pulmonary - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "pulmonary" in German English Dictionary : 5 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
pulmonary Lungen- [adj]
pulmonary die Lunge betreffend [adj]
pulmonary pulmonal [adj]
pulmonary pulmonal [adj]
pulmonary Lungen... [adj]

Meanings of "pulmonary" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 186 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
lung/pulmonary specialist Lungenfacharzt [m]
pulmonary hypertension Lungenhochdruck [m]
pulmonary ejection sound Pulmonaldehnungston [m]
pulmonary function test Lungenfunktionstest [m]
pulmonary arterial banding Pulmonalisbändelung [f]
pulmonary cyst Lungenzyste [f]
pulmonary embolism Lungenthrombembolie [f]
pulmonary congestion Lungenstauung [f]
pulmonary disease due to dust inhalation Staublungenkrankheit [f]
pulmonary function Lungenfunktion [f]
pulmonary metastasis Lungenmetastase [f]
pulmonary siderosis Lungensiderose [f]
pulmonary function test Lungenfunktionsprüfung [f]
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease chronisch-obstruktive Lungenkrankheit [f]
pulmonary disease due to dust inhalation Staubinhalationskrankheit [f]
anomalous pulmonary venous drainage Lungenvenenfehlmündung [f]
pulmonary elasticity Lungenelastizität [f]
pulmonary sequestration Nebenlunge [f]
pulmonary hypertension pulmonale Hypertension [f]
pulmonary surgery Lungenchirurgie [f]
pulmonary embolism Lungenembolie [f]
pulmonary infiltrate Lungeninfiltrat [n]
pulmonary infiltrate pulmonales Infiltrat [n]
pulmonary oedema Lungenödem [n]
eosinophilic pulmonary infiltrate eosinophiles Lungeninfiltrat [n]
pulmonary edema Lungenödem [n]
lung/pulmonary specialists Lungenfachärzte [pl]
lung/pulmonary specialists Lungenspezialisten [pl]
pulmonary alveoli Alveoli pulmonalis [pl]
pulmonary cysts Lungenzysten [pl]
pulmonary volumes Lungenvolumina [pl]
pulmonary alveoli Lungenalveolen [pl]
pulmonary phthisis Schwindsucht
pulmonary phthisis Lungenschwindsucht
pulmonary cavern Lungenkaverne
pulmonary heart disease Emphysemherz
pulmonary mucosis Pneumomykose
pulmonary lymph nodes Nodi lymphatici pulmonales
pulmonary carcinoma Lungenkarzinom
pulmonary dyspnea pulmonale Dyspnoe
pulmonary oedema Wasserlunge [f]
pulmonary edema Wasserlunge [f]
Work Safety
pulmonary anthrax Lungenmilzbrand [m]
single-breath pulmonary diffusion capacity test Atemanhalteversuch [m]
pulmonary ventilation Lungenventilation [f]
pulmonary function test Lungenfunktionsprüfung [f]
pulmonary ventilation Lungenbelüftung [f]
pulmonary mycosis Pneumonomykose [f]
pulmonary function test Atemfunktionsprüfung [f]
pulmonary fungus infection Pneumonomykose [f]
pulmonary scintigraphy Lungenszintigraphie [f]
pulmonary fibrosis Lungenfibrose [f]
pulmonary clearance Lungenreinigung [f]
pulmonary granulomatosis Lungengranulomatose [f]
pulmonary mycosis Lungenmykose [f]
pulmonary cavitation Kavernenbildung [f]
pulmonary anthrax Wollsortiererkrankheit [f]
pulmonary fungus infection Lungenmykose [f]
pulmonary anthrax Hadernkrankheit [f]
pulmonary aspergillosis Lungenaspergillose [f]
pulmonary clearance Lungenclearance [n]
pulmonary emphysema Lungenemphysem [n]
pulmonary oedema Lungenödem [n]
pulmonary heart disease Cor pulmonale
pulmonary ventilation pulmonale Ventilation
pulmonary fungus infection Pilzinfektion der Lunge
pulmonary clearance Selbstreinigung der Lunge
pulmonary clearance Bronchialreinigung der Lunge
pulmonary aspergilloma Aspergillom der Lunge
pulmonary mycosis Pilzinfektion der Lunge
automatic pulmonary device Lungenautomat
lung/pulmonary specialist Lungenspezialist [m]
pulmonary hypertension Lungenhochdruck [m]
pulmonary specialist Lungenfacharzt [m]
pulmonary specialist Lungenspezialist [m]
pulmonary sound Lungenschall [m]
pulmonary anthrax Lungenmilzbrand [m]
superior pulmonary sulcus tumor Pancoast-Tumor [m]
pulmonary wedge pressure pulmonaler Kapillardruck [m]
pulmonary apicitis Lungenspitzenkatarrh [m]
anaemic pulmonary infarction anämischer Lungeninfarkt [m]
pulmonary circulation Lungenkreislauf [m]
pulmonary infarction Lungeninfarkt [m]
pulmonary contusion Lungenkontusion [f]
pulmonary edema Wasserlunge [f]
pulmonary disease Lungenkrankheit [f]
pulmonary contusion Lungenquetschung [f]
pulmonary embolus (PE) Lungenembolie [f]
pulmonary fistula Lungenfistel [f]
pulmonary metastasis Lungenmetastase [f]
pulmonary siderosis Lungensiderose [f]
pulmonary siderosis Lungensiderose (Siderosis pulmonum) [f]
pulmonary tuberculosis Tuberkulose [f]
pulmonary tuberculosis Schwindsucht [f]
pulmonary tuberculosis Tuberkulose (TBC) [f]
pulmonary hernia Lungenhernie [f]
pulmonary sequestration Lungensequestration [f]
anomalous pulmonary venous drainage Pulmonalvenentransposition [f]
pulmonary siderosis Schweißerlunge [f]
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease obstruktive Ventilationsstörung [f]
pulmonary hemorrhage Lungenblutung [f]
pulmonary puncture Lungenpunktion [f]
pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis pulmonale Langerhanszell-Histiozytose [f]
pulmonary ventilation scintigraphy Lungenventilationszintigraphie [f]
pulmonary tuberculosis Lungentuberkulose [f]
pulmonary function impairment Lungenfunktionsstörung [f]
pulmonary infection Lungeninfektion [f]
pulmonary embolism Pulmonalarterienthrombembolie [f]
pulmonary hemosiderosis Lungenhämosiderose [f]
pulmonary echinococcosis Lungenechinokokkose [f]
pulmonary sclerosis Pulmonalsklerose [f]
pulmonary hypertension pulmonale Hypertonie [f]
pulmonary induration Lungeninduration [f]
pulmonary arteriography Pulmonalarteriographie [f]
pulmonary embolism Lungenarterienembolie [f]
pulmonary artery catheterization Rechtsherzkatheteruntersuchung [f]
pulmonary arteriography Pulmonalarteriografie [f]
pulmonary dysplasia Lungendysplasie [f]
pulmonary fibrosis Lungenfibrose [f]
pulmonary infection pulmonale Infektion [f]
pulmonary cirrhosis Lungenzirrhose [f]
pulmonary sarcoidosis Lungensarkoidose [f]
blockage of the pulmonary artery Pulmonalarterienthrombembolie [f]
pulmonary gangrene Lungengangrän [f]
pulmonary actinomycosis Lungenaktinomykose [f]
pulmonary atresia Pulmonalatresie [f]
pulmonary artery Lungenschlagader [f]
pulmonary embolism Lungenembolie [f]
pulmonary congestion Stauungslunge [f]
pulmonary function test Lungenfunktionsprüfung [f]
pulmonary insufficiency Pulmonalklappeninsuffizienz [f]
pulmonary stenosis Pulmonalstenose [f]
pulmonary vein Lungenvene [f]
pulmonary valve Pulmonalklappe [f]
high-altitude pulmonary oedema Höhenlungenödem [n]
pulmonary edema Lungenödem [n]
pulmonary oedema Lungenödem [n]
aneurysm of pulmonary artery Lungenarterienaneurysma [n]
pulmonary emphysema Lungenemphysem [n]
pulmonary abscess pulmonaler Abszess / [n]
high-altitude pulmonary edema Höhenlungenödem [n]
pulmonary sarcoma Lungensarkom [n]
pulmonary arterial catheter Pulmonaliskatheter [n]
lung/pulmonary specialists Lungenfachärzte [pl]
lung/pulmonary specialists Lungenspezialisten [pl]
pulmonary fistulas Lungenfisteln [pl]
pulmonary metastases Lungenmetastasen [pl]
pulmonary alveolus Lungenbläschen [pl]
pulmonary alveolus Lungenalveolen [pl]
pulmonary ventilation alveoläre Ventilation
pulmonary sarcoidosis Lungen-Sarkoidose
acute pulmonary edema akutes Lungenödem
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COLD)
chronic pulmonary disease chronische Lungenkrankheit
pulmonary circulation kleiner Kreislauf
pulmonary circulation pulmonaler Kreislauf
pulmonary embolectomy pulmonale Embolektomie
pulmonary respiration pulmonale Atmung
pulmonary siderosis Siderosis pulmonum
pulmonary circulation Pulmonalkreislauf
pulmonary aluminosis Aluminiumstaublunge
pulmonary arterial hypertension pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie
pulmonary aluminosis Aluminiumlunge
pulmonary circulation Lungenkreislauf
pulmonary artery wedge pressure pulmonalarterieller Wedge-Druck
pulmonary hypertension pulmonale Hypertension
pulmonary artery Arteria pulmonalis
pulmonary vein Vena pulmonalis
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease chronisch-obstruktive (COLD) Lungenkrankheit
congenital pulmonary arteriovenous fistula kongenitale arteriovenöse Lungenfistel
pulmonary lobe Lungenlappen [m]
pulmonary trunk Lungenarterienstamm [m]
pulmonary alveolus Alveole [f]
pulmonary artery Lungenarterie [f]
pulmonary artery Lungenschlagader [f]
pulmonary valve Pulmonalklappe [f]
pulmonary alveolus Lungenalveole [f]
pulmonary vein Lungenvene [f]
pulmonary alveolus Lungenbläschen [n]
pulmonary valves Pulmonalklappen [pl]
right pulmonary vein rechte Lungenvene
left pulmonary vein linke Lungenvene
pulmonary actinomycosis pulmonale Aktinomykose
pulmonary arteriovenous fistula arterio-venöse Lungenfistel
pulmonary disease Lungenerkrankung [f]
pulmonary edema Lungenödem [n]