speech - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "speech" en diccionario español inglés : 54 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
speech habla [f]
speech pregón [m]
speech oración [f]
speech parlamento [m]
speech peroración [f]
speech fonador [adj]
speech brindis [m]
speech discurso [m]
speech lenguaje [m]
speech mensaje [m]
speech mitin [m]
speech parlamento [m]
speech verbo [m]
speech alocución [f]
speech declamación [f]
speech habla [f]
speech lectura [f]
speech oración [f]
speech peroración [f]
speech ponencia [f]
speech repetición [f]
speech réplica [f]
speech fonador [adj]
speech fonatorio [adj]
speech dialecto [m]
speech palabra [f]
speech parrafada [f]
speech dicción [f]
speech ponencia [f]
speech arenga [f]
speech lengua [f]
speech perorata [f]
speech plática [f]
speech palabras [f/pl]
speech mensaje [m]
speech discurrimiento [m] disused
speech eloquio [m] disused
speech razón [f]
speech fabla [f] outdated
speech lección [f] rare
speech lengua [f] disused
speech frasis [m/f] disused
speech fonadora [adj/f]
speech pronuncia [f] CO EC
speech discurso [m]
speech disertación [f]
speech conversación [f]
speech acústico [adj]
speech señal vocal
speech señal de frecuencia vocal
speech habla [f]
speech habla [f]
speech discurso [m]
speech habla [f]

Significados de "speech" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
speech therapy logopedia [f]
speech therapy logoterapia [f]
speech therapy foniatría [f]
speech therapist logopeda [m/f]
speech therapist foniatra [m/f]
make a speech orar [v]
speech bubble bocadillo [m]
flowery speech follaje [m]
speech bubble globo [m]
speech balloon globo [m]
major parts of speech student mayorista [m]
parts of speech student medianista [m]
minor parts of speech student menorista [m]
inconsiderate speech/action pasavolante [m]
hasty speech/action pasavolante [m]
propriety or discretion in speech eubolia [f]
peculiar action or speech of a galician gallegada [f]
impertinent speech habladuría [f]
immoral speech inmoralidad [f]
figure of speech locución [f]
boring speech perorata [f]
dissertation speech repetición [f]
making a college speech repitiente [adj]
having a speech defect trapajoso [adj]
lose a speech impediment desenmudecer [v]
read a speech leer [v]
make a political speech mitinear [v]
major parts of speech mayores [m/pl]
parts of speech class medianos [m/pl]
speech marks comillas [f/pl]
easiness in speech and deportment desparpajo [m]
indirect speech estilo indirecto [m]
speech maker orador [m]
reported speech discurso indirecto [m]
faculty of speech discurso [m]
someone that makes a speech to an audience orador [m]
reported speech estilo indirecto [m]
a type of speech used to express what another has said estilo indirecto [m]
formal speech discurso inaugural [m]
figure of speech metaplasmo [m]
acceptance speech discurso de aceptación [m]
brief speech breve discurso [m]
birthday speech discurso de cumpleaños [m]
canned speech discurso enlatado [m]
acceptance speech discurso de agradecimiento [m]
word or phrase used when pausing in speech coletilla [f]
impassioned speech soflama [f]
boring and tiresome speech perorata [f]
the state of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing elocuencia [f]
device which is used to restrain speech mordaza [f]
part of speech categoría gramatical [f]
someone that makes a speech to an audience oradora [f]
transcribing speech estenografía [f]
transcribing speech taquigrafía [f]
insubstantiality of speech oquedad [f]
speech balloon burbuja de diálogo [f]
speech bubble burbuja de diálogo [f]
long-winded speech perorata [f]
faulty speech cacología [f]
someone that interprets speech in another language intérprete [m/f]
pertaining to the voice or speech vocal [adj]
hesitate in speech balbucear [v]
make a boring speech perorar [v]
make a mess of a speech despachurrar [v]
get mixed up in one's speech atragantarse [v]
make a speech perorar [v]
give a speech disertar [v]
give a speech perorar [v]
give a speech pontificar [v]
make speech sounds balbucear [v]
make a speech pronunciar un discurso [v]
deliver a speech echar un discurso [v]
make a speech dar un discurso [v]
deliver a speech pronunciar un discurso [v]
recover one's speech recobrar el habla [v]
give a speech pronunciar una oración [v]
make a speech pronunciar una oración [v]
be disrespectful in speech or behaviour descararse con [v]
broadcast a speech difundir un discurso [v]
make a speech hacer un discurso [v]
give a speech hacer un discurso [v]
do a speech hacer un discurso [v]
do a speech dar un discurso [v]
do a speech dar un sermón [v]
used repeatedly in spoken speech introducing some hesitation or delay este [expr] MX NI CR PE CL AR UY CU disused
ambiguous speech, law, or text gallo gallina [n] HN
visible speech lenguaje visible
connected speech discurso coherente
visible speech palabra visible
a candid speech un discurso sincero
a dry speech un discurso soso
a dry speech un discurso insulso
a speech-ripe idea una idea suficientemente madura para hablar de ella
freedom of speech libertad de expresión
maiden speech discurso inaugural
part of speech parte de la oración
part of speech parte de oración
part of speech parte del habla
figure of speech forma de hablar
keynote speech discurso que marca la tónica
colloquial speech el habla coloquial
everyday speech el habla coloquial
colloquial speech la conversación coloquial
figure of speech figura retórica
everyday speech habla cotidiana
everyday speech el hablar cotidiano
colloquial speech el lenguaje coloquial
everyday speech el lenguaje coloquial
colloquial speech habla coloquial
everyday speech habla coloquial
colloquial speech habla cotidiana
speech therapist terapeuta de dicción
speech pathologist patólogo de dicción
speech language pathologist patólogo de dicción del lenguaje
speech balloon globo de diálogo
speech bubble globo de diálogo
speech-maker arengador [m]
pertness of speech/action desparpajo [m]
injudicious action/speech desplante [m]
extravagant action/speech desvarío [m]
nonsensical conversation/speech or writing disparatorio [m]
enchantment by the power of speech enlabio [m]
superabundance of figures of rhetoric in a speech or writing follaje [m]
inconsiderate or hasty action or speech pasavolante [m]
clownish speech/action charrada [f]
childish speech/action chiquillada [f]
funny speech/action chulada [f]
shameless or insolent speech or action desvergüenza [f]
silly speech/deed bobada [f]
organ of speech boca [f]
speech containing severe censure catilinaria [f]
insignificant speech/action friolera [f]
impertinent speech habladuría [f]
peculiar action or speech of a gallego gallegada [f]
stupid speech/action fatuidad [f]
rhetorical form of speech in which a word is repeated geminación [f]
interchange of speech interlocución [f]
propriety/discretion in speech eubolia [f]
beginning (a book/speech) entrada [f]
manner of speech locución [f]
injudicious action/speech plancha [f]
long senseless speech palabrería [f]
childish speech/action rapazada [f]
impertinent speech parladuría [f]
foolish speech/action mamarrachada [f]
ridiculous speech/action pataleta [f]
artful speech soflama [f]
desultory speech volatería [f]
speech-maker arengadora [f]
fluent (as speech) fluido [adj]
adorn (a speech) amenizar [v]
lose the thread of a speech atascarse [v]
deliver a speech arengar [v]
remove an impediment of speech desenmudecer [v]
make a jumble of a speech despachurrar [v]
terminate a speech clausular [v]
introduce (jokes) into a speech entremesear [v]
make a speech hablar [v]
make (a speech) pronunciar [v]
deliver a speech/oration perorar [v]
deliver a speech/oration discursear [v]
deliver a speech predicar [v]
deliver a speech sermonear [v]
deliver a speech/oration arengar [v]
deliver a speech dar un discurso [v]
deliver a speech/oration conversar [v]
after-dinner speech discurso de sobremesa [m]
folk-speech lenguaje vulgar [m]
maiden speech primer discurso [m]
speech (the language or dialect of a nation or region) idioma [m]
after-dinner speech brindis [m]
speech-maker orador [m]
stump speech discurso enfático [m]
by-speech digresión [f]
freedom of speech libertad de la palabra [f]
speech-maker oradora [f]
sparing of speech lacónico [adj]
deliver a speech hablar [v]
spin out a speech hacer un discurso muy largo [v]
speech-maker persona que hace arengas
rough draft of a speech esqueleto [m] CL
speech given by the president of the republic of peru to the nation from the balcony balconazo [m] PE
rowdy speech read during evening student parties or in the days before carnival to ridicule people bando [m] BO
empty and senseless long speech blablá [m] NI BO CL
boring and tedious speech choclo [m] AR
long, boring speech choro [m] MX
speech-language pathologist (slp) fonoaudiólogo [m] CO EC BO CL PY AR
speech and language therapist fonoaudiólogo [m] CO EC BO CL PY AR
speech therapist fonoaudiólogo [m] CO EC BO CL PY AR
long and boring speech estoraque [m] VE
expression or speech with little or no coherence cantinfleo [m] CL derog.
expression or speech with little or no coherence cantinfleo [m] MX CU derog.
ambiguous speech, law, or text gallogallina [m] HN
unintelligible speech cocoliche [m] AR derog.
young rebel from the 1960s who is characterized by an attitude of protest against the establishment, expressed by their forms of speech, dress or striking life colérico [m] BO CL disused
use of latin interspersed in a text or speech in another language latinazgo [m] DO EC CL derog.
speech, slang, or way of speaking typical of inhabitants of lima limeñismo [m] PE
speech, expressions, or way of speaking typical and peculiar of people from loja, ecuador lojanismo [m] EC
black man whose speech is incomprehensible ñáñigo [m] PR disused
black man whose speech is incomprehensible ñáñigo [m] DO
long speech of no substance and full of nonsense tollo [m] CL
reminder for a speech or television program torpedo [m] CL
speech characteristic of people from the tarija department, bolivia tarijeñismo [m] BO
figure of speech albur (árabe) [m] MX DO
rudeness in manner/speech desgracia [f] disused
unintelligible speech chamuchina [f] PE
speech-language pathology fonoaudiología [f] CO BO CL PY AR
speech therapy fonoaudiología [f] CO BO CL PY AR
speech about a subject or discipline carreta [f] CO
boring speech cantarola (portugués) [f] UY
fast and pressured speech carretilla [f] DO VE:W
black woman whose speech is incomprehensible ñáñiga [f] PR disused
black woman whose speech is incomprehensible ñáñiga [f] DO
boring speech retálica [f] SV
figure of speech abusión [f] disused
biting (of speech) dicaz [adj] rare
stunning due to rapid speech (someone) ametrallante [adj] UY
incoherent (a speech) despatarrado [adj] BO
pertaining to speech-language pathology fonoaudiológico [adj] EC
pertaining to speech therapy fonoaudiológico [adj] EC
incomprehensible (speech) entreverado [adj] BO
vulgar (language or speech) florido [adj] PR BO MX
crude (language or speech) florido [adj] PR BO MX
overly elaborate (speech or writing) floreado [adj] GT HN NI CU PR
rude (language or speech) florido [adj] PR BO MX
ambiguous speech, law, or text gallo gallina [adj] HN
imitate someone's mannerisms or speech pattern in order to make fun of them etricar [v] DO
give a speech discursar [v] HN
learn something by memory, especially a speech embotellarse [v] DO PR
use speech notes machetear [v] AR
make use of one's speech notes machetearse [v] AR
memorize something, especially a speech embotellarse [v] DO PR
use figures of speech alburear [v] MX
adapt speech patterns of buenos aires aporteñarse [v] PY AR UY
give a speech discursar [v] rare
introduce jokes into a speech entremesar [v] disused
introduce jokes into a speech entremesear [v] disused
fluent (as speech) fluida [adj/f]
sparing of speech lacónica [adj/f]
lose the ability of speech perder el habla [v]
lose the ability of speech quedarse sin voz [v]
give a long speech soltar una parrafada [v]
give a long speech tirarse una parrafada [v]
give a speech dar un mitin [v]
make a speech dar un mitin [v]
speak without preparing a speech hablar de improviso [v]
get angry and break into broken speech cantársele a alguien la boca [v]
give an impassioned speech dar el mitin [v]
long-winded speech discurso prolijo
long-winded speech discurso interminable
keynote speech discurso de apertura
keynote speech discurso inaugural
keynote speech discurso principal
keynote speech tema principal
figures of speech metáfora
figures of speech símbolo
figures of speech una forma de hablar
be very critical and scathing (parliament, speech, or article) estar candela [v] VE
give an eloquent speech fajarse un discurso [v] CO
excessive delay in a speech or exposition hacerla larga [v] MX PE AR UY
excessive delay in a speech or exposition hacerla lunga [v] AR
it was just a figure of speech era sólo una forma de decir
it was just a figure of speech era sólo una manera de decir
before i end my speech antes de terminar mi discurso
before i end my speech antes de finalizar mi disertación
in this speech en este discurso
in popular speech en el habla popular
sarcastic speech retín [m]
confused speech galimatías [m]
inconsiderate speech/action cascabelada [f]
naive/silly speech/action inocentada [f]
novice's rash or inconsiderate speech or action bisoñada [f]
novice's rash or inconsiderate speech or action bisoñería [f]
hurried speech algarabía (árabe) [f]
unintelligible speech algarabía (árabe) [f]
woman with a speech impediment lengua de trapo [f]
speech impediment media lengua [f]
person with a speech impediment lengua de estropajo [m/f]
person with a speech impediment media lengua [m/f]
give a speech echar un discurso [v]
give a speech dar un discurso [v]
give a speech pronunciar un discurso [v]
cut someone short in a speech chafar [v]
give a speech mitinear [v]
maiden speech discurso inaugural
figure of speech figura retórica
figure of speech en sentido figurado
a long text or speech which is too boring and difficult to understand la biblia en verso
a long text or speech which is too boring and difficult to understand la biblia en pasta
long and heavy speech rollo macabeo
long and heavy speech rollo patatero
a mockery of the italian figure of speech bachichini [m] CL
speech notes machete [m] NI BO AR
heavy and long speech or writing estoraque [m] VE
rude speech/action naranjada [f] fig. rare
long speech sanata [f] AR
long, boring speech choreada [f] MX derog.
long, tiresome speech with no substance carreta [f] CO
long and tedious conversation or speech reláfica [f] VE
rambling speech soflama [f] derog.
with a speech impediment cachaciento [adj] AR UY
deliver a long, boring speech chorear [v] MX derog.
speech without acts brings no benefit dicho sin hecho no trae provecho
speech is silver, but silence is golden la palabra es plata, pero el silencio es oro
speech of thanks palabras de agradecimiento
speech recognition reconocimiento de voz
speech-recognition software software de reconocimiento de voz
digital speech voz digital
keynote speech conferencia principal
speech-recognition software programas de reconocimiento de voz
Work Safety Terms
speech audiometry audiometría oral [f]
speech intelligibility inteligibilidad de la comunicación oral
speech intelligibility inteligibilidad de la palabra
speech interference level nivel de interferencia con la inteligibilidad
speech interference interferencia con la palabra
speech interference level nivel de interferencia con el lenguaje
speech interference interferencia de la inteligibilidad
speech therapy terapia del habla
loss of speech pérdida del habla
provider of physical and speech pathology proveedor de patología física y del habla
keynote speech discurso principal
keynote speech discurso central
speech recognition software programa de reconocimiento de voz
freedom of speech libertad de palabra
free speech libertad de opinión
freedom of speech libertad de palabra
freedom of speech libertad de expresión
loss of speech pérdida de habla
slurred speech hablar con palabras arrastradas
speech therapy terapia del habla
figure of speech forma de expresión
freedom of speech libertad de expresión
figure of speech lenguaje figurado
freedom of speech libertad de opinión
freedom of speech libertad de palabra
liberty of speech libertad de expresión
digitized speech habla digitalizada
International Law
freedom of speech libertad de expresión
keynote speech discurso principal
speech disorder trastorno del habla [m]
speech therapist logoterapeuta [m/f]
speech and language pathologist (slp) logopeda [m/f]
speech and language pathologist (slp) logoterapeuta [m/f]
speech impaired personas con impedimentos del habla
language and speech impaired (lasi) deficiente en el lenguaje y habla
speech therapy terapia del habla
speech impairment impedimento del habla o del lenguaje
speech or language impairment trastorno del habla o lenguaje
speech intelligibility inteligibilidad del habla
speech therapist terapeuta del lenguaje
speech therapy terapia del habla
speech and language programa del lenguaje y el habla
speech behavior conducta al hablar
speech blocking bloqueo al hablar
speech center centro del habla
speech development desarrollo del habla
speech disturbance trastorno del habla
speech pattern patrón del habla
speech perception percepción del habla
speech pitch tono del habla
speech problem problema del habla
speech processing procesamiento del habla
speech-retarded child niño con retardo en el habla
speech rhythm ritmo del habla
cued speech palabra complementada
automatic speech lenguaje automático
implicit speech lenguaje implícito
inner speech lenguaje interno
internal speech lenguaje interno
speech understanding comprensión de la voz [f]
speech coding codificación del habla [f]
speech analysis análisis del habla
speech-quality circuit circuito de utilización vocal
speech synthesis síntesis de voz
speech chip chip de voz
speech channel canal de voz
speech recognition reconocimiento del habla
speech synthesis síntesis de sonidos vocales
text to speech texto a habla
speech production producción de habla
speech disorders trastornos del habla
speech output voz artificial
speech recognition reconocimiento de habla
speech processing procesamiento de la voz
speech recognition reconocimiento de la voz
text-to-speech conversión de texto a voz
speech amplifier amplificador de oratoria [m] AR
clear speech voz clara [f]
speech detector detector de las frecuencias vocales [m]
speech detection detección vocal [f]
speech circuit circuito de conversación
speech sidetone efecto local por la palabra
speech current corriente vocal
peak speech power potencia vocal de cresta
instantaneous speech power potencia vocal instantánea
threshold of speech intelligibility umbral de inteligibilidad vocal
average speech power potencia vocal media
acoustical speech power potencia vocal
peak speech power punta de potencia vocal
threshold of speech intelligibility umbral de inteligibilidad vocal
peak speech power potencia vocal de cresta
acoustical speech power potencia vocal
average speech power potencia vocal media
compressed speech diálogo comprimido [m]
digital speech audición digital [f]
digitized speech voz digitalizada
speech detection detección vocal
speech level meter volúmetro [m]
speech sound fonema [m]
speech recognizer fonetógrafo [m]
circum-speech peri-lenguaje [m]
speech amplifier amplificador vocal [m]
speech amplifier amplificador microfónico [m]
speech audiometer audiómetro para sonidos vocales [m]
speech compressor compresor de voz [m]
speech compressor compresor de la palabra [m]
speech input amplifier amplificador de modulación [m]
speech input amplifier amplificador de voz [m]
speech input amplifier amplificador microfónico [m]
speech plus duplex bivocal [m]
speech privacy system sistema codificador de la voz [m]
speech scrambler codificador para comunicación secreta [m]
speech understanding comprensión oral [f]
speech frequency audiofrecuencia [f]
speech audiometry audiometría de la voz [f]
time assignment speech interpolation asignación temporal de la voz mediante interpolación [f]
time assignment speech interpolation interpolación de la palabra por asignación de tiempos [f]
speech-modulated modulado por la voz [adj]
speech synthesis síntesis de voz
speech circuit circuito telefónico
delayed speech retraso en el habla
speech path canal de conversación
impromptu speech discurso improvisado
speech wave onda acústica
speech waveform forma de onda vocal
speech test prueba de conversación
speech recognition reconocimiento de voz
speech transmission transmisión telefónica
speech difficulties trastornos del habla
speech communication comunicación radiofónica
peak speech power potencia vocal de pico
speech spectrum espectro vocal
text-to-speech conversión de texto en voz
speech test prueba de audición
postprandial speech discurso de sobremesa
compressed speech texto comprimido
speech recognition reconocimiento de habla
text-to-speech texto a voz
speech current corriente microfónica
speech network red telefónica
freedom of speech libertad de expresión
speech pressure presión acústica vocal
scrambled speech lenguaje cifrado
part of speech parte de oración
speech recognition reconocimiento de la voz
digital speech vocalización digital
speech synthesizer sintetizador de discurso
speech interpolation interpolación del habla
speech power potencia vocal
speech circuit circuito de conversación
speech-language therapy terapia del habla y el lenguaje
average speech power potencia vocal media
digital speech communication comunicación verbal digital
digital speech interpolation interpolación digital telefónica
digitized speech discurso digitalizado
hearing loss for speech pérdida auditiva para el lenguaje hablado
instantaneous speech power potencia vocal instantánea
limited continuous speech discurso continúo limitado
quality of speech calidad de la conversación
peak speech power cresta de potencia vocal
peak speech power pico de potencia vocal
reference speech power potencia vocal de referencia
scrambled speech comunicación codificada
scrambled speech system sistema de comunicación codificada
signal imitation by speech current falsa señalización por corriente vocal
signalling on speech channel señalización en la banda de frecuencias vocales
transmitter speech input entrada al modulador
speech application programming interface interfaz para programación de aplicaciones de voz
speech channel canal radiotelefónico
speech channel enlace radiotelefónico
speech channel canal telefónico
speech channel enlace telefónico
speech channel vía de comunicación telefónica
speech channel vía de comunicación radiotelefónica
speech clipper recortador vocal
speech clipper limitador de señal vocal
speech coil bobina móvil
speech compression compresión del habla
speech current corriente de bobina móvil
speech filling almacenamiento de la voz
speech frequency frecuencia de conversación
speech frequency frecuencia vocal
speech frequency frecuencia telefónica
speech frequency channel canal de frecuencia telefónica
speech frequency range gama de frecuencias vocales
speech frequency channel canal de frecuencia vocal
speech generation device dispositivo de generación de voz
speech frequency range gama de las frecuencias vocales
speech input equipment equipo de entrada de audio
speech input equipment trasmisor microfónico