appointment - Französisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "appointment" im Französisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 37 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Französisch
appointment rang [m]
appointment décret [m]
appointment poste [m]
appointment emploi [m]
appointment rendez-vous [m]
appointment office [m]
appointment ordonnance [f]
appointment place [f]
appointment investiture [f]
appointment disposition [f]
appointment rencontre [f]
appointment charge [f]
appointment nomination [f]
appointment entrevue [f]
appointment désignation [f]
appointment emploi [m]
appointment rendez-vous [m]
appointment poste [m]
appointment nomination [f]
appointment désignation [f]
appointment nomination à un poste
appointment rendez- vous [n]
appointment nomination [f]
appointment engagement [m]
appointment désignation [f]
appointment nomination [f]
appointment nomination [f]
Governmental Terms
appointment nomination [f]
Parliamentary Terms
appointment nomination [f]
appointment rendez-vous [m]
appointment entrevue [f]
appointment nomination [f]
appointment rendez-vous [m]
appointment nomination [f]
Church Administration
appointment nomination [f]
Election Terms
appointment commission [f]
appointment nomination [f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "appointment" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Französisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 264 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Französisch
postpone (an appointment) renvoyer [v]
appointment book agenda [m]
by appointment sur rendez-vous [adv]
arrange an appointment for fixer un rendez-vous [v]
ask for an appointment demander un rendez-vous [v]
ask for one's appointment demander la nomination [v]
be late for the appointment être en retard à un rendez-vous [v]
break an appointment ne pas aller à un rendez-vous [v]
break an appointment annuler un rendez-vous [v]
forget an appointment oublier un rendez-vous [v]
get an appointment obtenir un rendez-vous [v]
get an appointment (from) obtenir un rendez-vous avec [v]
get an appointment from obtenir un rendez-vous avec [v]
get an appointment with obtenir un rendez-vous avec [v]
letter of appointment lettre de nomination [n]
appointment calendar calendrier de rendez-vous [m]
appointment system système de nomination [m]
appointment calendar agenda [m]
appointment order décret de nomination [m]
appointment with death rendez-vous avec la mort [m]
appointment system système de rendez-vous [m]
dentist appointment rendez-vous chez le dentiste [m]
dentist's appointment rendez-vous chez le dentiste [m]
doctor's appointment rendez-vous chez le médecin [m]
appointment time heure de rendez-vous [f]
to make an appointment prendre rendez-vous
to keep an appointment aller à un rendez-vous
to make an appointment prendre un rendez-vous
letter of appointment lettre de nomination [n]
keep an appointment venir à un rendez-vous
to make an appointment prendre rendezvous
letter of appointment lettre de nomination
cancel an appointment annuler un rendez-vous
staff appointment nomination au niveau du personnel
letter of appointment lettre d'embauche
to keep an appointment venir à un rendez-vous
cancellation of an appointment annulation d'un rendez-vous
cancel an appointment annuler un rendezvous
appointment of staff nomination du personnel
appointment only sur rendez-vous uniquement
appointment with someone prendre rendez-vous avec qn
certificate of appointment acte de nomination
letter of appointment lettre de nomination
certificate of appointment certificat de nomination
fixed-term appointment up to a maximum of 5 years engagement de durée déterminée
permanent appointment engagement à titre permanent
short term appointment up to 6 months engagement de courte durée
Human Resources
order to revoke an appointment ordonner la révocation d'une nomination [v]
appeal-proof appointment process processus de nomination à l'épreuve des appels [m]
certificate of appointment certificat de nomination [m]
appointment authority pouvoir de nomination [m]
advertised appointment process processus de nomination annoncé [m]
distinct non-advertised appointment process processus de nomination indépendant non annoncé [m]
non-advertised internal appointment process processus de nomination interne non annoncé [m]
executive-level appointment process processus de nomination au niveau de la direction [m]
non-advertised appointment process processus de nomination non annoncé [m]
internal appointment process processus de nomination interne [m]
independent appointment process processus de nomination indépendant [m]
advertised internal-appointment process processus de nomination interne annoncé [m]
incumbent-based appointment process processus de nomination fondé sur les qualités du titulaire [m]
distinct advertised appointment process processus de nomination indépendant annoncé [m]
appointment framework cadre de nomination [m]
appointment process based on merit processus de nomination fondé sur le mérite [m]
advertised external-appointment process processus de nomination externe annoncé [m]
appointment-related authority pouvoir connexe à la nomination [m]
appointment document document de nomination [m]
delegated internal-appointment process processus de nomination interne délégué [m]
non-delegated internal appointment process processus de nomination interne non délégué [m]
principle governing priorities for appointment principe régissant les priorités de nomination [m]
external appointment process processus de nomination externe [m]
abuse of delegated appointment authority abus du pouvoir de nomination délégué [m]
delegated appointment authority pouvoir de nomination délégué [m]
appointment file dossier de nominations [m]
order of appointment ordre de nomination [m]
exclusive appointment authority pouvoir exclusif de faire des nominations [m]
appointment framework knowledge test examen de connaissances sur le cadre de nomination [m]
choice of appointment process choix du processus de nomination [m]
re-appointment on revocation nomination à un autre poste en cas de révocation [f]
policy on employment equity in the appointment process lignes directrices sur l'équité en matière d'emploi dans le processus de nomination [f]
appointment on an acting basis nomination intérimaire [f]
notification of appointment notification de nomination [f]
appointment of priority persons nomination de bénéficiaires de priorité [f]
employment equity in the appointment process équité en matière d'emploi dans le processus de nomination [f]
appointment of priorities nomination de bénéficiaires de priorité [f]
permanent appointment nomination permanente [f]
offer of appointment offre de nomination [f]
appointment-to-level nomination à un niveau déterminé [f]
accommodation of persons in the appointment process mesures d'adaptation pour les personnes participant au processus de nomination [f]
re-appointment following tribunal order nomination à un autre poste suivant l'ordonnance du tribunal [f]
appointment made by commission under the great seal nomination par commission sous le grand sceau [f]
selection for appointment sélection aux fins de nomination [f]
internal non-advertised appointment nomination interne non annoncée [f]
person eliminated from consideration for appointment personne dont la candidature n'a pas été retenue [f]
unduly prolonged acting appointment nomination intérimaire indûment prolongée [f]
appointment subject to parliamentary approval nomination soumise à l'approbation du parlement [f]
casual appointment nomination à un poste occasionnel [f]
decision to revoke an appointment décision de révoquer une nomination [f]
substantiated complaint against an internal appointment plainte fondée relative à une nomination interne [f]
proposal of appointment proposition de nomination [f]
delegation of ex appointment authority délégation du pouvoir de nomination ex [f]
term-to-permanent appointment nomination d'un vacataire à un poste permanent [f]
priority for appointment priorité de nomination [f]
notification of proposal of appointment notification de proposition de nomination [f]
efficiency of the appointment process efficacité du processus de nomination [f]
term appointment nomination à durée déterminée [f]
acting appointment nomination intérimaire [f]
priority for appointment over all other persons priorité de nomination absolue [f]
internal non-delegated appointment nomination interne sans délégation [f]
priority appointment nomination de bénéficiaires de priorité [f]
investigation of an appointment enquête sur une nomination [f]
appointment of members nomination des commissaires [f]
appointment without competition nomination sans concours [f]
re-appointment following revocation nomination à un autre poste en cas de révocation [f]
internal appointment nomination interne [f]
internal appointment complaint plainte portant sur une nomination interne [f]
non-imperative appointment nomination non impérative [f]
long-term acting appointment nomination intérimaire à long terme [f]
delegation of appointment authorities délégation des pouvoirs de nomination [f]
public service commission appointment policy lignes directrices de la commission de la fonction publique en matière de nomination [f]
integrate employment equity into the appointment process intégrer l'équité en matière d'emploi au processus de nomination
consider a person for appointment retenir la candidature d'une personne pour une nomination
ensure the accommodation of persons in the appointment process assurer la prise de mesures d'adaptation pour les personnes participant au processus de nomination
revoke an appointment révoquer une nomination
one-year acting appointment nomination intérimaire d'un an
intervene in the internal appointment process intervenir dans le processus de nomination interne
appointment status type de nomination
ensure the integrity of the appointment process veiller à l'intégrité des processus de nomination
expedite the appointment process accélérer le processus de nomination
Social Security
appointment (date) rendezvous
appointment (to appoint) désignation (designer)
professional appointment nomination professionnelle
regular appointment recrutement pour une période indéfinie
regular appointment recrutement pour une période indéterminée
fixed-term appointment engagement pour une période déterminée
regular appointment engagement à titre permanent
letter of appointment lettre d'engagement
confirmation of the appointment confirmation de la nomination
career appointment nomination définitive
terms of appointment conditions d'emploi
fact of holding a life appointment inamovibilité [f]
right of appointment droit de collation
validation of the appointment validation des pouvoirs
appointment on probation engagement à l'essai
appointment of an heir institution d'héritier
instrument of appointment décret de nomination
revocation of appointment révocation de la nomination
appointment of conciliator nomination d'un conciliateur
State Law
appointment to office nomination [f]
mediation appointment séance de médiation
certificate of appointment and identification certificat attestant la qualité et l'identité
prescribed certificate of appointment or designation certificat réglementaire attestant la qualité
appointment to pass accounts convocation à l'approbation des comptes
appointment to settle judgment rencontre pour le règlement du jugement
appointment of arbitrators nomination d'arbitres
evidence of appointment or incumbency preuve de la nomination ou du mandat
notice of the appointment of an appeal board avis de la constitution d'une commission d'appel
crown appointment nomination par la couronne
termination of appointment at pleasure cessation de fonctions occupées à titre amovible
appointment or office of profit or trust charge ou fonction rémunérée ou de confiance
revised appointment constitution de mandataire révisée
senior staff appointment nomination à la haute direction
certificate of agency appointment certificat de nomination d'agence
renewal of an appointment renouvellement de la nomination
certificate of appointment attestation de nomination
order of appointment ordonnance de nomination
certificate of appointment and identification attestation de nomination et d'identité
to be served with an appointment or summons recevoir une convocation ou une assignation
notice of appointment for the hearing avis de rencontre pour l'audience
disputed election or appointment élection ou nomination litigieuse
general power of appointment pouvoir général de désignation
joint appointment nomination commune
appointment of the use désignation de l'usage
appointment by way of charge constitution d'une charge
appointment and removal nomination et destitution
instrument of appointment acte de nomination
appointment and discharge nomination et fin de mandat
application for appointment as bailiff demande de nomination à titre d'huissier
tentative appointment rendez-vous provisoire
appointment procedure procédure de nomination
general appointment nomination d'ordre général
to be eligible for re-appointment pouvoir recevoir un nouveau mandat
manner of election or appointment mode d'élection ou de nomination
appointment and operation constitution et fonctionnement
to be eligible for re-appointment pouvoir être nommé de nouveau
procedures or processes governing the appointment procédures ou méthodes régissant la nomination
tenure of appointment durée du mandat
power of appointment pouvoir de désignation
to question the appointment contester la nomination
appointment for the hearing convocation pour l'audition
Family Law
executive appointment authority pouvoir de nomination ex [m]
executive appointment authority pouvoir de nommer des cadres supérieurs [m]
order in council appointment nomination par décret [f]
appointment decision décision de nomination [f]
order in council appointment nomination par décret
letter of appointment lettre de nomination
Contract Law
appointment authority pouvoir de faire des nominations [m]
Governmental Terms
ancillary appointment nomination auxiliaire
notice of appointment of solicitor avis de nomination d'un procureur
motion for the appointment of an expert motion en désignation d'un expert
power of appointment pouvoir de désignation
express appointment nomination expresse
general power of appointment pouvoir général de désignation
special power of appointment pouvoir spécial de désignation
certificate of agency appointment certificat de nomination d'agence
appointment of women to senior management positions at the oas nomination de femmes aux postes de gestion de niveau supérieur de l'oea
UN Terms
appointment (staff) nomination [f]
appointment and promotion board comité des nominations et promotions
fixed-term appointment engagement de durée déterminée
time-limited project personnel appointment engagement de durée déterminée au titre de projet
appointment and promotion board comité des nominations et des promotions
EU Terms
appointment of staff nomination du personnel
appointment of members nomination des membres
Human Rights
priority appointment right droit de nomination en priorité [m]
term of appointment durée du mandat [f]
Parliamentary Terms
appointment of a committee fascicule de comité [m]
certificate of appointment certificat de nomination [m]
appointment during good behaviour nomination à titre inamovible [f]
order-in-council appointment nomination par décret [f]
appointment during pleasure nomination à titre amovible [f]
Passport Terms
appointment activity activité de nomination [f]
appointment policy politique de nomination [f]
priority appointment right droit de priorité de nomination [m]
appointment policy lignes directrices en matière de nomination [f]
appointment of a committee institution d'un comité [f]
appointment of a committee création d'un comité [f]
make an appointment prendre un rendez-vous
appointment value valeur régissant les nominations [f]
appointment to level nomination à un niveau déterminé
appointment decision décision en matière de nomination [f]
appointment value valeur relative aux nominations [f]
Health Research
notification and date of appointment notification et date de la nomination [f]
notification and conditions of appointment notification et modalités de la nomination [f]
cross appointment nomination conjointe [f]
appointment of a committee formation d'un comité [f]
academic appointment nomination professorale [f]
university appointment affectation à un poste universitaire [f]
faculty appointment nomination au sein du corps professoral [f]
preventive appointment rendez-vous de soins préventifs
continuing care appointment rendez-vous de suivi
appointment value valeur de nomination [f]
Coin Minting
appointment authority pouvoir de procéder à des nominations [m]
appointment policy politique en matière de nomination [f]
sea-going appointment embarquement [m]
appointment activity activité relative aux nominations [f]
appointment of a committee constitution d'un comité [f]
appointment decision décision relative aux nominations [f]
make an appointment prendre rendez-vous
appointment and promotion board commission de nomination et de promotion
installation appointment rendez-vous d'installation
appointment of referees désignation des arbitres
Church Administration
appointment advisory committee comité consultatif des nominations
presbytery appointment nomination du consistoire
Business Law
letter of appointment lettre d’engagement
appointment information management system système de gestion de l'information sur les nominations
Election Terms
appointment and consent form formule de nomination et de consentement
appointment of enumerators nomination de recenseurs
appointment of candidate's representative commission de représentant de candidat
appointment and consent form formule de commission et de consentement
appointment of candidate's representative nomination de représentant de candidat
representative's appointment nomination de représentant
form of appointment and oath formule de commission et de serment
representative’s appointment commission de représentant de candidat
representative’s appointment nomination de représentant de candidat
representative's appointment commission de représentant de candidat