shade - Anglais Synonymes Dictionnaire


[1] shadow , shade off
[2] fill in , screen , protect , shield , shelter , cover
[3] darken , opaque , black out , blacken
[4] dim , shadow , veil , blot out , cloud , conceal , hide , obscure , shroud , screen , mask , camouflage , disguise
[1] shadow , shadiness , shadowiness , shadiness , dimness , duskiness , semi-darkness , gloominess , murkiness , dusk , gloom , murk , darkness , obscurity , (Literary) shades
[2] tint , tint , tincture , tinge , tone , tone , colour , hue , intensity
[3] hint , intimation , tinge , suggestion , modicum , sprinkling , trace , suspicion , undertone , overtone , touch , speck , dash , nuance , atom , grain , scintilla , iota , jot/tittle
[4] ghost , nuance , nicety , spectre , apparition , subtlety , refinement , phantom , phantasm , spirit , wraith , vision , banshee , (Colloq) spook
[5] blind , window-blind , curtain , venetian blind , lampshade , screen , cover , covering , protection , veil , awning , canopy , shield , shelter , umbrella , parasol
[6] fraction , tad , hair's breadth , bit , hair , (Colloq) smidgen/smidgin
[7] variation , ghost , spook , variety , nuance , wraith , specter , degree , spectre
[8] put (someone) in/into the shade , overshadow , exceed , surpass , outstrip , outclass , eclipse , outshine , best , better , beat , put to shame , outplay , outperform , outdo , (Colloq) run rings/circles around , show up
[9] shades , sun-glasses