bull! - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "bull!" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
young bull novillo [m]
attracting the bull from a man in danger quite [m]
bull run encierro [m]
bull toro [m]
bull session tertulia [f]
fight a bull torear [v]
bull mastiff dogo [m]
bull pen encierro [m]
bull cornúpeta [m]
bull fiera [f]
dragging the bull out of the arena arrastradero [m]
spanish fighting bull astado [m]
crusade bull messenger bulero [m]
young bull challenged with a cape capeón [m]
bull calf choto [m]
young bull between 4 and 5 years old cuatreño [m]
papal bull decreto [m]
locking up a bull enchiqueramiento [m]
penning a bull enchiqueramiento [m]
bull bred on the banks of the jarama jarameño [m]
fire bull jubillo [m]
fire bull jubilo [m]
miura bull miura [m]
spanish fighting bull miura [m]
large bull morlaco [m]
bull nose ring narigón [m]
bull-headed person necio [m]
young bull caretaker novillero [m]
young bull novillo [m]
side blow to a bull with a lance paletazo [m]
bull-fighter's assistant picador [m]
bull-fighter's assistant piconero [m]
bull-fighter who delivers the coup de grâce puntillero [m]
bull ring ruedo [m]
bull semental [m]
reserve bull sobrero [m]
bull toro [m]
fireworks frame in the shape of a bull toro de fuego [m]
fire bull toro de fuego [m]
bull with sparklers on its horns running at a festival toro de fuego [m]
spanish fighting bull toro de lidia [m]
spanish fighting bull toro de muerte [m]
fighting bull without wooden balls on its horns toro de puntas [m]
fire bull toro de ronda [m]
bull with sparklers on its horns running at a festival toro de ronda [m]
bull used in bullfighting at public festivals toro del aguardiente [m]
fire bull toro jubillo [m]
bull with sparklers on its horns running at a festival toro jubillo [m]
papal bull bula [f]
papal bull regarding fasting on certain days bula de carne [f]
papal bull regarding disposal of property bula de composición [f]
papal bull regarding funeral rites bula de difuntos [f]
bull of the crusade bula de la cruzada [f]
bull of the crusade bula de la santa cruzada [f]
papal bull regarding consumption of dairy by clergy bula de lacticinios [f]
golden bull bula de oro [f]
bull fee componenda [f]
bull constitución pontificia [f]
papal bull constitución pontificia [f]
dodge or taunt a bull lidia [f]
crescent-shaped blade on a wooden pole used to hamstring a fighting bull medialuna [f]
bull boat pelota [f]
fireworks frame in the shape of a bull tora [f]
fire bull tora [f]
bull herd torada [f]
bull used in popular festivities for the first bullfight of the morning vaca del aguardiente [f]
bullfighter's thrust at a bull vara [f]
bull speculator alcista [m/f]
bull-headed necio [adj]
bull-headedness necio [adj]
bull-headed terco [adj]
slay a bull atronar [v]
grab the bull by the tail colear [v]
make a bull butt in the air desarmar [v]
lock up a bull enchiquerar [v]
pen a bull enchiquerar [v]
stall the bull entorilar [v]
have dodged or taunted a bull lidiarse [v]
wound the bull (bullfighting) varear [v]
papal bull letras expectativas [f/pl]
team of mules that drag the dead bull from the bullring mulillas [f/pl]
yearling beef bull añojo [m]
bull morlaco [m]
bull astado [m]
bull cuento chino [m]
bull bulo [m]
young cow or bull ternero [m]
young cow or bull becerro [m]
pit bull terrier pitbull [m]
being thrown up into the air by the bull (bullfighting) volteretón [m]
bull with a long cowlike nose cariavacado [m]
a young bull between 1 and 2 years old añojo [m]
a young bull between 2 and 3 years old eral [m]
castrated bull buey [m]
bull-roarer zumba [f]
fence around inside of a bull ring barrera [f]
papal bull bula papal [f]
papal bull bula pontificia [f]
young cow or bull ternera [f]
wild bull hunting vaquería [f]
(bull) horn wound cornada [f]
bull horn asta de toro [f]
bull-headed person necia [f]
young bull caretaker novillera [f]
a young bull between 3 and 4 years old utrero [m/f]
a young bull between 4 and 5 years old cuatreño [m/f]
nape of neck (bull) testuz [m/f]
tossed between horns of bull encunado [adj]
tossed on the horns of bull encunado [adj]
play the bull using the cape capear [v]
kill a bull by a stab on the nape of the neck atronar [v]
shoot the bull darle a la lengua [v]
pierce banderillas into the neck of bull clavar banderillas [v]
sound of a cow or bull mu [interj]
sitting bull toro sentado
a bull in a china shop un elefante en la chatarrería
bull shark tiburón toro
spanish fighting bull toro bravo
spanish fighting bull toro de lidia
banbury story of a cock and a bull una historia sin pies ni cabeza
sitting bull toro sentado (el indio norteamericano)
bull-fighter who delivers the coup de grace cachetero [m]
a matador's assistant who sticks the banderillas into the bull banderillero [m]
young bull becerro [m]
fighting bull bicho [m]
bull-fighter who challenges and tricks the bull with his cloak capeador [m]
challenging and teasing a bull with a cloak capeo [m]
young bull challenged with a cloak capeón [m]
short, bright-colored cloak, used by bull-fighters capote [m]
bull-fighter diestro [m]
bull diploma [m]
bull-killing descabello [m]
bullfighter who kills the bull with a sword espada [m]
bull-dog mastín [m]
bull-fighter who uses the rejón rejoneador [m]
young bull novillejo [m]
young bull/ox novillo [m]
stallion, ram or bull kept for breeding purposes reproductor [m]
bull-fighter who kills the bull puntillero [m]
horseman bull-fighter piconero [m]
fighting bull of light hazel color lombardo [m]
young bull with horns tipped morucho [m]
bellow of a bull/ox mugido [m]
bull-ring ruedo [m]
bull-ring redondel [m]
last row of seats in a bull-ring tabloncillo [m]
bull-fighter toreador [m]
bull-fighting toreo [m]
bull-fighter torero [m]
little bull torillo [m]
small bull torito [m]
manner of killing a bull volapié [m]
row of seats (circus/bull ring) tendido [m]
fine appearance and spirit of the fighting-bull trapío [m]
one of the three stages in fighting a bull tercio [m]
exciting the bull with a red flag trasteo [m]
bull-dog bulldog (inglés) [m]
bull-fighter matador [m]
grandstand (bull-ring) andanada [f]
bull-baiting algarrada [f]
second row of seats in the inner barrier in a bull-ring contrabarrera [f]
act of the bull in catching the bull-fighter cogida [f]
bull-fighters' red flag muleta [f]
pontifical brevet/bull expedición [f]
bull granting dubious benefices impetra [f]
bull-fight lidia [f]
bull-fighter's goad pica [f]
cock-and-bull story patraña [f]
pass in bull-fighting verónica [f]
figure of a bull in fireworks toquilla [f]
art of bull-fighting tauromaquia [f]
picador's thrust at a bull vara [f]
stallion, ram or bull kept for breeding purposes reproductora [f]
bull or heifer from two to three years old utrero [m/f]
big-horned (bull) cornalón [adj]
said of a fighting bull with a broken horn despitorrado [adj]
piebald (bull) cárdeno [adj]
said of a bull with defective vision burriciego [adj]
bull that has been a sire madrigado [adj]
relating to bull-fighters torero [adj]
strike the bull with the poniard acachetar [v]
kill a bull atronar [v]
provoke (the bull) citar [v]
fight (bull) correr [v]
fell a bull by twisting his tail colear [v]
challenge and trick a bull with a cloak capear [v]
trick a bull with a capote capotear [v]
bring a bull into the arena or open field desacorralar [v]
make a bull butt in the air desarmar [v]
kill the bull by stabbing him in the cervix descabellar [v]
kill the bull by stabbing it in the cervix descordar [v]
shut the bull in the chiquero enchiquerar [v]
stall the bull entorilar [v]
thrust a rejón into a bull rejonear [v]
mate a bull to cows torear [v]
play the bull with the red cloak trastear [v]
bull-fight toros [m/pl]
horns of a bull puntas [f/pl]
bull tonterías [f/pl]
bull pamplinas [f/pl]
bull disparate [m]
spanish bull-dog alano [m]
bull-dog revólver de calibre grande [m]
bull-dog perro de presa [m]
cock-and-bull-story cuento exagerado [m]
soap-bull jabonete [m]
slaying a bull atronamiento [m]
bull-baiting lidia de toros con perros [f]
bull-fight corrida de toros [f]
cock-and-bull-story patraña [f]
soap-bull bola de jabón [f]
bull-faced cariancho [adj]
bull-baiting combate de toros y perros
john bull tipo del pueblo inglés
man who throws a bull by twisting its tail coleador [m] VE MX
stockade in bull-rings templador [m] PE rare
bull despropósito [m] fig.
wild unbranded bull in the savanna cachilapo [m] VE
large wild bull bigarro [m] VE
breeding bull padrote [m] CAM DO PR CO VE
bull-holder arcial [m] MX rur.
strong untamed bull bigarro [m] VE
bull herb calauchín [m] AR:Nw
big and strong untamed bull bigarro [m] VE
bull pen bull pen (inglés) [m] US GT HN NI CU
wooden frame for building the fire bull (loaded with fireworks and carried around town during festivals) cacaste [m] HN SV NI
ghost in the form of a bull/cow skeleton that charges at pedestrians at night (popular mythology) cacaste [m] NI
wooden frame for building the fire bull (loaded with fireworks and carried around town during festivals) cacastle [m] MX GT
wide strip of leather that surrounds the body of the bull behind the front legs and serves to hold the one who rides in bull riding cincho [m] MX GT HN
whip made from a bull penis danto [m] NI rur.
bull guagra [m] EC rur.
bull huagra [m] EC
group of the females of a bull hembraje [m] CO VE EC BO CL PY UY
group of the females of a bull hembraje [m] PE AR rur.
bull huagra [m] EC
bull guagra [m] EC
bull calf mamón [m] BO:E rur.
bull wheel malacate [m] PR
unshod bull calf maute [m] VE
bull snout ring with rope to make the bull docile narizón [m] PR rur.
bull snout ring nariguero [m] PA
bull producing offspring with no horns mochador [m] UY derog.
bull strap pechal [m] MX
thin bull pellejo [m] HN rur.
man who runs after a bull and pulls its tail rabeador [m] PA
bull horn trumpet pututu [m] AR:Nw BO
young strong bull rejego [m] NI
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running around the square toroencuetado [m] HN
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running around the square torofuego [m] HN
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running through a crowd torito [m] GT PE
bull testicles talchinaste [m] HN
fire bull torito [m] GT PE
tamed bull toro alzado [m] BO
bull used in a bullfight toro de jocheo [m] BO:E
fire bull toroencuetado [m] HN
fire bull torofuego [m] HN
bull fight participant that takes down the bull by the tail coleador [m] MX VE
average brave breed bull morucho [m] ES local
castrated bull for meat novillo [m] MX CU VE AR UY
bull strap pechal [m] MX
bull racero [m] HN
last row of seats in a bull ring tabloncillo [m] rare
stud bull toruno [m] CL UY
tumbler (toy) used at bull-fights botarga [f] rur. rare
improvised bull ring barrera [f] NI
wide container, typically of glass, for preparing bull bulera (del inglés) [f] PR
bull-fighting festivities celebrated on the colombian atlantic coast fiesta de corralejas [f] CO:N
mexican bull snake nest cencuatera [f] MX
rudimentary enclosure sometimes erected on the street or in a plaza to celebrate bull fighting festivals corralera [f] CO:N
long passageway formed by two fences provided with stands for the public, in which bull are run manga de coleo [f] VE
bull penis whip reata [f] NI CR disused
bull nose ring prendedora [f] HN rur.
bull nose ternilla [f] PE
bull fight fiesta nacional [f] ES
bull granting dubious benefices impetra [f] rare
bull nose ring naricera [f] HN VE
bull nose ring nariguera [f] MX HN CO EC
roan (bull) aradao [adj] DO
with one horn turned downward (bull) cachicorneto [adj] VE
in heat (bull) envacado [adj] CR rur.
bull knocked down by pulling its tail coleado [adj] VE
bull-headed atestado [adj] rare
restrain a bull in order to mount it apiolar [v] CR:Nw rur.
rope a horse or bull apealar [v] CL AR disused
put a bull in the same pen with the cows to mate them entorar [v] AR UY rur.
inseminate a cow (bull) correr [v] MX rur.
get close to a bull in a bull fight embraguetarse [v] MX rur.
ride a bull without gear pellejear [v] HN
ride a bull bareback pellejear [v] HN
take down a bull by the tail colear [v] MX CO VE
with one hand in front and the other in back (specifically when mounting a bull) almuerciado [adv] CR:Nw
piebald (bull) cárdena [adj/f]
bull that has been a sire madrigada [adj/f]
big-horned (bull) cornalona [adj/f]
relating to bull-fighters torera [adj/f]
said of a bull with defective vision burriciega [adj/f]
bull-faced cariancha [adj/f]
tossed between horns of bull encunada [adj/f]
tossed on the horns of bull encunada [adj/f]
cock-and-bull story camelo [m]
take the bull by the horns coger el toro por los cuernos [v]
be as strong as a bull ser tan fuerte como un toro [v]
grab the bull by the horns coger el toro por los cuernos [v]
take the bull by the horns atacar el problema [v]
take the bull by the horns encarar los asuntos con determinación [v]
take the bull by the horns proseguir una obra con valentía [v]
take the bull by the horns tomar el toro por las guampas [v]
take the bull by the horns tomar el toro por las astas [v]
take the bull by the horns tener coraje para hacer frente a los retos [v]
take the bull by the horns hacer frente a los retos sin demora [v]
take the bull by the horns tomar el toro por los cuernos [v]
be full of bull decir tonterías [v]
be full of bull decir cosas absurdas [v]
to wear bull-fighter's costume vestirse de luces [v]
grab the bull by the horns agarrar al toro por los cuernos [v]
become a fully professional bull-fighter dar la alternativa [v]
become a fully professional bull-fighter tomar la alternativa [v]
take the bull by the horns coger al toro por los cuernos [v]
take the bull by the horns agarrar el toro por los cuernos [v]
grab the bull by the horns coger el toro por los cuernos [v]
grab the bull by the horns agarrar el toro por los cuernos [v]
be in the bull pen estar listo para actuar [v]
be like a red rag to a bull ser un motivo de enojo [v]
be like a red rag to a bull ser una provocación [v]
be like a bull in a china shop entrar como un elefante en una cacharrería [v]
be as awkward as a bull in a china shop entrar como un elefante en una cacharrería [v]
be like a bull in a china shop ser como chivo en cristalería [v]
be as awkward as bull in a china shop ser como chivo en cristalería [v]
shoot the bull estar de palique [v]
shoot the bull estar de parloteo [v]
shoot the bull estar de cháchara [v]
shoot the bull chismear [v]
shoot the bull estar de charla [v]
tell a cock and bull story decir bolazos [v]
be like a bull in a china shop ser como un elefante en una cacharrería [v]
be as strong as a bull ser fuerte como un toro [v]
be as strong as a bull ser más fuerte que un roble [v]
be gored (by a bull etc.) sufrir una cogida [v]
take the bull by the horns irse a la cabeza del toro [v]
grab the bull by the horns tomar el toro por los cuernos [v]
grab the bull by the horns tomar el toro por las astas [v]
carefully approach a bull ganar la cara [v]
grab the bull by the horns echar el pecho al agua [v]
be the first bull in a bullfight romper plaza [v]
thrust at a bull poner varas (vaqueros y picadores) [v]
as the bull passes de sobaquillo [adv]
a cock-and-bull story un camelo
a cock-and-bull story una patraña
a cock-and-bull story una historia increíble y absurda
a cock-and-bull story un cuento chino
a cock-and-bull story un cuento del tío
a cock-and-bull story un embuste
bull in a china shop alguien con poco tacto
shoot the bull decir chorradas
bull in a china shop un elefante en una tienda de porcelana
bull in a china shop un/una metepatas
as awkward as a bull in a china shop peligroso como mono con navaja
as awkward as bull in a china shop tan torpe como elefante en un bazar
be as awkward as a bull in a china shop ser como un elefante en una cacharrería
as awkward as a bull in a china shop ser un desmañado
as awkward as a bull in a china shop ser muy torpe
as awkward as bull in a china shop torpe como un elefante entre porcelana fina
as awkward as a bull in a china shop torpe como un elefante en una cristalería
as strong as a bull fuerte como un roble
as strong as a bull fuerte como un toro
like a bull at a gate a toda velocidad
like a bull in a china shop torpe
like a bull in a china shop poco hábil
like a bull at a gate muy rápido
like a bull in a china shop bruto
mess with a bull you get the horns el que juega con fuego, se acaba quemando
mess with a bull you get the horns si te metes con el toro, ligarás una cornada (literal)
like a bull in a china shop chambón
like a bull in a china shop como un elefante en una cacharrería
like a bull in a china shop como un elefante en una cristalería
grab the bull by the horns irse a la cabeza del toro
couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle no le pega ni a un hipopótamo en un pasillo
couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle no le pega ni al arco iris
cock and bull story cuento chino
cock-and-bull story embuste
cock-and-bull story historia ridícula
cock-and-bull story cuento chino
cock-and-bull story patraña inventada
full of bull tonto
full of bull lleno de tonterías
full of bull alborozado
full of bull equivocado
acting like a bull in a china shop llegó el guarro y rompió el cacharro
strong as a bull fuerte como un toro
like a bull in a china shop más peligroso que mono con navaja
as useful as tits on a bull vaya tres patas para un banco
full of bull completamente erróneo
full of bull delirante
make a bull spin around due to the pain caused from lashings bailar un toro [v] DO
take the bull by the horns tener la fridera por el mango [v] HN
take the bull by the horns cortar el queque [v] CL
take the bull by the horns cortar el queso [v] CL
take the bull by the horns tomar el toro por las astas [v] PE BO CL PY UY
take the bull by the horns tomar el toro por las guampas [v] UY
be a raging bull volverse la vaca toro [v] AR
don't feed me that bull! ¡no intentes engañarme con eso!
that's bull! ¡mentiras!
to take the bull by the horns agarrar al toro por los cuernos
hunger hits harder than a bull! ¡más cornás da el hambre!
Hunger hurts more than a bull! ¡más cornás da el hambre!
cock-and-bull story rollo [m]
crusades bull messenger echacuervos [m]
black bull morucho [m]
bull estupidez [f]
cock-and-bull story especiota [f]
cock-and-bull story especiota [f]
shoot the bull chismear [v]
take the bull by the horns irse a la cabeza del toro [v]
be full of bull estar lleno de tonterías [v]
shoot the bull darle a la mui [v]
shoot the bull darle a la sin hueso [v]
shoot the bull darle a la sinhueso [v]
shoot the bull darle al palique [v]
head down (the bull) encachar [v]
throw the bull alardear [v]
throw the bull charlar [v]
throw the bull jactarse [v]
throw the bull presumir [v]
sweat like a bull estar bañado en sudor [v]
sweat like a bull estar chorreando de sudor [v]
work like a bull trabajar como un buey [v]
grab the bull by the horns tener el cucharón por el mango [v]
take the bull by the horns asir la ocasión por el copete [v]
take the bull by the horns asir la ocasión por la melena [v]
take the bull by the horns asir la ocasión por los cabellos [v]
take the bull by the horns coger la ocasión por el copete [v]
take the bull by the horns coger la ocasión por la melena [v]
take the bull by the horns coger la ocasión por los cabellos [v]
take the bull by the horns tomar la ocasión por el copete [v]
take the bull by the horns tomar la ocasión por la melena [v]
take the bull by the horns tomar la ocasión por los cabellos [v]
like a bull in a china shop estar como los perros en misa [v]
grab the bull by the horns coger el toro por las astas [v]
take the bull by the horns coger el toro por las astas [v]
grab the bull by the horns coger el toro por los cuernos [v]
take the bull by the horns coger el toro por los cuernos [v]
grab the bull by the horns coger al toro por las astas [v]
take the bull by the horns coger al toro por las astas [v]
grab the bull by the horns coger al toro por los cuernos [v]
take the bull by the horns coger al toro por los cuernos [v]
like a bull in a china shop como un elefante en cristalería [adv]
like a bull in a china shop como un chivo en cristalería [adv]
shoot the bull cotillear
shoot the bull charlar relajadamente
shoot the bull charlar de manera distendida
shoot the bull chismorrear
as fit as a mallee bull estar rebosante de salud
bull tontería
bull bar protector delantero de metal en vehículos todoterreno
bull sacar brillo
take the bull by the horns coger el toro por las astas
take the bull by the horns coger el toro por los cuernos
like a bull in a china shop como un burro en una cacharrería
like a bull in a china shop como un caballo en una cacharrería
bull shitter bateador [m] CR
bull shit bolacero [m] AR
bull shit bateador [m] CR
bull shitter bateador [m] HN
bull bar mataperro [m] PR PE BO
bull bar mataperros [m] PE BO:W
popular party in which a condor is tied to a bull to fight ending in the bird's death yahuar fiesta [m] PE
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull decorated with mirrors at popular parties torito guapo [m] PA
bull shit bolacera [f] AR
bull shit bateadora [f] CR
bull shitter bateador [adj] CR
bull shit bateador [adj] CR
characteristic of a bull toruno [adj] BO
(bullfight) fight with a bull or a cow inciting them and dodging their attacks, but without going so far as to kill them jugar [v] CR
cross a river in a bull boat pelotear [v] BO AR UY
bull shit bateadora [adj/f] CR
bull shitter bateadora [adj/f] CR
you can't milk a bull no se puede sacar agua de una piedra [old-fashioned]
bull dyke marimacho [m]
irish bull comentario tonto [m]
irish bull declaración ilógica [f]
bull detective [m/f]
a load of cock and bull un montón de tonterías
a load of cock and bull un cuento chino
bull sandeces
bull dog hostigar a un prisionero más débil
bull dagging relaciones lésbicas
bull policía
bull-shit tonterías
full of bull lleno de mierda
full of bull tonterías
irish bull afirmación incongruente
irish bull alegato absurdo
john bull inglés
tits on a bull ute en vano
tits on a bull ute inservible
shoot-the-bull hablar sin rumbo
bull shitter bateador [m] CR
bull shit bateador [m] CR
bull shit bateadora [f] CR
bull shitter bateadora [f] CR

Significados de "bull!" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 6 resultado(s)

Español Inglés
bull pen (inglés) [m] US GT HN NI CU bull pen
mercado bull bull market
sistema de cableado bull [m] bull cabling system
sistema de cableado bull [m] bull cabling system
bull de cargols bull de cargols
pit bull terrier americano (perro) [m] american pit bull terrier