the living - Español Inglés Diccionario

the living


Significados de "the living" en diccionario español inglés : 2 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
the living los vivientes [m/pl]
the living los vivos [m/pl]

Significados de "the living" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
living room salón [m]
I was living vivía [v]
he/she was living vivía [v]
you were living vivía [v]
neighbour (a person living on nearby flat) prójimo [m]
cost-of-living allowance subsidio [m]
neighbour (a person living on nearby flat) prójima [f]
living room of a house sala [f]
living room estancia [f]
living room sala de estar [n]
living organism organismo [m]
living space habitáculo [m]
room (living space) pieza [f]
living room sala [f]
living together convivencia [f]
loose-living libertino [adj]
earn one's living ganarse el pan [v]
make one's living ganarse la vida [v]
living room living [m]
family (related people living together) casa [f]
man from an amerindian population living near paraná abipón [m]
living together arrimo [m]
poor student living on offal chofista [m]
pensioner living at a college convictor [m]
living room cuarto de estar [m]
living space espacio vital [m]
living space habitáculo [m]
jewish man living among christians judío de señal [m]
living room living [m]
mode of living modus vivendi (latín) [m]
way of making a living modus vivendi (latín) [m]
muslim man living in spain from the 8th to 15th century moro [m]
living person nacido [m]
standard of living nivel de vida [m]
living organism organismo [m]
living room palacio [m]
living without redondeo [m]
off-grid living robinsonismo [m]
student living on charity sopista [m]
moor living among christians tagarino [m]
man living along the po river transpadano [m]
man living along the po river traspadano [m]
living room set tresillo [m]
living person vividor [m]
living being vivo [m]
woman from an amerindian population living near paraná abipona [f]
living together amistad [f]
living together arrimadura [f]
woman living with thieves bandolera [f]
civil guard police station including living quarters for families of policemen casa cuartel [f]
living together cohabitación [f]
living together convivencia [f]
communal living convivencia [f]
jewish woman living among christians judía de señal [f]
living language lengua viva [f]
muslim woman living in spain from the 8th to 15th century mora [f]
working for a living ocupación [f]
living expenses pasadía [f]
living room sala [f]
living room sala de estar [f]
woman living along the po river transpadana [f]
woman living along the po river traspadana [f]
person living on an allowance racionista [m/f]
living being viviente [m/f]
from an amerindian population living near paraná abipón [adj]
living higher up alto [adj]
living in a suburb arrabalero [adj]
living off the land campesino [adj]
living together conviviente [adj]
non-living inanimado [adj]
muslim living in spain from the 8th to 15th century moro [adj]
pertaining to muslims living in spain from the 8th to 15th century moro [adj]
ecclesiastical living or civil post which can be terminated at will of the patron nutual [adj]
moor living among christians tagarino [adj]
living along the po river transpadano [adj]
living along the po river traspadano [adj]
high-living vividor [adj]
giving living characteristics to animar [v]
scrape out a living malvivir [v]
eek out a living malvivir [v]
living in style, luxury tren [m]
living room cuarto de estar [m]
living wage salario de subsistencia [m]
living will voluntad en vida [m]
living will documento de voluntad anticipada [m]
living wage salario mínimo [m]
living will manifiesto de voluntad perimortal [m]
living wage salario base [m]
cost of living costo de vida [m]
living creature ser [m]
living room salón [m]
living fossil fósil viviente [m]
place where a rookery is living apostadero [m]
the cost of living el coste de la vida [m]
cost of living costo de la vida [m]
base for living lo justo para vivir [m]
base for living costo de vida [m]
person living on the banks of a river or on a seashore ribereña [f]
living creature criatura [f]
living together cohabitación [f]
someone that washes for a living lavandera [f]
way of living vivienda [f]
base for living base para vivir [f]
living being alimaña [f]
living person nacida [f]
moor living among christians tagarina [f]
living person vividora [f]
living being viva [f]
someone who is a sect living like abel abelonita [m/f]
farmer living and working on the same land colono [m/f]
living in a city ciudadano [adj]
spanish or hispano-american and living in the united states hispano [adj]
with mexican descent and living in the united states chicano [adj]
living in trees arborícola [adj]
long-living longevo [adj]
pertaining to living in a cloister claustral [adj]
pertaining to produced by life or living organisms biótico [adj]
related to or living in marshes palustre [adj]
stop living diñar [v]
stop living diñarla [v]
stop living espichar [v]
stop living finar [v]
stop living fallecer [v]
stop living estirar la pata [v]
stop living fenecer [v]
stop living palmar [v]
stop living irse al otro barrio [v]
stop living palmarla [v]
stop living pasar a mejor vida [v]
stop living perecer [v]
stop living sucumbir [v]
make a living ganarse la vida [v]
earn one's living buscarse la vida [v]
earn one's living ganarse la vida [v]
do for a living ganarse la vida [v]
make a living by vivir de [v]
earn one's living by vivir de [v]
do for a living dedicarse a [v]
earn a living ganarse el cachucho [v]
freeze a living being and keep him/her frozen criogenizar [v]
earn a living ganarse el bocado [v]
earn one’s living by fishery ganarse la vida en la pesca [v]
be sick of living estar harto de vivir [v]
living expenses gastos de subsistencia [m/pl]
living expenses gastos básicos [m/pl]
living expenses gastos de mantenimiento [m/pl]
living dead zombis [m/pl]
aquatic living beings seres vivos acuáticos [m/pl]
aquatic living beings seres vivos acuáticos [m/pl]
aquatic living beings animales acuáticos [m/pl]
living conditions de vida [f/pl]
better living conditions mejores condiciones de vida [f/pl]
all living creatures todas las criaturas vivientes [f/pl]
all living creatures todas las criaturas vivas [f/pl]
group of cubans living abroad, especially in the usa la comunidad [n] CU
a rational person living in the real world una persona racional con los pies en el suelo
a rational person living in the real world una persona racional viviendo en el mundo real
living wage sueldo mínimo para vivir
living beings los seres vivos
living the dream viviendo el sueño
living proof prueba viviente
living proof muestra viviente
living room sala de estar
living dead muertos vivientes
standard of living nivel de vida
living standards nivel de vida
living wage sueldo mínimo
living wage salario mínimo
living space espacio vital
living room cuarto de estar
living soul bicho viviente
living soul el alma viviente
man living in concubinage amigo [m]
loose-living man calaverón [m]
dissipated, loose-living man calaverón [m]
one living in pious retirement beato [m]
living with another cohabitador [m]
clergyman who makes a living from funerals saltatumbas [m]
one living on charity soup sopón [m]
art of living well calobiótica [f]
biology of living matter in the waters hidrobiología [f]
austere mode of living estrechez [f]
light/careless living mocedad [f]
living person vida [f]
woman living with highwaymen salteadora [f]
living with another cohabitadora [f]
austere mode of living penuria [f]
one living in pious retirement beata [f]
one living together with others conviviente [m/f]
indian living west of the paraguay river near bahia bayá [m/f]
person living upon charity sopista [m/f]
living on locusts acridófago [adj]
applied to an indian tribe living on the banks of the river paraná caracará [adj]
living without trouble and care descuitado [adj]
living on grass graminívoro [adj]
living upon grain granívoro [adj]
ecclesiastical living or civil post which can be terminated at will of the patron nutual [adj]
living on an income rentado [adj]
one living together with others conviviente [adj]
continue living in a place mantenerse [v]
continue living in a place seguir viviendo [v]
cost of living coste de la vida [m]
living standards calidad de vida [f]
ménage (people living together as a unit; a household) familia [f]
ever-living inmortal [adj]
ever-living sempiterno [adj]
ever-living perdurable [adj]
tree-living arborícola [adj]
with living colours a banderas desplegadas [adv]
the living los vivientes [m/pl]
the living los vivos [m/pl]
living room recibo [m] VE
living room comedor [m]
living room living (inglés) [m] CU BO CL PY AR
andalusian immigrant living in us curro [m] CU MX
transformation of someone into gachupín (spanish person living in america) with its vices and customs agachupinamiento [m] MX
acclimatization of a living being aclimatamiento [m] GT DO PR PE CL AR
person living in someone else's house and at the owner's expense arrimado [m] MX GT HN NI DO PR CO VE EC PE PY derog.
person living in someone else's house and at the owner's expense arrimado [m] PA AR UY rur. derog.
person living at someone else's expense arrimado [m] HN SV NI CR PA VE derog.
mythical dominican republic creature living in the deepest parts of the hills and mountains biembienes [m] DO
person who has the habit of eating, living or having fun at the expense of others camarón [m] PE
living in concubinage amachinamiento [m] HN NI
living in concubinage amachine [m] HN
living/dining room ambiente [m] VE
living in concubinage ayuntamiento [m] NI
spaniard living in latin america gachupín [m] MX BO CU disused
spaniard living in latin america cachupín [m] EC PE BO disused
spaniard living in latin america gachupo [m] MX
man who earns a living with temporary jobs changador [m] UY
group of seniors living in the same area who meet up to exercise and participate in recreational activities círculo de abuelos [m] CU
mixed-race, spanish-speaking male person with indigenous features living in the cities of the ecuadorian mountain range cholo [m] EC
living room estar [m] VE
living fence cerco [m] BO CL rur.
living fence cerco vivo [m] PE BO CL AR UY
living room casco de estancia [m] AR UY
living off someone else gorreo [m] MX
boy or young man living on the street begging or stealing gamín [m] EC rare
boy or young man living on the street begging or stealing gamín [m] CO VE
rustic construction with walls and a provisional roof used as a living area or storage unit corralón [m] NI VE
cost of living costo de la vida [m] DO CO EC PE BO CL PY
person who earns a living waiting in lines to then sell his spot colero [m] DO
mestizo person living in a rural area indio pata rajada [m] MX GT HN NI BO derog.
indigenous person living in a rural area indio pata rajada [m] MX GT HN NI BO derog.
set of typically illegal actions to make a living invento [m] VE
assisted living hogar de ancianos [m] CU
assisted living hospicio [m] AR UY rare
assisted living hospicio [m] DO PE BO CL
person living in extreme poverty lapincho [m] BO:W derog.
living room set juego de living [m] CU AR
living room set juego de recibo [m] VE
living room livin (inglés living room) [m] US DO BO CL PY
living room set living (inglés) [m] CU BO CL PY
living room living comedor [m] NI CU BO CL PY AR
dominican living abroad dominicano ausente [m] DO
boyfriend maritally living with his partner marinovio [m] HN SV NI CR PA PR CU DO PE
living together machaqueo [m] BO
practice that consists of living permanently of public charity mantengo [m] PR
viral disease transmitted by a mouse living in the stubble mal de los rastrojos [m] AR
nicaraguan living in the us mayamiboy (inglés) [m] NI
mestizo farmer living on the coast montubio [m] EC
mestizo farmer living on the coast montuvio [m] EC
living room set mueble [m] DO
person born and living in patagonia nic [m] AR:S
living together matrimonio a prueba [m] BO AR:Nw
us soldier living at the palmerola air base in honduras palmerolo [m] HN
farmer living on a piece of land without working or leasing it pisante [m] PE disused
living room furniture recibo [m] VE
living room set recibo [m] VE
minimum living wage salario mínimo vital [m] BO AR
cohabitation before marriage, to see if living together is possible sirvinacu [m] BO
cohabitation before marriage, to see if living together is possible sirvinacuy [m] PE BO rur.
cohabitation before marriage, to see if living together is possible sirwiñacu [m] BO:W,C
young person on easter island living as the indigenous rapa nui yorgo [m] CL
small louse living in the plumage of gallinaceous birds totolate [m] HN NI CR
living being animante [m] disused
spaniard living in mexico or latin america cachopín [m] derog.
man living with a woman married to another comblezo [m] rare
man living with a woman married to another combluezo [m] disused
spaniard living in latin america gachupín [m] derog.
assisted living hospicio [m] EC BO CL
biracial farmer living on the coast montuvio [m] EC
living together with others convivencia [f]
person living in someone else's house and at the owner's expense arrimada [f] MX GT HN NI DO PR CO VE EC PE PY derog.
person living in someone else's house and at the owner's expense arrimada [f] PA AR UY rur. derog.
person living at someone else's expense arrimada [f] HN SV NI CR PA VE derog.
spaniard living in latin america gachupína [f] MX BO CU disused
spaniard living in latin america cachupína [f] EC PE BO disused
spaniard living in latin america gachupa [f] MX
shack that serves as living quarters champa (del náhuatl) [f] GT HN SV NI PA
mixed-race, spanish-speaking female person with indigenous features living in the cities of the ecuadorian mountain range chola [f] EC
person who makes a living deceiving and swindling others ficha [f] HN NI
living fence cerca viva [f] PA CO
living room estancia [f] UY
living off someone else gorreada [f] MX
living off someone else gorreada [f] MX
living room galería [f] VE disused
girl or young woman living on the street begging or stealing gamina [f] EC rare
girl or young woman living on the street begging or stealing gamina [f] CO VE
neighbors living on the same block cuadra [f] MX rare
mestizo person living in a rural area india pata rajada [f] MX GT HN NI BO derog.
set of typically illegal actions to make a living inventadera [f] CU
indigenous person living in a rural area india pata rajada [f] MX GT HN NI BO derog.
person living in extreme poverty lapincha [f] BO:W derog.
woman living with her male partner dida [f] PR
girlfriend maritally living with her partner marinovia [f] HN SV NI CR PA PR CU DO PE
independent living égida [f] PR
mestizo farmer living on the coast montubia [f] EC
mestizo farmer living on the coast montuvia [f] EC
activity performed to earn a living pega [f] CU EC BO CL
people living in buenos aires porteñada [f] AR UY
living-dining room sala comedor [f] CU
living being alimania [f] disused
spaniard living in mexico or latin america cachopina [f] derog.
spaniard living in mexico or latin america cachupina [f] derog.
woman living with a man married to another combleza [f] rare
woman living with a man married to another comblueza [f] disused
people living in a household criazón [f] disused
spaniard living in latin america gachupina [f] derog.
wild living mocedad [f] disused
biracial farmer living on the coast montuvia [f] EC
large living room tarbea (árabe) [f] rare
someone that earns his living from a specified activity profesionista [m/f] MX
(for a person) that tries to imitate the dressing and gestures of dominicans living in new york bacán-yol [m/f] US:Ne
industrious person (particularly in terms of making a living) busquilla [m/f] CL PE rare
person living temporarily in a tent/camper acampante [m/f] CL AR UY rare
person living in extreme poverty laparara (aimara [m/f] BO:W derog.
american living in the panama canal area zoneíta [m/f] PA
american person living in the panama canal area zonian [m/f] PA
person living upon charity brodista [m/f] disused
man/woman living in the andean highlands colla [m/f] BO
course of living estambre de la vida [m/f] disused
which has the characteristics, vices or customs of the gachupín (spanish person living in america) agachupinado [adj] MX
living in concubinage (someone) acoyarado [adj] AR
living in concubinage acumado [adj] AR:Nw
living in concubinage acollarado [adj] BO AR UY
living in concubinage acompañado [adj] AR:Ne
living in concubinage aconcubinado [adj] PY AR:Ne
living on the savanna sabanero  [adj] VE
living in the eastern part of town (person) arribeño [adj] NI rur.
living in someone else's house and at the owner's expense arrimado [adj] MX GT HN NI DO PR CO VE EC PE PY derog.
living in someone else's house and at the owner's expense arrimado [adj] PA AR UY rur. derog.
living with a romantic partner in their parent's house arrimado [adj] VE:W
living with another but isn't necessarily supported by them arrimado [adj] CR
relating to a person that composes or sings bachatas for a living bachatero [adj] CU DO PR
living along the waterside bajureño [adj] CR
living or working along the waterside bajeño [adj] PA
living on subsidized food coupons distributed by the government cuponero [adj] PR
living together ajuntado [adj] EC rur.
living slyly at the expense of others vivón [adj] HN
living/located on a riverbank bandeño [adj] BO
living and working in the country guajiro [adj] PR
very beautiful (living being) de concurso [adj] VE
living with a woman endamado [adj] HN SV
living on the coast or in the mangroves manglero [adj] CU
living together mancornado [adj] HN SV NI
living with a romantic partner encuerado [adj] VE
living in the country monteño [adj] SV
living in the country monterolo [adj] SV derog.
living at other's expense pega [adj] DO
living like a peruvian peruanizado [adj] PE BO
living at another's expense recostado [adj] CO:W derog.
living at another's expense recostado [adj] PA PR
living off remains and gleaning rebuscón [adj] PA
relating to the ona people living in tierra del fuego selknam [adj] CL AR
living with many excesses reventado [adj] MX AR
living in a remote place with bad communication zurdido [adj] SV
living together acompañado [adj] NI
living together acompañado [adj] rare
native to or living in the border zone arrayano [adj] DO
living off the country campirano [adj] MX HN EC
non-living inánime [adj] rare
living in san carlos, dominican republic isleño [adj] DO
living in a shack or hut jacalero [adj] MX
living inside the cloister mansionario [adj] disused
prevent from earning a living destruir [v] fig.
make someone acquire the vices and customs of the gachupín (spanish people living in america) agachupinar [v] MX
acquire the vices and customs of the gachupín (spanish person living in america) agachupinarse [v] MX
adopt the customs of the spanish-speaking country in which someone is living acriollarse [v] PA DO PR VE PE CL
adopt the customs of the spanish-speaking country in which someone is living acriollarse [v] PY AR UY rare
make a living out of selling cheap or wrong-acquired goods choricear [v] CR
accustom horses to walking and living as a team entropillar [v] AR UY rur.
become wild due to living a long time in the field enzacatarse [v] SV
do everything possible to make a living inventar [v] CU
get used to living in the countryside enmaniguarse [v] PR
make a living embolsillar [v] CO
take on characteristics of living in the countryside montunizarse [v] HN cult
inconvenience someone living off them without their consent recostarse [v] CR PA PR PY
inconvenience someone living off them without their consent arrecostarse [v] NI PA
be accustomed to living outside enmaniguarse [v] PR
be accustomed to country living enmaniguarse [v] PR
accustom horses to living in a herd entropillar [v] AR UY
belligerent indian group living near the rivers of the meta cuiba  [m/pl] CO VE
living slyly at the expense of others alagartado [adj] HN NI derog.
loose-living libertina [adj/f]
living on locusts acridófaga [adj/f]
living on an income rentada [adj/f]
living on grass graminívora [adj/f]
living upon grain granívora [adj/f]
living without trouble and care descuitada [adj/f]
ever-living sempiterna [adj/f]
living on the savanna sabanera  [adj/f] VE
relating to a person that composes or sings bachatas for a living bachatera [adj/f] CU DO PR
living along the waterside bajurena [adj/f] CR
living or working along the waterside bajeña [adj/f] PA
turn someone's life into a living hell convertir en un infierno la vida de alguien [v]
frighten the living daylights out of somebody asustar mucho a alguien [v]
frighten the living daylights out of someone asustar mucho a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of somebody asustar mucho a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of someone asustar mucho a alguien [v]
make someone’s life a living hell convertir en un infierno la vida de alguien [v]
make a living ganarse el pan [v]
earn a living ganarse el sustento [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone aplastar a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone avasallar a alguien [v]
make a living ganar para comer [v]
be scared the living daylights out of estar con el alma en la boca [v]
be living in a dream world andar por las nubes [v]
be living in a dream world estar en las nubes [v]
be living in a fantasy world andar por las nubes [v]
be living in a fantasy world estar en las nubes [v]
be living in cloud-cuckoo-land andar por las nubes [v]
be living in cloud-cuckoo-land estar en las nubes [v]
be living in nevernever land andar por las nubes [v]
be living in nevernever land estar en las nubes [v]
be living in a dream world vivir en las nubes [v]
be living in a fantasy world vivir en las nubes [v]
be living in cloud-cuckoo-land vivir en las nubes [v]
be living in nevernever land vivir en las nubes [v]
sponge a living comer la sopa boba [v]
sponge a living andar la sopa boba [v]
sponge a living vivir de la sopa boba [v]
complain about living hand to mouth quejarse de vivir al día [v]
make a living ganarse los garbanzos [v]
earn a living for the family llevar el pan al hogar [v]
earn a living for the family proporcionar el sustento para el hogar [v]
earn a living for the family llevar el pan a casa [v]
earn a living for the family ser el sustento del hogar [v]
earn one's own living ganarse su propio sustento [v]
earn one's own living ganarse la vida [v]
be living in a dream world vivir en la luna [v]
be in the land of the living estar en el mundo de los vivos [v]
not tell a (living) soul no contarle a nadie [v]
be living on another planet estar en la luna [v]
be living on another planet estar viviendo en otro planeta [v]
be living on borrowed time tener los días contados [v]
be living-in-the-past estar viviendo en el pasado [v]
be living the life of riley estar dándose la buena vida [v]
be living beyond one's means estirar más el brazo que la manga [v]
make one's living ganarse las alubias [v]
make one's living ganarse los garbanzos [v]
make one's living buscarse el pan [v]
make one's living buscarse el cocido [v]
make one's living buscarse las alubias [v]
make one's living buscarse los garbanzos [v]
earn a living ganarse el puchero [v]
earn one's living ganarse los porotos [v]
earn one's living ganarse el cocido [v]
earn one's living ganarse las alubias [v]
earn one's living ganarse los garbanzos [v]
earn one's living buscarse el pan [v]
earn one's living buscarse el cocido [v]
earn one's living buscarse las alubias [v]
earn one's living buscarse los garbanzos [v]
earn one's living ganar el puchero [v]
make a living ganar el puchero [v]
earn one's living ganarse el puchero [v]
make a living ganarse el puchero [v]
make one's living ganarse los porotos [v]
make one's living ganarse el pan [v]
make one's living ganarse el cocido [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the living daylights out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
beat the (living) daylights out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
beat the (living) daylights out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
beat the (living) daylights out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
beat the (living) daylights out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
knock the (living) daylights out of someone hacer papilla a alguien [v]
knock the (living) daylights out of someone hacer picadillo a alguien [v]
knock the (living) daylights out of someone hacer puré a alguien [v]
knock the (living) daylights out of someone hacer pebre a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of somebody dejar tieso de miedo a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of somebody paralizar de miedo a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of asustar mucho a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of somebody atemorizar mucho a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of someone paralizar de miedo a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of someone atemorizar mucho a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of someone dejar tieso de miedo a alguien [v]
scare the living daylights out of somebody dar un susto de muerte a alguien [v]
make someone’s life a living hell llevar a alguien por la calle de la amargura [v]
make someone’s life a living hell traer a alguien por la calle de la amargura [v]
turn someone's life into a living hell llevar a alguien por la calle de la amargura [v]
turn someone's life into a living hell traer a alguien por la calle de la amargura [v]
turn someone's life into a living hell matar a alguien a fuego lento [v]
make someone’s life a living hell matar a alguien a fuego lento [v]
make someone's life a living hell amargar la vida a alguien [v]
make someone's life a living hell amargar la existencia a alguien [v]
be the living example of something ser el vivo ejemplo de algo [v]