the novel - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch

the novel

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "the novel" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 82 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
make a novel out of novelar [v]
melodramatic novel folletín [m]
pulp novel folletín [m]
serialized novel folletín [m]
romance novel libro de caballerías [m]
novel-loving man novelero [m]
romance novel romance [m]
photo novel fotonovela [f]
graphic novel historieta [f]
byzantine novel novela bizantina [f]
apprentice novel novela de aprendizaje [f]
apprentice novel novela de formación [f]
thesis novel novela de tesis [f]
gothic novel novela gótica [f]
historical novel novela histórica [f]
morisco novel novela morisca [f]
pastoral novel novela pastoril [f]
picaresque novel novela picaresca [f]
serial novel novela por entregas [f]
romantic novel novela rosa [f]
sentimental novel novela sentimental [f]
social novel novela social [f]
novel-loving woman novelera [f]
graphic novel artist historietista [m/f]
having characteristics of a novel anovelado [adj]
novel-worthy novelable [adj]
pertaining to novel writing novelador [adj]
pertaining to telling a story in the form of a novel novelador [adj]
novel-loving novelero [adj]
characteristic of a novel novelesco [adj]
tell a story in the form of a novel novelar [v]
pulp novel novelón [m]
graphic novel tebeo [m]
great novel novelón [m]
picaresque novel picaresca [f]
a kind of novel adulcionaria [f]
the state of being original or novel originalidad [f]
a short novel novela [f]
documentary novel novela testimonio [f]
documentary novel novela documental [f]
documentary novel novela histórica [f]
adventure novel novela de aventuras [f]
novel-writer novelista [m/f]
apt to putting into a novel novelable [adj]
make into a novel novelar [v]
adapt (a book/novel) into a movie/film adaptar (un libro/novela) a una película [v]
adapt (a book/novel) into a movie/film adaptar (un libro/novela) a un largometraje [v]
a spy novel una novela de espionaje
a spy novel una novela de espías
a kind of novel novela de adulción
a kind of novel novela adulcionaria
crime novel novela policíaca
detective novel novela policíaca
western novel novela del oeste
episode (a play/novel) lance [m]
short novel/anecdote historieta [f]
argument of a play/novel trama [f]
tear-jerker (novel, song, or tv show) cebolla [f] CL
novel that narrates events framed in the context of the hired killer, referencing the events that occurred in the 1980s and early 1990s in medellin sicaresca [f] CO:W
tear-jerker (novel, song, or tv show) cebollero [adj] CL
tear-jerker (novel, song, or tv show) cebollento [adj] CL
novel enthusiast novedoso [adj] rare
dime novel novelucha
dime novel novelita
dime novel novela barata
novel or sophisticated item chiche [m] CL PE AR
a bathetic novel romántico
a bathetic novel sensiblero
a bathetic novel sentimental
be a bathetic novel ser un sentimentaloide
be a bathetic novel ser un sentimental
novel foods alimentos nuevos
novel drugs drogas nuevas
novel therapies terapias nuevas
novel treatments tratamientos nuevos
novel antipsychotics antipsicóticos nuevos
novel antipsychotics antipsicóticos nuevos
novel drugs drogas nuevas
novel therapies terapias nuevas
novel treatments tratamientos nuevos
denouement (the final resolution of a plot, as of a drama or novel) solución [f]
dénouement (the final resolution of a plot, as of a drama or novel) solución [f]