m]
degree of implementation Härtegrad [m]
SAP Terms
degree of integration Integrationsgrad [m]
degree of processing Abarbeitungsgrad [m]
overall degree of performance Gesamterfüllungsgrad [m]
degree of fulfillment Erfüllungsgrad [m]
degree of completion Fertigstellungsgrad [m]
probable degree of confidence Sicherheitswahrscheinlichkeit [f]
Electrical Engineering
degree of protection of enclosure IP-Schutzgrad [m]
degree of polymerization Polymerisationsgrad [m]
degree of automation Automatisierungsgrad [m]
degree of ionization Ionisationsgrad [m]
degree of asymmetry Unsymmetriegrad [m]
degree of protection of enclosure Schutzart des Gehäuses [f]
Nuclear Energy
degree of enrichment Anreicherungsgrad [m]
degree of bias distortion Grad der einseitigen Verzerrung [m]
degree of start-stop distortion Start-Stopp-Verzerrungsgrad [m]
conventional degree of distortion vereinbarter Grad der Verzerrung [m]
degree of gross start-stop distortion Gesamt-Start-Stopp-Verzerrungsgrad [m]
degree of individual distortion individueller Verzerrungsgrad [m]
degree of isochronous distortion Isochronverzerrungsgrad [m]
degree of standardized test distortion Standardtest-Verzerrungsgrad [m]
degree of coherence Kohärenzgrad [m]
degree of coverage Versorgungsgrad [m]
degree of acidity Säuregrad [m]
degree of doneness (meat) Garstufe (Fleisch) [f]
degree of doneness (meat) Garstufe [f]
degree of doneness Garstufe [f]
degree of exhaustion Erschöpfungsgrad [m]
degree of crimp Kräuselungsgrad [m]
degree of urgency Dringlichkeitsstufe [f]
degree of disablement Grad der Invalidität
degree of damage Ausmaß des Schadens
tufted (degree of sociability) truppweise wachsend [adj]
tufted (degree of sociability) truppweise wachsend (Soziabilitätsgrad) [adj]
degree of vitality (of a plant species) Vitalitätsgrad [m]
degree of presence Stetigkeit [f]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
index (degree) of the root Wurzelgrad [m]
equation of first degree Gleichung ersten Grades [f]
nodes of odd degree Knoten ungeraden Grades [pl]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of utilisation Auslastungsgrad [m]
degree of detail Detaillierungsgrad [m]
degree of detail Gliederungstiefe [f]
degree of belief Grad der Glaubwürdigkeit
degree of relationship Grad der Blutsverwandtschaft
degree of consanguinity Grad der Blutsverwandtschaft
degree of the scale Tonleiterstufe [f]
degree of the scale Tonstufe [f]
degree of the scale Stufe [f]
dominant (fifth degree of a key) (harmonics) Dominante [f]
leading tone degree (seventh degree of a key) (harmonics) Leittonstufe [f]
mediant (third degree of a key) (harmonics) Mediante [f]
tonic (first degree of a key) (harmonics) Tonika [f]
subdominant (forth degree of a key) (harmonics) Subdominante [f]
submediant (sixth degree of a key) (harmonics) Submediante [f]
supertonic (zweite degree of a key) (harmonics) Supertonika [f]
Paper Terms
degree of digestion Aufschlussgrad [m]
degree of bleaching Bleichgrad [m]
degree of sizing Leimungsgrad [m]
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of humidity Feuchtigkeitsgrad [m]
degree of purity Reinheitsgrad [m]
degree of humidity Feuchtigkeitswert [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of degeneracy Entartungsgrad [m]
degree of polymerization Polymerisationsgrad [m]
degree of contamination Verschmutzungsgrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
Mechanical Engineering
degree of saturation Sättigungsgrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of mobility Beweglichkeitsgrad [m]
Nuclear Technology
degree of decontamination Entseuchungsgrad [m]
degree of polymerization Polymerisationsgrad [m]
degree of deformation Verformungsgrad [m]
degree of heat Wärmegrad [m]
degree of freedom Freiheitsgrad [m]
degree of temperature Temperaturgrad [m]
Water Supply
degree of purification Reinigungsgrad [m]