forest - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "forest" in German English Dictionary : 13 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
forest Wald [m]
forest Forst [m]
forest großer Wald
EU Terms
forest Wald [m]
forest Forst [m]
forest Wald [m]
forest Waldgebiet [n]
forest Forst [m]
forest Wald [m]
forest Waldmantel [m]
forest Forst [m]
forest Wald [der]
forest Wald [m]

Meanings of "forest" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
oak forest Eichenwald [m]
mangrove forest Mangrovenwald [m]
montane rain forest Gebirgsregenwald [m]
high forest Hochwald [m]
fir forest Tannenwald [m]
forest cemetery Waldfriedhof [m]
forest goblin Schrat [m]
forest goblin Waldschrat [m]
area of forest Waldbestand [m]
virgin forest Urwald [m]
secondgrowth forest Sekundärwald [m]
primeval forest Urwald [m]
pristine forest Urwald [m]
protective forest Schutzwald [m]
recreational forest Erholungswald [m]
riverside forest Auenwald [m]
Teutoburg Forest Teutoburger Wald [m]
forest elephant Waldelefant [m]
forest ranger Förster [m]
rain forest Regenwald [m]
autumn forest Herbstwald [m]
forest manager Forstwart [m]
enchanted forest Märchenwald [m]
publicly owned forest Staatswald [m]
forest peat Waldtorf [m]
cultivated forest Wirtschaftswald [m]
forest protection Fortschutz [m]
bog forest Moorwald [m]
urban forest urbaner Wald [m]
floodplain forest Sumpfwald [m]
forest dweller Waldbewohner [m]
enchanted forest Zauberwald [m]
fall forest Herbstwald [m]
montane forest Gebirgswald [m]
forest ranger Waldhüter [m]
alluvial forest Auwald [m]
Bavarian Forest Bayerischer Wald [m]
boreal coniferous forest borealer Nadelwald [m]
bog forest Sumpfwald [m]
forest demon Schrat [m]
bog forest Hochmoorwald [m]
forest manager Forstwirt [m]
cloud forest Wolkenwald [m]
forest edge Waldrand [m]
floodplain forest Überschwemmungswald [m]
trade in forest products Holzhandel [m]
urban forest Stadtwald [m]
coniferous forest Nadelwald [m]
mountain forest Bergwald [m]
tropical forest tropischer Wald [m]
deciduous forest Laubwald [m]
forest edge Waldsaum [m]
forest pest Waldschädling [m]
a walk in the forest ein Waldspaziergang [m]
a walk in the forest ein Spaziergang im Wald [m]
brown forest soil brauner Waldboden [m]
burning forest brennender Wald [m]
dark forest dunkler Wald [m]
dark forest finsterer Wald [m]
dense forest dichter Wald [m]
dirt forest road Waldweg [m]
first-growth forest unberührter Wald [m]
first-growth forest Urwald [m]
foggy forest nebliger Wald [m]
forest engineer Forstingenieur [m]
forest excursion Waldausflug [m]
forest excursion Ausflug im Wald [m]
forest fire fighter Waldbrandbekämpfer [m]
forest keeper Förster [m]
forest keeper Waldaufseher [m]
forest tree seed Waldbaumsamen [m]
forest trip Waldausflug [m]
forest village Walddorf [m]
forest village Dorf im Wald [m]
forest watchman Waldwächter [m]
galleria forest Galleria-Wald [m]
forest administration Forstverwaltung [f]
forest aisle Waldschneise [f]
forest area Waldung [f]
type of forest Waldart [f]
forest glade Waldschneise [f]
forest fire fighting Waldbrandbekämpfung [f]
forest hydrology Forsthydrologie [f]
forest management Forstverwaltung [f]
forest aisle Schneise [f]
forest fire cloud Waldbrandwolke [f]
forest policy Forstpolitik [f]
forest glade Waldlichtung [f]
forest ecology Forstökologie [f]
forest area Waldfläche [f]
forest litter Waldstreu [f]
forest plantation area Schonung [f]
forest economy Forstwirtschaft [f]
ataturk forest farm Atatürk-Waldfarm [f]
forest engineer Forstingenieurin [f]
forest engineering Forsttechnik [f]
forest fire fighter Waldbrandbekämpferin [f]
forest keeper Försterin [f]
forest keeper Waldaufseherin [f]
forest party Waldparty [f]
forest reproduction Waldreproduktion [f]
forest reproduction Waldnachbildung [f]
forest school Waldschule [f]
forest tour Waldtour [f]
forest week Waldwoche [f]
forest area Waldgebiet [n]
forest glass Waldglas [n]
area of forest Waldgebiet [n]
forest bog Waldmoor [n]
a vast forest ein riesiges Waldgebiet [n]
commercial forest land Wirtschaftswaldstück [n]
house in forest Haus im Wald [n]
enter the forest in den Wald gehen [v]
go into the forest in den Wald gehen [v]
forest aisles Schneisen [pl]
forest aisles Waldschneisen [pl]
forest areas Waldflächen [pl]
forest areas Waldungen [pl]
forest areas Waldgebiete [pl]
forest cemeteries Waldfriedhöfe [pl]
areas of forest Waldgebiete [pl]
forest products Forsterzeugnisse [pl]
denizens of the forest Waldbewohner [pl]
beasts of the forest Waldtiere [pl]
forest insects Waldkerfe [pl]
forest insects Waldinsekte [pl]
forest insects Forstschädlinge [pl]
forest insects Forstinsekte [pl]
old-growth forest altbestehender Wald
depth of a forest Tiefe eines Waldes
a spate of forest fires eine Häufung von Waldbränden
woodland/forest ecosystem forstliches Ökosystem
summergreen forest sommergrüner Laubwald
pristine forest unberührter Wald
mangrove forest Mangrove
close to the forest in Waldnähe
mangrove forest Mangrovenwald
vine tropical rain forest tropischer Lianen-Regenwald
cannot see the forest for the trees den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen [v]
cannot see the forest for the trees den Blick für das Ganze verlieren [v]
can't see the forest for the trees den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen [v]
can't see the forest for the trees den Blick für das Ganze verlieren [v]
virgin forest Urwald [m]
not see the forest for the trees den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen [übertragen]
in a forest clearing auf einer Waldlichtung
on the fringes of the forest am Waldrand
on the fringe of the forest am Waldrand
just as one calls into the forest so it echoes back Wie man in den Wald hineinruft so schallt es heraus
you can't see the forest for the trees Du siehst den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht
forest giant Urwaldriese [m]
Teutoburg Forest Teuto [m]
forest of traffic signs Schilderwald [m]
miss the forest for the trees den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen [übertragen] [v]
forest giants Urwaldriesen [pl]
trade in forest products Holzhandel [m]
forest insurance Waldversicherung [f]
forest area Waldfläche [f]
income from agriculture and forest economy Einkünfte aus Land- und Forstwirtschaft
EU Terms
forest ranger Forstaufseher [m]
natural forest Naturwald [m]
high forest Hochwald [m]
publicly owned forest Staatswald [m]
private forest Privatwald [m]
mountain forest Bergwald [m]
forest conservation Waldschutz [m]
boreal forest boreale Waldgesellschaften
European Forest Institute Europäisches Forstinstitut
forest plantation angelegter Wald
Mediterranean forest mediterrane Waldgesellschaften
forest certification forstwirtschaftliche Zertifizierung
classified forest geschützter Wald
tropical forest tropischer Regenwald
temperate forest Waldgesellschaften gemäßigter Klimazonen
sustainable forest management nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft
fire vehicle for forest fires Waldbrandlöschfahrzeug
forest railway track Forstbahngleis
publicly owned forest Körperschaftswald [m]
edge of the forest Waldrand [m]
forest economy Forstwirtschaft [f]
forest pest Forstschädling [m]
cloud forest Nebelwald [m]
forest-dependent species waldabhängige Art
forest damage research Waldschadensforschung [f]
forest glass Waldglas [n]
beech forest (depending on its size) Buchenwald [m]
forest demon Schratt [m]
Forest Monks Waldmönche [pl]
Real Estate
forest edge location Waldrandlage [f]
protection forest Schutzwald [m]
protective forest Bannwald [m]
protective forest for water resources Wasserschutzwald [m]
forest ecologist Waldökologe [m]
conifer forest Nadelwald [m]
type of deciduous forest Laubwaldtyp [m]
forest ecologist Forstökologe [m]
forest fire Waldbrand [m]
forest decline Waldniedergang [m]
forest soil Waldboden [m]
mountain forest Bergwald [m]
indigenous forest Naturwald [m]
protection forest Bannwald [m]
mixed forest Mischwald [m]
forest tree Waldbaum [m]
forest pest Forstschädling [m]
forest condition Waldzustand [m]
primeval forest Urwald [m]
forest damage Forstschaden [m]
protective forest Schutzwald [m]
private forest Privatwald [m]
forest use plan Waldfunktionsplan [m]
banned forest Bannwald [m]
coniferous forest Nadelwald [m]
rain forest Regenwald [m]
urban forest Stadtwald [m]
mountain forest Gebirgswald [m]
forest protection Forstschutz [m]
forest damage Waldschaden [m]
forest penny Waldpfennig [m]
forest protection Waldschutz [m]
forest conservation Waldschutz [m]
forest edge Waldrand [m]
forest owner Waldbesitzer [m]
alluvial forest Auwald [m]
forest stand Baumbestand [m]
forest stand Bestand [m]
forest destruction Waldzerstörung [f]
forest tending Waldhygiene [f]
forest plant Forstpflanze [f]
forest history Waldgeschichte [f]
forest ecology Forstökologie [f]
forest mensuration Dendrometrie [f]
forest plant Waldpflanze [f]
forest meadow Waldwiese [f]
inventory of forest damage Waldschadensinventur [f]
forest inventory Waldinventur [f]
forest ecology Waldökologie [f]
forest damage Waldzerstörung [f]
forest community Waldgesellschaft [f]
forest damage inventory Waldzustandsinventur [f]
forest chemistry Forstchemie [f]
forest regeneration Waldverjüngung [f]
forest damage research Waldschadensforschung [f]
forest function Waldfunktion [f]
rain forest biome Regenwaldbiom [n]
protected forest area Waldschutzgebiet [n]
forest product Forstprodukt [n]
right of way in a forest Waldbetretungsrecht [n]
forest reservation Waldreservat [n]
forest dieback Waldsterben [n]
forest property Waldeigentum [n]
forest climate Waldklima [n]
dwindling forest resources abnehmende Waldbestände [pl]
forest damage classification Waldschäden [pl]
forest damage monitoring system Waldschaden-Beobachtungssystem
Austrian forest inventory österreichische Waldinventur
unlogged forest ungerodeder Wald
woodland/forest ecosystem forstliches Ökosystem
forest damage classification Schadstufen
forest floor Bodenstreu [m]
tropical rain forest tropischer Regenwald [m]
deciduous forest Laubwald [m]
coniferous forest Nadelwald [m]
forest floor Streudecke [f]
Bavarian Forest Bayerischer Wald [m]
Black Forest Schwarzwald [m]
Bohemian Forest Böhmerwald [m]
fringing forest Galeriewald [m]
gallery forest Galeriewald [m]
riverine forest Galeriewald [m]
Thuringian Forest Thüringer Wald [m]
mountain forest Gebirgswald [m]
Upper Palatine Forest Oberpfälzer Wald [m]
Bavarian Forest Bayerwald [m]
alluvial forest Auenwald [m]
Northern Black Forest Nordscharzwald [m]
fog forest Nebelwald [m]
forest belt Waldgürtel [m]
sclerophyll forest Hartlaubwald [m]
alpine forest Gebirgswald [m]
coastal forest Küstenwald [m]
temperate evergreen forest immergrüner Nadelwald der gemäßigten Zone
tropical cloud forest tropischer Nebelwald
Thuringian Forest Thüringer Wald
cloud forest Wolkenwald [m]
impenetrable forest undurchdringlicher Wald
low forest Niederwald (Forstwirtschaft) [m]
low forest Niederwald [m]
forest fruit Waldfrucht [f]
forest landscape Waldlandschaft [f]
forest law Forstrecht [n]
forest-damaging waldschädigend [adj]
forest history forstgeschichtlich [adj]
bamboo forest Bambuswald [m]
coppice forest Niederwald [m]
coppice forest with standards Plenterwald [m]
coppice forest Niederwald (Forstwirtschaft) [m]
forest clearance Kahlschlag [m]
forest clearance Kahlschlag (Waldgebieten) [m]
forest clearing Kahlschlag [m]
forest clearing Kahlschlag (Waldgebieten) [m]
forest condition Waldzustand [m]
forest damage Forstschaden [m]
forest dweller Waldbewohner [m]
forest estate Waldbesitz [m]
forest fire Waldbrand [m]
forest floor Waldboden [m]
forest laborer Forstarbeiter [m]
forest labourer Forstarbeiter [m]
forest mire Bruchwald [m]
forest officer Forstbeamte [m]
forest protection Forstschutz [m]
forest ranger Förster [m]
forest ranger Revierleiter [m]
forest ranger Waldhüter [m]
forest spirit Waldgeist (Mythologie) [m]
forest stand Waldbestand [m]
forest stand Forstbestand [m]
forest supervisor Forstaufseher [m]
forest stewardship plan Forstverwaltungsplan [m]
forest warden Waldhüter [m]
forest warden Förster [m]
forest worker Forstarbeiter [m]
mixed deciduous and coniferous forest Mischwald [m]
needleleaf forest Nadelholzwald [m]
needleleaf forest Nadelwald [m]
needle-leaved forest Nadelholzwald [m]
needle-leaved forest Nadelwald [m]
secondary forest Sekundärwald [m]
swamp forest Bruchwald [m]
bottomland riparian forest Auwald [m]
lowland riparian forest Auwald [m]
spruce forest Fichtenwald [m]
construction of forest roads Waldwegebau [m]
commercial forest Wirtschaftswald [m]
privately owned forest Privatwald [m]
aspen forest Espenwald [m]
barrier forest Lawinenschutzwald [m]
corporate forest Körperschaftswald [m]
beech forest Buchenwald [m]
private forest Privatwald [m]
urban forest Gemeindewald [m]
protection forest Schutzwald [m]
broadleaf forest Laubwald [m]
culled forest gesäuberter Wald [m]
forest road construction Waldwegebau [m]
riparian forest Auwald [m]
fir forest Tannenwald [m]
broad-leaved forest Laubwald [m]
tropical forest Tropenwald [m]
oak forest Eichenwald [m]
offence against forest laws Holzfrevel [m]
cultivated forest Kulturwald [m]
dry forest Trockenwald [m]
protected forest Bannwald [m]
skilled forest worker Forstwirt [m]
birch forest Birkenwald [m]
montane forest Bergwald [m]
pastoral forest Hutewald [m]
forest protection Waldschutz [m]
forest ranger Forstaufseher [m]
type of forest Waldtyp [m]
heath forest Heidewald [m]
natural forest Naturwald [m]
second-growth forest Sekundärwald [m]
tropical rain forest tropischer Regenwald [m]
swamp forest Sumpfwald [m]
timber forest Hochwald [m]
forest land Waldboden [m]
forest tree Waldbaum [m]
forest area Waldkomplex [m]
offence against forest-law Waldfrevel [m]
forest skirt Waldrand [m]
forest road construction Waldwegebau [m]
forest guard Waldhüter [m]
forest owner Waldbesitzer [m]
mixed forest Mischwald [m]
forest fund Waldfonds [m]
high forest Hochwald [m]
forest-ranger Waldschützer [m]
forest type Waldtyp [m]
pole forest Stangenwald [m]
forest owner Waldeigentümer [m]
forest humus Waldhumus [m]
forest owners‘ association Waldbesitzerverband [m]
forest pond Waldtümpel [m]
forest belt Waldgürtel [m]
condition of forest Waldzustand [m]
forest property Waldbesitz [m]
forest structure Waldaufbau [m]
forest soil Waldboden [m]
forest cleaning (session) Waldsäuberung [f]
forest clean-up Waldsäuberung [f]
forest clearance Abholzung [f]
forest clearance Rodung [f]
forest clearance Abforstung [f]
forest clearing Rodung [f]
forest clearing Abholzung [f]
forest clearing Waldlichtung [f]
forest clearing Abforstung [f]
forest clearing area Rodungsfläche [f]
forest ecosystem Waldgesellschaft [f]
forest entomology Forstentomologie [f]
forest health survey Waldschadenserhebung [f]
forest industry Holzverarbeitungsindustrie [f]
forest management Forstpflegewirtschaft [f]
forest plantation area Schonung [f]
forest pathology Forstpathologie [f]
forest policy Forstpolitik [f]
forest ranger Försterin [f]
forest solitude Waldeinsamkeit [f]
forest tract Waldung [f]
forest tree liner Forstpflanze [f]
forest tree nursery Forstbaumschule [f]
forest tree seedling Forstpflanze [f]
forest utilisation Forstnutzung [f]
forest utilization Forstnutzung [f]
forest warden Försterin [f]
forest tending Waldpflege [f]
forest boundary Waldgrenze [f]
forest map Forstkarte [f]
forest aisle Waldschneise [f]
forest insurance Waldversicherung [f]
forest mindedness Waldgesinnung [f]
forest region Waldzone [f]
forest plant Waldpflanze [f]
forest area Waldzone [f]
forest flora Waldflora [f]
forest fire control Waldbrandbekämpfung [f]
forest area Waldfläche [f]
forest reserve Waldreserve [f]
forest fire prevention Waldbrandverhütung [f]
forest cover Walddecke [f]
forest conservation Walderhaltung [f]
forest railway Waldeisenbahn [f]
forest railroad Waldeisenbahn [f]
forest ecology Waldökologie [f]
forest glade Waldwiese [f]
forest history Waldgeschichte [f]
forest resource Waldinventur [f]
forest vegetation Waldvegetation [f]
forest valuation Waldwertrechnung [f]
forest inventory Waldaufnahme [f]
forest tree breeding Waldbaumzüchtung [f]
forest cover Waldbedeckung [f]
forest work Waldarbeit [f]
forest density Walddichte [f]
forest landscape Waldlandschaft [f]
forest floor Waldbodendecke [f]
forest region Waldgegend [f]
forest limit Waldgrenze [f]
forest operation Waldarbeit [f]
forest canton Waldstätte [f]
forest settlement Waldsiedlung [f]
forest litter Waldstreu [f]
forest pasture Waldweide [f]
forest management Waldpflege [f]
forest fire risk Waldbrandgefahr [f]
forest valuation Waldwertschätzung [f]
forest destruction Waldzerstörung [f]
forest fire area Waldbrandfläche [f]
forest fire insurance Waldbrandversicherung [f]
forest yield science Waldertragskunde [f]
forest community Waldgesellschaft [f]
forest map Waldkarte [f]
forest vegetation Waldflora [f]
forest fire danger Waldbrandgefahr [f]
forest fertilization Walddüngung [f]
forest clearance Abholzen [n]
forest clearing Abholzen [n]
forest culture tools Forstkulturgerät [n]
forest district Forstrevier [n]
forest dieback Waldsterben [n]
forest mire Waldmoor [n]
forest mire Bruchmoor [n]
forest office Forstamt [n]
forest plantation area Waldpflanzgebiet [n]
forest reproductive material forstliches Vermehrungsgut [n]
forest tract Waldgebiet [n]
forest area Waldstück [n]
forest decline Waldsterben [n]
forest protection area Waldreservat [n]
forest assets Waldvermögen [n]
forest die-off Waldsterben [n]
forest fire danger Waldbrandrisiko [n]
forest area Waldareal [n]
pole forest Stangenholz [n]
forest ownership Waldeigentum [n]
high forest Baumholz [n]
forest estate Waldgut [n]
forest fire risk Waldbrandrisiko [n]
forest laws Waldrecht [n]
forest property Waldgrundstück [n]
forest district Waldgebiet [n]
forest farm Waldgut [n]
forest wealth Waldreichtum [n]
forest picture Waldbild [n]
to forest something etwas bewalden [v]
forest clearing areas Rodungsflächen [pl]
forest clearings Waldlichtungen [pl]
forest districts Forstreviere [pl]