marsh - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "marsh" in German English Dictionary : 4 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
marsh Sumpf [m]
marsh Marsch [f]
marsh Sumpfgebiet [n]
marsh Marschland [n]

Meanings of "marsh" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 428 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
marsh association Marschenverband [m]
salt marsh Salzsumpf [m]
marsh mallow Eibisch [m]
marsh plant Helophyt [m]
salt marsh Butenmarsch [f]
marsh calla Schlangenkraut [n]
reedy marsh Ried (Gebiet) [n]
marsh orchid Knabenkraut [n]
marsh gas Sumpfgas [n]
marsh gas Grubengas [n]
marsh gas Methangas [n]
marsh flies Hornfliegen [pl]
marsh arrow-grass Sumpf-Dreizack
marsh gas Sumpfgas [n]
marsh gas Grubengas [n]
Marsh test Marshsche Probe
marsh warbler Sumpfrohrsänger [m]
marsh plant Sumpfpflanze [f]
marsh gas Sumpfgas [n]
marsh gas Grubengas [n]
marsh creek Priel [m]
fresh-water marsh Flussmarsch [f]
marsh creeks Priele [pl]
marsh creek Wasserlauf im Watt
marsh (iron) ore Sumpferz [n]
marsh (iron) ore Sumpfeisenerz [n]
marsh (iron) ore Wiesenerz [n]
marsh (iron) ore Raseneisenerz [n]
marsh gas Sumpfgas [n]
marsh gas Grubengas [n]
Eastern marsh fern Sumpflappenfarn [m]
Eastern marsh fern Sumpfnierenfarn [m]
Eastern marsh fern gewöhnlicher Sumpffarn [m]
Eastern marsh fern Sumpfnierenfarn (Thelypteris palustris) [m]
rough marsh-mallow Rauer Eibisch [m]
marsh mallow Arznei-Eibisch [m]
marsh samphire Glasschmelz [m]
marsh horsetail Sumpfschachtelhalm [m]
marsh woundwort Sumpfziest [m]
marsh-grass Sumpfreis [m]
marsh-grass Queckenreis [m]
marsh trefoil Bitterklee [m]
marsh trefoil Fieberklee [m]
marsh fern Sumpffarn [m]
marsh gentian Lungenenzian [m]
marsh Labrador tea Sumpfporst [m]
marsh calla Drachenwurz [f]
marsh calla Sumpf-Schlangenwurz [f]
marsh calla Sumpfkalla [f]
marsh calla Schlangenwurz [f]
marsh marigold Sumpfdotterblume (Caltha palustris) [f]
marsh orchid Fingerwurz [f]
marsh plant Sumpfpflanze [f]
salt-marsh bulrush Strandbinse [f]
common marsh marigold Butterblume [f]
marsh bellflower Glockenblume [f]
yellow marsh marigold Butterblume [f]
marsh thistle Sumpfkratzdistel [f]
marsh pilewort Feigwurz [f]
marsh peavine Sumpfplatterbse [f]
marsh-marigold Sumpfdotterblume [f]
marsh calla Sumpfcalla [f]
marsh betony Schweinsrübe [f]
common marsh marigold Schmalzblume [f]
marsh marigold Butterblume [f]
marsh mint Wasserminze [f]
common marsh marigold Dotterblume [f]
European marsh thistle Sumpfdistel [f]
marsh-grass Reisquecke [f]
marsh thistle Sumpfdistel [f]
marsh woundwort Schweinsrübe [f]
northern marsh orchid Meerstrandtrichterlilie [f]
marsh marigold Sumpfdotterblume [f]
marsh plume thistle Sumpfdistel [f]
marsh hedgenettle Schweinsrübe [f]
yellow marsh marigold Dotterblume [f]
common marsh marigold Kuhblume [f]
leopard marsh orchid übersehenes Knabenkraut (Dactylorhiza praetermissa) [n]
leopard marsh orchid übersehenes Knabenkraut [n]
marsh calla Schweinsohr (Calla palustris) [n]
marsh calla Schweinsohr [n]
marsh skullcap Sumpf-Helmkraut [n]
marsh skullcap Sumpf-Helmkraut (Scutellaria galericulata) [n]
member/plant of the marsh fern family Lappenfarngewächs [n]
member/plant of the marsh fern family Sumpffarngewächs [n]
narrow-leaved marsh orchid Traunsteiners Knabenkraut [n]
narrow-leaved marsh orchid Traunsteiners Knabenkraut (Dactylorhiza traunsteineri) [n]
Southern marsh orchid übersehenes Knabenkraut (Dactylorhiza praetermissa) [n]
Southern marsh orchid übersehenes Knabenkraut [n]
marsh ragwort Wasser-Greiskraut [n]
marsh willowherb Sumpfweidenröschen [n]
marsh hog's fennel Ölsenich [n]
marsh Labrador tea Sumpfporstkraut [n]
marsh-elder Schlagkraut [n]
marsh cinquefoil Blutauge [n]
marsh pilewort Scharbockskraut [n]
marsh foxtail Schwemmgras [n]
marsh meadow foxtail Schwemmgras [n]
marsh yarrow Bertramskraut [n]
marsh fleawort Moorgreiskraut [n]
marsh ragwort Wassergreiskraut [n]
marsh ragwort Wasserkreuzkraut [n]
marsh cinquefoil Sumpfblutauge [n]
marsh daisy Sandglöckchen [n]
marsh fern family Lappenfarngewächse (Thelypteridaceae) [pl]
marsh fern family Sumpffarngewächse [pl]
marsh fern family Lappenfarngewächse [pl]
marsh samphires (botanical genus) Glasschmalze [pl]
marsh samphires (botanical genus) Queller [pl]
marsh plants Sumpfpflanzen [pl]
marsh samphires (botanical genus) Glasschmalze (Salicornia) (botanische Gattung) [pl]
marsh samphires (botanical genus) Glasschmelze [pl]
marsh-rosemarys Strandflieder [pl]
marsh pitcher plants Sumpfkrüge [pl]
marsh orchids Kuckucksblumen [pl]
marsh orchids Fingerwurzen [pl]
marsh samphire Queller [pl]
marsh grass-of-Parnassus Studentenröschen [pl]
marsh orchids Knabenkräuter [pl]
marsh violet Wohlriechendes Veilchen
rough marsh-mallow Rauer Eibisch
marsh pennywort Gewöhnlicher Wassernabel
northern marsh orchid Purpurblütiges Knabenkraut
marsh pennywort Indischer Wassernabel
western marsh orchid Breitblättrige Fingerwurz
marsh sowthistle Sumpf-Gänsedistel
marsh spurge Sumpf-Wolfsmilch
Alpine marsh violet Sumpf-Veilchen
marsh mallow Echter Eibisch
marsh helleborine Weiße Sumpfwurz
marsh speedwell Schildfrüchtiger Ehrenpreis
scarce marsh helleborine Germerblättrige Stendelwurz
marsh Afrikaner Eintönige Gladiole
common marsh-bedstraw Sumpf-Labkraut
marsh hog's fennel Sumpf-Haarstrang
marsh helleborine Sumpf-Sitter
marsh foxtail Knick-Fuchsschwanz
early marsh orchid Steifblättriges Knabenkraut
marsh helleborine Echte Sumpfwurz
marsh dock Sumpf-Ampfer
marsh gladiolus Sumpf-Gladiole
marsh orchid Breitblättriges Knabenkraut
southern marsh orchid Übersehenes Knabenkraut
marsh foxtail Knick-Fuchsschwanzgras
marsh seedbox Rote Sumpf-Ludwigie
marsh speedwell Schild-Ehrenpreis
marsh hawksbeard Sumpf-Pippau
twinflowered marsh marigold Westamerikanische Dotterblume
marsh hedgenettle Sumpf-Ziest
marsh ragwort Wasser-Greiskraut
northern marsh orchid Purpur-Knabenkraut
broad-leaved marsh orchid Breitblättrige Orchis
early marsh orchid Bleichgelbes Knabenkraut
marsh clematis Krause Waldrebe
marsh ludwigia Rote Sumpf-Ludwigie
western marsh orchid Breitblättrige Orchis
marsh horsetail Sumpf-Schachtelhalm
marsh mallow Arznei-Eibisch
marsh woundwort Sumpf-Ziest
marsh arrowgrass Sumpf-Dreizack
Irish marsh orchid Breitblättrige Fingerwurz
marsh gladiolus Sumpf-Siegwurz
marsh daisy Gewöhnliche Grasnelke
broadleaved marsh marigold Westamerikanische Dotterblume
marsh orchid Breitblättrige Fingerwurz
marsh thistle Sumpf-Kratzdistel
marsh willowherb Sumpf-Weidenröschen
marsh spike-rush Gewöhnliche Sumpfbinse
narrow-leaved marsh orchid Traunsteiners Knabenkraut
Irish marsh orchid Breitblättriges Knabenkraut
broad-leaved marsh orchid Breitblättrige Fingerwurz
marsh bird's-foot trefoil Sumpf-Hornklee
marsh penny Indischer Wassernabel
early marsh orchid Fleischrotes Knabenkraut
marsh helleborine Sumpf-Stendelwurz
marsh hawk's-beard Sumpf-Pippau
great marsh bedstraw Hohes Labkraut
leopard marsh orchid Breitblättriges Knabenkraut
marsh plume thistle Englische Kratzdistel
leopard marsh orchid Übersehenes Knabenkraut
marsh cinquefoil Sumpf-Blutauge
marsh foxtail Schwemmgras
marsh peavine Sumpfplatterbse
common marsh orchid Breitblättriges Knabenkraut
European marsh thistle Sumpfdistel
marsh grass-of-Parnassus Sumpf-Herzblatt
marsh meadow foxtail Schwemmgras
northern marsh orchid Meerstrandtrichterlilie
marsh yarrow Bertramskraut
marsh orchids Fingerwurzen
common marsh marigold Kuhblume
marsh orchids Knabenkräuter
marsh woundwort Schweinsrübe
marsh thistle Sumpfdistel
marsh-grass Sumpfreis
marsh fern family Sumpffarngewächse
marsh pilewort Feigwurz
marsh orchids Kuckucksblumen
marsh plume thistle Sumpfdistel
common marsh marigold Schmalzblume
marsh ragwort Wasserkreuzkraut
marsh pilewort Scharbockskraut
marsh-grass Reisquecke
marsh ragwort Wassergreiskraut
marsh-grass Queckenreis
marsh hedgenettle Schweinsrübe
marsh betony Schweinsrübe
marsh samphire Glasschmelz
salt-marsh bulrush Strandbinse
marsh mint Wasserminze
marsh grass-of-Parnassus Studentenröschen
marsh calla Sumpfcalla
marsh bellflower Glockenblume
marsh horsetail Sumpfschachtelhalm
marsh willowherb Sumpfweidenröschen
marsh woundwort Sumpfziest
common marsh marigold Butterblume
marsh fern Sumpffarn
marsh gentian Lungenenzian
marsh calla Drachenwurz
marsh trefoil Bitterklee
marsh hog's fennel Ölsenich
yellow marsh marigold Butterblume
marsh pitcher plants Sumpfkrüge
marsh Labrador tea Sumpfporstkraut
common marsh marigold Dotterblume
marsh trefoil Fieberklee
marsh daisy Sandglöckchen
yellow marsh marigold Dotterblume
marsh samphire Queller
marsh marigold Sumpfdotterblume
marsh plant Sumpfpflanze
marsh Labrador tea Sumpfporst
marsh sedge Scharfkantige Segge
marsh angelica Sumpf-Engelwurz
marsh rush Kanadische Binse
marsh orchid Weiße Sumpfwurz
Roman marsh orchid Römisches Knabenkraut
marsh-pepper smartweed Wasserpfeffer-Knöterich
early marsh orchid Fleischfarbenes Knabenkraut
marsh primrose Tibet-Schlüsselblume
marsh bulrush Gewöhnliche Sumpfbinse
marsh seedbox Sumpf-Ludwigie
marsh bulrush Gemeine Sumpfsimse
marsh orchid Echte Sumpfwurz
marsh bulrush Gemeines Sumpfried
marsh stitchwort Graugrüne Sternmiere
marsh pinegrass Blauknoten-Reitgras
marsh seedbox Sumpf-Heusenkraut
marsh ludwigia Sumpf-Heusenkraut
marsh purslane Sumpf-Heusenkraut
yellow marsh saxifrage Goldblumiger Steinbrech
marsh parsley Feinblättriger Sellerie
marsh pennywort Großer Wassernabel
marsh yellowcress Gemeine Sumpfkresse
western marsh orchid Breitblättriges Knabenkraut
marsh felwort Blauer Tarant
marsh saxifrage Moor-Steinbrech
marsh pea Sumpf-Platterbse
marsh lousewort Sumpf-Läusekraut
marsh gentian Lungen-Enzian
marsh ragwort Moor-Greiskraut
marsh arrow-grass Sumpf-Dreizack
marsh marigold Sumpf-Dotterblume
common marsh bedstraw Sumpf-Labkraut
common marsh-mallow echter Eibisch
early marsh-orchid fleischfarbenes Knabenkraut
broad-leaved marsh orchid breitblättriges Knabenkraut
rough marsh-mallow rauher Eibisch
marsh valerian kleiner Baldrian
marsh sow-thistle Sumpfgänsedistel
marsh thistle Sumpfkratzdistel
marsh yellow-cress gewöhnliche Sumpfkresse
marsh speedwell Schildehrenpreis
marsh violet Sumpfveilchen
marsh foxtail Knickfuchsschwanz
marsh cudweed Sumpf-Ruhrkraut
marsh-bedstraw Sumpflabkraut
common marsh orchid breitblättriges Knabenkraut (Dactylorhiza majalis)
common marsh orchid breitblättrige Fingerwurz
marsh horsetail Duwok
marsh sandpiper Teichwasserläufer (Tringa stagnatilis) [m]
marsh whydah Hartlaubwida [m]
marsh wren Sumpfzaunkönig [m]
marsh warbler Sumpfrohrsänger (Acrocephalus palustris) [m]
marsh-bird Sumpfvogel [m]
mountain marsh whydah Reichenowwida [m]
marsh bird Sumpfvogel [m]
marsh warbler Sumpfrohrsänger [m]
Cuban Marsh wren Kubazaunkönig [m]
marsh grassbird Riedsänger [m]
Japanese marsh warbler Riedsänger [m]
marsh sandpiper Teichwasserläufer [m]
white-headed marsh tyrant Sumpftyrann [m]
African marsh owl Kapohreule [f]
eastern marsh harrier Mangroveweihe [f]
malagasy marsh harrier Madagaskarweihe [f]
marsh tit Sumpfmeise (Poecile palustris) [f]
pacific marsh harrier Sumpfweihe [f]
western marsh-harrier Rohrweihe [f]
western marsh-harrier Rohrweihe (Circus aeruginosus) [f]
marsh tit Sumpfmeise [f]
marsh harrier Rohrweihe [f]
marsh tit Nonnenmeise [f]
African marsh harrier Froschweihe [f]
marsh spotted babbler Sumpftimalie [f]
african marsh-harrier Froschweihe [f]
eastern marsh-harrier Mangroveweihe [f]
marsh owl Kapohreule [f]
marsh babbler Sumpftimalie [f]
marsh tchagra Sumpftschagra [f]
Madagascar marsh harrier Madagaskarweihe [f]
marsh hawk Kornweihe [f]
madagascar marsh-harrier Madagaskarweihe [f]
marsh seedeater Sumpfpfäffchen [n]
marsh bushchat Braunkehlchen [n]
marsh warblers Rohrsänger [pl]
marsh warblers Rohrsänger (Acrocephalus) (zoologische Gattung) [pl]
marsh-birds Sumpfvögel [pl]
African marsh warbler Gartenrohrsänger
long-billed marsh wren Sumpfzaunkönig
marsh bird Sumpfvogel
Cuban Marsh wren Kubazaunkönig
marsh tchagra Sumpftschagra
marsh grassbird Riedsänger
marsh bushchat Braunkehlchen
marsh spotted babbler Sumpftimalie
marsh babbler Sumpftimalie
marsh tit Nonnenmeise
African marsh owl Kapohreule
eastern marsh harrier Mangroveweihe
marsh warbler Sumpfrohrsänger
Madagascar marsh harrier Madagaskarweihe
marsh owl Kapohreule
African marsh harrier Froschweihe
Japanese marsh warbler Riedsänger
white-headed marsh tyrant Sumpftyrann
marsh tit Sumpfmeise
marsh hawk Kornweihe
Pacific marsh harrier Sumpfweihe
Malagasy marsh harrier Madagaskarweihe
marsh harrier Rohrweihe
marsh wren Sumpfzaunkönig
white-headed marsh-tyrant Weißkopf-Wassertyrann
marsh frog Seefrosch [m]
marsh frog Seefrosch (Pelophylax ridibundus) [m]
marsh mongoose Sumpfichneumon (Atilax paludinosus) [m]
marsh mongoose Sumpfichneumon [m]
marsh deer Sumpfhirsch [m]
marsh tenrec Wassertanrek [m]
marsh sandpiper Teichwasserläufer [m]
marsh slug Wasserschnegel [m]
marsh warbler Sumpfrohrsänger [m]
marsh mongoose Wassermanguste [f]
marsh rice rat Sumpf-Reisratte [f]
western marsh harrier Rohrweihe [f]
marsh tit Sumpfmeise [f]
marsh titmouse Nonnenmeise [f]
african marsh-harrier Froschweihe [f]
marsh harrier Rohrweihe [f]
european marsh crane fly Wiesenschnake [f]
rosy marsh moth Torfmooreule [f]
dwarf marsh snail Leberegelschnecke [f]
marsh titmouse Sumpfmeise [f]
marsh tit Nonnenmeise [f]
marsh mongoose Sumpfmanguste [f]
marsh rabbit Marschkaninchen [n]
marsh rabbit Sumpfkaninchen [n]
marsh crocodile Sumpfkrokodil [n]
New World marsh turtles (zoological family) Neuwelt-Sumpfschildkröten [pl]
New World marsh turtles (zoological family) Neuwelt-Sumpfschildkröten (Emydidae) (zoologische Familie) [pl]
Wold World marsh turtles (zoological family) Altwelt-Sumpfschildkröten (Geoemydidae) (zoologische Familie) [pl]
marsh beetles Sumpfkäfer [pl]
marsh flies Hornfliegen [pl]
marsh crabs Quadratkrabben [pl]
marsh mongoose Sumpfichneumon [m/n]
marsh dagger Striemen-Rindeneule
marsh snipefly goldgelbe Schnepfenfliege
marsh pond snail mittlere Sumpfschnecke
marsh moth Feuchtwiesen-Staubeule
lesser marsh grasshopper weißrandiger Grashüpfer
marsh slug Wasser-Egelschnecke
marsh terrapin Starrbrust-Pelomeduse
marsh snail Schmale Windelschnecke
salt marsh harvest mouse Strand-Erntemaus
marsh snail Gemeine Sumpfschnecke
dwarf marsh snail Kleine Sumpfschnecke
marsh hive Dunkles Kegelchen
marsh slug Dunkelgraue Farnschnecke
marsh slug Wasser-Nacktschnecke
salt marsh harvest mouse Salzsumpf-Erntemaus
web-footed marsh rat Echte Sumpfratte
marsh shrew Pazifische Wasserspitzmaus
marsh turtles Neuwelt-Sumpfschildkröten
marsh rice rat Sumpf-Reisratte
marsh pond snail Rötliche Sumpfschnecke
greater marsh rat Lund-Wasserratte
dwarf marsh snail Leberegelschnecke
marsh crabs Quadratkrabben
marsh mongoose Sumpfmanguste
marsh slug Wasserschnegel
marsh rabbit Marschkaninchen
marsh deer Sumpfhirsch
marsh mongoose Sumpfichneumon
marsh frog Seefrosch
marsh fritillary goldener Scheckenfalter
marsh tit Sumpfmeise
marsh crocodile Sumpfkrokodil
marsh mongoose Wassermanguste
western marsh harrier Rohrweihe
marsh harrier Weihen
large marsh grasshopper Sumpfschrecke [f]
marsh bluet Moorbecherazurjungfer [f]
marsh beetles Sumpfkäfer [pl]
marsh flies Netzfliegen [pl]
Marsh test Marshsche Probe
marsh wren Sumpfzaunkönig [m]
African marsh warbler Gartenrohrsänger [m]
long-billed marsh wren Sumpfzaunkönig [m]
marsh bird Sumpfvogel [m]
marsh speedwell Schildehrenpreis [m]
marsh foxtail Knickfuchsschwanz [m]
marsh fern Sumpffarn [m]
marsh thistle Sumpfkratzdistel [f]
marsh sow-thistle Sumpfgänsedistel [f]
marsh willowherb Sumpfweidenröschen [n]
marsh violet Sumpfveilchen [n]
marsh-bedstraw Sumpflabkraut [n]