attorney - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "attorney" in German English Dictionary : 31 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
attorney Bevollmächtigter [m]
attorney Anwalt [m]
attorney Staatsanwalt [m]
attorney Bevollmächtigter [m]
attorney Rechtsanwalt [m]
attorney Beauftragte [m/f]
attorney Bevollmächtigte [m/f]
attorney Rechtsanwältin [f]
attorney Bevollmächtigter [m]
attorney Anwalt [m]
attorney Rechtsanwalt [m]
attorney Bevollmächtigter [m]
attorney Rechtsanwalt [m]
attorney Syndikus [m]
attorney Rechtsvertreter [m]
attorney Bevollmächtigte [f]
attorney Advokaten [pl]
attorney Anwälte [pl]
attorney Anwältinnen [pl]
attorney Rechtsanwälte [pl]
attorney Rechtsanwältinnen [pl]
attorney Rechtsberater [pl]
attorney rechtlicher Vertreter
attorney Anwalt [m]
attorney Rechtsanwalt [m]
attorney Anwältin [f]
attorney Rechtsanwältin [f]
attorney Anwalt [m]
attorney Sachverwalter [m]
attorney Bevollmächtigter [m]
attorney Rechtsanwalt (RA)

Meanings of "attorney" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 149 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
state's attorney general Generalstaatsanwalt [m]
attorney general Justizminister [m]
attorney at law Rechtsanwalt [m]
defense attorney Strafverteidiger [m]
state's attorney Staatsanwalt [m]
attorney general Generalbundesanwalt [m]
attorney in fact Bevollmächtigter [m]
attorney for the defendant Anwalt des Beklagten [m]
attorney and client Anwalt und Mandant [m]
attorney in-fact Bevollmächtigter [m]
attorney in-fact Stellvertreter [m]
court-appointed attorney Pflichtverteidiger [m]
court-appointed attorney vom Gericht eingesetzter Anwalt [m]
court-appointed attorney vom Gericht bestellter Anwalt [m]
letter of attorney (schriftliche) Vollmacht [f]
limited power of attorney eingeschränkte Vollmacht [f]
power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
a letter of attorney eine Prozessvollmacht [f]
a letter of attorney eine schriftliche Vollmacht [f]
attorney generalship Generalstaatsanwaltschaft [f]
attorney in-fact Bevollmächtigte [f]
attorney in-fact Stellvertreterin [f]
court-appointed attorney Pflichtverteidigerin [f]
court-appointed attorney vom Gericht eingesetzte Anwältin [f]
court-appointed attorney vom Gericht bestellte Anwältin [f]
get a lawyer/an attorney sich einen Anwalt nehmen [v]
give power of attorney bevollmächtigen [v]
give someone power of attorney jemandem eine Vollmacht erteilen [v]
give someone power of attorney someone eine Vollmacht erteilen [v]
grant someone power of attorney someone eine Vollmacht erteilen [v]
grant someone power of attorney jemandem eine Vollmacht erteilen [v]
to give someone power of attorney jemanden bevollmächtigen [v]
give a power of attorney eine Vollmacht erteilen [v]
give a power of attorney bevollmächtigen [v]
given power of attorney bevollmächtigt
giving power of attorney bevollmächtigend
the scope of power (of attorney) der Vollmachtsbereich
the scope of power (of attorney) der Umfang einer Vollmacht
letter of attorney Vollmacht
letter of attorney Prozessvollmacht
district attorney Bezirksstaatsanwalt
letter of attorney Vollmachtsurkunde
by attorney in Vertretung
by attorney im Auftrag
attorney-at-law Rechtsanwalt [m]
attorney at law Anwalt [m]
private attorney Sachverwalter [m]
power of attorney Ermächtigung [f]
power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
general power of attorney Generalvollmacht [f]
warrant of attorney Vollmacht [f]
letter of attorney Vollmacht [f]
power of attorney Zeichnungsberechtigung [f]
general power of attorney Gesamtvollmacht [f]
general power of attorney Generalvollmacht
power of attorney Zeichnungsberechtigung [f]
power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
power of attorney for the stock exchange Börsenvollmacht [f]
power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
attorney-at-law Rechtsanwalt [m]
Business Correspondence
full power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
attorney (at law) (att.) (atty) Advokat [m]
attorney (at law) (att.) (atty) Advokat [pejorativ] [m]
attorney (at law) (att.) (atty) Anwalt [m]
attorney (at law) (att.) (atty) Rechtsanwalt [m]
attorney (at law) (att.) (atty) Rechtsanwalt (RA) [m]
attorney (at law) (att.) (atty) Rechtsberater [m]
attorney for the defense Strafverteidiger [m]
attorney for the defense Verteidiger [m]
Attorney General Chefankläger [m]
Attorney General Justizminister [m]
Attorney General Justizminister (und Generalstaatsanwalt) (in USA) [m]
Attorney General Kronanwalt (in GB) [m]
Attorney General oberster Anklagevertreter [m]
attorney in fact Bevollmächtigte [m]
attorney in fact Bevollmächtigter [m]
attorney in fact Stellvertreter [m]
County Attorney Staatsanwalt [m]
defense attorney Verteidiger [m]
defense attorney Strafverteidiger [m]
District Attorney (DA) Staatsanwalt [m]
legal attorney Rechtsvertreter [m]
Prosecuting Attorney Staatsanwalt [m]
State/State's Attorney Staatsanwalt [m]
State's Attorney Staatsanwalt [m]
attorney at law Anwalt [m]
attorney for the defendant Anwalt des Angeklagten [m]
state attorney Staatsanwalt [m]
assigned attorney beigeordneter Anwalt [m]
state attorney Bundesanwalt [m]
attorney for the defendent Verteidiger [m]
attorney for the plaintiff Anwalt des Klägers [m]
attorney general Kronanwalt [m]
attorney of record Prozessbevollmächtigter [m]
state attorney general Generalstaatsanwalt [m]
attorney (at law) (att.) (atty) Anwältin [f]
attorney (at law) (att.) (atty) Rechtsanwältin [f]
attorney for the defense Strafverteidigerin [f]
attorney for the defense Verteidigerin [f]
Attorney General Justizministerin [f]
County Attorney Staatsanwältin [f]
defense attorney Strafverteidigerin [f]
defense attorney Verteidigerin [f]
District Attorney (DA) Staatsanwältin [f]
full power of attorney Generalvollmacht [f]
full power of attorney Blankovollmacht [f]
letter of attorney Vollmachtsurkunde [f]
power of attorney (schriftliche) Vollmacht [f]
power of attorney Prozessvollmacht [f]
Prosecuting Attorney Staatsanwältin [f]
special power (of attorney) Spezialvollmacht [f]
State/State's Attorney Staatsanwältin [f]
State's Attorney Staatsanwältin [f]
admission as attorney Anwaltszulassung [f]
substitute power of attorney Untervollmacht [f]
power of attorney Handlungsvollmacht [f]
power of attorney Vollmachtsurkunde [f]
power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
limited power of attorney beschränkte Vollmacht [f]
attorney docket number Aktenzeichen des Bevollmächtigten [n]
attorney fees Anwaltsgebühren [pl]
Attorney Generals Justizminister [pl]
Attorney Generals Justizministerinnen [pl]
expired power of attorney erloschene Vollmacht
legal attorney rechtlicher Vertreter
terminated power of attorney erloschene Vollmacht
termination of a power of attorney Erlöschen einer Vollmacht
State Attorney General Justizminister {m} eines Bundesstaates der USA
warrant of attorney anwaltliche Prozessvollmacht (schriftliche Prozessvollmacht für einen Anwalt)
Federal Attorney General Generalbundesanwalt [m]
EU Terms
power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
Swiss Law
attorney at law Rechtsanwalt [m]
attorney-at-law Rechtsanwalt [m]
power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
patent attorney Patentanwalt [m]
patent attorney Patentanwältin [f]
grantor of a power of attorney Vollmachtgeber [m]
person holding a power of attorney Bevollmächtigter [m]
admission as attorney Anwaltszulassung [f]
grantors of a power of attorney Vollmachtgeber [pl]
admission as attorney Zulassung als Rechtsanwalt
notice of revocation of a power of attorney Mitteilung des Widerrufs einer Vollmacht
patent attorney Patentanwalt [m]
authorization/power of attorney Vollmacht [f]
Assistant State's Attorney stellvertretender Staatsanwalt
medical power of attorney Vorsorgevollmacht [f]
medical power of attorney medizinische Vorsorgeverfügung [f]
power of attorney for future issues Vorsorgevollmacht [f]
SAP Terms
commercial power of attorney Handlungsvollmacht [f]