money account - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük

money account


Meanings of "money account" in Spanish English Dictionary : 2 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
money account cuenta en efectivo
money account cuenta de caja

Meanings of "money account" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 16 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
one having to render account of money held in trust cuentadante [m/f]
one having to render account of money held in trust cuentadante [adj]
pay money on account socorrer [v]
bank document that certifies the deposit of money in a savings or fixed-term account certificado [m] HN NI CR PE
amount of money that is deposited in a bank account consignación [f] CO
debited from an account (money) debitado [adj] GT HN NI CR DO PR VE EC
debit money from an account debitar (inglés to debit) [v] AMER
deposit money in a bank account consignar [v] CO
money market account cuenta del mercado monetario
money market deposit account cuenta de depósito del mercado monetario
pooled money investment account cuenta de inversión del fondo común
money market deposit account cuenta de depósito del mercado monetario
money market account cuenta del mercado monetario
withdraw money from the account retirar dinero de la cuenta [v]
withdraw money from an account retirar dinero de la cuenta [v]
Real Estate
money market account cuenta bancaria invertida en el mercado monetario [f]