go round - Spanish English Dictionary

go round


Meanings of "go round" in Spanish English Dictionary : 27 result(s)

English Spanish
go round rodar [v]
go round doblar [v]
go round recorrer [v]
go round versar [v]
go round girar [v]
go round contornear [v]
go round bordear [v]
go round rular [v]
go round rondar [v]
go round rodear [v]
go round tornear [v]
go round andar alrededor [v]
go round difundirse [v]
go round alcanzar para todos [v]
go round dar una vuelta [v]
go round ser suficiente [v]
go round circular [v]
go round dar vueltas [v]
go round ir cogidos de la mano
go round pasar una persona a otra
go round recorrer
go round extenderse de un lugar a otro
go round dar un rodeo [v]
go round contornear [v]
go round doblar un cabo [v]
go round describir un círculo [v]
go round describir un círculo

Meanings of "go round" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 63 result(s)

English Spanish
merry-go-round carrusel [m]
merry-go-round tiovivo [m]
merry-go-round tiovivo [m]
go round the bend perturbarse [v]
merry-go-round caballitos [m/pl]
merry go round conveyor transportador [m]
go round the hillside ladear [v]
go round in circles darle vueltas al mismo tema [v]
go round something rodear algo [v]
go/wind round (a place) contornar [v]
go round to prevent disorders rondar [v]
go/wind round (a place) contornear [v]
merry-go-round tiovivo [m] ES
owner or manager of a merry-go-round calesitero [m] PY AR UY
merry-go-round carrousel (francés) [m] US HN NI CL
merry-go-round caja de muerto [f] PR
owner or manager of a merry-go-round calesitera [f] PY AR UY
merry-go-round calesita [f] EC BO PY AR UY AL
merry-go-round machina [f] PR
go round in circles hacer el círculo [v]
go all round the houses perder tiempo haciendo algo de manera complicada [v]
go all round the houses dar vueltas a un asunto [v]
go all round the houses andar en círculos [v]
go all round the houses andar con rodeos [v]
go all round the houses irse por las ramas [v]
go all round the houses marear la perdiz [v]
go all round the houses dar muchas vueltas [v]
go all round the houses no ser capaz de llegar al punto [v]
go all round the houses andar de un sitio a otro [v]
go round the bend enloquecer [v]
go round in circles andar haciendo círculos [v]
go round in circles entrar en un círculo vicioso [v]
go round in circles estar en un punto muerto [v]
go round the houses divagar [v]
go round the houses darle vueltas a algo [v]
go round the bend intoxicarse con alcohol o drogas [v]
go round the houses no ir al grano [v]
go round the houses perder tiempo haciendo algo de manera complicada [v]
go round the houses dar muchas vueltas [v]
go round the houses andar con rodeos [v]
go round the houses mascullar [v]
go round the houses insultar [v]
go round the houses no ser capaz de llegar al punto [v]
go round the houses andar de un sitio a otro [v]
go round the houses perder tiempo preguntando algo de manera complicada [v]
go round and round dar más vueltas que una noria [v]
go all round the houses andarse por las ramas [v]
go all round the houses andarse con preámbulos [v]
go into the last round dar los ultimos caletazos [v]
not to have enough to go round haber más días que longanizas
go round (uk) bastar
go round (uk) ser suficiente
money makes the world go round poderoso caballero es don dinero
money makes the world go round pisto en mano, culito en tierra GT HN
truth gives a short answer, lies go round about el lenguaje de la verdad es sencillo [old-fashioned]
money makes the world go round poderoso caballero es don dinero
money makes the world go round el dinero mueve al mundo
money makes the world go round con plata se compran huevos CL
money makes the world go round por la plata baila el mono HN NI DO EC BO UY
go round the bend trastornarse [v]
go round the bend volverse loco [v]
go round the bend perturbarse [v]
go round the bend perder el juicio [v]