seriously? - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "seriously?" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 3 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
seriously? ¿de veras?
seriously? ¡no mames! [interj] MX
seriously? ¡no manches! [interj] MX

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "seriously?" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 144 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
seriously seriamente [adv]
seriously gravemente [adv]
seriously gravemente [adv]
seriously seriamente [adv]
someone who is seriously devoted to some subject estudiante [m/f]
hurt seriously the spine or the hip derrengar [v]
think seriously recapacitar [v]
think seriously reflexionar [v]
think seriously cavilar [v]
take something/someone seriously tomar algo/a alguien en serio [v]
be seriously injured ser herido gravemente [v]
take seriously tomar en serio [v]
take something seriously tomarse algo en serio [v]
be taken seriously tomarse en serio [v]
be seriously ill estar enfermo de gravedad [v]
be seriously ill estar enfermo de peligro [v]
speak seriously hablar con seriedad [v]
be seriously wounded estar gravemente herido [v]
approach more seriously abordar algo más en serio [v]
approach more seriously plantearse algo más en serio [v]
approach more seriously planteárselo seriamente [v]
seriously de verdad [adv]
seriously en serio [adv]
seriously ill grave [adj]
seriously formalmente [adv]
take seriously tomar una cosa en serio [v]
a seriously injured or dead cock in a cock-fight baja [f] DO
not taking something seriously festinación [f] DO CL
seriously injured despatarrado [adj] CU
seriously injured desguabinado [adj] CU DO PR
seriously injured desguañingado [adj] CU PR
seriously injured esguañangado [adj] PR
seriously injured esguañingado [adj] PR
seriously injured desguañangado [adj] PR
beat someone viciously leaving them seriously injured despatarrar [v] CU
beat someone viciously leaving them seriously injured desgonzar [v] CU
seriously injure or kill someone, particularly in a fight desgraciarse [v] DO AR CL rare
beat someone viciously leaving them seriously injured desguañingar [v] CU
make a mistake that seriously harms someone else despescuezar [v] SV
seriously commit to something pisar [v] GT
seriously de adeveras [adv] US:Sw MX HN SV NI EC PE BO CL UY
without being taken seriously de afuerita [adv] DO PR
seriously a lo bien [adv] CO
seriously capitalmente [adv] disused
take seriously tomarse algo a la tremenda [v]
talk seriously hablar a las claras [v]
not take anything seriously ser un cachondo [v]
be seriously ill estar enfermo de peligro [v]
be seriously ill estar enfermo de gravedad [v]
be seriously ill estar grave [v]
be seriously ill estar gravemente enfermo [v]
say something without meaning it seriously decir algo con la boca chica [v]
say something without meaning it seriously decir algo con la boca chiquita [v]
say something without meaning it seriously decir algo con la boca pequeña [v]
be seriously ill tener plomo en las alas [v]
take seriously and be affected by tomar a pecho [v]
take seriously and be affected by something tomarse algo a pecho [v]
take seriously and be affected by something tomar algo a pecho [v]
take something seriously tomar a pecho [v]
take something seriously tomarse algo a pecho [v]
take something seriously tomar algo a pecho [v]
take something seriously tomarse algo a pecho [v]
treat a matter seriously tomar un asunto en serio [v]
not to take something seriously tomar algo a broma [v]
not to take something seriously tomar algo a chiste [v]
not to take something seriously tomar algo a chufla [v]
not to take something seriously tomarse algo a guasa [v]
not to take something seriously tomarse algo a chirigota [v]
not to take something seriously tomar algo a coña [v]
not to take something seriously tomarse algo a risa [v]
take seriously or be upset about tomarse algo a pecho [v]
not take seriously tomar algo a broma [v]
not take seriously tomar algo en broma [v]
seriously no, por cierto [v]
take seriously tomar a pecho algo [v]
take seriously tomarse a pecho algo [v]
take seriously tomar a pechos algo [v]
take seriously tomarse a pechos algo [v]
seriously en serio [adv]
seriously de verdad [adv]
seriously en serio
take it seriously tomarse algo a la tremenda
be seriously involved in an issue andar a caballo [v] SV
think about something seriously dar cráneo [v] PR
live carefree, without fulfilling obligations or taking any business or activity seriously estar en la joda [v] PY AR
leave seriously injured hacer turumba [v] CL
talk seriously and openly hablar en pepas [v] BO:W
hit hard or seriously injure hacer aca [v] BO
be seriously injured hacerse bolsa [v] BO CL AR UY
be seriously injured hacerse concha [v] AR
be seriously injured hacerse moco [v] AR UY
be seriously injured hacerse pelota [v] BO AR UY
be seriously injured hacerse pomada [v] BO AR UY
be seriously injured hacerse torta [v] AR UY
seriously injure hacer bolsa [v] BO:W,C CL AR UY
seriously injure hacer bosta [v] BO AR UY
seriously injure hacer cacarear [v] AR:Nw
seriously injure hacer moco [v] AR UY
seriously injure hacer pelota [v] BO AR UY
seriously injure hacer pomada [v] BO AR UY
seriously injure hacer torta [v] AR UY
seriously injure hacerse aca [v] BO
seriously injure hacerse bolsa [v] BO CL AR UY
be seriously injured hacerse aca [v] BO
be seriously injured hacerse bosta [v] BO AR UY
not take seriously tomar a pitoreta [v] HN
not take anything seriously tomar en solfa [v] PY AR UY
not take someone seriously tomar para el churrete [v] AR UY
not take anything seriously tomarse en joda [v] PY AR UY
not take seriously tomar en solfa algo o a alguien [v] AR UY
seriously a lo serio [adv] BO:W
seriously de verdura [adv] SV CU
take a joke way too seriously tomar una broma demasiado en serio [v]
think seriously piensen en serio
you don't value me/take me seriously no me tomas en serio
you don't value me/take me seriously no me valoras
i am seriously offended here estoy realmente ofendido
if you want people to take you seriously then act accordingly si quieres que la gente te tome en serio, actúa en consonancia
don't take it seriously no te lo tomes tan a la tremenda
seriously, though fuera de broma
seriously, though bromas aparte
i don't take you seriously no te tomo en serio
i want to be taken seriously quiero ser tomado en serio
i want to be taken seriously quiero que me tomen en serio
seriously en serio
half seriously mitad en serio
not take something seriously tomar a juerga algo [f]
not to take something seriously tomarse algo a risa [v]
not to take something seriously tomar algo a juego [v]
not to take something seriously tomar algo a juerga [v]
not to take something seriously tomarse algo a chirigota [v]
take seriously tomarse algo a la tremenda [v]
seriously injure tumbar [v]
seriously damaging situation due to wrongdoing nariz sin hueco [f] PA
seriously injured tibio [adj] PE
be seriously harmed by something cagar pilas [v] BO
hit someone and leave them seriously injured descrestar [v] CL
seriously al chile [adv] CR teen
seriously insult mentar la madre [v] MX
seriously injure hacer cagar [v] BO CL AR
seriously insult verbally hijueputear [v] HN NI CO
most seriously affected countries países más gravemente afectados
injure seriously malherir [v]
Wildlife Management
seriously threatened gravemente amenazadas