forms - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "forms" in German English Dictionary : 10 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
forms Erscheinungsformen [pl]
forms Formulare [pl]
forms Formblätter [pl]
forms Vordrucke [pl]
forms Arten [pl]
forms Formen [pl]
forms bildet
forms formt
forms gestaltet
forms Schalungsmaterial [n]

Meanings of "forms" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 184 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
in various forms in unterschiedlichen Formen [adv]
in various forms in verschiedenen Formen [adv]
forms projector (drawing) Vorlagenprojektor (Zeichnen) [m]
dimorphism (occurrence in two forms) Dimorphismus [m]
dimorphism (occurrence in two forms) Zweigestaltigkeit [f]
evolve new forms of life neue Formen des Lebens herausbilden [v]
potting-forms Vergussformen [pl]
normal forms kanonische Formen [pl]
normal forms Normalformen [pl]
novel forms Romanformen [pl]
land forms Geländeformen [pl]
life-forms Lebensformen [pl]
hybrid forms Mischformen [pl]
information request forms Auskunftsformulare [pl]
intentions forms Anmeldeformulare [pl]
forms of agreement Vertragsformulare [pl]
forms of art Kunstrichtungen [pl]
forms of distribution Vertriebsformen [pl]
forms of energy Energieformen [pl]
forms of expression Ausdrucksformen [pl]
forms of government Staatsformen [pl]
forms of government Regierungsformen [pl]
forms of knowledge Wissensformen [pl]
forms of life Lebensformen [pl]
forms of organization Organisationsformen [pl]
forms of representation Darstellungsformen [pl]
forms of rule Herrschaftsformen [pl]
forms of sport Sportarten [pl]
forms projectors Vorlagenprojektoren [pl]
dress forms Schneiderpuppen [pl]
dress forms Schneiderbüsten [pl]
entry forms Eingabemasken [pl]
crystal forms Kristallformen [pl]
cut forms Einzelformulare [pl]
application forms Antragsformulare [pl]
application forms Bewerbungsbögen [pl]
application forms Anmeldeformulare [pl]
application forms Bewerbungsformulare [pl]
application forms Bewerbungsformblätter [pl]
applications forms Antragsformulare [pl]
varietal forms Varietäten [pl]
varietal forms Abarten [pl]
varietal forms Unterarten [pl]
short forms Kurzbezeichnungen [pl]
short forms Kurzformen [pl]
shortened forms Kurzformen [pl]
standard forms kanonische Formen [pl]
standard forms Normalformen [pl]
principal forms Stammformen [pl]
report forms Berichtsformen [pl]
request forms Bestellscheine [pl]
request forms Bestellzettel [pl]
requisition forms Anforderungsformblätter [pl]
transfer forms Erlagscheine [pl]
transfer forms Überweisungsformulare [pl]
life forms Lebensformen [pl]
pre-printed forms Vordrucke [pl]
thought forms Denkformen [pl]
primaeval forms of life Urformen des Lebens [pl]
forms of glossitis Entzündungen der Zunge [pl]
blank forms Leerformulare [pl]
forms of trade Handelsformen [pl]
automorphic forms automorphe Formen [pl]
differential forms Differentialformen [pl]
differential forms differenzierte Formen [pl]
dramatic forms Theaterarten [pl]
forms of exploitation Verwertungsformen [pl]
forms of exploitation Ausbeutungsformen [pl]
forms of exploitation Formen der Ausbeutung [pl]
forms of groups Gruppenarten [pl]
forms of groups Arten der Gruppen [pl]
forms of groups Gruppenformen [pl]
forms of groups Formen der Gruppen [pl]
forms of politeness Höflichkeitsformen [pl]
forms of politeness Formen der Höflichkeit [pl]
he/she forms er/sie formt
forms of mental and physical coercion Formen psychischen und physischen Zwangs
forms up formiert
ancient art forms antike Kunst
the most rudimentary forms of life die einfachsten Lebensformen
among other forms neben anderen Formen
not applicable (n/a) (on forms) nicht zutreffend (in Formularen)
not applicable (n/a) (on forms) entfällt
in all its forms and manifestations in all seinen Erscheinungsformen
order forms Auftragsformulare [pl]
order forms Bestellscheine [pl]
order forms Bestellformulare [pl]
forms of address Formen der Anrede
forms of credit Formen der Akkreditive
payment forms Erlagscheine [pl]
payment forms Überweisungsformulare [pl]
turnover tax recovery forms Umsatzsteuerrückerstattungsformulare [pl]
turnover tax recovery forms Umsatzsteuerrückvergütungsformulare [pl]
turnover tax refund forms Umsatzsteuerrückerstattungsformulare [pl]
turnover tax refund forms Umsatzsteuerrückvergütungsformulare [pl]
VAT recovery forms Mehrwertsteuerrückvergütungsformulare [pl]
VAT recovery forms Mehrwertsteuerrückerstattungsformulare [pl]
VAT refund forms Mehrwertsteuerrückvergütungsformulare [pl]
VAT refund forms Mehrwertsteuerrückerstattungsformulare [pl]
claim forms Spesenabrechnungsformulare [pl]
legal forms Rechtsformen [pl]
absentee voting forms Briefwahlunterlagen [pl]
Swiss Law
forms of debt collection Betreibungsarten [f]
direct conversion into different forms unmittelbare Umwandlung in andere Energieformen
current forms Stromformen
supporting member for forms Schalungsträger
joint filler for forms Schalungsfugeneinlage
blank space (for entries in forms) freier Bereich [m]
blank space (for entries in forms) freie Stelle (für Eintragungen auf Formularen) [f]
blank space (for entries in forms) freie Stelle [f]
title (field in forms) Anrede [f]
title (field in forms) Anrede (Rubrik in Formularen) [f]
street address (in forms) Straße und Hausnummer [f]
street address (in forms) Straße und Hausnummer (in Formularen) [f]
blank space (for entries in forms) freies Feld [n]
checkbox (in forms/user interfaces) Kontrollkästchen [n]
comment field (on forms) Kommentarfeld (in Formularen) [n]
comment field (on forms) Kommentarfeld [n]
assignment forms Abtretungsformulare [pl]
blank forms Formblätter [pl]
blank forms Vordrucke [pl]
blank forms Formulare [pl]
customs forms Zollformulare [pl]
registration forms Anmeldeformulare [pl]
registration forms Einschreibeformulare [pl]
registration forms Einschreibungsformulare [pl]
visitor's forms Besucherzettel [pl]
visitor's forms Besucherscheine [pl]
continuous forms Endlosvordrucke [pl]
continuous forms Endlosformulare [pl]
continuous forms Endlosformate [pl]
eruption forms Ausbrechformen [pl]
multipart forms Durchschreibformulare [pl]
tubular forms Schlauchformen [pl]
unscrewing Forms Abschraubformen [pl]
several forms unterschiedliche Formen [pl]
product forms Erzeugnisformen [pl]
set of forms Formularsatz [m]
drive forms Antriebsformen [pl]
developmental forms Entwicklungsformen [pl]
forms of contraction Kontraktionsformen [pl]
abbreviated forms Kurzformen [pl]
verb forms Verbformen [pl]
variant forms of spelling verschiedene Schreibweisen [pl]
doctrine of forms Ideenlehre [f]
dosage forms Arzneiformen [pl]
forms of glossitis Glossitiden [pl]
dosage forms Dosierungsformen [pl]
four forms of degeneracy Vier Formen der Verwahrlosung
solid dosage forms feste Arzneiformen [pl]
liquid dosage forms flüssige Arzneiformen [pl]
semisolid dosage forms halbfeste Arzneiformen
layout of forms Schalungsplan [m]
forms for concrete Schalung [f]
climbing forms Kletterschalung [f]
steel forms Stahlschalung [f]
ground-living forms Benthos [n]
ablation forms Ablationsformen [pl]
crystalline forms Kristallformen [pl]
aluminium forms Aluminiumformen [pl]
signal forms Signalformen [pl]
market forms Marktformen [pl]
forms of cooperation Zusammenarbeitsformen [pl]
printed forms Formulare [pl]
continuous forms [us] Endlospapier [n]
fanfold forms Leporelloformulare [pl]
menu forms Menüblätter [pl]
account forms Kontenblätter [pl]
account forms Kontoformen [pl]
printed forms Vordrucke [pl]
SAP Terms
selection of correct forms Formularauswahl [f]
Electrical Engineering
cable forms Kabelbäume [pl]
telegraph forms Telegrammformulare [pl]
other holiday forms neue Urlaubsformen
other holiday forms andere Urlaubsformen
growth forms Wuchsformen [pl]
crown forms Kronenformen [pl]
continuous forms [us] Endlospapier [n]
canonical forms Normalformen [pl]
canonical forms kanonische Formen [pl]
canon of forms Formenkanon [m]
art forms Gattungen [pl]
art forms Kunstformen [pl]
art forms Kunstgattungen [pl]