customer - Französisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "customer" im Französisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 26 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Französisch
customer client [m]
customer consommateur [m]
customer preneur [m]
customer acheteur [m]
customer cliente [f]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer déposant [m]
State Law
customer client [m]
Governmental Terms
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer acheteur [m]
customer abonné [m]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer client [m]
customer abonné [m]
customer client [m]
Forest Engineering
customer client [m]
customer client [m]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "customer" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Französisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 218 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Französisch
be a regular customer of être un client régulier [v]
deal with a customer s'occuper d'un client [v]
ensure absolute customer satisfaction assurer la satisfaction absolue des clients [v]
ensure complete customer satisfaction assurer la satisfaction complète des clients [v]
find a customer trouver un client [v]
gain customer gagner un client [v]
customer service accueil [m]
angry customer client en colère [m]
customer price prix client [m]
customer order form bon de commande du client [m]
customer center espace clients [m]
customer engineering service technique de clientèle [m]
customer code code client [m]
customer management system système de gestion client [m]
customer tour tour clientèle [m]
customer service level niveau de service client [m]
customer services hotline numéro du service client [m]
customer panel panel client [m]
dear customer cher client [m]
dear valued customer cher client [m]
foreign customer client étranger [m]
customer friendly convivial [adj]
customer setup utilisé par le client [adj]
customer tailored orienté client [adj]
customer request demande du client [f]
customer expectation attente des clients [f]
customer discount remise client [f]
customer base base de clientèle [f]
customer meeting réunion de clients [f]
customer experience expérience client [f]
customer experience management gestion d'expérience client [f]
customer mass masse-client [f]
customer organization organisation de client [f]
customer churn perte de clientèle [f]
customer services services client [pl/m]
current customer clients actuels [pl/m]
customer engineer ingénieur technico-commercial
the customer always knows best le client a toujours raison
the customer is always right le client est roi
the customer is always right le client a toujours raison
the customer always knows best le client est roi
look after a customer s'occuper d'un client [v]
satisfy (customer) satisfaire [v]
regular customer fidèle [n]
customer orientation orientation vers le client [n]
customer support support client [n]
former customer ancien client [n]
customer profile profil de la clientèle [n]
overseas customer client étranger [n]
customer-service representative représentant du service clientèle [n]
difficult customer client difficile [n]
customer care souci du client [n]
customer needs besoins de la clientèle [n]
customer service service à la clientèle [n]
big customer gros client [n]
prospective customer client éventuel [n]
principal customer client principal [n]
prospective customer client potentiel [n]
big customer client important [n]
regular customer client [m]
regular customer cliente [f]
customer relations relations avec la clientèle
customer appeal facteur de séduction du client
regular customer client fidèle
serve a customer servir un client
potential customer client potentiel
customer loyalty fidélité du client
first customer premier client
customer loyalty fidélité de la clientèle
prospective customer client éventuel
prospect customer client potentiel
customer satisfaction satisfaction du client
difficult customer client difficile [n]
principal customer client principal [n]
big customer gros client [n]
prospective customer client éventuel [n]
big customer client important [n]
prospective customer client potentiel [n]
overseas customer client étranger [n]
customer service service clientèle [n]
development of customer loyalty fidélisation [f]
customer data base fichier client
customer billing facturation des clients [n]
customer account client [m]
customer account créance [f]
customer accounts comptes clients
customer lists listes de clients
customer advances or deposits avances ou acomptes reçus de clients
customer accounts comptabilité clients
customer account compte client
customer profitability analysis analyse de la rentabilité clients
customer accounts balance clients
customer order commande client
corporate customer entreprise cliente [n]
corporate customer société cliente [n]
customer account compte client [n]
current account customer titulaire d’un compte courant [n][uk]
know your customer bien connaître son client
customer due diligence measure mesure de vigilance à l'égard de la clientèle
customer due diligence obligation de vigilance à l'égard de la clientèle
know your customer regulations procédures d'identification de la clientèle
customer interface interface client
customer lifetime value valeur vie client
customer service representative préposée au service à la clientèle
customer service representative représentante de service à la clientèle
customer service clerk commis au service à la clientèle
customer service representative préposé au service à la clientèle
customer service representative représentant de service à la clientèle
State Law
selling customer vendeur [m]
retail customer client au détail
industrial customer client industriel
customer overpayment trop-perçu d'un client
unintegrated customer client non intégré
wholesale customer acheteur en gros
non-member customer client non membre
retailer and retail customer détaillant et acheteur au détail
retail customer client détaillant
Governmental Terms
futures customer client de contrats à terme
prospective customer client éventuel
customer service service à la clientèle
UN Terms
customer-oriented avoir le souci de la clientèle
customer relationship management system (crm) progiciel/système de gestion de la relation clients (usagers)
Passport Terms
customer service service à la clientèle [m]
e-customer client en ligne [m]
online customer client en ligne [m]
business-to-business-to-customer interentreprises orienté client [adj]
customer loyalty management fidélisation [f]
customer advantage bénéfice consommateur
customer advantage bénéfice client
satisfy customer needs répondre aux besoins du client [v]
customer relationship management (crm) gestion de la relation client (grc)
internal customer client interne
customer asset actif client
customer agreement portfolio portefeuille des accords client
customer portfolio portefeuille des clients
customer-facing service service visible par le business
business customer client business
external customer client externe
ıt program customer cliente des programmes de ti
ıt program customer client des programmes de ti
customer relations management gestion des relations avec la clientèle
customer relations management gestion de la relation client
customer relations management gestion des relations avec les clients
service unavailability per customer interrupted indisponibilité par client coupé
mean duration of a customer interruption durée moyenne d'une interruption
service unavailability per customer interrupted indice d'interruption par client coupé
customer average interruption duration index durée moyenne d'une coupure
customer average interruption duration index durée moyenne d'une interruption
mean duration of a customer interruption durée moyenne d'une coupure
customer premises equipment installations d'abonnés [f]
customer support (center) service clientèle
customer service (center) service clientèle
customer form papier client
customer acceptance contrôle de réception
customer sensitivity sensibilité du client
Real Estate
customer service centre centre de service à la clientèle [m]
customer department ministère client [m]
customer loyalty fidélisation
customer requirements exigences clients
customer specifications cahier des charges client
e-customer cyberclient [m]
online customer cyberclient [m]
delivery to customer livraison au client
customer requirements exigences clients
customer requirements exigences de la clientèle
customer specifications cahier des charges client
customer service service après-vente
customer requirement exigence des clients
customer wishes attentes des client
provided by customer au soin du client
telephone customer abonné au téléphone
customer partnership partenariat clients
end customer client final
customer satisfaction survey enquête satisfaction clients
customer expectations attentes du client
customer follow-up suivi client
customer promise promesse client
customer product requirements cahier des charges
customer service counters and desks guichets et comptoirs de service après-vente
customer survey enquête clients
customer loyalty fidélisation de la clientèle
customer/supplier relationship relation client-fournisseur
customer cards cartes pour clients
customer airline compagnie cliente
customer service service après vente
customer furnished equipment fourniture client
customer approval form fiche de prise en charge
client customer client [m]
customer module module client
customer relationship management (crm) gestion de la relation client
customer specification spécification du client
customer order processing traitement des commandes clients
customer group groupe de clients
customer order commande client
customer service service client
business customer abonné d'affaires
residence customer abonné résidentiel
customer priorities priorités de l'abonné
residence customer abonné du service de résidence
customer complaint summary résumé des plaintes des abonnés
cable television customer service standards normes de service aux abonnés de la télédistribution
division customer service manager directeur des services aux abonnés de la division
customer service enclosure boîte de service
district customer service manager directeur des services aux abonnés du district
customer master file dossier principal des abonnés
customer satisfaction satisfaction de l'abonné
customer terminal terminal d'abonné
domestic business customer abonné des services d'affaires au canada
customer service service à la clientèle
repair bureau: customer access centre de réparation : accès de l'abonné
residence customer abonné du service résidentiel
customer load centre de distribution
export customer client à l'exportation
customer satisfaction satisfaction du client
customer ship bâtiment ravitaillé
know your customer connaissance de l’identité des clients
know your customer connaître l'identité de son client
customer service service après-vente