parliamentary delegation - Turkish English Dictionary

parliamentary delegation

Meanings of "parliamentary delegation" with other terms in English Turkish Dictionary : 6 result(s)

English Turkish
turkish delegation to the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe n. avrupa güvenlik ve işbirliği teşkilatı parlamenter asamblesi türk grubu
turkish delegation to the asian parliamentary assembly for peace n. barış için asyalı parlamentolar birliği türk grubu
turkish delegation to the parliamentary union of the organization of islamic cooperation n. islam konferansı örgütü parlamento birliği türk grubu
turkish delegation to the parliamentary assembly of the black sea economic cooperation n. karadeniz ekonomik işbirliği parlamenter asamblesi türk grubu
turkish delegation to the parliamentary assembly of nato n. nato parlamenter asamblesi türk grubu
turkish delegation to the inter-parliamentary union n. parlamentolararası birlik türk grubu