wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole - Turc Anglais Dictionnaire

wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole


Sens de "wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole" dans le Dictionnaire Turc-Anglais : 4 résultat(s)

Anglais Turc
wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole expr. tırnağının ucuyla bile dokunmaz
wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole expr. asla bulaşmaz
wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole expr. işi olmaz
wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole expr. bir metre bile yaklaşmaz

Sens de "wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Turc : 24 résultat(s)

Anglais Turc
wouldn't touch someone or something with a ten-foot pole v. tırnağının ucuyla bile dokunmamak
I wouldn't touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. (birine/bir şeye) tırnağımın ucuyla bile dokunmam/dokunmazdım
I wouldn't touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. (birine/bir şeye) asla bulaşmam/bulaşmazdım
I wouldn't touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. (biriyle/bir şeyle) işim olmaz
I wouldn't touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. (biri/bir şey) benden uzak olsun
I wouldn't touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. (birine/bir şeye) bir metre bile yaklaşmam/yaklaşmazdım
I wouldn't touch (someone or something) with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. hiç işim olmaz
I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole [cliché] expr. ona tırnağımın ucuyla bile dokunmam/dokunmazdım
I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole [cliché] expr. ona asla bulaşmam/bulaşmazdım
I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole [cliché] expr. onunla işim olmaz
I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole [cliché] expr. benden uzak olsun
I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole [cliché] expr. ona bir metre bile yaklaşmam/yaklaşmazdım
I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole [cliché] expr. hiç işim olmaz
wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole expr. ona bir metre bile yaklaşmaz
wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole expr. onunla işi olmaz
wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole expr. onunla alakası olmaz
wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole expr. ona tırnağının ucuyla bile dokunmaz
wouldn't touch something/someone with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. birine/bir şeye tırnağının ucuyla bile dokunmaz
wouldn't touch something/someone with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. birine/bir şeye asla bulaşmaz
wouldn't touch something/someone with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. biriyle/bir şeyle işi olmaz
wouldn't touch something/someone with a ten-foot pole [us] expr. birine/bir şeye bir metre bile yaklaşmaz
I wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole expr. benden uzak olsun
I wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole expr. ona bir metre bile yaklaşmam
I wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole expr. onunla işim olmaz