dead - Englisch Synonyme Wörterbuch


[1] depth(s) , extreme , midst , middle
[1] completely , entirely , absolutely , totally , utterly , categorically , thoroughly , unconditionally , unqualifiedly
[2] completely , entirely , absolutely , totally , abruptly , suddenly
[3] directly , exactly , precisely , short
[4] perfectly
[1] deceased , defunct , extinct , gone , departed , late , lifeless , no more , (Colloq) done for , (Slang) (Brit) gone for a burton
[2] insensate , insensible , numb , paralysed , benumbed , unfeeling
[3] insensible , unconscious , out , dead to the world , deathlike , deathly
[4] insensitive , unemotional , unfeeling , emotionless , apathetic , lukewarm , cool , cold , frigid , unresponsive , unsympathetic , indifferent , unconcerned , uninterested , numb , wooden , callous , hardened , impervious , inured , inert
[5] out , all in , beat , smothered , extinguished , bushed
[6] inanimate , lifeless , inert , inorganic
[7] extinct , obsolete , perished , past , outmoded , disused , expired , pass
[8] barren , numb , unfruitful , infertile , unproductive
[9] tired (out) , exhausted , worn out , fatigued , tired out , spent , collapsing , in a state of collapse , (Slang) bushed , beat , (Brit) knackered , (US/Canadian) pooped
[10] dull , lustreless , flat , neutral , vapid , empty , bland , colourless , grey , beige , dun
[11] stagnant , idle , motionless , still , standing , static , inert , unmoving , inactive , quiet , calm
[12] boring , stagnant , dull , tedious , tiresome , monotonous , prosaic , uninteresting , run-of-the-mill , ordinary , commonplace , dry , insipid , bland , flat , two-dimensional , lifeless , stiff , rigid , stony
[13] dull , muffled , deadened , anechoic , unresounding , non-resonant
[14] complete , entire , total , absolute , downright , thorough , through and through , utter , all-out , out-and-out , unqualified , unrelieved , unbroken , categorical , outright
[15] profound , deep
[16] sudden , abrupt , complete , full
[17] certain , sure , unerring , exact , precise , accurate , crack
[18] drained