feed cattle - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire

feed cattle

Sens de "feed cattle" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 12 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
cattle feed pienso [m]
cattle feed pienso [m]
tip of sugar cane, which when green is used to feed cattle cogollo [m] PR rur.
green leaf of the upper part of the sugar cane that does not contain sugar, which is cut and left on the ground as fertilizer or to feed cattle cola [f] PR
tip of sugar cane, which when green is used to feed cattle rama [f] PR
feed salt to cattle salar [v] CR CO EC rur.
feed salt to cattle salar [v] EC rur.
feed maslin to cattle herrenar [v] ES local
cattle feed lot cebadero vacuno
cattle feed alimento para ganado vacuno [m]
Animal Husbandry
cattle feed grass horquetilla [f] PR rur.
mineral salt to feed cattle collpa [f] BO