Inglés | Español | |
Idioms | ||
Idioms | set the thames on fire | poner una pica en Flandes [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar la de dios es cristo [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar la de dios [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar la de san quintín [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar la gorda [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | liar un taco [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | montar una escena [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar un lío [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar un jaleo [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar un cacao [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar un follón [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | encender la pradera [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | obrar maravillas [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | ser un gran éxito [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | causar sensación [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | hacer algo excepcional [v] |
Idioms | set the thames on fire | armar un alboroto [v] |