artery - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "artery" in German English Dictionary : 13 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
artery Arterie [f]
artery Schlagader
artery Arterie [f]
artery Arterie [f]
artery Pulsader [f]
artery Hauptader [f]
artery Schlagader [f]
artery Hauptdurchfahrtsstraße [f]
artery Hauptdurchgangsstraße [f]
artery Hauptverkehrsader [f]
artery Hauptdurchzugsstraße [f]
artery Verkehrsader [f]
artery Hauptverkehrsstraße [f]

Meanings of "artery" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 220 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
artery pressure Arteriendruck [m]
artery pressure arterieller Druck [m]
lungs artery Lungenarterie [f]
thoracoacromial artery Brust-Schulter-Arterie [f]
retinal artery zentrale Netzhautschlagader [f]
facial artery Gesichtsarterie [f]
ophthalmic artery Augenarterie [f]
abdominal artery Bauchschlagader [f]
coronary artery Kranzarterie [f]
lateral sacral artery seitliche Sakralarterie [f]
trading artery Handelsstraße [f]
traffic artery Verkehrsader [f]
facial artery Gesichtsschlagader [f]
main artery road Hauptverkehrsstraße [f]
coronary artery Herzkranzarterie [f]
principal artery Hauptader [f]
basilar artery Basilararterie [f]
caudal artery Schwanzarterie [f]
ovarian artery Eierstockarterie [f]
thoracoacromial artery Brustkorb-Gräteneck-Arterie [f]
auscultate the carotid artery die Halsschlagader abhören [v]
lowest lumbar artery unterste Lendenarterie
descending artery absteigende Arterie (Arteria descendens)
profunda clitoridis artery tiefe Klitorisarterie
vertebral artery Arteria vertebralis
major palatine artery Arteria palatina major
coronary artery disease koronare Herzerkrankung
carotid artery Karotis
carotid artery Halsschlagader
urethral artery Arteria urethralis
vesical artery Arteria vesicalis
fibular artery Arteria fibularis
fibular artery Arteria peronea
paracentral artery Arteria paracentralis
carotid artery Kopfschlagader
caudal artery Arteria caudalis
highest intercostal artery Arteria intercostalis suprema
medial temporal artery Arteria temporalis media
trading artery Handelsweg [m]
main artery road Hauptverkehrsstraße [f]
artery forceps Elektroagulator [m]
central retinal artery occlusion Zentralarterienverschluss [m]
acute coronary artery closure akuter arterieller Gefäßverschluss [m]
iliac artery occlusion Beckenarterienverschluss [m]
pulmonal artery pressure Pulmonalarteriendruck [m]
coronary artery bypass graft operation aortokoronarer Bypass [m]
sudden blocking of an artery Embolie [f]
artery forceps Arterienklemme [f]
artery clamp Arterienklemme [f]
artery forceps Gefäßklemme [f]
pulmonary artery catheterization Rechtsherzkatheteruntersuchung [f]
lateral thoracic artery seitliche Brustkorbarterie [f]
renal artery stenosis Nierenarterienstenose [f]
highest thoracic artery obere Brustkorbarterie [f]
one-vessel coronary artery disease koronare Eingefäßerkrankung [f]
deep auricular artery tiefe Ohrschlagader [f]
subscapular artery Unterschulterblattarterie [f]
one-vessel coronary artery disease koronare Eingefäßkrankheit [f]
blockage of the pulmonary artery Pulmonalarterienthrombembolie [f]
artery calcification Arterienverkalkung [f]
artery grasping forceps Arterienfasszange [f]
gastroduodenal artery Gastroduodenalarterie [f]
external mammary artery seitliche Brustkorbarterie [f]
iliac artery Hüftarterie [f]
renal artery Nierenarterie [f]
femoral artery Oberschenkelarterie [f]
screw artery Spiralarterie [f]
end artery Endarterie [f]
ovarian artery Eierstockarterie [f]
common carotid artery Karotis [f]
coronary artery Koronararterie [f]
coronary artery fistula Herzkranzfistel [f]
axillary artery Achselschlagader [f]
basilar artery Grundschlagader [f]
pulmonary artery Lungenschlagader [f]
brachial artery Oberarmschlagader [f]
occipital artery Hinterhauptschlagader [f]
aneurysm of pulmonary artery Lungenarterienaneurysma [n]
artery clamps Arterienklemmen [pl]
artery forceps Arterienklemmen [pl]
artery forcepses Gefäßklemmen [pl]
artery forcepses Elektroagulatoren [pl]
artery forcepses Arterienklemmen [pl]
suprascapular artery Arteria suprascapularis
anterior tibial artery Arteria tibialis anterior
submental artery Arteria submentalis
ileocolic artery Arteria ileocolica
inferior suprarenal artery Arteria suprarenalis inferior
radialis indicis artery Arteria volaris indicis radialis
deep artery of the clitoris tiefe Klitorisarterie
deep auricular artery tiefe Ohrarterie
medial plantar artery innere Fußsohlenarterie
sudden blocking of an artery plötzlicher Verschluss eines Blutgefäßes
ascending artery aufsteigende Arterie (Arteria ascendens)
thoracoacromial artery Arteria thoracoacromialis
dorsal scapular artery Arteria dorsalis scapulae
popliteal artery Arteria poplitea
inferior mesenteric artery Arteria mesenterica inferior
temporal artery Arteria temporalis
internal iliac artery Arteria iliaca interna
internal carotoid artery Arteria carotis interna
internal thoracic artery Arteria thoracica interna
pulmonary artery wedge pressure pulmonalarterieller Wedge-Druck
pulmonary artery Arteria pulmonalis
radial artery Arteria radialis
renal artery Arteria renalis
ulnar artery Arteria ulnaris
facial artery Arteria facialis
femoral artery Arteria femoralis
vertebral artery Arteria vertebralis
coronary artery disease koronare (KHK) Herzkrankheit
axillary artery Arteria axillaris
occipital artery Arteria occipitalis
internal thoracic artery innere Brustkorbschlagader
ovarian artery Arteria ovarica
inferior mesenteric artery untere Gekröseschlagader
internal iliac artery innere Hüftschlagader
internal carotoid artery innere Kopfschlagader
brachial artery Arteria brachialis
basilar artery Hirnbasisschlagader [m]
abdominal artery Baucharterie [f]
abdominal artery Bauchschlagader [f]
appendicular artery Wurmfortsatzarterie [f]
artery wall Arterienwand [f]
artery of the clitoris Klitorisarterie [f]
auditory artery Ohrarterie [f]
auricular artery Ohrarterie [f]
capillary artery Arteriole [f]
carotid artery Carotis [f]
carotid artery Halsschlagader [f]
carotid artery Karotisarterie [f]
clitoridal artery Klitorisarterie [f]
deep cervical artery tiefe Nackenarterie [f]
digital artery Fingerarterie [f]
dorsal artery of the clitoris Klitorisrückenarterie [f]
intralobular artery Intralobular-Arterie [f]
lumbar artery Lendenarterie [f]
lungs artery Lungenschlagader [f]
main artery Hauptarterie [f]
masseteric artery Kaumuskelarterie [f]
pelvic artery Beckenarterie [f]
plantar artery Fußsohlenarterie [f]
pulmonary artery Lungenarterie [f]
pulmonary artery Lungenschlagader [f]
tarsal artery Fußwurzelarterie [f]
sternocleidomastoid artery Kopfwenderarterie [f]
common carotid artery Carotis-Arterie [f]
radial artery Speichenarterie [f]
artery of the lung Lungenschlagader [f]
sural artery Wadenarterie [f]
suprascapular artery obere Schulterarterie [f]
ulnar artery Ellenarterie [f]
splenic artery Milzarterie [f]
suprascapular artery Oberschulterarterie [f]
hepatic artery proper Leberarterie [f]
median sacral artery mittlere Kreuzbeinarterie [f]
superficial temporal artery oberflächliche Schläfenarterie [f]
umbilical artery Nabelarterie [f]
common hepatic artery gemeinsame Leberarterie [f]
buccal artery Backenarterie [f]
renal artery Nierenarterie [f]
external thoracic artery äußere Brustkorbarterie [f]
facial artery Arteria facialis [f]
lateral sacral artery seitliche Kreuzbeinarterie [f]
anterior ethmoidal artery vordere Siebbeinarterie [f]
lienal artery Milzarterie [f]
cervical artery Halsarterie [f]
external carotid artery äußere Kopfschlagader [f]
superior thoracic artery obere Brustkorbarterie [f]
posterior cerebral artery hintere Hirnschlagader [f]
deep cervical artery tiefe Halsarterie [f]
retinal artery Netzhautarterie [f]
brachial arm artery Oberarmschlagader [f]
iliofemoral artery Iliofemoralarterie [f]
ovarian artery Ovarialarterie [f]
ophthalmic artery Augenschlagarterie [f]
visceral artery Bauchschlagader [f]
femoral artery Oberschenkelarterie [f]
axillary artery Achselarterie [f]
dorsalis pedis artery Fußrückenarterie [f]
subclavian artery Schlüsselbeinarterie [f]
common carotid artery Halsschlagader [f]
femoral artery Oberschenkelschlagader [f]
brachial artery Oberarmarterie [f]
coronary artery Herzkranzgefäß [n]
superior mesenteric artery obere Gekröseschlagader
internal iliac artery innere Hüftarterie
anterior tibial artery vordere Schienbeinarterie
common iliac artery gemeinsame Hüftarterie
anterior/posterior auricular artery vordere/hintere Ohrarterie
common volar digital artery gemeinsame volare Fingerarterie
common palmar digital artery gemeinsame palmare Fingerarterie
femoral artery Arteria femoralis
internal auditory artery innere Ohrarterie
lateral/medial tarsal artery seitliche/mittlere Fußwurzelarterie
perineal artery Arteria perinealis
circumflex scapular artery Arteria circumflexa scapulae
cervical artery Arteria cervicalis
collateral radial artery Arteria collateralis radialis
cervical artery Halsschlagader
uterine artery Arteria uterina
vaginal artery Arteria vaginalis
splenic artery Arteria lienalis
iliac artery Arteria iliaca communis
radial artery Speichenschlagader
thoracodorsal artery Arteria thoracodorsalis
groundwater artery Grundwasserader [f]
traffic artery Hauptdurchfahrtsstraße [f]
traffic artery Ausfallstraße [f]
traffic artery Hauptdurchzugsstraße [f]
traffic artery Hauptverkehrsader [f]
traffic artery Hauptdurchgangsstraße [f]
traffic artery Hauptverkehrsstraße [f]
traffic artery Verkehrsader [f]
rapid urban artery städtische Schnellstraße [f]
maxillary artery Kieferarterie [f]
external ophthalmic artery äußere Augenarterie
maxillary artery Kieferarterie
artery forceps Arterienklemme [f]
artery clamp Arterienklemme [f]