cattle - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "cattle" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 28 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
cattle ganado [m]
cattle ganado vacuno
cattle vacuno [m]
cattle ganadería [f]
cattle vaquerizo [adj]
cattle ganadero [adj]
cattle vacuno [m]
cattle ganadería [f]
cattle vacada [f]
cattle vaquería [f]
cattle pecuario [adj]
cattle ganado bovino [m]
cattle reses [f/pl]
cattle vacaje [m] UY rur.
cattle res [f] MX GT SV PR CO EC
cattle vaqueriza [adj/f]
cattle ganadera [adj/f]
cattle hacienda [f]
cattle bovino [m]
cattle vacunos [m/pl]
cattle ganado bovino
cattle bienes semovientes
General Medicine
cattle pecuario [adj]
cattle bovinos [m/pl]
cattle ganado vacuno [m]
cattle ganado vacuno
Animal Husbandry
cattle ganado vacuno
cattle ganado vacuno

Sens de "cattle" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
(cattle) flock rebaño [m]
cattle raiser ganadero [m]
cattle raising ganadería [f]
cattle branding yerra [f]
cattle rustler cuatrera [f]
cattle ranch ganadería [f]
cattle-raising ganadero [adj]
cattle ranch estancia [f]
person who waters cattle abrevador [m]
judge of the council of the mesta that imposes fines on those who violated the privileges of cattle ranchers and migrating cattle achaquero [m]
separation of cattle apartado [m]
cattle path azagadero [m]
cattle path azagador [m]
path for cattle azagón [m]
enclosed site where cattle sweat, before shearing bache [m]
hereford cattle berrendo [m]
path for transhumant cattle cabañal [m]
cattle track camino de cabaña [m]
cattle-bell campano [m]
pastoral route for transhumant cattle cordel [m]
transhumant cattle agro-pastoralism cordel de merinas [m]
cattle loader corralero [m]
group of weaned cattle desteto [m]
pitch marking cattle empego [m]
cattle penner encerrador [m]
person in charge of taking cattle to the slaughterhouse entrador [m]
large cattle-bell esquilón [m]
greenhouse for transhumant cattle, and pastures for grazing in winter extremo [m]
cattle owner ganadero [m]
cattle rancher ganadero [m]
rancher with many cattle ganadero de mayor hierro [m]
rancher with many cattle ganadero de mayor señal [m]
wild cattle ganado bravo [m]
non-castrated cattle ganado en vena [m]
great cattle ganado mayor [m]
young cattle ganado menudo [m]
branding of cattle herradero [m]
place where cattle are branded herradero [m]
branding cattle herrado [m]
cattle iron brand hierro [m]
rancher with many cattle hierro [m]
disease of cattle hormigón [m]
detouring cattle with the horses lazo [m]
lot of cattle lote [m]
cattle toll montazgo [m]
fleshy back part of neck of cattle morrillo [m]
cattle dog perro albarraniego [m]
portion of cattle pico [m]
cattle feed pienso [m]
number of cattle above fifty in a flock rebujal [m]
cattle dealer resero [m]
cattle tax collector serviciador [m]
annual cattle tax servicio [m]
person who waters cattle abrevadora [f]
cattle that pasture common land dula [f]
cattle that pasture common land adula [f]
cattle prod aguijada [f]
cattle prod aguijadera [f]
cattle prod aijada [f]
cattle pen albacara (árabe) [f]
paid right of passage of cattle in some municipalities alcaidía [f]
cattle route cañada [f]
place where cattle are sold cuatropea [f]
slaughtering cattle faena [f]
cattle route galiana [f]
cattle ranch ganadería [f]
cattle raising ganadería [f]
herd of small cattle grey [f]
great cattle grey [f]
cattle passage tax holladura [f]
cattle tax jineta [f]
cattle prod llamadera [f]
cattle iron marca [f]
portion of cattle to be slaughtered matanza [f]
mare or cattle with a black colored snout mohína [f]
cattle fold parada [f]
cattle shed tena [f]
cattle shed tenada [f]
cattle shed tinada [f]
rut (cattle) toriondez [f]
herd of cattle vaquería [f]
cattle farm vaquería [f]
having a cattle-bell campano [adj]
belonging to cattle ganadero [adj]
herding cattle ganadero [adj]
collect and receive cattle toll montazgar [v]
collect and receive cattle toll amontazgar [v]
slaughtering cattle as punishment carnerear [v]
let the flock or cattle out of the penfold desacorralar [v]
pitch mark cattle empegar [v]
pitch mark cattle empeguntar [v]
put cattle out to pasture endehesar [v]
slaughter cattle faenar [v]
brand cattle herrar [v]
clean the bellies of cattle jamerdar [v]
collect and receive cattle toll montazgar [v]
mark cattle with pitch peguntar [v]
pay cattle tax serviciar [v]
lumps of straw left uneaten by cattle granzones [m/pl]
place where cattle are skinned desolladero [m]
cattle feed pienso [m]
cattle dog boyero [m]
castrated male of cattle buey [m]
someone that tends cattle gaucho [m]
someone that tends cattle huaso [m]
someone that herds cattle llanero [m]
fleshy back part of neck of cattle morrillo [m]
cattle stealer abigeo [m]
cattle theft abigeato [m]
ancient greek/roman rite of sacrificing 100 oxen or cattle hecatombe [m]
slaughterhouse (cattle) matadero [m]
animal leading cattle herd madrinero [m]
herd of cattle rodeo [m]
place for cattle to eat comedero [m]
shady resting place (cattle) sesteador [m]
shady resting place (cattle) sesteadero [m]
branding (cattle) herrado [m]
round-up of cattle rodeo [m]
cowboy expert at roping cattle/horses soguero [m]
cattle thief cuatrero [m]
cattle prod tábano [m]
herder of cattle encaminador [m]
black cattle ganado negro [m]
cattle guard guardaganado [m]
cattle guard guarda ganado [m]
cattle grid [uk] guarda ganado [m]
cattle grid [uk] guardaganado [m]
cattle guard [us] guardaganado [m]
cattle guard [us] guarda ganado [m]
ayrshire cattle ganado ayrshire [m]
australian cattle dog perro pastor ganadero australiano [m]
unbranded cattle ganado sin marca [m]
drove (of cattle) transporte (de ganado) [m]
cattle breeding ganadería [f]
cattle run colada [f]
stock of cattle ganadería [f]
cattle prod picana [f]
cattle trail cañada [f]
quadrupedal cattle head res [f]
birth (of cattle) paridera [f]
giving birth (of cattle) paridera [f]
passageway between two stockade walls to guide cattle to a corral manga [f]
gathering of cattle used to grazing in given place mancha (de ganado) [f]
main corral to hold cattle at night majada [f]
tool to keep account of credit sales/cattle branding tarja [f]
small pond in plains used as watering hold for cattle tapa [f]
cattle herd belonging to a ranch hacienda [f]
farm/ranch for raising cattle or for agriculture hacienda [f]
given number of head of cattle punta [f]
herder of cattle encaminadora [f]
ayrshire cattle raza bovina de escocia [f]
eatage (bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle) hierba [f]
cattle owner ganadera [f]
cattle rancher ganadera [f]
rancher with many cattle ganadera de mayor hierro [f]
rancher with many cattle ganadera de mayor señal [f]
cattle dealer resera [f]
livestock and cattle farmer ganadero [m/f]
pertaining to agriculture and cattle raising agropecuario [adj]
pertaining to cattle raising pecuario [adj]
resembling cattle bovino [adj]
guarding cattle herded together sostenedor [adj]
ownerless (cattle) orejano [adj]
lead cattle toward some place carear [v]
separate young cattle from their mothers desahijar [v]
give water to cattle adaguar [v]
watch the cattle sabanear [v]
gather the cattle sabanear [v]
remove fattened cattle for sale sacar ganado para vender [v]
brand cattle with a hot iron herrar [v]
herd (cattle) picar (el ganado) [v]
drive the cattle llevar el ganado [v]
drive the cattle transportar el ganado [v]
a cattle market una feria de ganado
a cattle market un mercado de ganado
cattle egret garcilla bueyera
stray cattle ganado suelto
separation of cattle apartado [m]
board of cattle-ranchers apartado [m]
separator of cattle apartador [m]
cattle bells alambre [m]
someone who waters cattle abrevador [m]
cattle-tick arañuelo [m]
someone who tends cattle apacentador [m]
act of tending grazing cattle apacentamiento [m]
bell worn by cattle cencerro [m]
path/pass for cattle azagadero [m]
poniard for cattle killing cachete [m]
drinking-trough for cattle camellón [m]
cattle-bell campano [m]
cattle stealer cuatrero [m]
ancient duty on horned cattle, levied in catalonia bovaje [m]
resting-place for cattle dormidero [m]
dealer in cattle/horses chalán [m]
herd of cattle hato [m]
owner of cattle ganadero [m]
dealer in cattle ganadero [m]
place where cattle are branded herradero [m]
branding cattle herradero [m]
penner of cattle in slaughterhouse encerrador [m]
produce of vines, cattle esquilmo [m]
large cattle-bell esquilón [m]
cattle-barn establo [m]
cattle-rancher granjero [m]
stable or herdsman for young cattle novillero [m]
pool where cattle go to drink lavajo [m]
toll on cattle montazgo [m]
herd of cattle rebaño [m]
number of cattle above fifty in a flock rebujal [m]
cattle-keeper who owns pasturage posesionero [m]
enclosure for cattle rodeo [m]
cattle-market rodeo [m]
lowing of cattle mu [m]
duty for the passing of cattle recuaje [m]
duty for grazing of cattle pasturaje [m]
cattle-shed tinado [m]
spot where cattle graze in summer veranero [m]
resting-place for cattle sesteadero [m]
path/pass for cattle azagador [m]
cattle-shed tinador [m]
ancient duty on horned cattle, levied in catalonia bovático [m]
leading bell for cattle arrancadera [f]
knife in crescent form for hamstringing cattle desjarretadera [f]
cattle-path cañada [f]
road for cattle colada [f]
breastharness for draught cattle collera [f]
space between the horns of cattle cuna [f]
cattle-ranch ganadería [f]
cattle-raising ganadería [f]
cattle brand ganadería [f]
food for cattle hierba [f]
duty paid for the run of cattle holladura [f]
cattle-bell esquila [f]
ancient tribute on cattle jineta [f]
mark on cattle/sheep pegunta [f]
cattle to be slaughtered matanza [f]
body of cattle-or sheep-owners mesta [f]
head of cattle, beast res [f]
cattle trough pila [f]
disease in the bowels of cattle ranilla [f]
fold for cattle parada [f]
time and place where cattle bring forth their young paridera [f]
rut (cattle) toriondez [f]
cattle pen telera [f]
shed for cattle tena [f]
cattle shed tinada [f]
herd of cattle vaquería [f]
winter cattle-shed vaqueriza [f]
someone who waters cattle abrevadora [f]
separator of cattle apartadora [f]
dealer in cattle/horses chalana [f]
owner of cattle ganadera [f]
dealer in cattle ganadera [f]
cattle-rancher granjera [f]
cattle road vía para los ganados [f]
relating to land and cattle agropecuario [adj]
used by sheep/cattle (road) cabañal [adj]
having striped skin (cattle) chorreado [adj]
sleeping out (cattle) campero [adj]
said of cattle having head of a different colour from that of the body capirote [adj]
relating to pasture-grounds for cattle about to be slaughtered carnicero [adj]
nearly four years old (cattle) cuatreño [adj]
black-footed (cattle) botinero [adj]
relating to cattle (pasture ground) boyal [adj]
belonging to cattle ganadero [adj]
reared on the banks of the jarama (cattle) jaramuño [adj]
of/relating to cattle pecuario [adj]
black and white (cattle) sardo [adj]
white-faced (cattle) tozalbo [adj]
belonging to cattle vacuno [adj]
carry away by force (people/cattle) ajorar [v]
pasture cattle on stubbles in summer agostar [v]
shut up cattle/sheep in pens acorralar [v]
pen cattle arredilar [v]
tend grazing cattle apacentar [v]
let cattle out of the fold desacorralar [v]
tend a flock of sheep or a drove of cattle carear [v]
fine the proprietor of cattle for damage done carnerear [v]
separate cattle descarriar [v]
divide cattle into flocks/herds hatajar [v]
brand cattle herrar [v]
corral cattle encorralar [v]
put cattle out to pasture endehesar [v]
steal cattle pecorear [v]
levy/collect toll on cattle montazgar [v]
tie two head of cattle by the horns mancornar [v]
lead cattle to graze pastar [v]
give salt (cattle) salgar [v]
lumps of straw left uneaten by cattle granzones [m/pl]
cattle breeder criador de ganados [m]
cattle-trade comercio de ganado [m]
cattle-rancher ganadero [m]
cattle-shed establo [m]
cattle-truck vagón de ganados [m]
black-cattle ganado vacuno [m]
horned cattle ganado vacuno [m]
cattle-show exposición de ganados [f]
cattle show exposición de ganado [f]
cattle ranch potrero [m] AMER
cattle rustling abigeato [m] AMER
cattle ranch hato [m] LAM
cattle duty asequi [m] outdated
resting-place for cattle asestadero [m] rur. rare
cattle-shelter cabañal [m] rur.
pool in which cattle bathe bañil [m] rur. rare
foreman inspecting cattle on the savanna campista [m] HN
tax paid by cattle-owner boalaje [m] rur. rare
herder of cattle hatero [m] CU HN
cattle-ranch hato [m] CU VE
female cattle of a herd (as a whole) hembraje [m] SA
a tree the fruit of which serves as food for cattle ojoche [m] CR HN NI
cattle ranch rancho [m] AMER
cattle-farm potrero [m] AMER
dead end passageway to tie cattle aculadero [m] NI
observation point to keep a watch on cattle and wild horses veladero [m] VE
keeping an eye on cattle veladero [m] VE
cattle drive for round-up levante [m] VE
dam to hold flowing water in a drinking hole for cattle tapiz [m] VE
cattle lick lambedero [m] HN MX
piece of material to cover cattle eyes tapaojos [m] CO HN VE
cowboy/horseman who rounds up and quiets cattle sujetador [m] VE
large cattle ranch with more than 1000 head hato [m] CO HN DO VE
bellow from cattle gathering together cabildeo [m] VE
farm hand who leads cattle by their halters cabestrero [m] VE
plainsman/horseman who uses a whip to guide cattle/horses fustanero [m] VE
small farm/ranch with around 30 head of cattle fundo [m] VE DO
place with salty earth sought out by cattle lambedero [m] HN MX
cleared area in savanna where cattle gather to rest paradero [m] VE rur.
cleared area in savanna where cattle gather to rest paradero [m] BO
fence to contain the cattle atajo [m] PR rare rur.
man in charge of spurring on and picking up cattle in a country estate aventador [m] GT HN rur. rare
water trough for cattle aguaje [m] MX GT
(of beef cattle) a meat cut from the haunch aguayón [m] MX
a cattle prod aguijón [m] CU rur.
rectangular or ovoid hollowed trunk that is used for washing dishes or providing water to cattle barco [m] HN
cattle or swine entrails biriñaqui [m] PR
medicine for cattle batumen [m] PR rur.
river and swamp grass which cattle eat during a drought caguaso [m] CU
driving cattle from one place to another arreo [m] MX GT HN NI CO VE PE BO CL PY AR UY rur.
cattle brand bocado [m] HN VE
cattle post amansador [m] HN
cattle lung boje [m] SV
whip (for cattle) boyero [m] EC rur. rare
blow given a cattle rope bolazo [m] AR UY
cattle rope laque [m] BO CL AR derog.
division of cattle aparte [m] AR UY
individual corral (cattle) brete [m] VE
branding (cattle) amén-jesú [m] DO
branding (cattle) amanjesús [m] DO
pill given to cattle to fight intestinal parasites bolo [m] PR rur.
male mounting a female (cattle/horses) brinco [m] SV
cattle post pión [m] HN
cattle post domador [m] HN
cattle lung bofe [m] SV
place where excrement of cattle is collected bostero [m] VE
small sharp knife for slaughtering cattle cachetero [m] SV rur.
untamed cattle cachilapo [m] VE
unbranded cattle cachilapo [m] CO:E
cattle theft abigeo [m] BO
cattle theft abigeato [m] MX HN NI PA VE EC BO CL AR UY
herd of cattle mooing out of fear cabildeo [m] VE
spontaneous meeting of cattle on the plain cabildo [m] VE
cattle theft abigeateo [m] BO rare
laborer who guides a herd of cattle cabrestero [m] VE
horn (especially from cattle) cacho [m] AR:W
horn (especially from cattle) cacho [m] GT HN SV NI CR PA DO CO VE EC PE BO CL
horn (especially from cattle) cacho [m] MX:Se
cattle horns that are pointed inward cacho cumbo [m] HN rur.
illness in cattle caused by tripanosomiasis bovina cacho hueco [m] HN
cattle horn that is split cacho ruco [m] HN rur.
cattle horns pointed up and back cacho peinado [m] HN
a man whose work consists in travelling through forests and savannas to watch and care for cattle in ranches campisto [m] HN
cattle herder campirano [m] HN
a horseman who watches and takes care of the cattle campisto [m] HN SV NI
cattle keeper campisto [m] HN
a clay and pasture land, not suitable for cattle breeding campo [m] AR:Nw rur.
range for wintering cattle, winter pasture campo de invernada [m] PY AR UY rur.
cattle herder campeador [m] AR:Nw
mineral deficiency that leaves the hind legs of cattle weakened derrengue [m] PR rur.
person who kills and skins cattle in the slaughterhouse degüellador [m] VE:W
a goblet made of cattle hide with hair on the outside that is white with black spots cubo habado [m] HN
cut of beef from the thigh of a cattle cuete [m] MX
horns of a cattle that point outward cuerno de brazada [m] HN
strap placed on cattle to mount it bareback chachaguate (del náhuatl) [m] MX:Se rur.
post sunk into the ground where cattle are tied to be tamed, sheared, healed, or sacrificed cimbradero [m] AR:Nw rur.
cut of meat from the thigh of cattle chambarete [m] MX
container made of cattle antlers used to transport and drink liquids or to drink mate tea chambado [m] AR rur.
slipknot made in a whip or lasso to round up a horse or cattle chambuque [m] CO
cattle chute chute [m] PA:Nw
rope lasso used to or restrain cattle falso [m] CR:Nw
person dedicated to lassoing cattle fayuquero [m] MX
person in charge of verifying cattle weights fiel de rastro [m] HN
branding of cattle fierraje [m] HN
stampeding or ramming, typically by cattle fajazo [m] PR rur.
bone marrow, in particular of cattle caracú [m] BO CL PY AR UY
cattle crush cepo [m] PY
cattle crush cepo [m] PR
thin layer of meat between the skin and sternum of cattle carapecho [m] BO
virulent, contagious disease, frequent and deadly in sheep, cattle, goats and sometimes horses carbón [m] CO
branding iron to mark cattle calimbo [m] PR BO:E,S rur.
nomadic horseback rider, skilled in raising cattle gaucho [m] PY AR UY
cattle ditch guardaganado [m] AR UY
cattle rancher gaucho [m] CL PY AR UY
cattle that graze on a rented lot ganado a piso [m] DO
cattle for breeding ganado de cría [m] MX CR CU BO PY
fattening cattle ganado de engorde [m] MX NI CR DO BO PY
cattle that are for sale ganado en pie [m] MX NI PA VE PY
cattle that has not yet been slaughtered for consumption ganado en pie [m] CU
cattle that are not for milking ganado escotero [m] NI VE
salty place where cattle are taken to lick coipiadero [m] AR:Nw
tip of sugar cane, which when green is used to feed cattle cogollo [m] PR rur.
brand cattle herraje [m] MX HN
branding of cattle hierro [m] PA
all the cattle on a ranch hato [m] HN NI
person who owns a hato, or ranch with all kinds of cattle hatero [m] HN CU DO
person who owns a hato, or ranch with all kinds of cattle hatero [m] VE disused
portion of cattle in a herd hato [m] NI
owner of a farm or ranch, especially dedicated to breeding cattle hacendado [m] HN SV NI CR CU DO PR EC BO PY AR UY PE rur.
quartering of cattle or pigs despostado [m] CL AR UY
slaughtering of cattle destazo [m] HN
butchering of cattle or pigs despostado [m] CL AR UY
cattle chew mascón [m] HN
cattle chew rumen [m] HN
hogtying of cattle maneo [m] HN
boy who rides a mule or mare with a bell to guide cattle marucho [m] BO:E AR
cattle guard mataburros [m] PY UY
cattle tympanites empaste [m] AR rur.
person skilled in lassoing untamed cattle or horses enlazador [m] EC BO
disease in cattle and horses caused by a calcium and magnesium deficiency mal de los avenales [m] AR
penner of cattle in slaughterhouse encerrador [m] CO rur.
cattle catcher miriñaque [m] AR UY
corn-fed cattle milpero [m] HN
field where cattle graze pastaje [m] MX GT AR:Nw rur.
shepherd who after paying a fee, takes his cattle to another's field to graze pastajero [m] AR:Nw
stopping-place for cattle to rest paradero [m] CU rur.
grazing cattle pastaje [m] MX GT PA CO AR:Nw rur.
place where cattle stop paridero [m] EC
series of jabs with a cattle prod picaneo [m] AR:Nw UY
cattle post pion [m] HN
cattle fence atajo [m] PR
cattle grate quiebrapatas [m] CO:C,Sw
cattle ranch rancho [m] MX GT PA DO EC BO PY
disease of cattle quebrajamiento [m] CL
sick cattle separated from the herd rezago [m] MX CL rur.
celebration with cattle branding señalacuy [m] PE rur.
any pasture land with salt for cattle saladero [m] CR rur.
dairy cattle rejo [m] MX EC
milk cattle rejo [m] MX EC
tagging cattle ears tronce [m] VE
high and humid place where cattle graze in the dry season sitio [m] HN rur.
horse or cattle cervix tungo [m] CL rur.
grayish color on cattle sucito [m] HN:C rur.
cattle prod tábano [m] CO:N
pasture as food for cattle talaje [m] MX CL rur.
price paid to land owner for letting cattle eat in their paddocks talaje [m] MX CL rur.
hanging skin on the neck of cattle talguate [m] GT
competition where riders pull the tail of cattle to knock them down in a race toros coleados [m] VE
cattle thief abigeo [m] MX NI HN CO EC PE PY BO AR CL UY
gift given to a herdsman for driving cattle to market cabestraje [m] rare
cattle gathering cabildo [m] VE
cattle bone marrow caracú [m] PY AR UY
cattle bone caracú [m] PY AR UY
cattle that have not yet been slaughtered for consumption ganado en pie [m] CU
cattle for sale ganado en pie [m] VE
female cattle of a herd hembraje [m] VE EC PE BO CL PY AR
cattle lick lambedero [m] MX HN
place where cattle are hogtied maneadero [m] HN
cattle guard mataburros [m] UY
toll on cattle montadgo [m] disused
cattle breeding male padrote [m] GT NI CR PA DO PR CO VE EC
cattle grid paso canadiense [m] ES
cattle guard paso canadiense [m] ES
cattle grate paso canadiense [m] ES
duty for the passing of cattle recuaje [m] disused
cattle rope rejo [m] HN CU CO VE
rounding up cattle on the savanna sabaneo [m] DO VE
scouring the plain for cattle sabaneo [m] DO VE
lead cattle señuelo [m] MX BO PY AR
herd of cattle saca [f] CO PE
cattle prod picana [f] EC PE BO PY AR UY
cattle prod picana [f] AMER
theft of cattle or horses or any livestock arreada [f] AR MX
cattle road cabañero [f] ARA
opening in enclosures for cattle boquera [f] rur. rare
gathering of cattle recluta [f] AR
guide-rails for enclosing or shipping horses or cattle manga [f] AR CR
drove of cattle tropa [f] AR BO PY UY
cattle shed teinada [f] rare
herder of cattle hatera [f] CU HN
rainwater cistern (for cattle) albarrada [f] EC
round-up and branding of cattle in a communal savanna vaquería  [f] VE
area where cattle gather rochela  [f] VE
herd of rowdy cattle rochela  [f] VE
round-up of rowdy cattle rochela  [f] VE
farm hand who leads cattle by their halters cabestrera [f] VE
small cattle ranch with 300-1000 heads fundación  [f] VE
offspring of cattle parapara  [f] VE
each longitudinal part of a cattle/pig carcass banda [f] CU
ability to domesticate cattle and horses baquía [f] BO
river, gorge or spring water within a pasture or meadow which supplies water to the cattle agua de pasto [f] HN:E PA rur.