'-something - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire


Sens de "'-something" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 1 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
'-something ón [suf]

Sens de "'-something" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
place where something is buried sepultura [f]
fitness (for something) disposición [f]
walk on (something) pisar [v]
snarl at something ladrar [v]
regret something lamentar [v]
miss something marrar [v]
recommend something preconizar [v]
prohibit something prohibir [v]
remember something rememorar [v]
pay off something saldar [v]
lift something soliviar [v]
supply something surtir [v]
cross something out tachar [v]
cut something down talar [v]
wall something in tapiar [v]
block something tapar [v]
jerk something tasajear [v]
end something terminar [v]
clink something tintinar [v]
misplace something traspapelar [v]
outline something trazar [v]
value something valuar [v]
appraise something valorizar [v]
guy (a rope, cord, or cable used to steady, guide, or secure something) viento [m]
product, outcome of something fruta [f]
enjoy something disfrutar de algo [v]
get (something) ready disponer [v]
talk about something hablar sobre algo [v]
be something llegar a ser algo [v]
start with something empezar con algo [v]
try to do something intentar hacer algo [v]
have (something) contar con [v]
try to do something tratar de hacer algo [v]
stop doing something dejar de hacer algo [v]
put something down dejar [v]
scramble (a struggle for something: a scramble for new territory) lucha [f]
make (someone feel something) traer [v]
manage to do something conseguir hacer algo [v]
do something again volver a hacer algo [v]
prepare something disponer [v]
return (something) regresar [v]
detail (an individual feature or element of something) elemento [m]
small amount of something ápice [m]
something gaudy adefesio [m]
something absurd absurdo [m]
someone that unveils something desvelador [m]
someone that uses something usuario [m]
something which is excing or extraordinary espectáculo [m]
something which serves to reveal indicador [m]
something which is designed to prevent liquids or gasses from leaking empaque [m]
something which is designed to prevent liquids or gasses from leaking cierre [m]
plagiarizing or something plagiarized plagio [m]
something which is in the tenth position décimo [m]
something which induces vomiting vomitivo [m]
something which is used as a measure modelo [m]
something which is used as a measure patrón [m]
something which is reflected reflejo [m]
something which is used to edit text in computers editor de texto [m]
something which is rejected artículo defectuoso [m]
something which reminds recordatorio [m]
something which one uses to achieve an objective recurso [m]
something which one uses to achieve an objective medio [m]
something which is used to pick a winner desempate [m]
someone that has a personal knowledge of something testigo [m]
something which is towed remolque [m]
something which tows remolque [m]
something which tows remolcador [m]
something that supports soporte [m]
something which is designed to fool truco [m]
something which attracts women imán de chochetes [m]
rushedly doing something arrebato [m]
consuming something consumo [m]
case which is used to express the lack of something caso abesivo [m]
something which is discovered descubrimiento [m]
something which is discovered hallazgo [m]
something or someone of any value activo [m]
bounty (a generous gift; something freely provided) presente [m]
something which is given liberally presente [m]
something which is given liberally obsequio [m]
formal record of something done hecho [m]
someone that adapts something adaptador [m]
something which is consuming resources with no gains drenaje [m]
something which is consuming resources with no gains tubo abierto [m]
something which breathes respirador [m]
something which supports soporte [m]
something which is constructed with the size and form of a human maniquí [m]
something that helps recurso [m]
clearing or something cleared despeje [m]
something being edited montaje [m]
something which coasts deslizador [m]
case which is used to indicate movement out of something caso elativo [m]
something which is in the eleventh position undécimo [m]
device which acts as something else emulador [m]
something which is enclosed encierro [m]
something which is enclosed cercamiento [m]
something which is made in imitation remedo [m]
something which is ordinary lugar común [m]
something which is derived derivado [m]
something trivial detalle [m]
something which deters disuasivo [m]
something which is used to enhance flavor condimento [m]
case which is used to express the lack of something caso caritivo [m]
something that has developed desarrollo [m]
someone that investigates someone or something examinador [m]
someone that protects something apoderado [m]
something which constrains constreñimiento [m]
something which is extracted extracto [m]
someone that has control over something or someone amo [m]
something nonsexual which arouses sexual desire fetiche [m]
something of mixed origin híbrido [m]
something which is used to occupy empty spaces relleno [m]
device which opens something abridor [m]
case which is used to indicate movement into something caso ilativo [m]
something occurring between five quinteto [m]
something which motivates incentivo [m]
inflicting or something inflicted inflicción [m]
something which overlaps solapo [m]
something which overlaps traslapo [m]
something which is fed into a process insumo [m]
covering for the inside of something forro [m]
someone that watches over something monitor [m]
something that is packed paquete [m]
something which is in the fourteenth position decimocuarto [m]
something being lowered bajamiento [m]
something which has mutated mutante [m]
pawning something empeño [m]
someone that keeps something guardián [m]
something which presents danger peligro [m]
something which is in the ninth position noveno [m]
something which causes death mortífero [m]
something which is having no physical reality fantasma [m]
something which washes lavavajillas [m]
someone that speaks in support of something vocero [m]
something which binds to another chemical entity ligando [m]
something which indicates a disease or disorder síntoma [m]
something or someone of any value bien [m]
something or someone of any value valor [m]
something which is from which omens are drawn presagio [m]
something which is from which omens are drawn augurio [m]
something which is from which omens are drawn agüero [m]
something which is from which omens are drawn auspicio [m]
something which protects protector [m]
someone that sets something in motion iniciador [m]
something that hinders obstáculo [m]
something which transmits something transmisor [m]
something which disturbs estorbo [m]
breaking something into pieces quebrar [m]
something which causes death mortal [m]
something which is immoral crimen [m]
something amazing portento [m]
something sticking out repelo [m]
something which nitrifies nitrificador [m]
copying something calco [m]
example of something to copy dechado [m]
putting something out saque [m]
something made of leather talabarte [m]
the first use/show of something estreno [m]
something necessary menester [m]
a craving for something bajón de [m] PR
a whim of something bajón de [m] PR
acknowledge receipt of something acuse de recibo (de algo) [m]
falsity (something false; a lie or deception) mentira [f]
something over or extra ñapa [f]
something typically spanish españolada [f]
mood (for doing something) disposición [f]
making something real realización [f]
something which is given to the poor as charity limosna [f]
something which is affiliated afiliada [f]
something which is done so as to accomplish a purpose acción [f]
breaking something into pieces ruptura [f]
something which generates free cash flow mina [f]
something which is given liberally dádiva [f]
arriving or something that has arrived venida [f]
something which constrains limitación [f]
something which constrains restricción [f]
delimiting something delimitación [f]
demonizing or something demonized demonización [f]
act of conveying something convección [f]
something which is in the eleventh position undécima [f]
having converted something or someone conversión [f]
detecting or sensing something detección [f]
something which is emitted emisión [f]
device which acts as something else emuladora [f]
revealing something revelación [f]
something which distracts distracción [f]
something which disturbs perturbación [f]
something which is in the fourteenth position decimocuarta [f]
something which supports muleta [f]
someone that drives something conductora [f]
something that is not genuine falsificación [f]
thirst (for something) hambre [f]
something not done or neglected omisión [f]
something which is deleted or left out omisión [f]
something which happens to someone by chance suerte [f]
something very pleasant but not really needed in life extravagancia [f]
something which overlaps superposición [f]
act of treating something with oxygen oxigenación [f]
something which will solve all problems panacea [f]
regaining or repossession of something lost recuperación [f]
redeeming or something redeemed redención [f]
the quality of being true to someone or something verdad [f]
signing up or registering for something registración [f]
signing up or registering for something matriculación [f]
relying on someone or something confianza [f]
something which is given in reply respuesta [f]
something which is inconvenient or bothering desconveniencia [f]
something which is inconvenient or bothering inconveniencia [f]
committing something to memory memorización [f]
making something up to date actualización [f]
formal message requesting something petición [f]
formal message requesting something demanda [f]
retaining or something retained retención [f]
something of value given in return for an act recompensa [f]
examining something closely inspección [f]
something which is variable variable [f]
something which is invented invención [f]
something which is made in or shaped on a mould moldura [f]
something which is made in or shaped on a mould copia [f]
something which is made in or shaped on a mould reproducción [f]
something that leads to serious troubles ruina [f]
vocalizing or something vocalized vocalización [f]
act of treating something to kill microorganisms esterilización [f]
something which provides assurance or confirmation garantía [f]
something which washes lavadora [f]
something which is owned posesión [f]
something which is needed necesidad [f]
negating something negación [f]
the quality of something considered as a whole integridad [f]
the quality of something considered as a whole entereza [f]
something which is designed to prevent liquids or gasses from leaking zapatilla [f]
something which is designed to prevent liquids or gasses from leaking empaquetadura [f]
measuring something from side to side anchura [f]
something not expected sorpresa [f]
something which secures seguridad [f]
something which is in the ninth position novena [f]
something which serves as evidence prueba [f]
rushedly doing something precipitación [f]
something that projects protuberancia [f]
the state of something made by an artisan or craftsman calidad de fabricación [f]
something which is left behind sobra [f]
act of making something legal legalización [f]
something which protrudes protuberancia [f]
something which is obscene obscenidad [f]
seeking and obtaining something compra [f]
seeking and obtaining something adquisición [f]
something which is in the tenth position décima [f]
making something sour acidificación [f]
something that simulates simulación [f]
something which is given liberally donación [f]
something which is lost pérdida [f]
something which is directly opposite antípoda [f]
something that has been transcribed transcripción [f]
burning something quema [f]
something which secures garantía [f]
something extraordinary bomba [f]
something that stinks hediondez [f]
desire to do something gana [f]
something from castile and león castellanoleonés [f]
something unusual producing excitement bomba [f]
feeling of missing something saudade [f]
something foolish bobería [f]
inability to do something incapacidad de hacer algo [f]
easy way of doing something forma fácil de hacer algo [f]
easy way of doing something manera simple de hacer algo [f]
someone that or thing that protects something guardia [m/f]
someone that or thing that protects something guarda [m/f]
someone that speaks in support of something portavoz [m/f]
someone that speaks in support of something representante [m/f]
something/someone unique of its kind fénix [m/f]
resistant to doing something renuente [adj]
something that can be refuted refutable [adj]
something which is punctured pinchado [adj]
pertaining to cuenca or something from cuenca cuencano [adj]
many (of something) muchos [adj]
sixty something-year-old sexagenario [adj]
twenty-something veinteañero [adj]
made flat by something achatado [adj]
made flat by something aplastado [adj]
pertaining to the form or structure of something formal [adj]
that can be be substituted for something of equal value fungible [adj]
pertaining to something with an implicit meaning simbólico [adj]
related to a language form referring to three of something trial [adj]
pertaining to situated at the back and belly of something dorsoventral [adj]
related to the earliest state of something prístino [adj]
pertaining to the person after which something is named eponimo [adj]
something which is useful conveniencia [adj]
something very big extralargo [adj]
something that reflects reflexivo [adj]
thrilled (with something /to do something) encantado [adj]
tired of something cansado de algo [adj]
answerable to someone (for something) responsable de [adj]
answerable to somebody for something que responde por algo [adj]
answerable to someone (for something) responsable por [adj]
apt to do something hábil para hacer algo [adj]
apt to do something listo para hacer algo [adj]
get something dirty ensuciar [v]
be dying to do something rabiar [v]
know something from experience tocar [v]
take the necessary steps to accomplish or obtain something diligenciar [v]
spring something on someone espetar [v]
target (something) abordar [v]
show intention of doing something amagar [v]
(for something) to lead to the same result (as another) conducir al mismo resultado (algo) [v]
(something) to begin to go well empezar a rodar (las cosas) [v]
(daylight) filter through something filtrarse a través de (la luz del día) [v]
(for something) be pleasing (somebody) gustar (algo a alguien) [v]
(for something) to hurt herir (a alguien) [v]
(money) come from something llegar de algo (un dinero) [v]
(something) fail to arrive no llegar (algo) [v]
(daylight) penetrate something penetrar por (la luz del día) [v]
(something) to be clearly explained ser claramente explicado (algo) [v]
abide by something obedecer algo [v]
abide by something respetar algo [v]
absent oneself from something retirarse de algo [v]
drool over something ansiar algo [v]
run out of something quedarse sin algo [v]
be involved in something estar metido en algo [v]
terminate something llevar a cabo [v]
drool over something anhelar tener algo [v]
dwell on something detenerse en (tema/cuestión) [v]
give up something entregar algo [v]
release (make something known) adelantar [v]
train (for something) preparar [v]
to sell something at an excessive price vender algo a peso de oro [v]
to sell something for an excessive price vender algo a peso de oro [v]
begin doing something ponerse [v]
painstakingly do something esmerarse [v]
begin to do something romper [v]
comb (something) peinar [v]
compose something in sheets follar [v]
notice something darse [v]
request someone else to do something pedir [v]
scalp (something) descabellar [v]
determine the volume of something cubicar [v]
dig up (something) desenterrar [v]
do something again volver [v]
form lumps in something aburujar [v]
hoist something threatening enarbolar [v]
lasso something lazar [v]
make something drinkable potabilizar [v]
access something accesar [v]
become a master of something adueñarse [v]
retract (something) retraer [v]
clinch something afianzar [v]
predict something agorar [v]
stain with something embarrar [v]
decorate something with almonds almendrar [v]
flout something sobreponerse [v]
defy something sobreponerse [v]
be used to do something soler [v]
tie something anudar [v]
knot something anudar [v]
have a hard time with something costar [v]
produce something of good quality cundir [v]
do something for the first time estrenarse [v]
stop (doing something) dejar [v]
do something three times triplicar [v]
own up to something autoinculparse [v]
clog something azolvar [v]
convey something querer decir [v]
damage the surface of something desconchar [v]
say something wrong meter la pata [v]
stop doing something parar [v]
give something color colorear [v]
give something color colorar [v]
give something color teñir [v]
succumb (to die as a result of something, such as disease, injury, old age) morir [v]
hide something ocultar [v]
hide something esconder [v]
say something in return responder [v]
do something risky arriesgarse [v]
touch something dar golpecitos [v]
spin something hacer rodar [v]
turn something hacer rodar [v]
revolve something hacer rodar [v]
spin something girar [v]
turn something girar [v]
revolve something girar [v]
surprise with something unexpected pescar en curva [v]
incline something ladear [v]
incline something ladearse [v]
cut something down podar [v]
cut something down segar [v]
look briefly at something ojear [v]
look briefly at something echar un vistazo [v]
look briefly at something mirar [v]
look briefly at something pispear [v]
initiate something desencadenar [v]
put something down poner [v]
put something down colocar [v]
work on something esforzarse [v]
test something probar [v]
test something ensayar [v]
test something experimentar [v]
submit something entregar [v]
speed something up disparar [v]
break something into pieces estrellar [v]
break something into pieces quebrantar [v]
break something into pieces astillar [v]
break something into pieces hacer añicos [v]
store something for someone guardar [v]
summarize something resumir [v]
not to like something tener aversión [v]
not to like something desagradar [v]
not to like something no gustar [v]
interrupt something pausar [v]
interrupt something suspender [v]
interrupt something interrumpir [v]
identify something exactly dar en el blanco [v]
identify something exactly dar en el clavo [v]
spread something untar [v]
spread something manchar [v]
spread something embadurnar [v]
spread something aplicar [v]
sense something suspicious oler a gato encerrado [v]
turn something out of shape deformar [v]
break something reventar [v]
not able to avoid something no poder evitar [v]
make something western occidentalizar [v]
not able to avoid something no poder dejar de [v]
hint at something insinuar [v]
take pride in something ser orgulloso de [v]
take pride in something enorgullecerse [v]
twine something together entretejer [v]
twine something together entrelazar [v]
delay something hacer desidia [v]
delay something dejar para después [v]
delay something procrastinar [v]
do something for fun hacer algo por deporte [v]
get possession of something tomar posesión de algo [v]
sue someone for something querellarse contra alguien por algo [v]
glance at something echar una ojeada a algo [v]
glance at something echar un vistazo a algo [v]
take a look at something echar un vistazo a algo [v]
take the opportunity to do something aprovechar la ocasión de hacer algo [v]
take the opportunity to do something aprovechar la ocasión para hacer algo [v]
take the opportunity of doing something aprovechar la ocasión de hacer algo [v]
take the opportunity of doing something aprovechar la ocasión para hacer algo [v]
oblige someone to do something obligar a alguien a hacer algo [v]
offer to do something ofrecerse a hacer algo [v]
omit to do something olvidar hacer algo [v]
call on someone to do something pedir a alguien que haga algo [v]
open something wide abrir algo completamente [v]
oppose something strongly oponerse a algo totalmente [v]
call something into question poner algo en duda [v]
opt to do something optar por hacer algo [v]
opt to do something elegir hacer algo [v]
order someone to do something ordenar a alguien que haga algo [v]
cast one's eye over something echar un ojo a algo [v]
cast one's eye over something echar un vistazo a algo [v]
cause someone to do something hacer que alguien haga algo [v]
cease doing something dejar de hacer algo [v]
cease to do something dejar de hacer algo [v]
challenge someone to do something desafiar a alguien a que haga algo [v]
to owe someone something deber algo a alguien [v]
pass judgement on someone/something pronunciarse sobre alguien/algo [v]
pass judgment on someone/something pronunciarse sobre alguien/algo [v]
pass someone something pasar algo a alguien [v]
pass someone something pasarle algo a alguien [v]
pass something fit for dar algo por bueno para [v]
pass something with flying colours salir airosos de algo [v]
characterize something as definir algo como [v]
pay dearly for something pagar caro algo [v]
pay dearly for something pagar caro por algo [v]
choose to do something decidir hacer algo [v]
pay lip service to something hablar en favor de algo sin hacer nada al respeto [v]
clamor for something [us] exigir a voces algo [v]
clamour for something [uk] exigir a voces algo [v]
permit someone to do something permitir a alguien hacer algo [v]
close something tight cerrar algo bien [v]
come round to something terminar por aceptar algo [v]
come to terms with something aceptar algo [v]
plan to do something tener la intención de hacer algo [v]
command someone to do something ordenar a alguien que haga algo [v]
command someone to do something mandar a alguien que haga algo [v]
commission someone to do something encargar a alguien que haga algo [v]
commit something to memory aprender algo de memoria [v]
play havoc with something causar estragos en algo [v]
compel someone to do something forzar a alguien a hacer algo [v]
compel someone to do something obligar a alguien a hacer algo [v]
plot to do something tramar hacer algo [v]
pluck up the courage to do something armarse de valor para hacer algo [v]
point a gun at something/someone apuntar a algo/alguien con una pistola [v]
point at something/someone señalar algo/a alguien con el dedo [v]
point one's finger at something/someone señalar algo/a alguien con el dedo [v]
pose as someone/something fingir ser alguien/algo [v]
prefer to do something preferir hacer algo [v]
prepare to do something prepararse para hacer algo [v]
consider doing something pensarse si hacer algo [v]
conspire to do something conspirar para hacer algo [v]
construe something as interpretar algo como [v]
pretend to do something fingir hacer algo [v]
prevail upon someone to do something persuadir a alguien para que haga algo [v]
prevent something from happening impedir que algo pase [v]
prevent something from happening evitar que algo pase [v]
prevent something happening impedir que algo pase [v]
prevent something happening evitar que algo pase [v]
pride oneself on something enorgullecerse de algo [v]
content oneself with doing something contentarse con hacer algo [v]
continue to do something continuar haciendo algo [v]