professional fields - Spanish English Dictionary

professional fields

Meanings of "professional fields" in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

English Spanish
professional field ámbito profesional [m]

Meanings of "professional fields" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 5 result(s)

English Spanish
someone that is not a professional in a given field profano [m]
someone that is not a professional in a given field aficionado [m]
someone that is not a professional in a given field lego [m]
not up to date on the latest knowledge in their field of study (a professional) desactualizado [adj] MX GT HN NI CR PA CU PR CO VE EC BO CL PY AR UY
not be up to date on the latest knowledge in their field of study (a professional) desactualizarse [v] MX CR CU CO EC PE BO CL AR UY