stack - Anglais Synonymes Dictionnaire


[1] stack up , pile (up) , heap , accumulate , amass , store , stock , stockpile , hoard , collect , aggregate , agglomerate , (Colloq) stash (away) , squirrel away
[2] stack up , pile , heap , make sense , add up , agree , jibe , be verifiable , (Colloq) check outcompare , measure up , hold a candle to , be on a par (with) , be as good as
[1] pile , heap , mound , mass , accumulation , hill , mountain , store , stock , bank , deposit , supply , stockpile , hoard , load , bundle , bale , (Colloq) (US/Canadian) stash
[2] haystack , batch , cock , deal , haycock , flock , good deal , rick , rickle , great deal , hatful , hayrick , (Brit) clamp , heap , lot , mass , mess , mickle , mint , mountain , muckle , passel , peck , pile , plenty , pot , quite a little , raft , sight , slew , spate , tidy sum , wad
[3] collection , push-down list , push-down stack , aggregation , accumulation , agglomeration , amassment , mass , load , pack , amount , abundance , plenty , profusion , volume , array , sea , throng , multitude , swarm , host , number , quantity , pile-up
[4] smokestack , smokestack , chimney , chimney-stack , funnel , Building soil stack
[5] blow one's stack , push-down storage , push-down store , anger , become angry , become furious/infuriated , rage , rant , lose one's temper , (Slang) blow/lose one's cool , get hot under the collar , blow one's top