give rough edge of one's tongue - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch

give rough edge of one's tongue


Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "give rough edge of one's tongue" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 30 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
give rough edge of one's tongue cantar las cuarenta a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue cagar a pedos a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue cantar la cartilla a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue leer la cartilla a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue dar un jabón a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue cardarle la lana a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue dar una soba a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue dar un palo a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue dar un meneo a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue dar una jabonadura a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue echar la gran bronca a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue poner a alguien de vuelta y media [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue echar el broncazo a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue soltar la andanada a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue soltar una andanada a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue echar un rapapolvo a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue jabonar a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue machacarle a alguien las liendres [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue cascarle a alguien las liendres [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue ser corrosivo [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue ser incisivo [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue ser mordaz [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue ser punzante [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue poner como chupa de dómine [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue poner a alguien como un trapo [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue poner a alguien verde [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue poner verde a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue poner tibio a alguien [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue poner como hoja de perejil [v]
give rough edge of one's tongue poner mal a alguien [v]