drive up the wall - Turc Anglais Dictionnaire

drive up the wall

Sens de "drive up the wall" dans le Dictionnaire Turc-Anglais : 7 résultat(s)

Anglais Turc
drive up the wall v. çıldırtmak
drive up the wall v. deli etmek
drive up the wall v. çileden çıkarmak
drive up the wall v. deli etmek
drive up the wall v. sinir etmek
drive up the wall v. tepesini attırmak
drive up the wall v. uyuz etmek

Sens de "drive up the wall" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Turc : 26 résultat(s)

Anglais Turc
drive somebody up the wall v. çıldırtmak
drive somebody up the wall v. deli etmek
drive someone up the wall v. deli etmek
drive someone up the wall v. çileden çıkarmak
drive someone up the wall v. sinir etmek
drive someone up the wall v. tepesini attırmak
drive someone up the wall v. uyuz etmek
drive (one) up the wall v. (birini) çileden çıkarmak
drive (one) up the wall v. (birini) deli etmek
drive (one) up the wall v. (birini) sinir etmek
drive (one) up the wall v. (birinin) tepesini attırmak
drive (one) up the wall v. (birini) uyuz etmek
drive/send somebody up the wall v. birini çıldırtmak
drive/send somebody up the wall v. birini deli etmek
drive/send somebody up the wall v. birini çileden çıkarmak
drive/send somebody up the wall v. birini deli etmek
drive/send somebody up the wall v. birini sinir etmek
drive/send somebody up the wall v. birinin tepesini attırmak
drive/send somebody up the wall v. birini uyuz etmek
drive somebody up the wall v. tepesini attırmak
drive somebody up the wall v. çileden çıkarmak
drive somebody up the wall v. deli etmek
drive somebody up the wall v. sinir etmek
drive somebody up the wall v. uyuz etmek
drive somebody up the wall v. delirtmek
drive somebody up the wall v. çıldırtmak