eagle - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "eagle" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 3 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
eagle águila [f]
eagle águila [f]
eagle eagle (inglés) [m]

Sens de "eagle" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 336 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
double eagle albatros [m]
eagle chick aguilucho [m]
spanish coin with an eagle on the back águila [f]
double eagle águila doble [f]
short-toed snake eagle culebrera [f]
eagle eye vista de águila [f]
eagle eye vista de lince [f]
eagle nest nido de águila [m]
chilean eagle águila mora [f]
harpy eagle harpía [f]
the nest of an eagle aguilera [f]
eagle feather pluma de águila [f]
eagle talon garra de águila [f]
eagle-like nose nariz aguileña [f]
eagle-like aquilino [adj]
eagle eyed de ojo de águila [adj]
eagle eyed con ojo de águila [adj]
eagle eyed con ojo de lince [adj]
harpy eagle águila harpía
golden eagle águila real
white eagle alfaneque [m]
large eagle aguilón [m]
young eagle aguilucho [m]
sea-eagle balbusardo [m]
kind of eagle dango [m]
eagle-owl buhardo [m]
sea-eagle halieto [m]
eagle-owl buharro [m]
little eagle aguililla [f]
african falcon/eagle baca [f]
eagle-owl curuca [f]
eagle-stone etites [f]
kind of eagle planga [f]
eagle-owl curuja [f]
sea-eagle águila pescadora [f]
eagle-eyed de vista de lince [adj]
eagle-winged alado como águila [adj]
an eagle of the andes calquín [m] AR
eagle eyed observador [adj] fig.
spread-eagle despernancado [adj] disused
eagle-eyed fijado [adj] MX
spread-eagle despernancarse [v] MX NI DO CO VE
have an eagle eye tener ojos de águila [v]
have an eagle eye tener ojos de lince [v]
an eagle eye vista de lince
an eagle eye vista de águila
watch something with an eagle eye observar algo con ojo de lince
watch something with eagle eyes observar algo con ojos de águila
watch something with eagle eyes observar algo con vista de águila
watch something with an eagle eye observar algo con vista de lince
have an eagle eye tener vista de águila
have an eagle eye tener vista de lince
eagle eye ojo de águila
eagle eye vista de águila
eagle eye vista de lince
keep an eagle eye on ponerse almeja [v] MX
spread-eagle despatarrada [f]
spread-eagle despatarrar [v]
eagle-eyed person fijón [m] MX CU
legal eagle laucha [f] AR rare
eagle-eyed person fijona [f] MX CU
eagle-eyed fijón [adj] MX CU
eagle grating mounting colocación de la red según eagle [f]
white-tailed eagle águila pescadora
white-tailed eagle águila marina
eagle-ray águila de mar
eagle-sighted vista de lince
eagle-owl gran mochuelo
eagle mounting montaje según eagle
desert eagle owl búho berberisco [m]
eagle owl búho real [m]
bald eagle pigargo cabeciblanco [m]
adalbert's eagle aguila imperial ibérica
hawk eagle águila perdicera
steller's sea eagle pigargo gigante
short-toed snake-eagle águila culebrera
common eagle ray águila marina
lesser spotted eagle águila pomerana
bald eagle pigargo americano
verreaux's eagle aguila cafre
african fish eagle pigargo vocinglero
greater spotted eagle águila moteada
tawny eagle águila rapáz
white-tailed sea eagle pigargo europeo
steppe-eagle águila rapáz
pallas's fish eagle pigargo de pallas
imperial eagle águila imperial oriental
booted eagle águila calzada
golden eagle águila real
bald eagle águila calva
Marine Biology
common eagle ray (myliobatis aquila) águila [m]
white-tailed sea-eagle pigargo europeo
spotted eagle ray chucho pintado
common eagle ray aguila marina
eagle rays aguilas de mar
bullnose eagle ray águila naríz de vaca
fraser's eagle-owl búho de guinea [m]
pharaoh eagle-owl búho desértico [m]
indian eagle-owl búho bengalí [m]
cape eagle-owl búho de el cabo [m]
verreaux's eagle-owl búho lechoso [m]
spotted eagle-owl búho africano [m]
forest eagle-owl búho nepalí [m]
spot-bellied eagle-owl búho nepalí [m]
akun eagle-owl búho de akún [m]
greyish eagle-owl búho ceniciento [m]
eurasian eagle-owl búho real [m]
blakiston's eagle-owl búho manchú [m]
dusky eagle-owl búho de coromandel [m]
philippine eagle-owl búho filipino [m]
rock eagle-owl búho bengalí [m]
shelley's eagle-owl búho barrado [m]
eagle owl búho real [m]
usambara eagle-owl búho de usambara [m]
barred eagle-owl búho malayo [m]
eagle owl búho real [m]
philippine eagle águila monera [m]
eurasian eagle owl tinge [m]
a neotropical species of eagle (harpia harpyja) taguato [m] BO
a neotropical species of eagle (harpia harpyja) tahuato [m] BO
harpy eagle taguato [m] BO
harpy eagle tahuato [m] BO
american harpy eagle taguato [m] BO
american harpy eagle tahuato [m] BO
bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) pigargo cabeciblanco [m]
white eagle alfaneque [m]
royal eagle calquín [m] AR
bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) halcón coronado [m]
mountain hawk-eagle halcón montano [m]
hodgson's hawk-eagle halcón montano [m]
white-tailed eagle melión [m]
white-tailed sea eagle melión [m]
a very large species of sea eagle widely distributed across temperate eurasia (haliaeetus albicilla) melión [m]
white-tailed eagle (haliaeetus albicilla) pigargo [m]
bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) pigargo cabeciblanco [m]
greater spotted eagle (clanga clanga) planco [m]
eurasian eagle-owl (bubo bubo) tinge [m]
fish eagle águila de mar [f] PR
american eagle águila americana [f]
american eagle águila calva [f]
booted eagle (hieraaetus pennatus/aquila pennata) águila bastarda [f]
short-toed snake eagle águila parda [f]
short-toed eagle águila parda [f]
booted eagle (hieraaetus pennatus/aquila pennata) águila calzada [f]
spanish imperial eagle águila imperial [f]
iberian imperial eagle águila imperial [f]
spanish eagle águila imperial [f]
adalbert's eagle águila imperial [f]
a threatened species of eagle native to the iberian peninsula (aquila adalberti) águila imperial [f]
golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos) águila real [f]
bonelli's eagle (aquila fasciata) águila perdicera [f]
bonelli's eagle (aquila fasciata) águila perdiguera [f]
golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos) águila cabdal [f]
golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos) águila caudal [f]
golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos) águila caudalosa [f]
short-toed snake eagle águila culebrera [f]
short-toed eagle águila culebrera [f]
bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) águila blanca [f]
harpy eagle arpella [f]
papuan eagle arpella [f]
harpy eagle arpía [f]
papuan eagle arpía [f]
short-toed snake eagle atahorma (árabe) [f]
short-toed eagle atahorma (árabe) [f]
kind of eagle clanga [f]
short-toed eagle (circaetus gallicus) culebrera [f]
greater spotted eagle (clanga clanga) planga [f]
lesser spotted eagle (clanga pomarina) pulla [f]
of or resembling an eagle aquilino [adj]
blyth's hawk-eagle águila-azor indonesia
black solitary eagle águila solitaria
spanish imperial eagle aguila imperial ibérica
black hawk-eagle aguila-azor negra
congo serpent-eagle culebrera congoleña
imperial eagle aguila imperial oriental
changeable hawk-eagle águila-azor variable
black eagle aguila milana
sulawesi hawk-eagle aguila-azor de célebes
javan hawk-eagle aguila-azor de java
black-chested snake eagle culebrera pechinegra
wallace's hawk-eagle águila-azor de wallace
golden eagle aguila real
legge's hawk-eagle aguila-azor de ceilán
short-toed eagle culebrera europea
tawny eagle águila rapaz
crowned hawk-eagle águila coronada
gurney's eagle aguila moluqueña
new guinea eagle arpía papúa
steppe eagle aguila esteparia
mountain hawk-eagle aguila-azor montañesa
madagascar serpent-eagle culebrera azor
short-toed snake-eagle culebrera europea
ornate hawk-eagle aguila-azor galana
beaudouin's snake-eagle culebrera sudanesa
central nicobar serpent eagle culebrera de nicobar
montane solitary eagle aguila solitaria
kinabalu serpent-eagle culebrera del kinabalu
black-and-white hawk-eagle águila-azor blanquinegra
black-and-chestnut eagle aguila poma
great nicobar serpent eagle culebrera de nicobar mayor
golden eagle águila real
southern banded snake eagle culebrera barreada
pallas's fish-eagle pigargo de pallas
lesser spotted eagle águila pomerana
western banded snake eagle culebrera coliblanca
brown snake eagle culebrera sombría
little eagle aguililla australiana
ayres's hawk-eagle aguila-azor de ayres
ayres's hawk-eagle águila-azor de ayres
wahlberg's eagle aguila de wahlberg
spotted eagle aguila moteada
white-tailed eagle pigargo europeo
white-bellied sea eagle pigargo oriental
sulawesi serpent-eagle culebrera de célebes
madagascan serpent eagle culebrera azor
philippine serpent-eagle culebrera filipina
pallas's fish eagle pigargo de pallas
madagascan fish eagle pigargo malgache
steppe eagle águila esteparia
eastern imperial eagle águila imperial oriental
guiana crested eagle arpía menor
bonelli's eagle aguila-azor perdicera
black-chested buzzard-eagle aguila mora
short-toed snake eagle culebrera europea
crested eagle arpía menor
crested serpent-eagle culebrera chiíla
harpy eagle arpía mayor
great nicobar serpent-eagle culebrera de nicobar
african fish-eagle pigargo vocinglero
booted eagle aguililla calzada
andaman serpent-eagle culebrera de andamán
greater spotted eagle águila moteada
african fish eagle pigargo vocinglero
congo serpent eagle culebrera congoleña
lesser spotted eagle aguila pomerana
lesser spotted eagle aguila pomerana
sulawesi serpent eagle culebrera de célebes
sanford's sea eagle pigargo de las salomón
african hawk-eagle águila-azor africana
pallas's fish eagle pigargo de pallas
papuan eagle arpía papúa
verreaux's eagle aguila cafre
african hawk-eagle aguila-azor africana
changeable hawk-eagle aguila-azor variable
lesser fishing-eagle pigarguillo menor
long-crested eagle aguila crestilarga
bonelli's eagle aguila-azor perdicera
gurney's eagle águila moluqueña
beaudouin's snake eagle culebrera sudanesa
black-breasted snake-eagle culebrera pechinegra
bald eagle pigargo americano
crowned solitary eagle aguila de azara
lesser fish eagle pigarguillo menor
bonelli's eagle águila-azor perdicera
crowned solitary eagle águila de azara
mountain serpent eagle culebrera del kinabalu
crested serpent eagle culebrera chiíla
brown snake-eagle culebrera sombría
white-bellied sea-eagle pigargo oriental
martial eagle aguila marcial
mountain hawk-eagle águila-azor montañesa
philippine hawk-eagle aguila-azor filipina
indian spotted eagle aguila moteada hindú
western banded snake-eagle culebrera coliblanca
andaman serpent eagle culebrera de andamán
white-tailed sea-eagle pigargo europeo
black-and-chestnut eagle águila poma
long-crested eagle águila crestilarga
black-chested buzzard-eagle águila mora
grey-headed fish eagle pigarguillo común
great philippine eagle águila monera
ornate hawk-eagle águila-azor galana
wedge-tailed eagle águila audaz
greater spotted eagle aguila moteada
steller's sea eagle pigargo gigante
madagascar fish-eagle pigargo malgache
blyth's hawk-eagle aguila-azor indonesia
sanford's sea-eagle pigargo de las salomón
grey-headed fishing-eagle pigarguillo común
black hawk-eagle águila-azor negra
white-tailed eagle pigargo europeo
sulawesi hawk-eagle águila-azor de célebes
cassin's hawk-eagle águila-azor congoleña
spanish imperial eagle águila imperial ibérica
tawny eagle aguila rapaz
philippine serpent eagle culebrera filipina
steller's sea-eagle pigargo gigante
crowned eagle aguila coronada
rufous-bellied eagle águila-azor ventrirroja
cassin's hawk-eagle aguila-azor congoleña
wallace's hawk-eagle aguila-azor de wallace
eastern imperial eagle aguila imperial oriental
pinsker's hawk-eagle águila-azor de pinsker
javan hawk-eagle águila-azor de java
verreaux's eagle águila cafre
indian black eagle águila milana
golden eagle aguila real
wedge-tailed eagle aguila audaz
black-and-white hawk-eagle aguila-azor blanquinegra
martial eagle águila marcial
philippine hawk-eagle águila-azor filipina
rufous-bellied hawk-eagle aguila-azor ventrirroja
southern banded snake-eagle culebrera barreada
wahlberg's eagle águila de wahlberg
steppe eagle aguila esteparia
philippine eagle aguila monera
chilean eagle águila real
eagle syndrome síndrome de eagle
eagle syndrome síndrome de eagle
eagle ray águila marina [f]
elevation angle guidance landing equipment (eagle) equipo de aterrizaje con guía del ángulo de elevación [m]
eagle rays chuchos [m/pl]
spotted eagle ray chucho [m]
booted eagle águila calzada
adalbert's eagle águila imperial ibérica
short-toed eagle águila culebrera
golden eagle águila real
greenland white-tailed eagle pigargo coliblanco
bald eagle ave heráldica
american harpy eagle águila harpía
lesser spotted eagle águila pomerana
greater spotted eagle águila moteada
imperial eagle águila imperial oriental
steller's sea-eagle pigargo de steller
tawny eagle águila rapaz
bald eagle águila calva
kernel of eagle-stone calimbo [m]
double eagle albatros [m]
eagle eyes ojos de águila [m]
eagle fern calimete [m] DO
eagle fern yogo [m] MX:S
eagle fern shapumba [f] PE:E
eagle without beak or claws aguilón [m]
heraldic eagle águila exployada [f]
heraldic eagle águila explayada [f]
heraldic eagle águila pasmada [f]