saddle horse - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch

saddle horse


Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "saddle horse" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 6 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
saddle horse jinete [m]
saddle horse caballo de silla [m]
saddle horse caballo de silla [m] disused
saddle horse caballo de montar
Animal Husbandry
saddle horse caballo de montar
saddle horse caballo de silla

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "saddle horse" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 30 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
saddle-horse caballo de silla [m]
thick cloth between the saddle and horse carona [f]
place for the saddle on the back of a horse sillar [m]
saddle skirt (for horse) falso faldón [m]
saddle part near tail of horse baticola [f]
american saddle horse silla de montar americana [f]
saddle a horse ensillar un caballo [v]
pan of a horse or mule on which a saddle is placed ensilladura [f]
stuffing a horse saddle remonta [f]
saddle-horse montura [f]
saddle made from dry leather makes noise when the horse runs apero cantor [m] AR disused
saddle for taming a horse chamarreo [m] SV
saddle-horse caballo de paso [m] EC
for a horse saddle bajero [adj] VE
put the saddle on a wild horse albardear [v] MX HN NI
saddle (horse) aperar [v] HN NI CR CO VE PY AR
hold on to the saddle gear, tack, or mane in order to not fall off the horse charquear [v] CL rur.
hold on to the saddle gear, tack, or mane in order to not fall off the horse charquearse [v] AR:Nw UY rur.
hold on to the saddle gear, tack, or mane in order to not fall off the horse charquiar [v] AR:Nw UY rur.
saddle up a horse jarciar [v] HN
mount a horse without a saddle empelar [v] AR:Nw rur.
saddle a horse empilchar [v] AR rur.
saddle a horse aperar [v] HN NI CR CO VE PY AR UY rur.
one of two saddle bags on a horse cuchugos [m/pl] CO
put the saddle on the wrong horse llamar a la puerta equivocada [v]
put the saddle on the wrong horse ladrar al árbol equivocado [v]
better lose the saddle than the horse más vale tener una pequeña pérdida que seguir arriesgando y perderlo todo
better lose the saddle than the horse la cautela es buena consejera
saddle a horse afatar [v] ES local
saddle-horse caballo de silla