the joint - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire

the joint


Sens de "the joint" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 1 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
the joint la cárcel

Sens de "the joint" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
joint tenant coarrendatario [m]
joint heir coheredero [m]
joint owner copropietario [m]
joint owner copropietaria [f]
joint heir coheredera [f]
mitre joint inglete [m]
joint author coautor [m]
joint ownership condominio [m]
joint! tugurio [m]
ball-and-socket joint rótula [f]
joint author coautora [f]
joint financing cofinanciación [f]
joint management cogestión [f]
joint production coproducción [f]
out of joint descoyuntado [adj]
joint property gananciales [m/pl]
joint creditor coacreedor [m]
joint partner in renting something coarrendador [m]
joint debtor codeudor [m]
elbow joint codillo [m]
joint heir coheredero [m]
joint-curate combeneficiado [m]
joint owner coposesor [m]
joint possessor coposesor [m]
joint president copresidente [m]
joint owner copropietario [m]
joint redeemer corredentor [m]
joint ruling correinado [m]
joint rule correinado [m]
miter joint inglete [m]
joint will testamento de mancomún [m]
pipe joint filling mastic/mortar zulaque [m]
joint purchasing coadquisición [f]
joint acquisition coadquisición [f]
joint management cogestión [f]
joint cause concausa [f]
joint participation coparticipación [f]
joint production coproducción [f]
joint ownership copropiedad [f]
joint estate copropiedad [f]
joint tenancy copropiedad [f]
joint responsibility corresponsabilidad [f]
joint liability corresponsabilidad [f]
burger joint hamburguesería [f]
hamburger joint hamburguesería [f]
joint responsibility mancomunidad [f]
hock joint rodilla [f]
joint rule sinarquía [f]
joint holder cotitular [m/f]
joint rule sinarca [m/f]
move a joint goncear [v]
joint trustee cofiduciario [m]
straight-joint empalme [m]
pipe joint manguito [m]
joint doer coautor [m]
lap joint empalme [m]
joint property gananciales [m]
arm joint close to chest (animal) codillo [m]
draft joint resolution proyecto de resolución conjunto [m]
welded joint soldadura [f]
joint stock of two gamblers vaca [f]
soldered joint soldadura [f]
joint account cuenta conjunta [f]
joint account cuenta mancomunada [f]
joint bank account cuenta bancaria conjunta [f]
joint chiefs cúpula militar [f]
joint of progress or social group progresía [f]
breeches joint junta en y [f]
breeches joint derivación en y [f]
aluminium joint junta de aluminio (dilatación estructural) [f]
joint creditor coacreedora [f]
joint partner in renting something coarrendadora [f]
joint debtor codeudora [f]
joint heir coheredera [f]
joint owner coposesora [f]
joint possessor coposesora [f]
joint president copresidenta [f]
joint owner copropietaria [f]
joint redeemer corredentora [f]
stoned (from a joint) emporrado [adj]
come out of joint dislocarse [v]
joint custody custodia compartida
joint venture empresa conjunta
joint venture joint venture
joint venture empresa mixta
mortise-and-tenon joint caja y espiga
joint account cuenta conjunta
combined joint income ingresos conjuntos
the joint chiefs junta de jefes
the joint chiefs of staff junta de jefes
pipe joint compound betún [m]
finger-joint artejo [m]
joint-proprietor copropietario [m]
joint creditor coacreedor [m]
joint-purchaser coadquiridor [m]
joint-lessor coarrendador [m]
joint-tenant coarrendatario [m]
joint-tenancy coarrendamiento [m]
joint-assignee coasignatorio [m]
joint-author coautor [m]
joint rule by two kings correinado [m]
joint-debtor codeudor [m]
joint directress codirector [m]
joint-director codirector [m]
joint-elector coelector [m]
joint-heir coheredero [m]
joint-tenant coinquilino [m]
joint-liquidator coliquidador [m]
joint-tutor cotutor [m]
joint-vendor covendedor [m]
joint-curate/prebendary combeneficiado [m]
rights and duties of joint patronage compatronato [m]
joint-holder of a tenure of lands comunero [m]
joint casting of a net by two boats bou [m]
joint of the wing cuento [m]
joint-ownership condominio [m]
joint-donatory condonatario [m]
scarf-joint (carpentry) escarpe [m]
twist/sprain of a joint esguince [m]
joint of the wings in poultry next to the breast encuentro [m]
pipe-joint enchufe [m]
finger-joint nudillo [m]
door strip covering joint with wall tapajuntas [m]
joint-purchaser coadquisidor [m]
hip-joint cadera [f]
joint participation coparticipación [f]
joint-property copropiedad [f]
joint-purchase coadquisición [f]
joint delinquency codelincuencia [f]
joint-heiress coheredera [f]
joint-tutorship cotutela [f]
joint-carrying comportación [f]
joint cause concausa [f]
tie-joint (carpentry) encepadura [f]
fleshy leaf or joint of some plants penca [f]
joint stock of two gambling partners vaca [f]
joint-purchaser coadquiridora [f]
joint creditor coacreedora [f]
joint-lessor coarrendadora [f]
joint-tenant coarrendataria [f]
joint-assignee coasignatoria [f]
joint-author coautora [f]
joint-debtor codeudora [f]
joint directress codirectora [f]
joint-director codirectora [f]
joint-elector coelectora [f]
joint-tenant coinquilina [f]
joint-liquidator coliquidadora [f]
joint-donatory condonataria [f]
joint-proprietor copropietaria [f]
joint-tutor cotutora [f]
joint-vendor covendedora [f]
joint-purchaser coadquisidora [f]
joint plaintiff codemandante [m/f]
joint donor codonante [m/f]
joint-bidder colicitante [m/f]
joint-litigant colitigante [m/f]
joint-owner condómino [m/f]
joint-owner condueño [m/f]
joint session pleno [adj]
put out of joint desconcertarse [v]
as a limited or joint-stock company comanditariamente [adv]
joint-parties to a lawsuit consortes [m/pl]
hock-joint of quadrupeds corvejos [m/pl]
feather-joint (carpentry) encaje de barbilla y farda [m]
flange-joint junta de bridas [m]
joint consent común acuerdo [m]
joint bolt perno [m]
joint-stool asiento plegadizo [m]
joint committee comisión colectiva [f]
joint-stock company compañía por acciones [f]
knee-joint articulación de la rodilla [f]
lap-joint junta solapada [f]
lap-joint ensambladura solapada [f]
swivel-joint rótula [f]
swivel-joint junta articulada [f]
weld-joint junta de soldadura [f]
universal joint junta cardánica [f]
joint-stock company sociedad por acciones [f]
toggle-joint junta de codillo [f]
scarf-joint (carpentry) junta a diente de sierra [f]
out of joint desunido [adj]
out of joint dislocado [adj]
out of joint confuso [adj]
out of joint desconcertado [adj]
out of joint desordenado [adj]
out of joint despegado [adj]
put one's nose out of joint desquiciar a uno [v]
put one's nose out of joint suplantar [v]
joint stock fondos en común [m/pl]
on joint account de cuenta a mitad
joint (marijuana) aparato [m] SV
large marijuana joint burro [m] PE
pipe joint bushin (inglés) [m] HN
fat marijuana joint or cigarette chancho [m] CL
drag of a joint yegue [m] SV
thick joint mazo [m] HN drug
passing of a joint palomita [m] CL drug
rolling of a joint role [m] SV
drag off a joint yegue [m] SV
drag off a joint yonson (inglés junction) [m] SV
drag off a joint yoquis [m] SV
puffing a joint toque [m] MX HN SV NI DO CO PE BO PY
joint-guarantor confiador [m] disused
hot dog joint panchería [f] UY AR
rolling paper (joint) boleta [f] NI
joint paper boleta [f] NI
bone joint bisagra [f] NI DO
disarticulation of a bone from the joint descuyuntura [f] HN
jaw joint carretilla [f] CL
plumbing joint copla [f] PE BO CL
long, uniform soldering joint costura [f] PR
long, uniform welding joint costura [f] PR
joint task force incursión [f] DO PR
half of a joint mioca [f] SV
cigar or joint butt tocola [f] NI CR
joint-guarantor confiadora [f] disused
joint of two things empatadura [f] MX DO PR
feeling pain in a joint due to a dislocation (someone) decoyuntao [adj] DO
roll a joint of cannabis fachar [v] VE
dislocate a joint desbinzar [v] GT disused
dislocate a bone/joint descomponerse [v] SV DO CO rur.
lick the paper of a marijuana cigarette or joint before smoking it curar [v] SV
smoke joint jalar [v] HN
roll a joint enrolar [v] US NI PR
smoke a joint motearse [v] HN SV NI CR
kill a joint matar [v] PR drug
dislocate a joint recalcarse [v] AR UY
roll a joint rolar [v] SV
roll a joint rolear (inglés roll) [v] PE drug
roll a joint ralear [v] PA
twist or dislocate a joint troncharse [v] CO EC CL
twist or dislocate a joint troncharse [v] PE rare
dislocate a joint troncharse [v] NI CO EC
dislocate a joint troncharse [v] PE rare
twist or dislocate a joint tronchar [v] CO
out of joint descoyuntada [adj/f]
joint session plena [adj/f]
out of joint dislocada [adj/f]
out of joint desunida [adj/f]
out of joint desconcertada [adj/f]
out of joint desordenada [adj/f]
out of joint despegada [adj/f]
out of joint confusa [adj/f]
blow the joint volar [v]
blow the joint apretar las calzaderas [v]
blow the joint echar a correr [v]
blow the joint poner pies en polvorosa [v]
blow the joint correr rápidamente [v]
blow the joint salir arreando [v]
blow the joint huirse [v]
case the joint reconocer un lugar (para robar) [v]
class up the joint darle más categoría al evento o al grupo [v]
class up the joint subir de nivel algo [v]
have one's nose out of joint enfadarse [v]
have one's nose out of joint ofenderse [v]
have one's nose out of joint contrariarse [v]
have one's nose out of joint molestarse [v]
blow the joint desaparecer por el foro [v]
blow the joint irse por el foro [v]
be out of joint estar dislocado [v]
put someone's nose out of joint crispar a alguien [v]
put one's nose out of joint estar molesto [v]
put one's nose out of joint estar enfadado [v]
put one's nose out of joint estar irritado [v]
put one's nose out of joint estar fastidiado [v]
put someone's nose out of joint poner nervioso a alguien [v]
put someone's nose out of joint ofender a alguien [v]
put someone's nose out of joint molestar a alguien [v]
put someone's nose out of joint sacar de quicio a alguien [v]
put someone's nose out of joint sacar de las casillas a alguien [v]
have one's nose out of joint no estar en el candelero [v]
make a joint effort remar en la misma dirección [v]
be out of joint estar fuera de quicio [v]
halved (joint) a media madera [adv]
get one's nose out of joint encabronarse
get one's nose out of joint enfadarse
get one's nose out of joint enojarse
get one's nose out of joint irritarse
your nose is out of joint estás enojado
blow the joint demoler
blow the joint derribar
blow the joint hacer estallar
pickup joint bar de ligar
pickup joint sito de ligar
out of joint dislocado
blow the joint darse con los talones en el culo [v] ES
go to a party to smoke joint hacer un bayú [v] PR
eat the butt of a marijuana joint dar el mate [v] PR drug
blow this joint hacerse gas [v] BO
smoke a joint coger una jalaíta [v] PR
kill a joint matar la changa [v] PR
i was joking but she got her nose out of joint estaba bromeando pero ella se molestó
out of joint dislocado
joint [us] sitio [m]
pick up joint puticlub [m]
gin joint un bar
thin joint flautín [m] HN drug
joint, blunt huiro [m] PE CL
joint, blunt güiro [m] PE CL
drag of a joint llegue [m] MX SV drug
drag of a joint jalá [f] PR
drag of a joint jalaíta [f] PR drug
tweezers to smoke the butt of a joint or marijuana cigarette matabacha [f] SV drug
dislocated (bone/joint) desmentido [adj] EC disused rur.
smoke a joint fumarse un caño [v] AR
dislocate one's bone/joint desmentirse [v] EC disused rur.
injure one's bone or joint falsearse [v] MX DO VE AR BO
dislocate a bone or joint falsear [v] DO AR:Nw
smoke a joint fasear [v] AR UY rare
smoke a joint flipearse (inglés) [v] HN
blow this joint botar el pelero [v] VE
blow this joint dejar el pelero [v] VE
blow this joint pitar [v] CU
joint (a marijuana cigarette) bate [m]
strip joint cabaré [m]
burger joint hamburguesería [f]
smoke joint emporrarse [v]
put someone's nose out of joint hinchar los morros a alguien [v]
case the joint hacer el reconocimiento de un lugar antes del robo [v]
blow the joint escabullirse [v]
blow the joint salir pitando [v]
put someone's nose out of joint desairar a alguien [v]
smoke a joint fumar un porro [v]
butt of a joint colilla de porro
the joint la cárcel
joint, blunt guillo [m] PR drug
joint, blunt huato [m] HN drug
joint, blunt hucamayo [m] PR drug
joint operations center centro de operaciones conjuntas [m]
joint consent consentimiento mutuo [m]
joint agreement convenio colectivo [m]
joint owner condómino [m]
joint proprietor condómino [m]
joint proprietor copropietario [m]
joint tenant copropietario [m]
joint lessor coarrendador [m]
joint tenant coarrendatario [m]
joint creditor coacreedor [m]
joint employer compatrono [m]
joint owner condómino [m]
joint owner condómine [m]
joint owner condueño [m]
joint owner coposeedor [m]
joint owner coposesor [m]
joint tenant comunero [m]
joint trustees cofiduciarios [m]
joint assignee cocesionario [m]
joint proprietor copropietario [m]
joint debtor codeudor [m]
joint owner copropietario [m]
joint heir coheredero [m]
joint lessee coarrendatario [m]
joint lessor coarrendador [m]
joint ownership condominio [m]
joint possessor coposeedor [m]
joint possessor coposesor [m]
joint tenant coinquilino [m]
joint director codirector [m]
joint owner codueño [m]
joint tenant copropietario [m]
joint tenancy condominio [m]
joint administrator administrador conjunto [m]
joint administrator administrador mancomunado [m]
joint and several administrator administrador solidario [m]
joint-stock company sociedad anónima [f]
joint return declaración de impuestos conjunta [f]
joint partnership coasociación [f]
joint venture sociedad anónima [f]
joint management codirección [f]
joint possession coposesión [f]
joint venture asociación de capitales [f]
joint property copropiedad [f]
joint proprietor copropietaria [f]
joint return declaración conjunta [f]
joint venture asociación temporal de empresas [f]
joint stock company sociedad anónima [f]
joint venture asociación de empresas [f]
joint tax return declaración de impuestos conjunta [f]
joint venture alianza estratégica [f]
joint correlation correlación conjunta [f]
joint tax return declaración de impuestos conjunta [f]
joint return declaración sobre impuestos conjunta [f]
joint acquisition coadquisición [f]
joint liability mancomunidad [f]
joint ownership coposesión [f]
joint tenancy copropiedad [f]
joint venture coinversión [f]
joint statement declaración conjunta [f]
joint tax return declaración conjunta [f]
joint bank account cuenta bancaria conjunta [f]
joint capitalisation capitalización conjunta [f]
joint capitalization capitalización conjunta [f]
joint estate copropiedad [f]
joint investment coinversión [f]
joint ownership copropiedad [f]
joint possession coposesión [f]
joint tax return declaración conjunta sobre la renta [f]
joint return declaración conjunta sobre la renta [f]
joint owner copartícipe [m/f]
shareholder in a joint stock company accionista comanditario [m/f]
joint holder cotitular [m/f]
joint guarantor cogarante [m/f]
joint surety cogarante [m/f]
joint agent coagente [m/f]
joint and several solidario [adj]
joint and several solidario [adj]
compel joint obligation mancomunar [v]
joint costs costos mancomunados [m/pl]
joint owners copropietarios [m/pl]
joint owners condueños [m/pl]
joint owners copropietarios [m/pl]
joint administrators administradores mancomunados [m/pl]
joint-and-several administrators administradores solidarios [m/pl]
joint demand demanda conjunta
joint managing director codirectora gerente
joint project proyecto en colaboración
joint rate tarifa única
joint supply oferta conjunta
joint venture sociedad temporal
joint debt deuda mancomunada
joint-liability responsabilidad mancomunada
joint debt deuda conjunta
joint resolution resolución conjunta
joint efforts esfuerzos en común
joint committee comisión paritaria
joint action acción colectiva
joint partnership sociedad en nombre colectivo
joint council junta mixta
joint stock bank banco por acciones
joint account cuenta común
joint liability responsabilidad solidaria
joint agreement convenio salarial conjunto
joint product producto conexo
joint stock fondo social
joint debt obligación mancomunada
joint debtor deudor conjunto
joint stock company sociedad comanditaria por acciones
joint ventures cuentas en participación
joint possession tenencia conjunta
joint applicant solicitante conjunto
joint-liability obligación mancomunada
joint venture compañía conjunta
joint working explotación colectiva
joint-contract contrato colectivo
joint product producto compuesto
joint discussions negociaciones conjuntas
joint stock capital de la sociedad
joint stock company sociedad por acciones
joint adventure riesgo colectivo
joint responsibility responsabilidad solidaria
joint-liability responsabilidad conjunta
joint consent común acuerdo
joint stock acciones de la sociedad
joint profit beneficio conjunto
joint guarantor garante conjunto
joint commission comisión mixta
joint manager director adjunto
joint rule regla de compañía
joint state capital capital estatal conjunto
joint committee comisión interparlamentaria
joint and several liability obligación conjunta
joint undertaking empresa en participación
joint account cuenta indistinta
joint action acción conjunta
joint profit ganancia conjunta
joint session sesión conjunta
joint effort esfuerzo mancomunado
joint guarantee garantía conjunta
joint board comisión mixta
joint-stock company sociedad por acciones
joint liability obligación conjunta
joint contract contrato colectivo
joint undertaking empresa colectiva
joint meeting sesión plenaria
joint and several obligation obligación solidaria
joint property comunidad de bienes
joint session sesión plenaria
joint exercise ejercicio combinado
joint signatory signatario colectivo
joint obligor obligado mancomunado
joint venture empresa mixta
joint managing director codirector gerente
joint venture negocio conjunto
joint managing director director gerente adjunto
joint-and-mutual will testamento conjunto y mutuo
joint and several mancomunada y solidariamente
joint committee comité mixto
joint stock bank banco de depósito
joint rate tarifa consolidada
joint action acción combinada
joint financing financiación en común
joint industrial council consejo industrial mixto
joint and several liability responsabilidad conjunta
joint enterprise empresa en participación
joint plan plan de acción conjunta
joint venture empresa en común
joint general manager director general adjunto
joint-liability obligación conjunta
joint property propiedad indivisa