slow - Inglés Sinónimo Diccionario


[1] decelerate , slow down , slow up , retard
[2] slow down , slow up , slack , slacken
[3] slow down , slow up
[4] slow down/up , slack/slacken off , reduce speed , hold back , put on the brakes , take it easy
[5] relax , take it easy , (Colloq) ease up
[1] slowly , easy , tardily
[2] behind , slowly , unhurriedly , cautiously , carefully , circumspectly
[3] behindhand , tardily , late , unpunctually
[4] slowly , easy , leisurely , easily
[1] lagging , laggard , dawdling , sluggish , sluggard(ly) , slow-moving , leaden , ponderous , unhurried , plodding , snail-like , tortoise-like , torpid , leaden-footed , creeping , crawling , deliberate , slow-paced , leisurely , gradual , easy , relaxed , lax , lackadaisical , lazy , (US) lallygagging/lollygagging
[2] gradual , progressive , moderate , perceptible , almost imperceptible , measurable
[3] unhurried , slow-moving , slow-paced
[4] behindhand , unpunctual
[5] late , tardy , behindhand , dilatory , delayed , unpunctual
[6] slack , dense , dim , inactive , quiet , dull , dumb , sluggish , unproductive , obtuse
[7] dense , dull , slow-witted , dull-witted , obtuse , backward , bovine , dim , dim-witted , stupid , unresponsive , blockish , cloddish , unintelligent , doltish , simple , stolid , unimaginative , Boeotian , (Colloq) slow on the uptake , thick , dumb
[8] conservative , boring , deadening , unprogressive , old-fashioned , dull , ho-hum , out of date , backward , irksome , tedious , old-fogyish/old-fogeyish , behind the times , tiresome , wearisome , (Colloq) square , not with it , past it , (US) out of it
[9] boring , dull , sluggish , dull , tiresome , ennuyant , tedious , dead , sleepy , somnolent , torpid , soporific , wearisome , dry-as-dust , uninteresting , monotonous , tame , uneventful , humdrum , (Colloq) ho-hum , dead , (Brit) dead-and-alive
[10] reluctant , not quick , unwilling , hesitant , disinclined , averse , loath/loth , indisposed