repair - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "repair" in German English Dictionary : 54 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
repair Reparatur [f]
repair Ausbesserung [f]
repair Nachbesserung [f]
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair reparieren [v]
repair Zustand [m]
repair Wiederherstellung [f]
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair Reparatur [f]
repair reparieren [v]
repair wiederherstellen [v]
repair ausbessern [v]
repair reparieren
repair reparieren [v]
repair Nacherfüllung [f]
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair Ausbesserung [f]
repair Reparatur [f]
repair instand setzen [v]
repair ausbessern [v]
repair reparieren [v]
repair reparieren [v]
repair Ausbesserung [f]
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair instand setzen [v]
repair reparieren [v]
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair instandsetzen [v]
repair ausbessern [v]
repair reparieren [v]
repair reparieren
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair Reparatur [f]
repair reparieren [v]
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair Reparatur [f]
repair instand setzen [v]
repair reparieren [v]
repair instand setzen
repair Instandsetzung [f]
Model Railroading
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair Instandsetzung [f]
SAP Terms
repair Instandsetzung [f]
Electrical Engineering
repair Reparatur [f]
repair reparieren [v]
repair Reparatur [f]
repair instand setzen [v]
repair reparieren [v]
repair Reparatur [f]
repair instandsetzen [v]
repair instandsetzen
repair Reparatur [f]
repair Instandsetzung [f]
repair reparieren [v]

Meanings of "repair" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 312 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
in want of repair reparaturbedürftig [adj]
in ill repair in schlechter Weise [adv]
repair kit Reparatursatz [m]
repair order Reparaturauftrag [m]
repair service Kundendienst [m]
repair report Reparaturbericht [m]
repair plug Reparaturpfropfen [m]
repair truck Werkstattwagen [m]
repair process Reparaturprozess [m]
shoe repair shop Schuhmacher [m]
automobile repair shop Auto-Reparaturbetrieb [m]
mending repair Ausbesserung [f]
motorcar repair shop Kfz-Werkstatt [f]
motorcar repair shop Kfz-Werkstätte [f]
express fault repair Expressentstörung [f]
decorative repair Schönheitsreparatur [f]
appointed repair shop Vertragswerkstatt [f]
repair load Reparaturlast [f]
repair outfit Reparaturausrüstung [f]
repair shop Reparaturwerkstätte [f]
repair time Reparaturdauer [f]
repair department Reparaturabteilung [f]
repair susceptibility Reparaturanfälligkeit [f]
repair manual Reparaturanleitung [f]
repair film Reparaturfolie [f]
active repair time Instandsetzungsdauer [f]
repair shop Reparaturwerkstatt [f]
repair workshop Werkstatt [f]
automobile repair shop Auto-Reparaturwerkstatt [f]
defect repair Mangelbeseitigung [f]
auto repair trade Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe [n]
repair kit Flickzeug [n]
repair kit Reparaturset [n]
repair manual Werkstatthandbuch [n]
repair material Reparaturmaterial [n]
repair outfit Reparaturkit [n]
repair welding Reparaturschweißen [n]
battle damage repair Beheben von Gefechtsschäden [n]
keep in good repair in gutem Zustand halten [v]
let repair (by) reparieren lassen (durch) [v]
let repair one's hernia sich am Bruch operieren lassen [v]
repair something etwas ausbessern [v]
repair something etwas erneuern [v]
repair something etwas beheben [v]
repair nachbessern [v]
repair a building ein Gebäude ausbessern [v]
repair wiedergutmachen [v]
repair something etwas reparieren [v]
repair something etwas instand setzen [v]
repair something etwas instandsetzen [v]
repair the roof das Dach ausbessern [v]
get something in repair etwas instand setzen [v]
be beyond repair nicht mehr reparabel sein [v]
be in bad repair in schlechtem Zustand sein [v]
be beyond economic repair irreparabel beschädigt sein [v]
be under repair in Reparatur sein [v]
be under repair repariert werden [v]
repair costs {pl} Reparaturkosten [pl]
repair orders Reparaturaufträge [pl]
repair manuals Werkstatthandbücher [pl]
repair trucks Werkstattwagen [pl]
repair work Reparaturarbeiten [pl]
repair work Ausbesserungsarbeiten [pl]
repair shops Reparaturwerkstätten [pl]
road repair work Straßenausbesserungsarbeiten [pl]
repair services Reparaturleistungen [pl]
road repair work Straßeninstandsetzungsarbeiten [pl]
construction and repair works Bau- und Reparaturarbeiten [pl]
maximum time to repair maximale Reparaturzeit
maximum time to repair maximale Reparaturdauer
failed repair misslungene Reparatur
damaged beyond repair irreparabel beschädigt
in need of repair reparaturbedürftig [adv]
under repair in Reparatur
beyond repair nicht mehr gutzumachen
beyond repair irreparabel
beyond repair nicht wiedergutzumachen
beyond repair unersetzlich
in bad repair baufällig
in need of repair reparaturbedürftig
in repair instand
in bad repair in schlechtem Zustand
in good repair in gutem Zustand
The road is under repair. Die Straße wird gerade ausgebessert.
breached beyond repair irreparabel beschädigt [adj]
breached beyond repair unwiederbringlich zerstört [adj]
breached beyond repair nicht mehr zu reparieren [adj]
beyond repair nicht mehr zu flicken
beyond repair nicht mehr zu reparieren
beyond repair irreparabel
beyond repair nicht mehr auszubessern
fouled up beyond all repair (FUBAR) kaputt
fucked up beyond all recognition/repair (FUBAR) alles im Arsch
fucked up beyond all recognition/repair (FUBAR) bis zur Unkenntlichkeit verstümmelt
fucked up beyond all repair (FUBAR) kaputt
repair workshop Reparaturwerkstätte [f]
repair work Reparaturarbeit [f]
repair time Reparaturzeit [f]
maintenance and repair Instandhaltung [f]
repair crew Reparaturkolonne [f]
costs of repair Reparaturkosten [n]
repair reparieren [v]
fitting repair services Armaturenreparaturen [pl]
cost of repair Reparaturkosten [pl]
repair and maintenance costs Instandhaltungskosten [pl]
keep in a good state of repair repariert halten
repair a loss einen Verlust wiedergutmachen
repair a building ein Gebäude ausbessern
repair the road die Straße ausbessern
repair the roof das Dach ausbessern
mean time to repair (mttr) durchschnittliche Zeit bis zur Reparatur
keep in good repair in gutem Zustand halten
repair work Reparaturarbeiten [pl]
repair time Reparaturzeit [f]
repair work Reparaturarbeit [f]
repair work Reparaturarbeiten [pl]
Quality Management
mean time to repair mittlere Reparaturdauer [f]
tyre repair Reifenausbesserung
repair tool Reparierwerkzeug
shoe repair Schuhreparatur
repair method Reparaturverfahren
repair shop Reparaturbetrieb [m]
SMD repair station SMD-Reparaturplatz [m]
damage beyond repair Totalschaden [m]
repair plan Reparaturplan [m]
standard repair plan Standardreparaturplan [m]
repair time Reparaturzeit [f]
repair of welded connection Reparatur [f]
time to repair (TTR) Reparaturdauer [f]
time to repair (TTR) Reparaturzeit [f]
repair instruction Reparaturanleitung [f]
self-repair Eigen-Reparatur [f]
self-repair Eigenreparatur [f]
pipe repair Leitungsreparatur [f]
repair handbook Reparaturanleitung [f]
repair department Reparaturabteilung [f]
repair shop Reparaturwerkstätte [f]
repair lubrication Reparaturschmierung [f]
mean time to repair mittlere Reparaturdauer [f]
repair shop Werkstätte [f]
repair work Instandsetzungsanleitung [f]
repair shop Werkstatt [f]
damage repair Schadensbehebung [f]
repair time Instandsetzungszeit [f]
repair crew Reparaturkolonne [f]
repair welding Reparaturschweißung [f]
repair workshop Ausbesserungwerk [n]
repair manual Werkstatthandbuch [n]
repair kit Reparaturwerkzeug [n]
repair tool Reparaturwerkzeug [n]
repair instructions Instandsetzungsanleitung [f/pl]
repair tools Reparaturwerkzeug [n/pl]
make a repair ausbessern [v]
make a repair reparieren [v]
repair reparieren [v]
repair instandsetzen [v]
repair sidings Ausbesserungsgleise [pl]
repair instructions Reparaturanweisungen [pl]
repair work Reparaturarbeiten [pl]
mean time to repair (MTTR) mittlere Reparaturzeit
mean time to repair (MTTR) mittlere Reparaturdauer
repair of welded connection Reparatur {f} von Schweißverbindungen
repair cost Reperaturkosten
repair demand Reparaturbedarf [m]
bearing repair Lagerreparatur [f]
repair department Reparaturabteilung [f]
emergency repair Notreparatur [f]
repair shop Ausbesserungswerk [n]
repair cost Instandsetzungskosten [pl]
repair cost Reparaturkosten [pl]
brake repair device Bremseninstandsetzungsmaschine [f]
construction machinery and equipment repair Baumaschineninstandsetzung [f]
electric motor repair Elektromotorenreparatur [f]
electric motor repair Elektromotoreninstandsetzung [f]
construction machine repair work Baumaschinenreparaturwerk [n]
mean time to repair mittlere Instandsetzungszeit [f]
repair work Reparaturarbeiten [pl]
repair work Reparaturarbeiten 
repair robot Reparaturroboter [m]
mean repair time mittlere Reparaturzeit
chemical cure cold repair valve Reparaturventil {n} für Kaltvulkanisation
chemical cure cold repair valves Reparaturventile {pl} für Kaltvulkanisation
double-strand break repair Reparatur von Doppelstrangbrüchen [f]
mean time to repair mittlere Reparaturdauer [f]
transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair TAPP-Leistenbruchverschluss [m]
hernia repair Leistenbruchverschluss [m]
hernia repair Bruchoperation [f]
hernia repair Herniotomie [f]
pelvic floor repair Beckenbodenplastik [f]
prosthetic mesh repair prothetische Netzplastik [f]
laparoscopic hernia repair laparoskopische Hernienoperation [f]
DNA repair enzymes DNA-Reparatur
repair mortar Reparaturmörtel [m]
concrete repair Betoninstandsetzung [f]
concrete repair Betonreparatur [f]
concrete repair Betonsanierung [f]
repair load Reparaturlast [f]
concrete repair system Betonsanierungssystem [n]
repair reparieren [v]
to repair the road die Straße ausbessern [v]
costs of repair Reparaturkosten [pl]
repair costs Reparaturkosten [pl]
Building Technology
SMD repair station SMD-Reparaturplatz
out-of-repair baufällig [adj]
repair enzyme Reparaturenzym [n]
emergency repair Notreparatur [f]
repair kit Reparatursatz [m]
repair set Reparatursatz [m]
active repair time Instandsetzungszeit [f]
repair shop Reparaturwerkstatt [f]
repair time Instandsetzungszeit [f]
repair reparieren [v]
tool repair Werkzeuginstandsetzung [f]
maintenance and repair (M&R) Wartung und Reparatur
in need of repair reparaturbedürftig [adv]
repair kit Reparatursatz [m]
brake repair service Bremsendienst [m]
car repair lacquer Autoreparaturlack [m]
vehicle repair & maintenance shop supervisor Schirrmeister (Werkstattleiter) [m]
windscreen repair kit Windschutzscheiben-Reparatursatz [m]
car repair services Kfz-Reparaturservice [m]
repair manual Reparaturleitfaden [m]
repair shop Reparaturbetrieb [m]
automotive repair shop Kfz-Werkstätte [f]
automotive repair shop Kfz-Werkstatt [f]
car lift (car repair shop) Kfz-Hebebühne [f]
car repair Autoreparatur [f]
car repair shop Autowerkstatt [f]
car repair shop Reparaturwerkstatt [f]
chassis repair Fahrwerkreparatur [f]
chassis repair Chassisreparatur [f]
chassis repair Fahrgestellreparatur [f]
authorized repair shop Vertragswerkstatt [f]
sectional repair Abschnittsreparatur [f]
emergency repair Notreparatur [f]
body repair Karosseriereparatur [f]
repair bench Richtbank [f]
repair handbook Reparaturanleitung [f]
repair (engine) Instandsetzung [f]
repair manual Reparaturanleitung [f]
car repair trade Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe [n]
repair resin Reparaturharz [n]
repair manual Werkstatthandbuch [n]
repair process Reparaturverfahren [n]
automobile repair Autoinstandsetzungen [pl]
car repair shops Reparaturwerkstätten [pl]
car repair shops Autowerkstätten [pl]
car repair lacquers Autoreparaturlacke [pl]
repair of automobiles Autoreparaturen [pl]
car repair services Autoreparaturdienste [pl]
repair instructions Reparaturanleitungen [pl]
repair costs Reparaturkosten [pl]
body repair Karosserie-Instandsetzung
container repair Containerreparatur [f]
container repair Containersanierung [f]
repair load Reparaturlast [f]
repair pit Montagegrube [f]
Model Railroading
repair workshop Ausbesserungswerk [n]
railway repair shop Eisenbahnausbesserungswerk [n]
repair workshop Ausbesserungswerk [n]
repair track Werkstattgleis [n]
repair sidings Ausbesserungsgleise [pl]
repair patch Pflaster [n]
tyre repair kit Reifenflickzeug [n]
plug repair Reparatur {f} mit Pfropfen
computer repair Computerreparatur [f]
emergency repair disk Notfalldiskette [f]
repair time Instandsetzungsdauer [f]
repair time Reparaturdauer [f]
mean time to repair mittlere Reparaturdauer [f]
detect and repair Erkennen und Reparieren
repair center Reparaturzentrum [n]
SAP Terms
repair request Reparaturauftrag [m]
repair order Reparaturauftrag [m]
general repair Großreparatur [f]
emergency repair Notreparatur [f]
repair task Instandsetzungsmaßnahme [f]
repair materials Reparaturmaterial [n]
repair parts Reparaturteile [pl]
Software Testing
mean time to repair Mean Time To Repair
Electrical Engineering
repair coverage Instandsetzbarkeitsgrad [m]
repair duration Reparaturdauer [f]
mean time to repair mittlere Dauer bis zur Wiederherstellung [f]
instantaneous repair rate momentane Instandsetzungsrate [f]
mean repair rate mittlere Instandsetzungsrate [f]
repair time Reparaturdauer [f]
mean repair time mittlere Reparaturdauer [f]
cable repair Leitungsreparatur [f]
cable repair Kabelreparatur [f]
line repair Leitungsreparatur [f]
p-fractile repair time Reparaturdauerquantil [n]
mean time to repair mittlere Instandsetzungsdauer [f]
automatic repair automatische Reparatur [f]
repair shop Reparaturwerkstatt [f]
cost of repair Reparaturkosten [pl]
keep in good repair in gutem Zustand halten
repair (of a ship) Instandsetzung [f]
boat repair Bootsreparatur [f]
ship repair yard Schifffahrtsreparaturwerft [f]
ship repair yards Schifffahrtsreparaturwerften [pl]
bicycle repair kit Fahrradflickzeug [n]
repair stuff Flickzeug [n]
repair kit Flickzeug [n]
battle damage repair Gefechtsshadeninstandsetzung [f]
repair reparieren [v]
repair shop Reparaturwerkstatt [f]
restore repair restaurieren [v]
restore repair restaurieren
repair shop Reparaturwerkstatt
repair enzyme Reparaturenzym [n]
Mechanical Engineering
repair link Ersatzglied [n]
common repair tool übliches Reparaturwerkzeug [n]