square - Anglais Synonymes Dictionnaire


[1] square up
[2] stiffen , throw back , straighten (up) , tense
[3] square with , meet , match (with) , conform to/with , obey , correspond to/with , tally with , accord with , agree with , reconcile with/to
[4] adapt , adjust , change , modify , harmonize , accommodate , arrange , comply with , fit
[5] settle , arrange , come to terms , patch up , clear up , satisfy , fix
[6] feather
[7] feather
[1] foursquare
[2] second power
[3] public square
[4] lame
[5] square toes
[6] rectilinear figure , rectangle , cube , block
[7] plaza , piazza , place , park , (village) green , market-place , market (square) , agora , quadrangle
[8] bourgeois , conservative , conformist , traditionalist , (old) fogy/fogey , die-hard , outsider , (Colloq) stuffed shirt , fuddy-duddy , (US) longhair , L-7 , (Slang) (US) nerd , dweeb
[1] squarely
[2] squarely
[3] squarely
[1] equilateral , quadrangular , rectangular , right-angled , quadrilateral , four-sided , cubic , cubed , six-sided , boxy
[2] equal , on a par , even , on equal terms , settled , balanced
[3] even , true , exact , straight , accurate , precise , correct
[4] honourable , upright , honest , straightforward , fair (and square) , decent , ethical , open , (open and) above-board , right , (right and) proper , clean , just , equitable , (Colloq) on the level , on the up and up
[5] healthful , healthy , nutritious , substantial , solid , full , generous , satisfying , filling , unstinting
[6] naive , innocent , bourgeois , conservative , conventional , unsophisticated , provincial , old-fashioned , conformist , strait-laced , unimaginative , predictable , (Colloq) antediluvian , uptight , out of it , not with it , not in the know , not hip/hep , unhip , stuffy , behind the times , straight , (US) L-7
[7] straight
[8] hearty , satisfying , solid , substantial
[9] straightforward , straight
[10] straight