born - Fransızca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "born" in French English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
born [adj]

Meanings of "born" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 106 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
be born again renaître [v]
be born naître [v]
litter (animals born in one birth) portée [f]
be born out of wedlock illégitime [v]
be born under a lucky star être né sous une bonne étoile [v]
be born a citizen of être citoyen né [v]
be born abroad être né à l'étranger [v]
be born dead être mort-né [v]
be born in a city être né dans une ville [v]
be born out of the ashes être né de ses cendres [v]
be born in the purple être né d'une famille aisée [v]
be born by caesarean section être né par césarienne [v]
be born in the purple être né d'une famille royale [v]
be born into the purple être né d'une famille aisée [v]
be born into the purple être né d'une famille royale [v]
be born deaf être né sourd [v]
be born for stage être né pour être sur scène [v]
cry like a new born baby pleurer comme un bébé [v]
born leader leader né [m]
born of woman humain [m]
born leader chef-né [m]
born leader meneur-né [m]
first-born child premier enfant [m]
first-born child premier né [m]
first-born aîné [adj]
first born aîné [adj]
born again né de nouveau [adj]
born and bred né et élevé [adj]
born and raised né et élevé [adj]
born and raised in né et élevé à [adj]
born blind né aveugle [adj]
born classified confidentiel [adj]
born deaf né sourd [adj]
born in salonica né à salonique [adj]
born in the purple né de famille royale [adj]
born in the purple né privilégié [adj]
born lucky né sous une bonne étoile [adj]
born outside marriage né hors mariage [adj]
born to the purple né de famille royale [adj]
born vaginally né par voie vaginale [adj]
born and bred né et grandi [adj]
canadian born né au canada [adj]
dead born mort-né [adj]
earth-born humain [adj]
free-born née libre [adj]
born of woman personne né de femme [f]
born to chat pipelette [f]
to be born out of wedlock être un enfant naturel
first-born premier-né
water-born né dans l'eau
to be born under a lucky star être né sous une bonne étoile
to be born under a lucky star être favorisé par le destin
he/she wasn't born yesterday il/elle n'est pas tombé de la dernière pluie
he/she wasn't born yesterday il/elle est plus astucieux
to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth naître coiffé
to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth être né riche
poets are born but orators are trained on naît poète on devient orateur
children born out of wedlock enfants nés hors des liens du mariage
children born outside marriage enfants nés hors des liens du mariage
children born out of wedlock enfants nés hors mariage
children born outside marriage enfants nés hors mariage
State Law
conceived but not born conçu [adj]
to be born out of wedlock être né hors mariage
to be born alive être né viable
child born in wedlock enfant né d'un mariage
newly-born child enfant nouveau-né
to be born in the lifetime être né du vivant
to be born within or outside marriage être né d'un mariage ou hors mariage
child born out of wedlock enfant né hors mariage
child born in or out of wedlock enfant né du mariage ou hors mariage
Family Law
natural-born citizen citoyen de naissance [m]
natural-born citizen citoyenne de naissance [f]
Governmental Terms
still-born child mort-né [m]
new-born child nouveau-né [m]
conceived but not born conçu [adj]
natural born subject sujet de naissance
child born out of wedlock enfant né hors mariage
born in wedlock né d'un mariage
born within or outside marriage né d'un mariage ou hors mariage
child born in wedlock enfant né d'un mariage
born out of wedlock né hors mariage
born alive né viable
first-born premier-né
france-born frenchman français de souche
Human Rights
water-born disease maladie d'origine hydrique [f]
Passport Terms
child born outside marriage enfant né hors mariage [m]
child born abroad enfant né à l'étranger [m]
child born out of wedlock enfant né hors du mariage [m]
child born out of wedlock enfant né hors mariage [m]
natural-born child enfant naturel [m]
child born outside marriage enfant né hors du mariage [m]
a foreign born resident un résident né à l'étranger
Social Sciences
child born out of wedlock enfant né hors mariage
live-born children enfants nés vivants
child born out of wedlock enfant naturel
child born out of wedlock enfant illégitime
a new born un nouveau né(e) (m/f)
foreign-born allochtone [adj]
still born mort-né [m]
person born with a disability congénitale [f]
child born posthumously enfant posthume
child born to infected mother enfant né de mère séropositive
air born sound bruit aérien
structure born sound son transmis par conduction
born-again pelt lichen peltigère à bordure
foreign-born person allochtone [n]