council - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "council" in German English Dictionary : 16 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
council Rat [m]
council Behörde [f]
council Gremium [n]
council Kollegium [n]
council Konzil [n]
council Gremium
council Rat [m]
council Ratsversammlung [f]
council Ratsversammlung [f]
Politics (Swiss)
council Stadtrat [m]
council Gemeinderat [m]
council Rat [m]
council Kommune [f]
council Gemeinderat [m]
council Konzil [n]
council Konzilium [n]

Meanings of "council" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 322 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
parents council Elternbeirat [m]
industrial council Betriebsrat [m]
council chairman Ratsvorsitzender [m]
county council (CC) Grafschaftsrat [m]
city council (CC) Stadtrat (Gremium) [m]
science council Wissenschaftsrat [m]
privy council Staatsrat [m]
town council Stadtrat (Gremium) [m]
Council of State Staatsrat [m]
city council Stadtrat [m]
parish council Pfarrgemeinderat [m]
council of elders Ältestenrat [m]
advisory council Beirat [m]
medical council Ärztekammer [m]
municipal council Gemeinderat [m]
council of ministers Ministerrat [m]
World Security Council Weltsicherheitsrat [m]
borough council Stadtrat [m]
student council Studentenrat [m]
security council Sicherheitsrat [m]
parish council Gemeindevorstand [m]
municipal council Stadtrat [m]
district council Bezirksrat [m]
advisory council Beratungsausschuss [m]
council board Sitzungstisch [m]
family council Familienrat [m]
UN Security Council UN-Sicherheitsrat [m]
council board Ratsausschuss [m]
council of europe Europarat [m]
parochial church council Kirchenvorstand [m]
tribal council Stammesrat [m]
National Security Council Nationaler Sicherheitsrat [m]
works council Betriebsrat [m]
County Council Grafschaftsrat [m]
staff council Personalrat [m]
academic council akademischer Rat [m]
british colour council britischer Farbenrat [m]
children's council Kinderrat [m]
council chamber Rathaussaal [m]
council of a state Staatsrat [m]
economic and social council Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat [m]
high council of judges and prosecutors hoher Rat der Richter und Staatsanwälte [m]
imperial council Reichsrat [m]
General Medical Council Ärztekammer [f]
council flat Sozialwohnung [f]
family council Familienzusammenkunft zur Problemlösung [f]
city council assembly Stadtverordnetenversammlung [f]
council housing Sozialwohnung [f]
council board Ratsversammlung [f]
council election Kommunalwahlen [f]
city council meeting Stadtratssitzung [f]
full meeting of the council Vollversammlung des Rates [f]
student council Schülermitverwaltung [f]
Bar Council Anwaltskammer [f]
council house Sozialwohnung [f]
council chamber Ratskammer [f]
maintenance council Versorgungsamt [n]
Apostolic Council Apostelkonzil [n]
council chamber Ratszimmer [n]
imperial council Reichsregiment [n]
accede to the Council of Europe dem Europarat beitreten [v]
council flats Sozialwohnungen [pl]
council elections Kommunalwahlen [pl]
council workers Gemeindearbeiter [pl]
council housing Sozialer Wohnungsbau
the JHA Council (EU) der Rat der Justiz- und Innenminister
local council Stadtrat
council estate gemeindeeigene Wohnsiedlung
meet in council eine Ratssitzung abhalten
hold a council of war Kriegsrat halten
local council Gemeinderat
council house gemeindeeigenes Wohnhaus
council flat gemeindeeigene Wohnung
city council meeting die Stadtratssitzung
city council meeting Stadtverordnetenversammlung
council housing sozialer Wohnungsbau [m]
Council of Europe Europarat [m]
town council Gemeinderat [m]
council of ministers Ministerrat [m]
workers’ council Betriebsrat [m]
employee council Personalrat [m]
expert council Sachverständigenrat [m]
economic development council Wirtschaftsförderungsrat [m]
staff council Personalrat [m]
workers' council Betriebsrat [m]
advisory council Beirat [m]
council of economic advisors Wirtschaftsrat [m]
privy council Geheimrat [m]
central bank council Zentralbankrat [m]
works council Betriebsrat [m]
employee council Personalvertretung [f]
business development council Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft [f]
management council Direktorium [n]
staff council Personalrat
Central Bank Council Zentralbankrat (ZBR) [Dt.] [m]
Council of the Stock Exchange Börsenvorstand [m]
Council of the Stock Exchange Börsevorstand [m]
Council of the Stock Exchange Börsevorstand [Ös.] [m]
stability council Stabilitätsrat [m]
economic council Wirtschaftsrat [m]
advisory council Beirat [m]
advisory council Beratungsgremium [n]
Expert Council on the Assessment of Overall Economic Development Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
works council Betriebsrat [m]
municipal council Stadtrat [m]
council of constituent states Bundesrat [m]
county council Kreistag [m]
municipal council Gemeinderat [m]
municipal council Gemeindevertretung [f]
council housing sozialer Wohnungsbau [m]
staff council Personalrat [m]
advisory council Beirat [m]
works council Betriebsrat [m]
district council Bezirksrat [m]
Works Council Constitution Act Betriebsverfassungsgesetz [n]
family council Familienberater [pl]
Allied Control Council Alliierter Kontrollrat [m]
council housing Sozialwohnungsbau [m]
Council of Europe Europarat [m]
council of experts Sachverständigenrat [m]
county council Kreistag [m]
executive council Vorstand (einer Partei) [m]
executive council Vorstand [m]
Federal Council (second parliamentary chamber) Bundesrat [m]
Federal Council (second parliamentary chamber) Ständerat [m]
Federal Council (second parliamentary chamber) Bundesrat [Dt.][Ös.] [m]
Federal Council (second parliamentary chamber) Ständerat [Schw.] [m]
member of the National Council Nationalrat [m]
National Council Landtag [m]
National Council Nationalrat [m]
National Council Bundestag [m]
National Council Landtag [Lie.] [m]
National Council Bundestag [Dt.] [m]
National Council Nationalrat [Ös.][Schw.] [m]
Trusteeship Council (UN) Treuhandrat [m]
Trusteeship Council (UN) Treuhandrat (UNO) [m]
Federal Council of Germany Bundesrat [m]
Council of Elders Ältestenrat [m]
executive council Exekutivrat [m]
council of ancients Ältestenrat [m]
trusteeship council Treuhandrat [m]
Security Council Weltsicherheitsrat [m]
town council Stadtrat [m]
war council Kriegsrat [m]
Federal Council Bundesrat [m]
council of ministers Ministerrat [m]
council house Sozialwohnung [f]
council meeting Ratssitzung [f]
member of the National Council Nationalrätin [f]
National Council Nationalversammlung [f]
city council meeting Stadtverordnetenversammlung [f]
council democracy Rätedemokratie [f]
open council Bürgerversammlung [f]
council member Ratsmitglied [n]
city council Stadtparlament [n]
council houses Sozialwohnungen [pl]
council housing Sozialwohnungen [pl]
council members Ratsmitglieder [pl]
council services Stadtwerke [pl]
members of the town council Stadtverordnete [pl]
north atlantic cooperation council Nordatlantischer Kooperationsrat
allied control council alliierter Kontrollrat
Council of the European Union Rat der Europäischen Union
Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Rat der Außenminister
Economic and Social Council (of the UN) (ECOSOC) Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat (der UN)
EU Council regulation Verordnung des EU-Rates
European Council Europäischer Rat
Federal Council (second parliamentary chamber) Stöckli (zweite parlamentarische Kammer) [Schw.]
Federal Council (second parliamentary chamber) Stöckli [Schw.] (zweite parlamentarische Kammer)
Federal Council (second parliamentary chamber) Kleine Kammer [Schw.]
National Council Abgeordnetenkammer [Südtirol] (erste parlamentarische Kammer)
National Council Große Kammer [Schw.]
National Council Abgeordnetenkammer (erste parlamentarische Kammer) [Südtirol]
the Council of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers der JI-Rat (EU)
the Council of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers der Rat der Justiz- und Innenminister
the JHA Council (EU) der JI-Rat (EU)
United Nations Security Council Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen
Council of People's Deputies Rat der Volksbeauftragten
town council seat Sitz im Stadtrat
Politics (Swiss)
primal council Erstrat [m]
federal council Bundesrat [m]
national council Nationalrat [m]
council of states Ständerat [m]
EU Terms
Council of Europe Europarat [m]
Council of Ministers Ministerrat [m]
Council of the Baltic Sea States Ostseerat [m]
works council Betriebsrat [m]
ecclesiastical council Konzil [n]
EU Council committee Ausschuss des Rates der Europäischen Union
Asian and Pacific Council Asiatisch-Pazifischer Rat
Association Council (EU) Assoziationsrat (EU)
Council of Europe countries Staaten des Europarates
ACP-EU Council of Ministers Ministerrat AKP-EU
Nordic Council Nordischer Rat
Gulf Cooperation Council Golf-Kooperationsrat
Council of European Municipalities and Regions Rat der Gemeinden und Regionen Europas
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Euro-Atlantischer Partnerschaftsrat
European Council Europäischer Rat
European Works Council Europäischer Betriebsrat
Council of Europe fund Fonds des Europarates
Council for Cultural Cooperation Rat für kulturelle Zusammenarbeit
Council of Arab Economic Unity Rat für Arabische Wirtschaftliche Einheit
Council configuration Zusammensetzung des Rates
Council of the European Union Rat der Europäischen Union
EU Council Presidency Vorsitz des Rates der Europäischen Union
EEA Council EWR-Rat
Nordic Council countries Staaten des Nordischen Rates
resolution of the European Council Entschließung des Europäischen Rates
opinion of the Council Stellungnahme des Rates
UN Trusteeship Council Treuhandrat UNO
UN Security Council Sicherheitsrat UNO
President of the European Council Präsident des Europäischen Rates
Resolution of the Council of the European Union Entschließung des Rates der Europäischen Union
Swiss Law
President of the Federal Council Bundespräsident [m]
Swiss Federal Council Bundesrat [m]
President of the Swiss Federal Council Bundespräsident [m]
Swiss Federal Council die Behörde
Administrative Council (of the European Patent Office) Verwaltungsrat (des Europäischen Patentamts) [m]
advisory council Beratungsausschuss [m]
advisory council Beirat [m]
Central Bank Council Zentralbankrat [m]
chairman of council Ratsvorsitzender [m]
Council of Elders Ältestenrat [m]
governing council Gouverneursrat (z. B. IWF) [m]
governing council Gouverneursrat [m]
municipal council Gemeinderat [m]
municipal council Stadtrat (Gremium) [m]
sanctions committee (of the UN Security Council) Sanktionsausschuss (des UNO-Sicherheitsrats) [m]
sanctions committee (of the UN Security Council) Sanktionsausschuss [m]
staff council Personalrat [m]
World Security Council Weltsicherheitsrat [m]
transitional council Übergangsrat [m]
county council (offices) Kreisverwaltung [f]
staff council Personalvertretung [f]
work council agreement Betriebsvereinbarung [f]
youth and trainee representative council Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung [f]
town council Kommune [f]
council session Ratssitzung [f]
council of management Direktorium [n]
work council agreements Betriebsvereinbarungen [pl]
Central Council of Jews in Germany Zentralrat {m} der Juden in Deutschland
International Chamber of Commerce Council on Advertising Practice Schiedsstelle der internationalen Handelkammer für Fälle unlauterer Werbung
work council Betriebsrat [m]
factory council Betriebsrat [m]
Council Directive Richtlinie des Rates
works or staff council Betriebs- oder Personalrat
scientific council Wissenschaftsausschuss [m]
Council decision Ratsbeschluss [m]
association council Assoziationsrat [m]
Council of Ministers Ministerrat [m]
pupils' council Schülerrat [m]
student council Studentenrat [m]
German Council of Science and Humanities Wissenschaftsrat [m]
faculty council Fakultätsrat [m]
academic advisory council wissenschaftlicher Beirat [m]
university council Hochschulrat [m]
staff council Personalrat [m]
accreditation council Akkreditierungsrat [m]
teacher's council Gesamtkonferenz (Lehrer) [f]
teacher's council Gesamtkonferenz [f]
teacher's council Lehrerkonferenz [f]
school council Schulkonferenz [f]
students council Studentenvertretung [f]
council school staatliche Schule [f]
student council elections Studentenschaftswahl [f]
student council studentische Fachschaft [f]
student council Studentenvertretung [f]
faculty student council Fachschaft [f]
student council Studierendenparlament [n]
research council Research Council
academic advisory council (aac) wissenschaftlicher Beirat
international student council internationaler Studierendenrat
student council Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA)
German Education Council Deutscher Bildungsrat
parish council Gemeindevorstand [m]
parish council Pfarrgemeinderat [m]
parish council Kirchenvorstand [m]
council of elders Ältestenkreis [m]
church council Kirchenrat [m]
member of a parish council Ältester [m]
church council Ältestenrat [m]
ecumenical council Weltkirchenrat [m]
parish council Ältestenrat [m]
parish council Kirchengemeinderat [m]
state church council Landeskirchenrat [m]
Apostolic Council Apostelkonvent [m]
ecumenical council allgemeines Konzil [n]
ecumenical council Ökumenisches Konzil [n]
council of physicians Ärztekollegium [n]
german educational council for nursing professionals Deutscher Bildungsrat für Pflegeberufe
city council Stadtrat [m]
Council of Ministers responsible for Spatial Planning Raumordnungsministerrat [m]
European Council Europarat [m]
Federal Council Bundesrat [m]
local council Gemeindeverwaltung [f]
Advisory Council for Regional Planning Beirat für Raumordnung
European Council´s Charter on Regional Development Europäische Raumordnungscharta
Real Estate
council houses Sozialwohnungen [pl]
German Advisory Council on Global Change Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Glob
Council Directive Richtlinie des Rates
EC council of ministers EU-Ministerrat
European Environmental Council Europäischer Umweltrat
The German Council of Environmental Advisors (SRU) Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen (SRU)
council of europe Europarat [m]
council of europe Europarat
nordic council Nordic Council
works council Betriebsrat [m]
logistics council Arbeitskreis Logistik
SAP Terms
works council Betriebsrat [m]
council directive Richtlinie des Rates
Regulatory Control Council Normenkontrollrat [m]
Council of Europe Europarat [m]
National Council for the Review of Legal Norms Normenkontrollrat [m]
Council regulation Ratsverordnung [f]
Council of Economic Experts SRW
Council of the European Union Rat der Europäischen Union
Council of Economic Experts Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
National Council for the Review of Legal Norms Nationaler Normenkontrollrat
Regulatory Control Council Nationaler Normenkontrollrat
works council Betriebsrat [m]
security council Sicherheitsrat [m]
council of war Kriegsrat [m]