automated teller machines - Spanish English Dictionary

automated teller machines

Meanings of "automated teller machines" in Spanish English Dictionary : 8 result(s)

English Spanish
automated teller machine telebanco [m]
automated teller machine cajero automático [m]
automated teller machine cajero automático [m]
automated teller machine redbanc [m] CL
automated teller machine cajero automático [m]
automated teller machine cajero automático [m]
automated teller machine dispensador de dinero
automated teller machine dispensador de efectivo

Meanings of "automated teller machines" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 3 result(s)

English Spanish
automated teller machine (atm) cajero automático [m]
atm (automatic teller machine, automated teller machine) cajero automático [m]
Real Estate
automated teller machine transactions transacciones por cajero automático