Spanisch | Englisch | |
Conjugations | ||
Conjugations | vengan [v] | they/you come |
Common | ||
Common | vengan [v] | third-person plural present subj of venir |
Common | vengan [v] | second-person plural (ustedes) imperative of venir |
Common | vengan [v] | third-person plural present indicative of vengar |
Common | vengan [v] | second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of vengar |
Common | vengan [v] | second-person plural (ustedes) present subj of venir |
Spanisch | Englisch | |
Idioms | ||
Idioms | ¡vengan todos! | come one, come all |
Speaking | ||
Speaking | vengan conmigo | come with me |
Speaking | ¡que vengan! | bring them on! |
Speaking | ¡que vengan! | let them come! |
Speaking | deja que vengan | let them come |
Colloquial | ||
Colloquial | ¡vengan esos cinco! | let's shake on it! |
Colloquial | ¡vengan esos cinco! | shake on it? |
Colloquial | ¡vengan esos cinco! | it's a deal (shake on it)! |