on the trail - Türkisch Englisch Wörterbuch

on the trail

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "on the trail" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Türkisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 10 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Türkisch
on the trail of expr. izinde
on the trail of expr. peşinde
be hot on the trail of something v. bir şeyi bulmak/yakalamak üzere olmak
hot on the trail of (someone or something) adj. (birinin/bir şeyin) ensesinde
hot on the trail of (someone or something) adj. (birinin/bir şeyin) hemen arkasında/peşinde
hot on the trail of (someone or something) adj. (birini/bir şeyi) yakın takipte
hot on the trail of (someone or something) adj. (birinin/bir şeyin) izinde
on the trail of (someone or something) expr. (birinin/bir şeyin) izinde
on the trail of (someone or something) expr. (birinin/bir şeyin) peşinde
on the trail of (someone or something) expr. (birini/bir şeyi) takipte