make one's hair stand on - Türkisch Englisch Wörterbuch

make one's hair stand on


Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "make one's hair stand on" im Türkisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 1 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Türkisch
make one's hair stand on v. tüylerini diken diken etmek

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "make one's hair stand on" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Türkisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 20 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Türkisch
make one's hair stand on end v. korkutmak
make one's hair stand on end v. dehşete düşürmek
make one's hair stand on end v. tüylerini diken diken etmek
make one's hair stand on end v. dehşete düşürmek
make one's hair stand on end v. kanını dondurmak
make one's hair stand on end v. korkutmak
make one's hair stand on end v. ödünü patlatmak
make one's hair stand on end v. tüylerini diken diken etmek
make one's hair stand on end v. üç buçuk attırmak
make one's hair stand on end v. yüreğini ağzına getirmek
make the hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck v. (birinin) tüylerini diken diken etmek
make the hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck v. (birinin) tüylerini ürpertmek
make the hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck v. (birini) dehşete düşürmek
make the hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck v. (birini) korkutmak
make one's hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck v. (birinin) tüylerini diken diken etmek
make one's hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck v. (birinin) tüylerini ürpertmek
make one's hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck v. (birini) dehşete düşürmek
make one's hair stand up on the back of (one's) neck v. (birini) korkutmak
make one's hair stand on end v. ödünü bokuna karıştırmak
make one's hair stand on end v. yusuflatmak