head stick - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire

head stick

Sens de "head stick" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 20 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
force someone to stick their head under water hocicar [v] PR
force someone to stick their head under water hocicar [v] PR
stick one's head in the sand mirar hacia otro lado [v]
stick one's head above the parapet tener el valor de expresar los que uno piensa [v]
stick one's head above the parapet tomar riesgos [v]
stick one's head above the parapet atreverse a decir lo que uno piensa [v]
stick one's head in the sand enterrar la cabeza en la arena [v]
stick one's head in the sand no enfrentar los problemas [v]
stick one's head in the sand no dar la cara [v]
stick one's head in the sand escurrir el bulto [v]
stick one's head in a noose ponerse a sí mismo en una situación peligrosa [v]
stick one's head in a noose ponerse la soga al cuello [v]
stick one's head in the sand pegar la boca a la pared [v]
stick one's head out sacar la cabeza [v]
stick a bullet in one's head meterle una bala en la cabeza de alguien
(in golf) wooden head stick madera [f]
wobble stick operating head cabezal de funcionamiento oscilante [m]
wobble stick operating head cabezal de marcha oscilante [m]
wobble stick head cabezal de retención oscilante [m]
wire wobble stick head cabezal de retención oscilante del alambre [m]