nursing - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "nursing" in German English Dictionary : 18 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
nursing säugend [adj]
nursing pflegerisch [adj]
nursing pflegend [adj]
nursing Pflege [f]
nursing Pflegehilfe [f]
nursing Krankenpflege [f]
nursing Pflege (Kranken-) [f]
nursing Stillen [n]
nursing aufziehend
nursing hegend
nursing stillend
nursing pflegend
nursing pflegen
nursing schonend behandelnd
nursing nährend
nursing schürend
nursing Krankenpflege [f]
nursing professionelle Pflege

Meanings of "nursing" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 153 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
nursing bra Still-BH [m]
nursing case Pflegefall [m]
nursing room Wickelraum [m]
nursing auxiliary Hilfspfleger [m]
nursing service Pflegedienst [m]
course for nursing at home Kurs für Krankenpflege zu Hause [m]
elder in need of nursing pflegebedürftigter Ältester [m]
handicapped person in need of nursing hilfsbedürftiger Behinderter [m]
handicapped person in need of nursing behinderter Pflegebedürftiger [m]
nursing home Pflegeanstalt [f]
nursing break Stillpause [f]
team nursing Gruppenpflege [f]
nursing anamnesis Pflegeanamnese [f]
nursing history Pflegegeschichte [f]
nursing auxiliary Schwesternhelferin [f]
nursing for the aged Altenpflege [f]
nursing care insurance Pflegeversicherung [f]
nursing care Krankenpflege [f]
nursing need Pflegebedürftigkeit [f]
dental nursing Dental-Krankenpflege [f]
elder in need of nursing pflegebedürftigte Älteste [f]
family nursing Familienpflegerin [f]
head nursing Stationsleitung [f]
nursing home Altenpflegeheim [n]
nursing home Pflegeheim [n]
nursing home for the elderly Altenpflegeheim [n]
nursing home Altenheim [n]
nursing home Seniorenheim [n]
nursing staff Pflegepersonal [n]
nursing home Pflegewohnheim [n]
bottle nursing Füttern mit der Flasche [n]
bottle nursing Flaschenfüttern [n]
nursing cases Pflegefälle [pl]
nursing homes Pflegeheime [pl]
nursing homes Altenpflegeheime [pl]
nursing rooms Wickelräume [pl]
nursing homes Pflegeanstalten [pl]
nursing services Pflegedienste [pl]
nursing homes Pflegeeinrichtungen [pl]
nursing mother stillende Mutter
home nursing service ambulanter Pflegedienst
home nursing häusliche Krankenpflege
candidates with a background in geriatric nursing Bewerber mit Erfahrung in Altenpflege
nursing bottle Saugflasche
emergency nursing Intensivtherapiepflege
nursing sister Ordensschwester
nursing bottle Babyfläschchen
nursing sister Oberschwester
emergency nursing Intensivpflege
nursing insurance Pflegeversicherung [f]
nursing expenses Pflegekosten [pl]
legal (job-)protection for expectant and nursing mothers Mutterschutz [m]
EU Terms
nursing care Krankenpflege [f]
nursing staff Krankenpflegepersonal [n]
recovery of nursing care costs Pflegeregress [m]
nursing care allowance Pflegegeld [n]
nursing care insurance Pflegeversicherung [f]
health and nursing management Gesundheits- und Pflegemanagement [n]
institute for nursing sciences Institut für Pflegewissenschaft
nursing care management Pflege- und Betreuungswesen
nursing management Pflegedienstleitung [f]
nursing staff Krankenpflegepersonal [n]
nursing staff Pflegemitarbeiter [pl]
nursing service Pflegedienst [m]
nursing case Pflegefall [m]
legal protection of expecting and nursing mothers Mutterschutz [m]
Board of Nursing Pflegekammer [m]
nursing allowance Pflegesatz [m]
nursing care plan Pflegeplan [m]
nursing process Pflegeprozess [m]
nursing process (six steps) Pflegeprozess [m]
nursing process (four steps) Pflegeprozess [m]
nursing theorist Pflegetheoretiker [m]
nursing report Pflegebericht [m]
geriatric and nursing care Alten- und Krankenpflege [f]
senior nursing officer Oberschwester [f]
nursing home Entbindungsklinik [f]
nursing history Geschichte der Krankenpflege [f]
anesthesia nursing Anästhesiepflege [f]
nursing staff paging system Schwesternrufanlage [f]
paediatric nursing care Kinderkrankenpflege [f]
nursing home Privatklinik [f]
nursing care Krankenpflege [f]
home care nursing service ambulante Pflege [f]
nursing outcome classification Pflegeergebnisklassifikation [f]
nursing staff Schwesternschaft [f]
home care nursing service ambulante Krankenpflege [f]
geriatric nursing Altenpflege [f]
senior nursing staff Pflegedienstleitung [f]
team nursing Gruppenpflege [f]
teaching nursing Pflegepädagogik [f]
functional nursing Funktionspflege [f]
area nursing Bereichspflege [f]
transitional/interim nursing Übergangspflege [f]
Primary care nursing Zimmerpflege [f]
Primary nursing Bezugspflege [f]
primary nursing Primärpflege [f]
head of nursing staff Pflegedienstleitung [f]
quality of nursing care Pflegequalität [f]
holistic nursing Ganzheitspflege [f]
nursing care insurance Pflegeversicherung [f]
nursing assessment Pflegeanamnese [f]
nursing courses Krankenpflegeausbildung [f]
nursing education (theory) Pflegepädagogik [f]
nursing diagnosis Pflegediagnose [f]
nursing ethics Pflegeethik [f]
nursing intervention Pflegeintervention [f]
nursing goal Pflegeintention [f]
nursing rounds Pflegevisite [f]
nursing theory Pflegetheorie [f]
nursing research Pflegeforschung [f]
nursing ethos Pflegeethos [n]
nursing personnel Pflegepersonal [n]
nursing personnel pflegerisches Personal [n]
nursing staff Pflegepersonal [n]
hospital nursing staff Krankenhauspflegepersonal [n]
nursing home Pflegeheim [n]
study of nursing Pflegestudium [n]
Department of Nursing Pflegereferat [n]
Nursing Act Krankenpflegegesetz [n]
nursing degree course Pflegestudium [n]
nursing concept Pflegeleitbild [n]
nursing model Pflegeleitbild [n]
nursing problem Pflegeproblem [n]
nursing objective Pflegeziel [n]
nursing ritual Pflegeritual [n]
nursing system Pflegesystem [n]
nursing staff Pflegekräfte [pl]
nursing homes Pflegeheime [pl]
levels of nursing care Pflegestufen [pl]
psychiatric nursing psychiatrische Krankenpflege
nursing care at home or in hospital Betreuung {f} durch Pflegepersonal zu Hause oder im Krankenhaus
professional nursing professionelle Pflege
transcultural nursing transkulturelle Pflege
evidence-based nursing Evidence-based-nursing
complementary nursing techniques komplementäre Pflegetechniken
coronary care nursing kardiologische Intensivpflege
german association for nursing professionals Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe e.V.
german educational council for nursing professionals Deutscher Bildungsrat für Pflegeberufe
north american nursing diagnosis association Nordamerikanische Pflegediagnosenvereinigung (NANDA)
nursing minimum data set Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS)
nursing interventions classification Klassifikation der Pflegeinterventionen (NIC)
nursing process (six steps) 6-Stufen-Modell
nursing outcomes classification Klassifikation der Pflegeergebnisse (NOC)
nursing process (four steps) 4-Stufen-Modell (WHO)
nursing research Nursing Research
working party of german nursing associations Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Schwesternverbände e.V
primary nursing Primary nursing
nursing home for the elderly Altenpflegeheim [n]
SAP Terms
nursing insurance Pflegeversicherung [f]
nursing care insurance Pflegeversicherung [f]
nursing foal Saugfohlen [n]
nursing home Pflegeheim [n]