crops - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "crops" in Spanish English Dictionary : 5 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
crops frutos [m/pl]
crops trigos [m/pl]
crops recolección [f]
crops cosechas [f/pl]
crops cultivos alimenticios

Meanings of "crops" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 125 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
pile of crops morena [f]
damage to crops from mist or fog nebladura [f]
young green crops porrina [f]
estimate of standing crops calculated for tithe collection tazmía [f]
make furrows to plant crops evenly amelgar [v]
raise crops levantar [v]
barn (for crops) granero [m]
science of soils in relation to crops agrología [f]
produce (fruits/crops) dar [v]
someone who crops off the ears desorejador [m]
field yielding early crops temprano [m]
lack of crops esterilidad [f]
damage caused to crops by mist nebladura [f]
someone who crops off the ears desorejadora [f]
rotation of crops rotación de cultivos [f]
the science of farm management and the production of field crops agronomía [f]
gather crops levantar las cosechas [v]
gather crops hacer el verano [v]
corn-crops cereales [m/pl]
agreement to plant land in which the owner provides the land and the partner provides the seeds and work with the resulting crops being divided evenly between them alpartidario [m] PE
cultivation of many plants and crops atierro [m] PR rur.
land where the crops are planted and transplanted almacigal [m] CR
land where the crops are planted and transplanted almácigo [m] MX GT HN NI CR CL AR UY
land where the crops are planted and transplanted almaciguero [m] HN NI PA
land where the crops are planted and transplanted colino [m] HN
six hour shift in access to water for irrigating crops derecho [m] EC rur.
removal of weeds from a plot of land before planting crops desavero [m] DO
remove of underbrush from a plot of land before planting crops desavero [m] DO
person who cuts the sprouts and shoots (in some crops like the banana) deshijador [m] HN
person who clears a field before preparing it for planting crops chaqueador [m] BO
small benefit obtained from crops or livestock esquilmo [m] MX HN
farmer who receives a plot of land to plant crops and receive the first harvest or an agreed upon amount mejorero [m] PE rur.
basic crops panllevar [m] GT PE
ritual in which an offering is made to pachamama mother earth for successful crops or a favor pago [m] HN:W SV:W PE BO:W rur.
area for planting rice, beans, corn or other crops tumbo [m] PA rur.
land for planting rice, beans, corn and other crops trabajadero [m] PA
make furrows and ridges for planting crops amelgado [m] ES local rur.
small benefit obtained from crops or livestock esquilmo [m] MX HN
basic crops panllevar [m] GT PE
pulling crops from the roots during harvest arranca [f] CR rur.
disease caused by a fungus that affects plants in the form of a black dust and ruins the fruit (attacking particularly corn crops) atopa [f] EC rur.
disease caused by a fungus that affects plants in the form of a black dust and ruins the fruit (it particularly attacks corn crops) atupa (voz quechua) [f] EC rur.
land where the crops are planted and transplanted almacenera [f] AR
task of cutting of crops which remains to be completed burra [f] GT HN SV NI rur.
small area of weeds/crops surrounded by a clearing burra [f] HN NI rur.
spraying of crops with a disinfectant in order to avoid an infestation dedetización [f] AR UY
person who cuts the sprouts and shoots (in some crops like the banana) deshijadora [f] HN
disease that destroys the leaves or fruits of crops such as coffee, corn, and rice, caused by the fungus cercospora coffeicola, which produces small circular light brown or reddish brown spots on leaves chasparria [f] NI CR
space of land between two rows of coffee trees or two rows of crops entrecalle [f] GT HN SV CR rur.
farmer who receives a plot of land to plant crops and receive the first harvest or an agreed upon amount mejorera [f] PE rur.
woman who harvests crops palliri [f] BO:C
collection of excess crops pepena [f] MX GT rur.
site for drying crops tacana [f] BO:W
narrow path between crops guardarraya [f] CU
with the weeds removed in order to plant crops (plot of land) deschaparrado [adj] EC rur.
with underbrush removed in order to plant crops (plot of land) deschaparrado [adj] EC rur.
humid and apt for growing crops (land or soil) fresco [adj] PR rur.
tending to jump the fence to eat crops (livestock) goloso [adj] HN PA rur.
with thick vegetation (forest or crops) copado [adj] GT rur.
prepare a plot of land to plant crops for the first time arrotar [v] EC disused rur.
harvest crops by pulling them from the root (particularly beans) arrancar [v] CR rur.
harvest mature crops descosechar [v] DO rur.
remove vegetation from a plot of land in preparation for planting crops deschaparrar [v] EC rur.
infest potatoes, tomatoes, and other crops (fungus) lanchar [v] EC
make leather crops lonjear [v] BO PY AR UY rur.
plant crops in a field milpear [v] MX HN SV NI
collect excess crops pepenar [v] MX GT rur.
collect any remaining crops especially corn or beans restrojear [v] CR disused
grow crops destripar terrones [v]
grow crops milpear [v]
collect the last crops ripiar [v] MX rur.
a year of snow, crops will grow año de nieves, año de bienes
diverse crops cultivos varios
dry-farmed crops cultivos de secano
irrigated crops cultivos de regadío
staple crops cultivos esenciales
rotation of crops rotación de cultivos
rotation of crops rotación de cultivos
pulse crops leguminosas [f/pl]
woody crops cultivos leñosos
row crops plantas de escarda
grain crops cultivos de grano
legume fodder crops leguminosas forrajeras
rotation of crops rotación de cultivos
catch crops cultivos intermedios
infestation of crops infestación de alimentos y cultivos
fodder crops cultivo forrajero
land available for crops tierra de labor
rotation of crops rotación de cosecha
pesticides in crops pesticidas en las cosechas
fruit crops frutales [m/pl]
late crops tardío [adj]
dusting crops fumigación aérea de los cultivos
irregular fungi that attack seeds, seedlings, and adult plants of most crops, discoloring and rendering watery due to the collapse of cells mal del talluelo [m] GT rur.
coarse crops cosechas de grano grueso [f]
cleared for planting crops (plot of land) chaqueado [adj] BO
work (to prepare for crops; work the soil; cultivate the land) preparar [v]
clear a plot of land of weeds before planting crops corapear [v] PE rare rur.
dig around crops to remove weeds and loosen compacted soil escavanar [v]
edible crops cultivos comestibles [m/pl]
basic crops cultivos básicos [m/pl]
extensive crops cultivos extensivos [m/pl]
oil crops cultivos de oleaginosas [m/pl]
growing crops cultivos en pie [m/pl]
high-residue crops cultivos que producen muchos residuos [m/pl]
vegetable crops hortalizas [f/pl]
basic crops cosechas principales [f/pl]
dry crops cosechas de secano [f/pl]
tree crops cultivos leñosos
rubber crops plantas lactíferas
tolerant crops cultivos tolerantes
feed crops plantas forrajeras
fiber crops plantas fibrosas
oil crops cultivos oleaginosos
oil crops cultivos de oleaginosas
cash crops cultivos de contado
transgenic crops cultivos transgénicos
herbaceous energy crops cultivos energéticos herbáceos
energy crops cultivos energéticos
energy crops cultivos para la producción de biocombustibles
fuel crops cultivos para la producción de biocombustibles
agricultural crops plantas de cultivo
beetle larva that infests potato crops destroying the tuber by eating it cuso [m] EC
a major pest of potato crops (leptinotarsa decemlineata) escarabajo de la patata [m]
traditional ceremony in which a llama or alpaca is sacrificed and its blood spread on the ground and its heart buried in order to ensure successful crops vilancha [f] CL rur.