hospital - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "hospital" in German English Dictionary : 16 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
hospital Hospital [m]
hospital Krankenanstalt [f]
hospital Klinik [f]
hospital Lazarett [n]
hospital Krankenhaus [n]
hospital Hospital [n]
hospital Krankenhaus [n]
hospital behelfsmäßig [adj]
hospital Krankenhaus [n]
hospital Klinikum [n]
hospital Spital [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
hospital Klinikum [n]
hospital Spital [n]
hospital Krankenhaus [n]
hospital Krankenhaus [n]
hospital Krankenrevier [n]

Meanings of "hospital" in English German Dictionary : 4 result(s)

Allemand Anglais
Hospital [m] hospital
Hospital [n] hospital
Hospital beadhouse
Hospital [n] clinic

Meanings of "hospital" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 456 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
out-of-hospital außerklinisch [adj]
pre-hospital präklinisch [adj]
hospital gown Krankenhauskittel [m]
stay in hospital Spitalsaufenthalt [m]
stay in hospital Krankenhausaufenthalt [m]
stay in hospital Spitalsaufenthalt [Ös.][Schw.] [m]
hospital stay Krankenhausaufenthalt [m]
Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony Antoniterorden [m]
hospital aide Krankenpfleger [m]
hospital stay Hospitalaufenthalt [m]
hospital train Lazarettzug [m]
hospital order Spitalorden [m]
a makeshift hospital ein Notkrankenhaus [m]
hospital attendant Krankenpfleger [m]
hospital building Krankenhausbau [m]
hospital complex Krankenhauskomplex [m]
hospital complex Klinikkomplex [m]
hospital employee Krankenhausangestellter [m]
hospital employee Krankenhausmitarbeiter [m]
hospital manager Krankenhausmanager [m]
hospital manager Klinikleiter [m]
maternity hospital Entbindungsklinik [f]
doll's hospital Puppenklinik [f]
children's hospital Kinderklinik [f]
mental hospital Nervenklinik [f]
maternity hospital Geburtsklinik [f]
hospital treatment Krankenhausbehandlung [f]
readmission to hospital Wiedereinlieferung ins Krankenhaus [f]
animal hospital Tierklinik [f]
hospital bill Krankenhausrechnung [f]
psychiatric hospital Nervenheilanstalt [f]
hospital linen Krankenhauswäsche [f]
day hospital Tagesklinik [f]
clock hospital Uhrenwerkstatt [f]
mental hospital psychiatrische Klinik [f]
emergency hospital Unfallklinik [f]
hospital liability Haftung des Krankenhauses [f]
psychiatric hospital Irrenanstalt [f]
admission in a hospital Einweisung in ein Krankenhaus [f]
admission in a hospital Einlieferung in ein Krankenhaus [f]
admission in a hospital Aufnahme in ein Krankenhaus [f]
admission in a hospital Krankenhauseinweisung [f]
admission in a hospital Krankenhauseinlieferung [f]
admission to hospital Aufnahme ins Krankenhaus [f]
admission to hospital Einlieferung ins Krankenhaus [f]
admission to hospital Krankenhauseinweisung [f]
admission to hospital Einweisung ins Krankenhaus [f]
admission to hospital Krankenhauseinlieferung [f]
eye hospital Augenklinik [f]
health hospital Gesundheitskrankenhaus [f]
hospital attendant Krankenpflegerin [f]
hospital audit log Krankenhausrevisionsaufzeichnung [f]
hospital complex Krankenhausanlage [f]
hospital employee Krankenhausangestellte [f]
hospital employee Krankenhausmitarbeiterin [f]
hospital for mental diseases psychiatrische Anstalt [f]
hospital for mental diseases psychiatrische Klinik [f]
hospital manager Krankenhausmanagerin [f]
hospital manager Klinikleiterin [f]
hospital record Krankenakte [f]
hospital record Patientenakte [f]
hospital station Krankenstation [f]
hospital gown Spitalsgewand [Bayr.][Ös.] [n]
hospital gown Operationshemd [n]
acute care hospital Akutkrankenhaus [n]
hospital ship Lazarettschiff [n]
animal hospital Tierkrankenhaus [n]
isolation hospital Isolierspital [n]
hospital room Krankenhauszimmer [n]
hospital gown Krankenhaushemd [n]
hospital gown Krankenhausgewand [n]
children's hospital Kinderhospital [n]
children's hospital Kinderkrankenhaus [n]
field hospital Feldlazarett [n]
battlefield hospital Kriegslazarett [n]
war hospital Kriegshospital [n]
accident hospital Unfallkrankenhaus [n]
affiliated hospital angeschlossenes Hospital [n]
general hospital Allgemeinkrankenhaus [n]
teaching hospital Universitätskrankenhaus [n]
a temporary hospital ein temporäres Krankenhaus [n]
an abandoned hospital ein verlassenes Krankenhaus [n]
base hospital Lazarett [n]
base hospital Kriegslazarett [n]
city hospital Stadtkrankenhaus [n]
city hospital städtisches Krankenhaus [n]
clearing hospital Etappenlazarett [n]
county hospital Kreiskrankenhaus [n]
county hospital Bezirkskrankenhaus [n]
district general hospital allgemeines Bezirkskrankenhaus [n]
fever hospital Krankenhaus für infektiöse Krankheiten [n]
health-service hospital Gesundheitsdienst- Krankenhaus [n]
hospital building Klinikgebäude [n]
hospital building Krankenhausgebäude [n]
hospital for mental diseases psychiatrisches Krankenhaus [n]
hospital for old persons Altenheim [n]
hospital for old persons Altersheim [n]
hospital for old persons Seniorenheim [n]
hospital information system Krankenhausinformationssystem [n]
hospital information system Krankenhausauskunftssystem [n]
hospital information system Klinikinformationssystem [n]
hospital personnel Krankenhauspersonal [n]
hospital personnel Klinikpersonal [n]
hospital premises Klinikgelände [n]
hospital premises Krankenhausgelände [n]
release someone from hospital at his own risk jemanden auf/gegen Revers aus dem Krankenhaus/Spital [Ös.] entlassen [v]
commit someone compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital jemanden zwangsweise in eine psychiatrische Klinik/in die Psychiatrie einweisen [v]
commit someone compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital jemanden zwangspsychiatrieren [Ös.] [v]
commit someone compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital jemanden zwangsweise psychiatrieren [Ös.] [v]
commit someone to a hospital jemanden in ein Krankenhaus einweisen (lassen) [v]
discharge a patient from the hospital einen Patienten aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen [v]
go into (the) hospital ins Krankenhaus gehen [v]
be at the hospital (as a non-patient) im Krankenhaus sein (als Nichtpatient) [v]
treat someone in hospital jemanden stationär behandeln [v]
admit a patient to a hospital einen Patienten in ein Krankenhaus einweisen [v]
admit a patient to a hospital einen Patienten in ein Krankenhaus einliefern [v]
admit a patient to a hospital einen Patienten in ein Krankenhaus aufnehmen [v]
admit someone to hospital jemandem im Krankenhaus aufnehmen [v]
admit someone to hospital jemanden ins Krankenhaus einweisen [v]
apply to a hospital sich in einem Krankenhaus bewerben [v]
be admitted to hospital ins Krankenhaus eingewiesen werden [v]
be admitted to hospital ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden [v]
be discharged from hospital vom Krankenhaus entlassen werden [v]
be discharged from the hospital vom Krankenhaus entlassen werden [v]
be in hospital im Krankenhaus sein [v]
be in hospital im Krankenhaus liegen [v]
be held up at the hospital im Krankenhaus aufgehalten werden [v]
be placed in a hospital in ein Krankenhaus eingewiesen werden [v]
be released from a hospital aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen werden [v]
be taken to hospital ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden [v]
be taken to hospital suffering a suspected broken leg/arm wegen Verdacht auf einen gebrochenen Arm/ein gebrochenes Bein ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden [v]
be taken to hospital with suspected broken leg/arm wegen Verdacht auf einen gebrochenen Arm/ein gebrochenes Bein ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden [v]
build a hospital ein Krankenhaus errichten [v]
build a hospital ein Krankenhaus bauen [v]
come out of hospital aus dem Krankenhaus kommen [v]
come out of hospital aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen werden [v]
die in the hospital im Krankenhaus sterben [v]
die in the hospital where he/she was taken im Krankenhaus sterben, in das er/sie gebracht wurde [v]
discharge someone from hospital jemanden aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen [v]
discharge someone from hospital jemanden aus der Klinik entlassen [v]
end up in the hospital im Krankenhaus landen [v]
end up in the hospital im Krankenhaus enden [v]
found a hospital ein Krankenhaus gründen [v]
found a hospital ein Krankenhaus bauen [v]
go into hospital ins Krankenhaus gehen [v]
go into hospital ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden [v]
go to hospital ins Krankenhaus gehen [v]
go to the hospital ins Krankenhaus gehen [v]
go to the hospital every day jeden Tag ins Krankenhaus gehen [v]
municipal hospital Städtisches Krankenhaus
cottage hospital kleines Krankenhaus für leichte Erkrankungen
a call at the hospital ein kurzer Besuch im Krankenhaus
hospital-wide krankenhausweit
protracted stay in hospital längerer Krankenhausaufenthalt
district hospital Bezirkskrankenhaus
taken to hospital ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert
hospital nurse Krankenschwester
emergency hospital Akutkrankenhaus
district hospital Kreiskrankenhaus
emergency hospital Unfallkrankenhaus
in the hospital sector im Krankenhauswesen
after being discharged from the hospital nach dem Entlassen aus dem Krankenhaus
hospital accommodation Krankenhausunterbringung [f]
hospital expense Krankenhauskosten [pl]
hospital expense Krankienhauskosten [pl]
hospital expense Krankenhauskosten
hospital budget Krankenhausbudget [n]
hospital budget Klinikbudget [n]
dual hospital finance system duale Krankenhausfinanzierung
EU Terms
hospital expenses Krankenhauskosten [pl]
hospital waste krankenhausspezifischer Abfall
hospital bed Krankenbett
head of hospital administration Krankenhausverwaltungschef [m]
disinfecting plant for hospital waste water Abwasserdesinfektionsanlage [f]
university dental hospital Universitätszahnklinik [f]
teaching hospital Uniklinik [f]
university gynecological hospital Universitäts-Frauenklinik [f]
Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony Antoniter-Orden [m]
hospital-based krankenhausbasiert [adj]
general (or specialist) practitioner who also looks after patients in a hospital Belegarzt [m]
hospital bug Krankenhauskeim [m]
hospital operator Spitalsträger [Ös.] [m]
hospital operator Krankenhausträger [m]
hospital patient Spitalpatient [Schw.] [m]
hospital patient Spitalpatient [m]
hospital order treatment Maßregelvollzug [m]
hospital patient Krankenhauspatient [m]
hospital patient Spitalspatient [Ös.] [m]
hospital patient Spitalspatient [m]
hospital physician Spitalsarzt [m]
hospital physician Spitalsarzt [Ös.][Schw.] [m]
hospital train Lazarettzug [m]
hospital-acquired infection Krankenhauskeim [m]
hospital waste Krankenhausabfall [m]
hospital-based physician Spitalsarzt [Ös.][Schw.] [m]
hospital-based physician Krankenhausarzt [m]
hospital-based physician Spitalsarzt [m]
(hospital) accommodation and treatment charges Pflegesatz (im Krankenhaus) [m]
hospital physician Krankenhausarzt [m]
hospital stay Klinikaufenthalt [m]
hospital chaplain Krankenhausseelsorger [m]
hospital aide Pfleger [m]
stay in hospital Krankenhausaufenthalt [m]
hospital pharmacist Krankenhausapotheker [m]
hospital requirements Krankenhausbedarf [m]
hospital doctor Krankenhausarzt [m]
hospital sponsor Krankenhausträger [m]
doctor's round (in the hospital) Visite (im Krankenhaus) [f]
doctor's round (in the hospital) Visite [f]
emergency department for ambulance and helicopter arrivals (at a hospital) Liegendnotaufnahmestation [f]
emergency hospital Notfallklinik [f]
general (or specialist) practitioner who also looks after patients in a hospital Belegärztin [f]
gynaecological hospital Frauenklinik [f]
hospital addiction syndrome artifizielle Störung [f]
hospital addiction syndrome artifizielle Störung (erfundene bzw. selbst hervorgerufene Beschwerden) [f]
hospital admission Spitalsaufnahme [Ös.][Schw.] [f]
hospital admission Krankenhausaufnahme [f]
hospital association Krankenhausgesellschaft [f]
hospital admission Spitalsaufnahme [f]
hospital association Spitalsgesellschaft [Ös.][Schw.] [f]
hospital bug Krankenhausinfektion [f]
hospital care Spitalspflege [f]
hospital care Spitalspflege [Ös.][Schw.] [f]
hospital care Krankenhauspflege [f]
hospital discharge Spitalsentlassung [f]
hospital discharge Spitalsentlassung [Ös.][Schw.] [f]
hospital discharge Krankenhausentlassung [f]
hospital engineering Krankenhaustechnik [f]
hospital financing Spitalsfinanzierung [f]
hospital financing Krankenhausfinanzierung [f]
hospital financing Spitalsfinanzierung [Ös.][Schw.] [f]
hospital hopper syndrome artifizielle Störung (erfundene bzw. selbst hervorgerufene Beschwerden) [f]
hospital infection committee Wundpolizei (zur Erfassung von Wundinfektionen) [f]
hospital hopper syndrome artifizielle Störung [f]
hospital infection committee Wundpolizei [f]
hospital management Spitalleitung [Schw.] [f]
hospital management Spitalsleitung [f]
hospital management Spitalleitung [f]
hospital management Krankenhausleitung [f]
hospital management Spitalsleitung [Ös.] [f]
hospital managers Spitalleitung [Schw.] [f]
hospital managers Spitalleitung [f]
hospital managers Spitalsleitung [f]
hospital managers Spitalsleitung [Ös.] [f]
hospital managers Krankenhausleitung [f]
hospital patient Krankenhauspatientin [f]
hospital pharmacy Krankenhausapotheke [f]
hospital pharmacy Spitalsapotheke [f]
hospital pharmacy Spitalsapotheke [Ös.][Schw.] [f]
hospital physician Krankenhausärztin [f]
hospital technology Krankenhaustechnik [f]
hospital treatment Spitalbehandlung [f]
hospital treatment Spitalbehandlung [Schw.] [f]
hospital unit Spitalsabteilung [Ös.][Schw.] [f]
hospital treatment Spitalsbehandlung [Ös.] [f]
hospital treatment Spitalsbehandlung [f]
hospital treatment Krankenhausbehandlung [f]
hospital unit Spitalsabteilung [f]
hospital unit Krankenhausabteilung [f]
hospital-acquired infection Krankenhausinfektion [f]
hospital-based physician Krankenhausärztin [f]
pet hospital Tierklinik [f]
readmission (to hospital) Wiedereinlieferung (ins Krankenhaus) [f]
trauma hospital Unfallklinik [f]
accident and emergency (A&E) hospital Unfallklinik [f]
accident and emergency hospital Unfallklinik [f]
admission (to hospital) Annahme (ins Krankenhaus) [f]
admission (to hospital) Einlieferung [f]
ambulance and helicopter arrivals (at a hospital) Liegendaufnahme (eines Krankenhauses) [f]
ambulance and helicopter arrivals (at a hospital) Liegendaufnahme [f]
animal hospital Tierklinik [f]
psychiatric hospital psychiatrische Klinik [f]
university children's hospital Universitäts-Kinderklinik [f]
medical visitation of a hospital Famulatur [f]
hospital treatment stationäre Therapie [f]
lying-in hospital Geburtsklinik [f]
gynecological hospital Frauenklinik [f]
hospital regulations Krankenhausverordnung [f]
hospital-acquired infection Heiminfektion [f]
hospital stay Hospitalisationsdauer [f]
hospital ward Krankenstation [f]
accident hospital Unfallklinik [f]
hospital reimbursement Krankenhausvergütung [f]
private hospital Privatklinik [f]
hospital dispensary Krankenhausapotheke [f]
hospital administration Krankenhausverwaltung [f]
hospital department Krankenhausabteilung [f]
hospital planning Krankenhausplanung [f]
hospital care Krankenhausversorgung [f]
day hospital Tagesklinik [f]
hospital management Krankenhausbetriebswirtschaft [f]
hospital clinic Klinik [f]
emergency hospital Notfallkrankenhaus [n]
emergency hospital Notfallspital [n]
emergency hospital Notfallspital [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
foundling hospital Findelhaus [n]
hospital addiction syndrome Münchhausen-Syndrom [n]
hospital for acute cases Akutkrankenhaus [n]
hospital hopper syndrome Münchhausen-Syndrom [n]
Hospital Liaison Committee Krankenhaus-Verbindungskomitee [n]
hospital sector Spitalwesen [Schw.] [n]
hospital sector Krankenhauswesen [n]
Hospital Restructuring Act Krankenhausneuordnungsgesetz [n]
hospital sector Spitalswesen [Ös.] [n]
hospital tank Quarantänebecken [n]
isolation hospital Isolierspital [n]
maternity hospital Entbindungsheim [n]
military hospital Militärkrankenhaus [n]
night hospital Nachtsanatorium [n]
trauma hospital Unfallklinikum [n]
trauma hospital Unfallspital [n]
trauma hospital Unfallkrankenhaus [n]
trauma hospital Unfallspital [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
supraregional hospital Schwerpunktkrankenhaus [n]
accident and emergency (A&E) hospital Unfallklinikum [n]
accident and emergency (A&E) hospital Unfallkrankenhaus [n]
accident and emergency (A&E) hospital Unfallspital [n]
accident and emergency (A&E) hospital Unfallspital [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
accident and emergency hospital Unfallklinikum [n]
accident and emergency hospital Unfallspital [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
accident and emergency hospital Unfallkrankenhaus [n]
accident and emergency hospital Unfallspital [n]
animal hospital Tierkrankenhaus [n]
animal hospital Tierspital [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
battlefield hospital Kriegslazarett [n]
order's hospital Ordensspital / [n]
Antonine hospital Antoniterhospital [n]
mobile army surgical hospital mobiles Lazarett [n]
children's hospital Kinderspital [n]
hospital cot Krankenhausbett [n]
tie-back hospital patient gown Flügelhemd [n]
tent hospital Zeltkrankenhaus [n]
private sector hospital Privatkrankenhaus [n]
psychiatric hospital Irrenhaus [n]
hospital room Krankenzimmer [n]
cantonal hospital Kantonsspital [n]
children's hospital Kinderkrankenhaus [n]
hospital laboratory Krankenhauslabor [n]
hospital bed Krankenhausbett [n]
hospital staff Krankenhauspersonal [n]
hospital services Krankenhauswesen [n]
Hospital Financing Act Krankenhausfinanzierungsgesetz [n]
hospital system Krankenhauswesen [n]
hospital nursing staff Krankenhauspflegepersonal [n]
teaching hospital Lehrkrankenhaus [n]
admit someone to hospital jemanden hospitalisieren [v]
admit someone to hospital jemanden ins Krankenhaus einliefern [v]
be hospitalized at/in the General Hospital ins Allgemeine Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden [v]
be in (the) hospital im Krankenhaus liegen [v]
admit someone to hospital jemanden (im Krankenhaus) stationär aufnehmen [v]
rush someone to the hospital jemanden schnell ins Krankenhaus bringen [v]
take someone to hospital jemanden hospitalisieren [v]
take someone to hospital jemanden ins Krankenhaus einliefern [v]
hospital associations Spitalsgesellschaften [pl]
hospital beds Spitalbetten [Schw.] [pl]
hospital associations Krankenhausgesellschaften [pl]
hospital beds Krankenhausbetten [pl]
hospital beds Spitalsbetten [Ös.] [pl]
hospital bugs Krankenhauskeime [pl]
hospital bugs Krankenhausinfektionen [pl]
hospital costs Spitalskosten [Ös.][Schw.] [pl]
hospital costs Krankenhauskosten [pl]
hospital expense Spitalskosten [Ös.][Schw.] [pl]
hospital expense Krankenhauskosten [pl]
hospital operators Krankenhausträger [pl]
hospital operators Spitalsträger [pl]
hospital patients Krankenhauspatienten [pl]
hospital patients Spitalspatienten [pl]
hospital patients Krankenhauspatientinnen [pl]
hospital patients Spitalpatienten [pl]
hospital physicians Spitalsärzte [pl]
hospital physicians Krankenhausärztinnen [pl]
hospital physicians Krankenhausärzte [pl]
hospital tanks Quarantänebecken [pl]
hospital trains Lazarettzüge [pl]
hospital units Krankenhausabteilungen [pl]
hospital units Spitalsabteilungen [pl]
hospital-acquired infections Krankenhausinfektionen [pl]
hospital-acquired infections Krankenhauskeime [pl]
hospital-based physicians Krankenhausärzte [pl]
hospital-based physicians Spitalsärzte [pl]
hospital-based physicians Krankenhausärztinnen [pl]
hospital chains Krankenhausketten [pl]
hospital staff members Mitarbeiter eines Krankenhauses [pl]
hospital charges Krankenhauskosten [pl]
psychiatric hospital psychiatrische Krankenhaus
mental hospital psychiatrische Krankenhaus
hospital discharge Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus
to be discharged (from hospital) entlassen werden
hospital treatment Stationäre Behandlung
day hospital teilstationäre Abteilung
day hospital treatment teilstationäre Behandlung
discharge from hospital Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus
hospital clinical laboratory klinisches Labor
hospital case Fall, der im Krankenhaus behandelt werden muss
hospital pharmacy residency program Weiterbildungsprogramm Krankenhauspharmazie/Klinische Pharmazie
non-hospital after-care ambulante Nachbehandlung
nursing care at home or in hospital Betreuung {f} durch Pflegepersonal zu Hause oder im Krankenhaus
patients occupying hospital beds Patienten, die Krankenhausbetten belegen
The university hospital Die Universitätsklinik
admitted someone to hospital jemanden ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert
admitted someone to hospital jdn. ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert
admitting someone to hospital jdn. ins Krankenhaus einliefernd
admitting someone to hospital jemanden ins Krankenhaus einliefernd
hospital bed Krankenhausbett
hospital bed Krankenbett
naval hospital Marinekrankenhaus
hospital order Hospitalorden
hospital fever Fleckfieber
naval hospital Marinelazarett
hospital fever Flecktyphus
mental hospital Psychiatrie [f]
mental hospital Nervenheilanstalt (veraltet) [f]
mental hospital psychiatrische Klinik [f]
mental hospital psychiatrische Anstalt [f]
mental hospital Nervenheilanstalt [f]
psychiatric hospital Nervenheilanstalt (veraltet) [f]
psychiatric hospital Psychiatrie [f]
psychiatric hospital Nervenheilanstalt [f]
psychiatric hospital psychiatrische Anstalt [f]
psychiatric hospital psychiatrische Klinik [f]
veterinary hospital Tierklinik [f]
hospital waste Krankenhausabfall [m]
hospital waste Krankenhausmüll [m]
hospital aircraft Sanitätsluftfahrzeug [n]
SAP Terms
hospital per diem Krankenhaustagegeld [n]
hospital clothing Krankenhauskleidung [f]
hospital gown Spitalsgewand [n]
hospital gown Flügelhemd [n]
hospital sponsor Krankenhausträger [m]
insurance for private hospital treatment private Krankenhausversicherung [f]
hospital accommodation Krankenhausunterbringung [f]
hospital expenses Krankenhauskosten [pl]
hospital expense Krankienhauskosten [pl]
university veterinary hospital Universitäts-Tierklinik
hospital ship Lazarettschiff [n]
hospital ships Lazarettschiffe [pl]
stay in hospital Krankenhausaufenthalt [m]
hospital case Krankenhausfall [m]
hospital patient Krankenhauspatient [m]
hospital statistics Krankenhausstatistik [f]
hospital treatment Krankenhausbehandlung [f]
hospital care Krankenhauspflege [f]
hospital services Krankenhausdienstleistungen [pl]
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital unit Feldlazarett-Einheit [f]
combat support hospital Feldlazarett [n]
staging hospital Etappenlazarett [n]
field hospital Feldspital [n]
His)Her Majesty's Hospital Ship (HMHS) Seiner/Ihrer Majestät Lazarettschiff
WW2 Military
field hospital Feldlazarett [n]
army veterinary hospital Armee-Pferde-Lazarett
army field hospital Armee-Feldlazarett
hospital-acquired infection Nosokomialinfektion [f]
hospital-acquired infection Krankenhausinfektion [f]
hospital-acquired infection nosokomiale Infektion
Waste Management
hospital waste Krankenhausabfall [m]