mass - English Synonyms Dictionary


[1] amass , pile/heap up , gather
[2] aggregate , accumulate , collect , assemble , congregate , meet , get/come together , gather , forgather/foregather , throng , convene , flock together , rally , group , cluster , marshal , muster , mobilize
[1] pile , heap , mountain , load , stack , mound , bunch , bundle , lot , batch , quantity , hoard , store , collection , accumulation , aggregation , agglomeration , congeries , assortment , miscellany , assemblage , conglomeration
[2] abundance , batch , quantity , deal , flock , profusion , volume , good deal , great deal , multitude , horde , hatful , heap , host , mob , lot , mess , crowd , throng , mickle , mint , drove(s) , herd(s) , mountain , muckle , swarm(s) , legion(s) , passel , peck , score(s) , number(s) , pile , plenty , (Colloq) bunch(es) , ton(s) , pot , quite a little , mountain , piles , raft , bags , sight , slew , barrels , oodles , spate , stack , lots , oceans , tidy sum , wad , loads , scads , (US) mess , slew(s)
[3] block , concretion , chunk , lump , hunk , nugget
[4] majority , best/better/greater part , bulk , body , preponderance , almost all , lion's share
[5] dimension , size , magnitude , bulk , bigness , massiveness , enormousness , immensity
[6] the masses , multitude , masses , the common people , the (common) herd , hoi polloi , people , the proletariat , the plebeians , the great unwashed , hoi polloi , the lower class(es) , the man/woman in the street , (Brit) the man/woman on the Clapham omnibus , A.N.Other , (US) John Q.Public , John/Jane Doe/Roe
[7] bulk , volume
[1] aggregate , aggregated , aggregative